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If the test was negative you’re not pregnant or if you are you’re only a couple weeks not enough to gain a substantial amount of weight. So I’d say you’re most likely not pregnant Kyleena is very effective. If you were it could be ectopic but you could also have a healthy pregnancy. I think you’re eating habits are probably the reason why you e gained weight. If you’re sexually active take a test once a month for peace of mind


Okayy..thank you!! I'll try not to stress too much. 😅


I gained 3 stone on my damn Depo injection and it’s a nightmare trying to shift it. I’m on a calorie deficit and working out but lord it does not want to move! It’s going to take work to get back to where you were unfortunately, you’re not pregnant. The barely there spotting is expected on your coil.


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I got merina and have been putting on hella weight out of nowhere. I’ve been marathon training so weight gain doesn’t make any sense. I took a prego eggo test and it was negative…