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There was a Victorian era urban legend that stated that there were giant man-eating pigs in the sewers. That's why you find one in that sewer in Yharnam. As for why are they in Mergo's Loft, dunno. That place is a shit show, so maybe that's why.


Yeah and I think most people don't have a clear grasp of the actual size of a pig or even a boar. While not as big as Bloodborne's, they are massive. As for the man eating? .............. Ok... Warning the following story isn't for the faint hearted ->


Spoiler tag for the story because it's hard >! My gramps once told me a story from his childhood. One of the village's kid used to steal from a farmer's orchard. He got caught one day and to teach him a lesson, the farmer locked him with his pig for the night. On the morning he found the kid dead and half eaten...poor man hung himself after that !< You don't mess with pigs. You don't wander in their enclosure. You don't play with them. You always keep them in your line of sight !


Jesus Christ, that piece of Insight will haunt me


No clue but ~~fisting~~ backstabbing them is incredibly satisfying.


I love to fist the pigs with fury


As a true hoonter should!


All the pigs are all lined up I give you all that you want Take the skin and peel it back Now doesn't it make you feel better?


You're sick


You’ll become one of them, sooner or later…


~~fisting~~ backstabbing them is incredibly satisfying. Totally agree with this.


Does BootyDoc666 discriminate against which kind of booty he touches?


No :)


Then you know what you must do.


dont knock it till you tried it. its not a real pig.




Don't think it too hard, Hunter. Just fist them, take their blood and be done with it.


Don’t think too hard about all this, just go out and fist a few pigs. You know, it’s just what hunters do.


No but really. Why are there 3 giant angry monster pigs up in the loft? Nobody has a problem with that? They're not in the way or causing problems? Why pigs? How'd they get there? Is this a room in Yargu'll with three pigs in robes in chairs with Mensis cages on their heads? Id like to see that room is all I'm saying.


Get them to chase you.


Nah I know how to farm. I meant lore wise. Cannon. If the inhabitants of the nightmare of Mensis are the people from Yargu'll what are the pigs? People in a weird pig nightmare form? Actual pigs? I'm talking lore here dawg lolol


There are pigs in Yarhargul before the blood moon. I think it's either those pigs, or fucked up nightmare pigs based on the memories of the mensis school.


throughout the entire region of Yharnham and surrounding areas (Chalice dungeons included) there is no evidence of Cows, Ox or Goats. this would lead one to believe that these certain agricultural species do not exist in the Bloodborne universe. There are however an abundance of Pigs, Hogs and Boars.. therefore they must be the sole species responsible for feeding the mass populous of Central Yharnham and surrounding rural regions. The Pigs are enormous due to blood gene manipulation therapy to increase their size and yield more product. Without the existence of Dairy cows Yharnhamites must be drinking Pig Milk and their source of calcium and other healing properties brought on by the Old Blood used in the Blood Gene Manipulation Therapy these pigs have undergone. Yharnhamites favourite treats would have been Pig Milk Cheese and Hog Cream Custard. If the Pig Dairy Farmers were getting the Blood from the Healing church for the Gene Manipulation then of course the final product would be just as addictive as the blood itself. The Healing Church must have had a stake in this industry to further bolster their control of the region. Is it possible that this corruption of dairy products the cause of the scourge ripping through Yharnham as the Player Character awakens in the clinic?


1000 years finger of death jutsu


The same as the ravens. Plenty of corpses.


Why the enlarged size? The better to fist them with, of course!


I assume what happened is that various animals in/around the city end up eating corpses of Yharnamites, ingesting old blood in the process. That’s why the pigs, crows, and hunting dogs are all so messed up. The old blood has mutated them.


Also weird that there are almost no corpses lying around with all thats happening lol Btw pigs can eat ANYTHING.


They were presumably expe4iments, like the bird-dogs and dog-birds




Makes 'em easier to fist.


It's been shown in the game that animals who scavenge from corpses also become mutated due to the old blood. Pigs will not shy away from eating flesh when they are hungry, so it makes sense that they would mutate just like the crows and dogs do.


in mergos loft? the pigs will kill the mobs pretty good, weaken and thin the numbers, yet the mobs always take out the multi eyed pig. get it to chase you to other things, in the main game. you dont like eveserating pigs from behind ? XD you will.


Dont matter, what does matter is their eternal rival known as the hunter; ONE FIST MAN, a nightmare pursuing the echoes of blood.....ascended above the great ones


I thought I was in the Disco Elysium sub for a second


oink oink motherfucker




~¤critical strike


You stick it up their ass


Bloodborne is based on Britain. The giant pigs are meant to represent Winston Churchill.