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Cyclists too! (Don't think I've ever seen a roo up there on a morning)


Have been up for a sunrise before?


Every May Day.


Do it before winter or else you'll have black ice on the road and quite often snow drifts. Especially pre dawn before they've plowed the road.


In the deadest of winter the sun doesn't even rise up there, so be prepared for that


You forgot the /s


I've been up there for quite a few sunrises - never seen kangaroos or wallabies. Drive safely, you won't have any problems


Not many roos up there, but plenty of cyclists! You don't sound like a confident driver, take the left at the T intersection and go up the front side, as the back side has a lot more twisties.


I've tried a few times to go see the sunrise and only got to see it once, always a full carpark so I try and park somewhat down the hill and those spots are full. Decided to go try and park at 2-3am and sleep in my car but people kept coming over to check on me or got angry when I didn't respond anyways decided to bail. So in my final attempt (final night in Brisbane) I decided to park up and sleep from 12am, still had people knocking on my windows trying to ask me something but I just ignored them and the others around me who were also there to see the sunrise, well those that decided to rough it out for the view, my guess the others left after being bugged in the middle of the night and I don't blame them. Long story short, it was an amazing view of the sunrise.


Not if you use your eyes and drive slow enough.