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I've lost 80lbs on nexplanon. I got really into meal prep. I basically only eat out like twice a month now. I also switched to a high protein low carb diet. (Not keto) And I do at least 180 minutes of exercise a week. Oreos are also banned from my house. Just can't trust myself to be bored, alone and at home with a package of oreos.


I gained 30-40+ lbs on nexplanon and it didn't budge until I had it removed. It still took time and work, but nothing helped while I had the nexplanon.


Ughh I wish this was better news, but thank you! Currently considering this😩


I lost 164lbs while on depo then nexplanon. You have to find that proper medium, don’t eat too little and don’t eat too much. Keep the diet higher in protein, lower in carbs/sugar. I cut out almost all sugar and that helped tremendously.


I lost 10 lbs or something on the Implant and well, my weight was low enough that I had a high risk of serious health issues if I didn't gain weight back asap. For the people who have no appetite like me, protein shakes are amazing. And soups. For losing weight: make sure to write down what you eat and drink! Ruling out sugary drinks and alcohol is also gonna help


Honestly protein shakes in general are amazing. I drink a Huel or a Plenny for lunch and it’s 400 calories, tasty and filling. Meal replacement shakes are good for gaining/losing weight. Just a matter of how many you drink.


I thought that they said birth control doesn’t cause any weight gain/loss but it’s more you change something in your everyday? Or maybe water weight or something I forget Source: someone who has never gained or lost weight on the pill, seasonale, or depo shot.


I've gained weight bc I've felt hungrier. Birth control is hormones. I had the mirena for a month and it was so hard to even eat at maintenance calories. Every birth control I've been on has caused weight gain. I've had different pills, nexplanon, and an iud.


Mirena also caused insane weight gain for me even tho I was poor af and barely eating and working as a CNA so not exactly sitting on my ass full time


Interesting! I wonder if that means BC affects the hunter hormone? (A hormone my body doesn’t often produce, or at least not as much as the average person as I barely ever actually feel hungry, but make myself eat anyways cuz I gotta live lol)


it is actually possible to gain weight on birth control without any changes to diet or activity etc and it’s not always water weight. it really varies from person to person though, you’re one of the lucky ones who hasn’t had any weight changes.


Yeah I mean I’ve struggled gaining weight my whole life, bordering underweight most of my life. So for me maybe it’s less about hormones and more about how much I eat? (Which I’ve always been a small eater, sensitive stomach makes me feel full fast)


possibly, it really depends on the individual since we are all very different. it could also just be your metabolism and the way your body reacts to the birth control.


Yeah research overwhelming shows that depo is the only birth control that causes weight gain. And even then it’s pretty subtle. Going through pregnancy and birth however, that’s a different story. I suspect that may be part of OP’s issue. 


I got my second implant last summer and since then I’ve gone from 180 to 240. I’ve tried to stop my cravings and everything but that on top of the other symptoms of this birth control has made me decide to switch to the non hormonal iud next month. Hopefully It helps…


210 lbs on xulane patch. I was 170 lbs before I met my husband and within a year dating I hit 200 lbs lol. Got on lo loestrin fe and dropped 20 lbs. My appetite was shot to hell and my PMDD was flared by lo loestrin fe. I was suicidal as hell and having body issues. I was sick and saw myself slimming down and heard people say I was looking good. So...there went my mental health too lol.  I'm on xulane patch. Gained back the weight and a little more. But I'm eating and actually outside working out. On lo loestrin fe I sat in my house crying and not eating and getting enough water. The patch I'm at least out walking my dog an hour a day, doing yoga, keeping up with self and house hygiene and back on my hobbies. I'm pretty confident if I want to lose my weight I can just do more intensive workouts other than walking and yoga.  I'm sorry I have no true advice, only to say good luck! You sound really awesome to be a new mum and encouraged to stay healthy.


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Man I feel so guilty, selfish, and uneducated now. I’m so sorry some of y’all have had problems with losing too much weight or not being able to gain😕😕😕


What you're going through is just as valid as what others are too <3


I gained 70 lbs on nexaplonan even while trying to lose it I finally got it out and now the weight is finally starting to drop


Nexplanon is one of the only birth control methods proven to actually cause weight gain. If you’re counting calories and are for sure in a deficit, then it would definitely be worth it to switch to a different birth control


I know some amazing products that helped me drop loads, DM if you want the details to not spam the whole thread :)


I wish it was me!! 😂


I'm taking generic Yaz and I've lost 7 pounds while on it. Just starting my second pack.This bc suppresses my appetite a lot and I can only eat like once a day and only have small snacks. I'm currently 133 and 5'2" so if I lose too much, I might switch to something else. Hopefully, by my third pack I'll be able to eat normally again :) been trying to make sure my meals are nutritious!!


Side note: I was on Nexplanon for 4 months at one point and I gained so much water weight I couldn't fit any of my clothes 😅 as soon as I got it taken out I shrunk back to my normal size


i lost so much weight in nexplanon, my lowest was 96 pounds. i just wasn’t hungry


Personally for me I know that the Nexplanon actually curbs my appetite, I ended up going up 40 pounds while on the pill so now that I’m on the Nexplanon I’m super psyched that I’m actually losing weight again. Mostly just doing fasting and meal prep