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Chocolate chocolate chocolate!!!


YES. I swear I never liked chocolate until I started BF and now I can’t get enough


This is me!


Chocolate is my fav. When I got pregnant I had a serious aversion to it the entire pregnancy. As soon as I have the baby now I want Oreos for breakfast. Brownies fried. All that.


Well that explains why I baked brownies for the first time in years last week


And have been eating chocolate chips


ALL the chocolate ALL the time


Why is this such a thing lol


It's magnesium! I started taking magnesium and my chocolate cravings went away


Really! What type do you take? It seems like there are several different forms


Depends on what you need. Not citrate unless you want to run to the toilet. I take malate for my muscle pain and energy, my husband takes glycinate for sleep and MS, my parents take taurate for heart health. Some people mix it up.


Yes me too. I eat a bar a day.


Goddamn everything! And so much sugar. Like cookies are a whole ass food group for me right now. But also steak sounds great. Tacos. Soup. Fish. Noodles. A whole serving bowl of salad. A can of green beans. Whatever you’re eating.


I would kill for a big ass salad right now. Ugh




I didn’t know I wanted this but now I do, in a big cold metal bowl. I have no way of getting this at midnight. Thank you that!


Oh my. My sister brought me cookies after I had my baby and I devoured them. I made multiple batches after. I was eating probably 10 chocolate chip cookies a day lmao. I still crave them, but it’s too much effort to make them as much as I go through them lol. Now I’m on to ice cream after dinner.


It’s been sundaes for a bedtime snack for me!!


I recently discovered we still have a whole box of Oreo ice cream sandwiches in our big freezer and I got way too excited.


I made eggless cookie dough and just pinch at it when I have a craving and it saves so much time and effort


I'm not necessarily craving anything, but I'm hungry all the time. Our bodies need the extra calories for all the hard work were doing. I just had a snack and I want something else now lol


My new obsession is blistered green beans with chili garlic oil! I can eat an entire family size bag of them 😋


Oh this sounds heavenly


Wait what? This sounds amazing.


It's so good! Toss some blanched beanies in chili oil and then broil them til they blister - so easy and addictive :D Or when I'm lazy I just eat the canned beans and toss in oil :)


You’ve just opened up my eyes to a whole new snack food.


K this sounds really good! Never made this before I’ll have to try it


Dairy and chocolate - I don't even usually have a sweet tooth but whilst breastfeeding I'm constantly thinking about the next sweet thing I can have and my waistline is not doing well! As soon as I stop breastfeeding my appetite goes back to normal and I don't want so much sugar.


I'm am STARVING all day! I want carby desserts like cake and brownies. I recently upped my protein and it's helping me pump the brakes a bit, but still gotta have that dessert after every snack, YKWIM?


I know what you mean😂😭 I have issues and can’t tell myself no


Protein. Give me all the protein.


Same! Snacking on a giant bowl of edamame right now lol


Cheese. My kingdom for sharp cheddar cheese. Damn CSPI


Baked potatoes with butter sour cream cheese bacon and green onions


Biscoff cookies !!!


Yes!! I made a key lime pie the other day but subbed smashed up graham cracker crust for biscoff cookie crumb crust :D


That sounds diabolical! I want some !


Lemon Merangue pie is my white whale right now. Can't seem to find it anywhere.


I saw this snack on TikTok and had to try it and now I have to share it because it was sooo good- strawberry ice cream with crushed pretzels. Sounds crazy but its sooooo good


not crazy. ever heard of strawberry pretzel salad? i have a sudden need.....


Not craving anything but I am so THIRSTY ALL OF THE TIME! My appetite has definitely increased as well but man I will absolutely chug water now


This me


For my first two kids I couldn’t get enough PB crackers and milk. My oldest ended up allergic to peanuts so I’ve had to adjust for baby #3. My heart landed on the big rectangle cheese danishes out of the deli section. I hurt to think of how many of those I’ve bought and eaten these past 10 weeks. Gotta cut the habit… eventually.


I’m not a sweets person in general and especially not much into chocolate less than 60% cocoa but these babies make me crave chocolate so dang much. I’ve got a chocolate milk in my hand as I type.


Krispy Kreme. Like eat 5 original glazed donuts at one time. I always hated donuts so I have no idea where this came from but I have to have them.


Oreos in any form, and ice cream with fudge sauce. Up until we had to go dairy and soy free, I was eating a pack every like… 3/4 days 😅


I fucked up like a whole Costco sized bag of Reece’s animal cookies over the span of a week. I won’t be able to buy them anymore cause they are SO. DAMN. GOOD. Also, two Oreos thins with Kraft smooth peanut butter in between to squish together like a little samich. Glass of milk on the side, heavenly. Always with the chocolate covered almonds… you just can’t go wrong. BFing twin mama over here (:


My nurse said in terms of calories we only need the addition of something similar to an additional bran muffin a day when breastfeeding - is this true?


Oh gosh I hope not


I think that's for pregnancy. For bf it's more!


Chicken and chocolate!


Sugar, mainly in the form of milk chocolate!


I no longer live in Quebec and craved poutine my whole pregnancy. Finally got a decent (and gigantic) one after coming back over last Christmas. 5 weeks post partum now and unfortunately craving sugary drinks, especially violet syrup with water. I got to tone that down as it’s nutritionally void. I’m also going through big bags of cashews and almonds like there’s no tomorrow !


Oh my god I’ve been eating Nutella biscuits constantly. I ran out and decided I wasn’t going to get any right now. Which was a mistake. I would eat a bag a day if I could.


I want a ton of salt. Miso soup helps


Breastfeeding hunger is RELENTLESS. I think it’s because of the sleep deprivation, but I am craving sugar like never before!


This thread is making me even more hungry than I already was 😅


Coconut. Currently drinking a coconut Dr. Pepper and eating fudge dipped coconut granola bar. Had chocolate coconut milk yesterday and coconut pie I think the day before that!


Pasta. Specifically big fat curly noodles and of course chocolate lol


Recently? Salt. Not necessarily salty food, but literally salt. When making dinner I usually grab one of the little chunks out of the salt grinder. I've been drinking *tons* of water bc my supply dips if I don't. I don't like flavored drinks or anything. I think I'm carving it bc I'm literally rinsing the salt out of my system from how much fluid my body is processing every day.


I love that -- not just salty foods, you're going straight to the source haha!


I'm an under producer - 7 ounces a day. And I'm still ravenous all the time. I don't understand my body right now lol


Cookies, Oreos, Oreos in peanutbutter, pancakes with syrup, chocolate, Carmel…anything sweet!


I make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies by the 2 dozen. I got so fat post partum lol! Lost all the baby weight by 6 weeks only to pack on the pounds in the months after!


I have a hardcore sweet tooth!! I use to crave sweets like this when I was a teenager but I grew out of it. Now that I’m nursing twins, I want the crappiest sweets, little Debbie’s, ice cream, cake, and candy bars but one of my twins has a dairy allergy so I can’t have half the stuff I want😭


Have past this stage, but I was monstering through food at the early stage of BF. I kept going to the pantry to get more food. I got really annoyed when hubby commented that I was hungry all the time and then I pretty much snapped at my dad for commenting about how much I was eating 😅 My go to were oat cookies, for some reason I just wanted oat cookies, when I was not a fan of them pre-pregnancy, but tbh I would eat anything savoury. Lol. Now I'm not craving things like crazy anymore, but still often want cookies and things like pies (especially mince and cheese).


Oh savoury pies are absolutely where it's at!


Give me all the milkshakes 😭😭😭😭


One milkshake for you, and a milkshake for baby haha!