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Leonard never celebrated his birthday. Now, Penny probably should have remembered from trying to throw him a party eight years earlier, but given her character’s inability to remember customers’ orders, I can see her forgetting the exact date.


Yes makes sense! 😊


Some people just have trouble remembering dates.


It’s writers’ going for a storyline. IF you want to find a reason why, Leonard doesn’t celebrate his bday (S01 E16) and even Penny tried to throw his first party. If Leonard continues to not celebrate his bday, then it’s entirely conceivable that it becomes forgettable…was it May 22 or 23? Easy mix up for not entirely not knowing his bday.


I was actually going to bring up this episode too by saying it would seem highly unlikely that she would forget his birthday because she said she did his astrological chart. She must have a pretty bad memory because this just seems like something you would remember about someone very close to you (especially her because she was into that kind of stuff) But again, just inconsistent writing going for the jokes. I find those kind of inconsistencies all the time with all the characters, especially Sheldon … but yeah, you just have to shrug it off and enjoy the laughs. :)


Hehe you are right 😊 by the way the astronomical chart part, is that in S1 Ep 16 too? Or which episode is it? I’ll keep an eye out for it 😊


Yes, I believe it is in the same episode because she threw him a “surprise party” and he wanted to know how she knew what day his birthday was, and that was her answer.


Ah I can’t recall that episode. I’ll keep an eye for it when I re-watch S1 Ep 16 thanks! 😊 yeah that’s a plausible reason then


Neither of them even remembered their own anniversary. She’s just not great with dates


Yeah good point!


I only remember other people's birthdays if I put reminders in my phone. I don't care if anyone forgets my birthday.


Are you saying if your spouse forgot your birthday you would question if they love you? Seriously?


Not forget the birthday but forget the date of birth altogether. How about you? Are you saying you would not question their love for you?


Because in that moment they forgot a date? No, that wouldn’t make me question their love. You sound like one of those tedious “if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best” type people. 🙄


Penney did not forget it in the moment. She just did not know it at all. And you sound like one who likes to make personal attacks 😊


You don’t know that she never knew it. You only know she forgot it in that moment.


Saying she did not know it in the moment means it came back to her some time after. It did not.


The entire scene lasted a minute. You don’t know when it came back to her.


I do... It was 3am exactly one month later🤣


I’ve been married almost 11 years together for over 15 but swear I always hesitate on the year he was born


lol glad I’m not alone 😂


Nope!! 🤷🏽‍♀️🫣


Penny may have forgotten his birthdate, but Leonard read her diary. 🤨 She *knew* his birth day, because she gave him his first birthday party.


My husband doesn’t remember birthdays. That’s why we have a calendar (to mark down birthdays). It’s not a deal breaker for me if he needs a calendar to remember my birthday.


OP doesn't mean remember the birthday. He means remember the date-of-birth, as in if a form asked to fill in Leonard's date of birth, Penny would be unable to do so.


They're an awful couple with negative chemistry. This isn't surprising.


Took my ex-wife about 12 years to remember my birthday. I'm sure the kids reminded her.


Actually, there is a writers' Forum where they talk about this and it was the Writer who had forgotten his wife's birthdate and it ended up being a plot device when they wrote that episode.


I've said it before and will again. Their relationship is completely toxic. That being said their being together is 100% forced and does not live up to real life standards. If Leonard made more money then it would make more sense for Penny to be with him as a gold digger. As it stands she shows little love for him and appears to be completely ignorant of his love languages merely fullfilling his desire for sex. On the other hand he is torn between infatuation (not real love) and a desire to be himself participating in his hobbies which he desires greatly to include her in.


She also didn't remember their first kiss.


Leonard didn’t get upset really because he never cared about his birthday. He grew up never celebrating it so it wasn’t important to him. Also, he knew Penny would never forget important things about his life, like food he cannot eat, his health quirks (apart from the lactose intolerance which Sheldon never fails to mention 😁) So I think they actually both handled it pretty well. The whole dance he did and how others came. It was funny 😄


That storyline rings true to me. She thought she knew it, she put a code in that didn’t work. She just got the dates mixed up. I’ve known my dad’s birthday my whole life, but I always get mixed up if it’s the 16th or the 19th. Sometimes your brain shorts out on a specific number.


When my ex and I were engaged, he remembered my birthday but never my middle name. I tested him constantly until he finally remembered it. It took at least 6 months. Haha


Dob is hard. I remeber the day/month but I always forget year for people


She has the box. Idk about anyone else. But that screams love to me.


You’re not going to get much here with the Penny good Leonard bad circle-jerkers, and of course it’s a sitcom about a pretty, dumb blonde and some nerds. Of course it’s very odd people in a committed relationship wouldn’t know each others’ DOBs.


Thank you! 😊 I really don’t mind hearing both views (that was the point of my post to be honest, to hear both sides). I just don’t really understand the need for the unnecessarily rude comments & personal attacks to be honest but ah well 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼


First of all, it's "Penny." Only one "e." Second. It's a sitcom. It was funny.