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The two sharks in the well are the real end bosses tho


They really are had as fuck, I haven't got to them yet ob this playthrough, but I saw something that made me feel dumb for not doing it. But to be fair I always forget to use them >! Shaman Bone !<


The real trick is to not die when going for the shaman bone slash.


The real trick is to not die at all


The trick here is making sure your health bar doesn't reach 0.


I find that what you want to do is make sure that you always have at least some health remaining. If you do that and are able to kill them then you'll be okay most of the time.


The real trick is to simply dodge and slash


Focus mostly on dodging when they're about to hit you, and then slashing them when they're close enough so you can hit them.


Aaaand not to have a stroke whilst trying


Aaaand not to have a stroke whilst trying


Biggest issue for me is just getting the shaman bone blades to begin with.


You can buy them with insight. I usually have so much insight or madman’s knowledge that I buy as much as I can so I don’t die as easily.


I feel like I need it though to upgrade my weapons fully with a blood rock. Can you even get them outside buying with insight?


There are three that can be found in game. Insight is cheap if you chalice/multiplayer.


Yaa I never really understood the flow on chalice dungeons or how todo multiplayer, even how to get the stuff to get in them... Feels like this taboo thing that I wasn't invited too.


I remember hearing about the trick of shaman bone, oh so i just throw the bones at them ezzz.... Turns out you have to stay close to use them, Died 10 times trying to use shaman bone , eventually went out of stock and decided to kill them like a savage barbarian.... WITH MAXIMUM EFFORT. ORRRAAAAAAGH


Ya they’re like a dagger. I thought the same thing back in the day lol


They can be pistol parried tho. The belly slide attack is pretty easy to parry, and the anchor fish always starts with it. You just parry and visceral the first guy, kite him away from where the other one drops down, finish him off, and kill the second at your leisure.


I didn't know this. It's like I didn't even try because I assumed they were so huge you couldn't parry them... Guess next time I'll know lol


It's still risky since they hit like trucks, but imo it's the best way to kill them. Especially since in the well you're best off bursting the first one down as fast as possible. It'd probably be a good idea to visceral the first one then blast him with cannon.


Indeed. Tho, surprisingly, they are very easy to parry.


Also backstab. You can do at least one while the first one goes to his buddy


I know it gets brought up all the time but I’m pretty sure that’s the only fight in all the From games I ended up just cheesing. I probably could have done it but I was in NG+ without chalice dungeon gems or anything. And I did get really close


It‘s not cheesing if that’s literally the only time an item is useful. I see it as a gimmick fight.


I still see it as cheesing personally but I guess so lol


My guy, how is that cheesing when thats the intended game mechanic? Lmfao.


I mean cheesing to me is anything that trivializes a fight or makes it much much easier doesn’t really matter what it is or if it’s intended


Lmao then like you said thats to YOU, but using an item for its use or one of it’s uses is not cheesing bro, that’s the point.


I suppose cheesing is doing something you’re not supposed to so I guess it’s not the right word for it


If you memorize a boss move pattern and distancing to the point fighting them becomes trivial is that cheesing? Father Gascoigne is actually way faster for me to just beat straight up than some safe cheese mechanics.


I mean you would have to go really really out of your way to get to that point and you would have already beaten them a bunch of times so it doesn’t really matter?? For me it only matters if someone cheeses a boss to beat them for the first time. Also I never replay games although I did like speedrun NG+ up to DLC entrance


Well you did say “anything” that trivializes a fight. Personally, if you can do something that doesn’t require a glitch,bug, or exploiting a looping movement pattern. It’s not cheesing.


The way I see it if you beat the game with no cheesing or being really overpowered then after that it doesn’t really matter what you do. Also summoning other players or spirit ashes in ER is very rarely balanced which is a whole other thing plus magic can easily be op as well As for memorizing a moveset I mean once I’ve fought a boss just a few times I’m already gonna be really familiar with it and make it significantly easier than the first couple attempts or very first attempt but there’s not much you can do about that. I mean I have beaten really difficult bosses on the first attempt or on the second attempt after having done one attempt made it easier already


Are those the ones guarding the Rakuyo?




Just stock up on shaman bone blades and you're right as rain


If you have an arcane build the sharks are not hards , just spam the gloves when the first one is almost half health


That's probably why everything is so hard for you, because of your build. When you have no life nor stamina, everything is hard for you, specially fast attacking enemies that give little to no heal window. Maybe this moment is a good reminder for leveling up health, it's better to learn it now than to learn it the hard way


Why you think leveling arcane means you didn't level vitilaty ? Also i didn't say everything in the game was hard ? Only the hunter in eileen quest and the 3 yahurgul hunters , Lawrence boss was so easy with arcane build , learn to read lol


Sorry for assuming that, I was speaking from my own little experience. I didn't make an arcane build so I don't know how it goes. The only two builds I've done are: one shitty enough to be able to use everything but not centered in one and another one too centered that I forgot to level up health


Yeah, since Hunter Tools only use up bullets in Bloodborne, which are a resource not connected to any stat, people get more freedom to invest in other attributes due to the lack of an equivalent investment in Attunement, thus why mages would often have lower health and stamina in some of the other games compared to this one. (Well, I say "more stamina," but that's really because this game is so much more generous with it to begin with.)


They are, but it’s totally worth it.


Dude, if they werent cheesable, the 3 yahargul hunters would the number 1 undisputed hardest boss of the game. There is absolutely no way to fight all 3 of them without running outside or using the steps. Like to fight the 3 of them in the arena theyre standing on, not a fucking chance dude.


Divide and conquer legitimately seems like the only way to beat those dudes.


The bloodtinge hunter Eileen had trouble with is extremely tough as well. I'd say those 3 aren't as tough because you can bait them away and finish them one by one.


Crow of Cainhurst is a bastard man and they make me cry


I really should have teased them out of the room, I never thought of that haha. I ended up hyperfocusing on the beast hunter to get him out of the way right away. Backstabbed him twice before the other two hunters fully caught up to me, and then mashed the shit out of him (chasing while dodging the other 2). Then the other two were relatively easy to parry. And whipping with transformed cane was a good way to interrupt their rushes.


Wowwww you are brutality incarnate. Well done sir. For taking the challenge and not giving in. Fuck those guys. I walk their asses outside and charged r2 cheese em


Stubbornly dumb is probably more like it haha. I died a lot before I pulled it off so definitely fuck those guys lol


Threaded cane extended was how i took them down my first playthrough. Still my favorite trick weapon even after multiple playthroughs and a platinum trophy


I've been playing the from software games in order for the first time and those three were the only time I really felt like I needed to summon to progress in the game. I felt completely stuck there.


It honestly feels like one of those fights where they built it for summoning. Bring in a buddy and have a little rumble. I could barely take 2 of them on, let alone 3. I ran all the fuckin way back to the lamp practically to take just two on and then killed the 3rd.


I don’t want to sound like a mf but they genuinely didn’t seem to bad for me. I was more than likely over leveled though


That canon guy just absolutely decimates your health.


Unfortunately, I didn’t clip it with the PS4 share button. But I did do it. In fairness, it was basically a 2v1 because I obliterated 90% of the health of the guy standing in the center. After that it was a lot of patience. Waiting for a good chance to hit the guy to kill him. Making it a 2v1. After that you can be a little more aggressive and then just demolish the last guy standing. I’ve only managed to do this once out of like 8 playthroughs


Holy shit dude


Although frustratingly difficult, it can be done without breaking them up


I tried to zero avail lol. Too many hitboxes


Yup, I somehow got them while level 4 by kiting them around the cathedral and avoiding the tiny tonitrus


I play with the axe and found that it makes most NPC hunter fights easy. Dodge to get some distance. Hold R2 with the extended axe to knock them down and deal good damage. If you keep forgetting about combos like me, rinse and repeat. Also, the R1 attack with the shortened axe is really good at stunlocking if you time it right. The stairs and going outside are legit strategies, I'd say. If they were not, the game would have limited you to the hunters' original room.


I mean I’m not one to gatekeep but the Hunter Axe trivializes most of the game due to its insane reach and 360 spin on charged R2. Upgrading it definitely breaks the game entirely Go fight Amygdala with the Blades of Mercy if you don’t believe me


The charged R2 is an all-powerful move only in early game really, and only truly helps with the NPC hunters later on. There was a point somewhere early on where I actually had to learn how to fight to progress through the game. XD And it's only recently that I learned the reach is much longer than I had previously thought.


My statement stands Amygdala with Hunters Axe is an entirely different fight versus doing that fight with BoM or even Saw Cleaver The 2handed form basically carries you the whole game barring a couple Chalice fights like Watchdog but he’s a bitch for any weapon


My apologies for choosing a weapon you don't like.


You’re the one saying how they make Hunter fights easy 🤷🏻‍♂️ like no shit you have a polearm


That's some bullshit right there. I said that, but that doesn't change the fact you said it makes the entire game easy and my playthroguh worthless because you think the axe breaks the game. Sounds loads like gatekeeping to me. I think it's best I start a new game to appease you. Which weapon should I choose, my lord? Except the axe.


It definitely is gatekeeping the Axe is insane as a weapon, breaks multiple fights and encounters like Hunters. Your play-through would have been much harder without it. That’s a straight up fact The only thing close to it in reach is Ludwig’s Holy Blade and it’s got twice the stamina cost for a thrusting attack on Charge R2. You get that same thrust with the Axe trick attacking into Long form plus the spin to win on charge R2 If you feel like you got your value out of the game playing with Axe great but it’s by far the best weapon in the game. Other weapons can stand out in their own way like the Chikage but require specific builds and setups to run not to mention being risky as hell but the Axe does just as well in those niches and then brings its own unique niche with the Polearm range as well You can also cheese Winter Lanterns with it if it wasn’t borked enough


Damn. I wish all that were true for me. I can only hope to become as good as you one day, master hunter.


Now I wanna see someone on Youtube fight all three simultaneously in their room! I've always separated them and killed them one at a time 😛


i’ll make a video doing it BL4 later


It's possible.


Yeah people have been saying theyve done it. I havent. Im not even gonna try it wver again, ive been dissuaded enough


I’ve always beat them by locking myself in the cage in the basement, and I still have to die multiple times to get all three. They are Bloodborne’s one big design flaw. Seriously, no fight should be so difficult that even veteran players have to cheese it just to beat it.


I've done it without cheesing but it took a long time, it's basically running around the room until the beast guy is out of position, then hit him once, repeat. At least if you manage to kill one they don't respawn if you die, once he's dead killing the other 2 is pretty easy


I got high as fuck, played the Doom soundtrack and did just that. Just got super into fighting them and keeping my mind on the others while fighting one and just wiped them. I’m glad I saw this because I was so fucking proud.


Nice job hoonter


Fighting them in that room is really difficult. I died more times than I'd like to admit to, but I was able to do it eventually. Naked dude is usually the most aggressive, cannon dude is a problem, and rifle spear dude is the rifle spear dude. I think I killed the cannon guy first, followed by the dude who didn't read the sign outside of walmart, and lastly the dude who decided it'd be a good idea to tie a gun to a spear. Or it could've been a completely different order, I don't know. It was painful, and I'd prefer not to do it again ever 😭


My current playthrough I fought all 3 at once in the chamber. I'm having a harder time in the chalice dungeons


I was helping a friend, and we got to these three. Got invaded right after killing them. Between the two of us, he ended up running away. If he would have come while the three hunters were there, I don't know if we'd have any chance.


In my first run, I had a hard time. In my second run with Blade of Mercy, it was kind of easy.


The first time I encountered the hunters in the nightmare... Oof yea that was a rough time.


Isn’t that what you’d expect though? You’re a super strong hunter taking down these bosses. Why can’t they be super strong?


The only reason they are super strong in the game are that they have 3 times your health and 2 times your damage


well you have 20 heals tbf


Can't heal in the game if you get one shot lol


You should not be getting one-shot by hunters, or anything really. Level your health. You're complaining about something you can fix.


Well then, don't let them get that shot lol


If you're getting one shot you're not leveling vitality at all are you? Need to get on that, can't neglect it forever. Sounds like you're building a glass cannon which is fine but you can't complain when you break.


The Gatling gun hunter in the DLC cave is strong af and takes a massive chunk of your health with every hit. It's also dark in the arena you fight him and he wears dark clothes. It's probably one of the hardest enemies in the game IMO. But then you find out that you can beast roar/augur of ebrietas spam his ass against a wall and suddenly you can kill him without getting hit once. Most Hunters NPCs have a way to be cheesed or at least be made significantly easier, which is not a given with every boss. Their AI isn't great most of the time tbh


Blue elixir and he is dead


Bloody Crow's AI is predictable. After he dashes he most likely going to fire his gun. When he tricks his Chikage is when you fish for parries.


Bloody crow was harder than lady Maria and ook for me.


Yes his AI is predictable but he still fast and almost all his attacks one shot your character


If he’s one shotting you then you should level vitality more.


Level vitality bro. You're right tho, he does hit like a truck. Took me forever to beat him my first time.


Bloody Crow has been the fight I've died the most on this playthrough, which was weird for me, I usually get him in 2 or 3 tries I think it took me 6 or 7 this time


Literally just now had the same experience on this current playthrough. Usually I can just parry him and get him in 1-2 attempts but this time it took me 4-5. Ended up resorting to cheesing him on the stairs with poison knives because I just wanted to get Eileen’s rune and move on lol.


In my first playthrough, he took me at least 20 tries. But in my most recent I somehow beat him in my first try. I was so surprised lol


Fighting the three hunters together is not only possible but also fun if you pay attention to positioning and stamina. Just be sure to pay attention to the cannon balls.


Yes I enjoyed this fight immensely. It has way more strategy involved then your average fight. Hunter fights are my favorite, a really good hunter fight feels similar to a dance


People talk about the Bloody Crow all the time


Yea bruh OP's trippin, he's one of the most complained about enemies


Yeah. In a world full of blood-letting monsters and reality bending eldritch gods, humans and human-shaped enemies paradoxically take up most of the spots of "most dangerous enemies in the game"


I mean, in a weird way, it kinda makes sense? These are the other humans that are also hunting down and killing these monsters, so there's no way they'd be pushovers, right?


That's what I was going to say, they represent another incarnation of what we are in the game which is a Hunter. Since in theory we beat things like OoK and Moon Presence it stands to reason other hunters have the highest potential for power in the games canon.


I honestly get way madder at them than I do at bosses. Like bosses have their own cool music and big health bar, and are mostly huge monsters or otherwise notable figures. Being killed by them seems okay, like their presentation backs up their power. But I don’t get that feeling when just some guy with no music or health bar only as tall as I am just runs up to me and ganks me.


I haven’t had too much trouble with the hunters. Really proud of beating the trio first try. But last night that hunter after the spider room really took me for a ride lol. Took like 5 tries


That hunter was literally harder than gerhman and maria for me lol


The 2 hunters that give me the most trouble ( outside of Bloody Crow ) are in the DLC . The Man Beast hunter and the Hunter with the Saif that drops a Vermin. Fuck both of them. HM to the dickhead in the dark cave with the gatling gun. The two chicks after Ludwig can also be a pain. Mainly the one who spams Blacksky eye. Ah , I forgot about the Rifle Spear asshole outside of Cathedral Ward. Fuck him and his constant spamming /unlimited goddamn ammo. Best way to deal with him is to drop behind him off the house and backstab. Don't feel bad about it . He deserves it.


I couldn't concur with a synopsis of "Worst Hunters in Yharnam" more if I tried.


The hunters after Ludwig boss fight are harder than Ludwig himself lol


Yes and to me personally fighting the other hunters was the most fun aspect of the game


Honestly I kinda like how NPC Hunters are harder than some bosses. It really sells the idea that despite all the monsters and abominations wandering, Hunters are still the biggest menaces in the city. The one gripe I do have is that they have way too much health. I’d rather they have reduced healthpools but the ability to Rally like we can.


They're tough but also really easy to cheese and manipulate their AI. For the trio, you can lead them away from the cathedral along the balcony above the messed up enemies and you'll only have to fight one while the other 2 essentially de-aggro. The Byrgenwyrth hunter can be hit through the stairs while they're walking down them and you're directly underneath. Crow of Cainhurst can be poisoned + you can lead him near the entrance then run past and hide behind a pillar beside the lamp while he walks back to his start position. Sneak up for a free backstab + visceral.


I don't like cheesing fights in the game , its should be head on , unless its micolash




His fucking glib animations after are what makes me really hate his guts...


It’s just the fact that I rush past so many things in that area anyway cuz it’s a literal nightmare, and then that fucker comes along and glitches into my dash and fucks my shit yp


Hahaha that is exactly the same I always run past that area because it's so ridiculous and then he just is waiting there for me to glitch dash + rosmarinus the fuck out of me


One word. Parry.


Yup. All the Hunters become WAY easier when you learn to parry. The first few playthroughs I would get wrecked by all the hunters, but I just recently played it again for the first time in a few years (realized I was one ending away from the platinum, so had to go back ;)), and parried a lot more than I ever had before. It makes some of the really tricky enemies MUCH easier to deal with than they are if you're not using the guns.


The thing with hunter fights is that they don't respawn. As long as you can bait one away or rush one down, the fight gets a lot easier.


Idk, they’re so easy to manipulate. Most fights you can just stunlock them with r1s, back up whilst your stamina regens, the push forward and stunlock again. Yes, they do a lot of damage, but in a proper fight they shouldn’t even be able to hit you much.


For the hunter at the end of Eileen’s quest the wooden shield actually did me wonders, the ability to tank his gun shots cannot be understated, not one other fight I used it but I randomly gave it a shot one day and haven’t looked back since. Joke shield FTW


I don’t know why but I’ve never died the hunter at Byrgenwerth. The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst and the three at Yahar’gul on the other hand, took me a while, especially Crow. Then there’s the gatling gun hunter in Hunters Nightmare where you can’t see in the dark cave and you’re getting attacked by a blood-starved beast at the same time… good times. The one at Research Hall who’s waiting in the center stairwell got me a few times. I like fighting the hunters tho.


Much like DS2 I had far more trouble getting through areas than I did with the bosses, at least until I did the story chalice dungeons.


How is it that the hunters aren't attacked by the other beasts? They are human, after all, and still technically hunters. Yet they are left alone by the various beasts and abominations in the lands. It doesn't make sense!


Only reason I may disagree with you is that from what I recall all hunters are parryable which is not true of the bosses.


I agree with your premise, the hunters are hard as fuck, but the idea that “no one talks about them” is very strange to me, I’ve read a ton of discussion specifically about the bloody crow of cainhurst (Eileen questline hunter). I’d say it’s very well known that they will mess your shit up


Agreed, The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst is easily the most punishing fight in the entire game.


The bloody Crow of Cainhurst is one the most talked about fights, everything about him is ridiculous. Rapid fire Evelyn, OP damage from said gunshots,unlimited old hunter bone, and the chikage on top of everything.


The rifle spear hunter in the Cathedral Ward can choke on a dick


Everyone speaks of the fucking crow of Cairnhurst. A lot of people regard him as the hardest boss of the game, even if he is not technically a boss. Hell, a lot of people resort to cheesing him instead of actually engaging in the fight.


I don't like cheesing fights in a game and his fight is super cool , if they gave him a boss music it would have been 10/10


Dunno, it is difficult, but I think that the move set is lacking. Most of my deaths were because of the pistol obliterating my hp bar, not because there was a specific cadence of attacks.


Literally everyone in here talks constantly about the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst…


Fuck Bloody Crow, all my homies hate Bloody Crow


It’s cause they cheat. Hacked levels and infinite bullets get real annoying.


They're not so much super hard as they feel cheap and aren't fun to fight IMO. It's a classic game design problem: the difficulty of making a "same moveset as the player but CPU-controlled" type opponent feel fair and balanced. You can give them really "good" or "smart" AI -- but then players think they feel bad because they come across as reading inputs and just countering your moves in a cheap way because they can due to having reaction times you as a human can never compete with. Alternatively, you could make their AI significantly dumber than it could be and inflate their stats to make them still a challenge -- but then players think they feel bad because of their overinflated stats, which may one-shot you or make them damage sponges, and it destroys the sense of any sort of parity between you which arguably misses the entire point of having them. Or, the third option, you could give them "dumb" AI but without overinflating their stats or letting them blatantly cheat. The result will probably be that they're fairly easy to beat and then people will complain about them being underwhelming. Maybe not the same people, but the point is the difficulty of pleasing everyone. The Souls games tried different approaches but never really found the perfect balance of how to make NPC fights work. Bloodborne went the overinflated stats route, Dark Souls 1 went the true parity route which made them rather easy, Dark Souls 3 was somewhere in-between, Dark Souls 2 made them blatantly cheat with their animations. In all of them though the strategy is basically just keeping your distance and waiting until they start running toward you, then hitting them as they come in because their AI usually doesn't dodge that. It's repetitive, not very fun, and the only spice in the mix comes from annoyances like one-hit kill attacks or maybe the occasional NPC that's a bit more interesting because they fight with magic and range instead of melee. I think it's because the combat system just isn't designed for it from the ground up. Games like Sekiro and Lies of P, IMO, managed to make these types of fast humanoid opponents much more enjoyable than Bloodborne or the Souls series because their combat system is better suited to them. They're definitely stronger than your character but not to an extent that feels ridiculous because your tools with which to counter them are significantly better.


Bloody Crow is the hardest thing in the game other than the well sharks, I’d rather fight Orphan 1000 times than this pistol spamming asshole. Luckily the Beast Cutter puts him in his place


I thought the sharks wasn't that hard , maybe because i was playing arcane build and spam OP gloves so by the time the next one comes the first are almost gone


Cool method I’ll have to try that


The Bad Hunters thankfully can be cheese with light spam because poise isn't a thing in pvp


Bloody Crow will almost kill himself. You can literally just circle around him and wait for him to use his trick weapon a bunch of times, then finish him off.


I do this with the Chikage Hunters down in the Chalice Dungeons. It's hilarious to watch them kill themselves.


The axe is a really good weapon against NPC hunters, more specifically the move where you hold R2 with the extended axe.


Fighting hunters/doing pvp is a different skillset from fighting beasts and pve enemies. Being good at one doesn't mean you'll automatically be good at the other.


Spamming Beast Roar works well if you can corner them or get them up against a wall.


I honestly don’t find the hunters all that hard. I think they’re pretty fun, honestly. They can be staggered pretty easily so as long as you’re aggressive, they go down. You also have 20 heals so it would be unfair if they didn’t have more life and do good damage.


True, well they are the ones that Hunt the bosses lol. The hunters are basically us, they’re don’t fear the bosses.


The 3 Hunter one is quite brutal, think I done it in 2 goes but it was a very tactical fight of me running away & trying to bait them one at a time, using spin to win with the Hunters Axe to keep them at bay.


The hunter axe is probably the best weapon in the game against group of enimes


Honestly I pretty much mained it the whole game untill I got the Whirligig Saw, trialed the Chikage for a bit, but the Hunters Axe was just great in a lot of situations.


The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst. Hate that guy. I don't know how to do the spoiler cover up thing, but there's a hunter I haven't fought yet that I want to fight but I don't know if I'm ready for it. I won't say the name since I don't know how to spoiler mode.


Loads of people talk about them though. In all honesty they only one that really gave me trouble was the Eileen quest one.


The hunters in the nightmare too. They're manageable but I swear they kill me more than bosses too


There are even harder hunters in dungeons, Bone Ash, Cainhurst, & Wheel Hunters are all rat bastards with best enemy AI in the game :D


Yeah that fucker was hard in the cathedral after finding Eileen on the floor . Biggest health pool in the game if you ask me


Get axe, hold R2. Hunter defeated


Soulsborne game rule number one: Humanoid enemies are always more difficult than literal eldritch Gods


Apart from djura and his dream team, I find hunters to be manageable.


Eileen’s final adversary is definitely the rite of get good at the game. I fought him legitimately on ONE play through and cheesed it every other time. I don’t think I’ve ever beat the 3 yhargul dudes all at once. 2 at a time, sure. But 3 easily becomes torture


Hunters are just skill gates to check if you still remember how to perry. If you do, you can kill them easily.


The hunters also have unlimited ammo the one with the riflespear shot at my friend over 60 times before my friend killed him we recorded it and counted the shots after it was ridiculous and hilarious for me to watch him struggle


Honestly, the npc hunters are fine…for me they’re one of the most enjoyable parts of the base game and dlc


Focus your build. Vitality is your friend, increase that to a minimum of 30 no matter what kind of build you're doing. Choose the weapon you want and use it consistently. Don't waste your time with multiple weapons. Two at the most. If you're using a one handed weapon, parry the hunters. When possible, summon other hunters to help you. Other than actual players, you can summon NPC hunters to help you. You're best bet is to find Valtr, Master of the League who is in the building where you first get into the dark forrest. Talk to him and he will give you the Impurity Rune. You'll need to have gone to Hemwick Charnel lane to kill the boss there and get the workshop tool for putting runes on your hunter. For Eileen's quest, when you kill Henryk, if you put on the Impurity rune, you can summon Henryk and the Madaras Twin. Those shadows are gonna be much less of a problem at that point. For the Crow, it's all you at that point. I can beat him at level 40 but for anyone who's not trying to torture themselves, I recommend at least level 75. You can kill him multiple ways. If you want to do it the old fashioned way, bait him into attacking you so you can parry him and visceral his ass into oblivion. If you're using a two handed weapon, I recommend the Hunter's Bone and 15 Arcane so you can use it. Give him a taste of his own medicine. You'll be able to dodge his gun a lot better. Once you've played the game enough times, you'll get to the point where you can kill them all by yourself. It takes time, but you'll get there. If you HAVE been doing anything or everything that I said and more, just keep going. Your skills will get better.


I've never found the hunters all that hard honestly. I just shoot them in the face, get a visceral, rinse and repeat. Rom on the other hand can fuck right off, always feels like I'm just getting lucky enough to not get one shot by his spiders whenever I finally win.


True but I liked that , hunters are more agile with move set you have to know to win , with beasts you mostly only have to get behind them and hit until it’s over


Bloody crow was such a pain, it's a really long fight and if our hunter gets parried once, he is dead.


The hunters in the nightmare of mensis made me want to burn my copy of the game. Honestly just that whole area.




The bloody crow is one of the hardest battles in all of bloodborne.


Its way harder than kos boss fight lol


I think it's the game's way of telling you to get good.


I really dislike the CPU hunters less for their difficulty but more for how they're all literally built differently. In DS1 and 3, you're essentially fighting another undead/unkindled with the same properties as you: specifically both of you have relatively low defense and can die in a few hits, but you can also back away and heal up to keep going. So then the match essentially becomes a game of chess where you have to weigh your options of whether you should retreat and heal which would leave yourself open to attack, or leave yourself at low health in case you can catch them off guard. Concurrently the other player has to figure out the right time to go in, ideally catch them when they're healing and hit them with a backstab. CPU hunters don't do this. A few of them can heal **once**, but otherwise they're just big tanks who have double or triple the health you do, without the ability to heal themselves more than once if at all. So instead of having a duel between warriors on the same meta as each other, you're instead jumping in to get a few hits in, then backing off to let your stamina recharge and not get creamed by them, then rinse and repeat to shave off a little bit more health. That's not fun to me, it comes off as more of a chore.


I low-key hate hunter fights. When a hunter attacks you outta nowhere in an FRC Chalice dungeon it literally ruins that entire dungeon. Nowhere is safe. Bloody Crow is just a middle finger to the player in terms of difficulty. Half the DLC is hunters wielding weapons you've never seen before with wild movesets you aren't gonna parry right away. I love Bloodborne but I hate fighting hunters. I hunt beasts.


Leave the hunting of hunters to me. `@@@@@@@@@%%%%@%@%%%##%%%@%%%@@%%@@@@@@@%` `%%%%@##%%%#*+#@@%%#**+#@@@#*%%#**%%#%@@%` `%@@@%#*%%*%@%@@@@%*++*+@@@@@@%*#@%%%%@@%` `%@@@@%*#%%%%#%%@@@#==#+%@@@@@@@@#@%##@@%` `%@@%##@%@@@%@@@@@@%*+#**@@@@@@@@@%###@@%` `%@@%#%@%%%@@%@@%%%#+%%#=+%@@@@%@@@@*#@@%` `%@@%@%@@@@@@%%@%%*=%%@%#++#%@@@@@@@@#@@%` `%@%@@@@@%@@@%%%#==%*+#%@%=+=#%%@%@@@%#%%` `@@%@%@@%%@@@%%*==%*++*%@@%+==*@@@@@@@%@%` `@@@@@@%@@@@%%**-%%#%#%%@@%%==+*@@@@@@%%%` `@@@@@@%%%%%##*=#%@%+%@%@@%%%+=-%@@@@@@%%` `@@@@@@@@@@%%@%%#%%@%%%%@%#+*+#%@@@@@@%@@` `@@@@@@@@@%%%@##%%%%%%%#*#%=#%*@@@@@@@%@%` `@@%@@@@@@@%%@*===**=====*%@%@@@@@@@@@%@@` `@@@%@@@%%@@%%+===+*++===+%%@@%@%%%%@%@%%` `@@@@@@@@@@@@%%++++=====*@%@%@@@@@@@##%@@` `@@@@@%@@@@@@%@%%#*=*#%%#%@@@@@@@@@##@@@@` `%@@@@%%%@@@@%%*========+%@@@@@@@%%@%%@@@` `%@@@%%%#%@@@%@+========+%@@@@@%%##%%%@@@` `%@@@@%%@%*%%%%#+=+=====*%@@%%%%%@@@%@@@@` `@@@@@@@@@%@@@@@%##****#@%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@` `%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`


that was something kinda grind my gear since the game release i think NPC enemy should just had the same stat like our character maybe they had more STR or DEX but never like be boss health like this


yeah ngl bloodborne is the most toxic souls game i’ve played 😭


I usually skip hunters I don’t find them worth the fight. Mini speeding tanks of fury although can be subjected to stun , just don’t find them fun to fight.


Git gud