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I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I've noticed that a lot of people who don't keep reptiles, don't understand our love for them. They can understand cats and dogs, even small mammals, but reptiles are "too different" to get the same compassion. Luckily, you are a part of this community, here on Reddit, full of people who understand your heartache. Perhaps you would like to make a post and share some pictures of your sweet girl in memory of her? I would love to see her, I'm sure others would as well, and we can remember her fondly together. ♡ Sending you so much love.


Sometimes they take a turn for the worst so quick. :( Agreeing with the other poster - we would love to see some of your memories with her!


I am so sorry! It is agony to lose a pet, especially like this, and you deserve to have the support you need. Hugs


that sounds terribly traumatic to go though, and people dismissing your feelings is really awful as well. I'm so sorry for your loss 💓🌷 I'm sure they appreciated your care and company while they were with you and may they find peace wherever they have gone now 🙏🏻💓


Oh no! I’m so sorry. I would be devastated if this happened to my bts. I’m sure you did all you could. Sometimes things just happen too fast and they’re over before you know it. And it wasn’t just a lizard. It was your little buddy. Hugs from me and the Niblesnarf. 


So sorry to hear this and that the people around you are not being as empathetic as they should be to someone who just lost a loved member of the family :( My condolences to you, even if you don't have support irl we are here for you 🫶🏻