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They can but not as good as we can see it. The color is more dull to deer than it is to us. On the other hand deer can see the color blue almost 20x better than we can. But a deers sense of movement is way better than their sight


Very interesting!


I've had a group of 5-6 deer walk past me crouched by a barbed wire fence at about 30 yards while I was wearing blaze orange one rifle season. I was in short grass with no cover and I was kneeling/crouched. I didn't move an inch and they didn't seem to see me. That event made me a believer that they can't see blaze orange because to a human, I would have stood out like a sore thumb.


I’ve shot deer during season while on the ground and less than 30 yards from while wearing blaze orange. At one point there was no cover between me and the doe. She was creeping along very cautiously.


No, hi-vis orange is more grayish to a deer. on the contrary, it's used in hunting because there is nothing else in the forest that matches this color and it's highly visible. Blue, on the other hand, deer can pick out like we do orange.


Back in the early 80s I had a pair of insulated overalls that were blaze orange with a black leaf pattern and I'm convinced they were nearly invisible to deer.. On the same topic most modern laundry detergents contain bluing as brightener and supposedly deer can see it..


No. Their vision is actually pretty bad as long as you’re not moving. Their ability to see movement is what gets you busted. That’s why they move their head so much once they notice you.


Deer are color blind


No they are not. 


Deer are essentially red-green colorblind like some humans. Their color vision is limited to the short (blue) and middle (green) wavelength colors. As a result, deer likely can distinguish blue from red, but not green from red, or orange from red. https://deerassociation.com/hunters-guide-deer-vision/#:~:text=Deer%20are%20essentially%20red%2Dgreen,red%2C%20or%20orange%20from%20red.