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I definitely experience this every spring. Even before I was diagnosed it was something I noticed. At least it is something I can anticipate, now that I know what is happening.


You know…you may be on to something. I’ve never paid attention to the time of year and frequency my manic episodes are. Just that they happen.


yep. i hate hate hate hate hate summer so much. spring isnt so bad, it feels nostalgic but i hate that time will go forward. no more 4pm sunsets.


I love summer time! Spring is kind of meh for me though because it rains so much and rainy days make me feel sad. I’ll have to notice if I do maybe fall into a manic episode around summertime though, I’ve never thought about that before, but now it’s given me something to think about.


Sorry, I enjoy the spring time and summer. I also enjoy fall time with the beautiful leaves. It’s winter that I get the feeling you are getting.


Yes! Every single year for two decades. My therapist and I know it as the February switch. February is one of my favorite months ☺️


I get manic almost every September. I don't know what it is about summer shifting to fall, but it's been a manic-inducing time since I was 18.