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Sex Workers are the most tested people on the planet. It's literally their job security. Of course, if you don't wrap yourself - no play.


Yes, but I can guarantee every sex worker ever has HPV.  And most will have herpes.  These are things that cannot be tested for reliably unless someone has an active lesion.  Frequently people carry these viruses without getting symptoms at all, or only show lesions months or even years after exposure.  Most HPV strains do not even produce lesions, but they can cause cancer.  They can titre test (blood test) for herpes, but false negatives are extremely common and I guarantee they're not being titre tested for it anyway.  I would absolutely not assume you are safe, even with a condom, as these diseases can be passed from skin to skin, not just via fluids . Edit: I used to be an HIV/AIDS and sex education counselor.  I know you all hate that this is is true...but it's true.  Educate yourselves, my friends, and stay safe.


Doesn’t basically everyone have hpv anyway. You’d be scared to date most anyone or have human contact if you worry about it.


Would be embarry not to have it at this stage


Just clarifying for OP, not trying to scare anyone.




I just feel like this mindset is lazy is diminishes the seriousness of the virus. Everyone comes into contact with it if sexual active, everyone doesn’t have it, that’s a misconception…


What’s the alternative? Stress out about something you have little control over since most people you will never know if they could or have infected you or not. Ironically that stress will make you more susceptible to said virus.


Unsure why your comment got down voted. There is a lot of fact in this comment.


Probably because he failed to mention that most people have herpes simplex virus and the majority are asymptomatic, so if you don’t fuck anyone who has the herpes virus you have eliminated about 70% of the dating pool… and there’s a good chance you already have it yourself, even if you’re a virgin.


There are 2 types of herpes. Type 1 the majority of people have. Type 2 (that they are referring to in their comment) is not so common and much more of an issue in the pants region.


HSV-2 is carried by 22% of the population, and is still asymptomatic a huge portion of the time If anyone reading is wondering, HSV-1 can also cause a herpes outbreak in the genital area. While HSV-2 is more often the culprit of more severe herpes breakouts, having HSV-2 is by no means a guarantee that you will ever get herpes sores. If you do, you can take valacyclovir to shorten the length of outbreaks, or even as a prophylactic measure. Many people take an ad-hoc approach and just take it prophylactically in times of high stress or illness. Neither HSV-1 or HSV-2 is the world-ending boogeyman people make them out to be.


This. Most people also don’t realise that HSV-2 can cause coldsores and other symptoms of oral herpes, too. Either virus can attach in either area. So many people will vilify someone with genital HSV-2, but think it’s totally okay to go down on someone despite their personal history of cold sores. It’s so stupid.


Yep, i have HSV-1 but it presents downstairs. Not a fun convo to have with prospective partners.


It is all fact, lol.  But it upsets people anyway, I guess.  They don't have to listen 🤷


It upsets people due to how you framed it to purposely exclude that it's highly prevalent in people who aren't sex workers, too.


Yea, that makes sense, but I did not purposely exclude anything. Both viruses are prevalent in the general population, but likelihood of infection is highly dependent upon how many sexual partners one has had, so in sex workers it's pretty much guaranteed due to the sheer number of partners.  It wasn't meant to be insulting or demeaning, just conveying facts so OP understood that condoms aren't necessarily going to protect from those diseases as many of the comments seemed to imply.


Anyone who has had any kind of sex probably has HPV


There's almost 100% no genital to genital contact without prophylactic, no mouth to mouth or mouth to genital without prophylactic contact during any basic reputable brothel session so it's strange you'd bring it up as a former sex education counselor. In fact , you should be advising people of how limited and impassionate brothel sex usually is: getting a blowjob with a condom on and then missionary sex for $170 can be a forgettable letdown of an experience.


Condoms don’t 100% protect against HSV or HPV - they’re spread by skin to skin contact, and often shed asymptomatically.


21 year old probably had vaccine against hpv.


Vaccine is only protective for a few strains of HPV


80% reduction in cancer if I remember correctly.


👍 Yea, I don't recall the percent off the top of my head, but I'd believe that number.  I personally think that's the most important part, avoiding the cancer causing strains, but I'm just being pedantic for the sake of completeness.


> Yes, but I can guarantee every sex worker ever has HPV.  And most will have herpes Evidence please.


Yeah this. I understand they worked as a counsellor but that seems extreme and I'd like to see data




With respect, you have absolutely no way of knowing if you have HPV.  And pretty much every adult with more than a few sex partners has it.  And it's very, _very_ possible to carry herpes without showing any symptoms.  Sorry.  You're incorrect.


What? Most people who test positive for HPV on a Pap smear don’t have lesions either, so they’re clearly not required for a positive result… According to [this source,](https://www.nps.org.au/news/the-national-cervical-screening-program-is-changing#prefix_r16) “Studies have confirmed that if an HPV test result is negative, then the test was accurate 99% of the time” If you’re going to sit here and say that HPV testing has high false negative rates in the absence of lesions, you’ll need a source other than “I have experience in biology and medicine”




Absolutely there is. But it requires a sample of the lesion.  And most people don't get lesions.  It's also common to get them inside the vagina where they are not visible.


> the vagina where they are not visible. New meaning to dotted and ribbed for your pleasure.


HPV is not primarily detected in samples from lesions though?? Routine HPV screens are common and highly accurate, that’s part of the the reason why Pap smears are only required every 5 years.




My friend, I have 12 years of education in biology and medicine.  I understand how testing works.  You cannot rule out HPV, unless you're saying the lesion you specifically sampled is not HPV.  If you have no lesions, but still carry the virus, you cannot test for that.  So testing negative essentially means nothing.  Also, pap smears are testing for abnormal cervical cells that are precursors to cancer.  They do not test for HPV directly.  Jeez, a lot of people here are poorly informed and defensive about it.  I wish y'all good luck.




Yes.  I know you don't understand what the results mean.  And I am telling you what they mean.  The tests are limited in what they can tell us, unfortunately.  I'm sorry this is so confronting for you.


Couldn't you literally say the same for *most* people, with having HPV/herpes? It seems like an important point to make rather than include a narrative which is only a partial story to incite fear solely about sex workers.


Yes, but risk increases with number of partners.  So sex workers are very likely to be infected whereas in the general population it is variable, though still highly prevalent.  The OP specifically asked about HPV in sex workers, so I responded about HPV in sex workers.  


I’m pretty sure everyone has HPV, majority of the world has herpes


1 in 8 will get herpes in their lifetime is what i was told


Well then you were told wrong, unfortunately. Around 3-4 /5 have type 1 and 1/5 type 2. For both types, most people are asymptomatic and never experience symptoms.


Whats your source






God does that mean you need to get a blood test everytime?


Lmao rip your inbox.


Oh no, the men found a women who has sex and maybe even gets NUDE for $$ and are besides themselves at finding such unicorn on the internet :P


Edit missed the tome and my response was idiotic. Sorry Also hope you get lots of commissions lol make yo money. Also what's the going rate for nudes now I'm curious as to what people will pay lol.


Are they working in a brothel? Unprotected fullservice is against the law and all my sexworker friends who do full service get tested weekly.


It was reported on the weekend the Queensland Government is getting rid of testing and regulations. Edit. This is the link: [Parliamentary committee accepts framework to decriminalise sex work in Qld](https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/politics/queensland/parliamentary-committee-accepts-framework-to-decriminalise-sex-work-in-qld-20240401-p5fgly.html) Edit #2. I would love to know why you're downvoting a link to a news article from the weekend?


Incorrect. It is to decriminalise sex work to create a safer environment for workers and punters. https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/99715#:~:text=The%20Criminal%20Code%20and%20Other,the%20protection%20of%20sex%20workers QLD will never get rid of testing, that safeguards the whole community from HIV and other diseases.


[Parliamentary committee accepts framework to decriminalise sex work in Qld (brisbanetimes.com.au)](https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/politics/queensland/parliamentary-committee-accepts-framework-to-decriminalise-sex-work-in-qld-20240401-p5fgly.html) **Removal of mandatory testing** was/is what they have recommended. Also PLA chairman Colin Forrest SC told the committee these changes would open the industry to money laundering, worker coercion, people trafficking and illicit drug dealing. So much for safer.


>Sex Workers are some of the most tested people on the planet. FTFY


Hey. SWers get tested every three months. There are rules about using condoms and etc in QLD. You have to use a condom while having penetrative sex, if you’re fingering you’ll need to wear a glove, blow jobs need to be with a condom, and dental dams for bjs on her. Some girls won’t let you kiss her or do BJs on her because clients can be sneaky. When you pick the girl, you will enter a room and there they will do a health check. They will get a light and look at your genitals, pull back the foreskin (if you have it) and squeeze your penis lightly. This to check for any signs of STDs. If you pass this, they will go ahead. Sometimes they will get a second opinion. If you don’t, you’ll be asked to leave. If you pay the normal fee, it’s just a massage, blow job and sex. If you want things on top of that, it’s extra and you pay that either with cash or debit card. Before you do anything with her, you will discuss extras. If you don’t want any then don’t get it. But an extra $50 can get you a better experience. You’ll then have a shower and lay down. From there it’s pretty much, relax and try to enjoy the experience. If you feel uncomfortable, let her know and ask to leave. If you want to extend, let her know and they can organise that. Hope this helps!


That all sounds very clinical and mechanical. Great that health & safety is front & centre for both parties, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t see that rigmarole being much of a turn on at all.


It certainly isn’t. But trust me, it gives us both peace of mind. I have seen and denied clients who have huge clusters of herpes (Like cauliflower type warts), men with the worst self hygiene and don’t wash under their foreskin (it would physically pain them to move it), gonorrhoea come out of dicks, and syphilis sores on the sides of penises. I would always sit them down after denying them and explain what I think it is and refer them to a sexual health clinic. I couldn’t imagine how embarrassing it is for them. Especially when they are married and they have to put their wedding ring back on while you’re explaining that they might have a herpes outbreak.


Sounds like u do a great job, incredible the idiots who come in with some of those diseases, many of which are incurable.


I don’t do it anymore! But yes, the abuse I’ve been hurled when I’ve denied someone or they haven’t gotten off in time. Not my fault, and yes “I may have been a prostitute” but I don’t what’s worse? Being the prostitute or going to one. 😂 🤷‍♀️ Either way it taught me some great interpersonal skills and sexual education in my early 20s.


Nothing wrong with sex workers. I’m sure it can be a nice experience in the right circumstances and it’s between two consenting adults so it’s no one else’s business. In many ways for married men it’s better than emotional cheating by meeting up with someone else on a regular basis. So do u mind if I ask if ur happily married now and does ur partner know about your previous work history? 😊


We’re not married but he does know! I wouldn’t keep that from someone. And no people, I don’t have herpes because I was safe and I made sure to be careful with who I booked. If it looked suspicious then it was a no brainer. I had some really lovely regulars who used to see. They’d book me for 4 hours and sometimes we’d just chat and cuddle and they’d give me such great extras. I had one who offered me a bitcoin but I had no idea at the time what that was 🤣


Nice! Bitcoin huh, so u passed up on being a multimillionaire hehe 😄


I know right 😭


I don't think any amount of money is worth dealing with this. Those guys sound nasty af. Gross!


I haven’t done it in a long time, so I’m very removed from that now. But at the time I was younger, single and a lot of me wanted to fuck me so I wanted to make money and start my business up!


Sounds like you should be charging on Medicare as well as the extras on top. Good work and keep it up. Making society a healthier place. 👍


Christ almighty.


Yeah definitely got some weird and gross memories of it still.


Thankyou for your service. I fucking mean it. 


if you’re comfortable, could i ask about your experience working there? x


Sure swing me a dm.


It’s a business. You need to do the admin before you get on with the job. OH&S is always important and a good SWer can make you forget you went through all that pretty quickly.


Yep I guess it’s part of the skill to do the medical side and make it fun/sexy for the client too.


I knew it! Designated penis inspector is a real job. Thanks for the hard investigative work OP, you can have some cigarette and a sleep now.


Only $50? I don’t know any girl that would bother giving a better experience for only $50 😅 OP if you’re reading this extras are likely starting at $150 to have a goood time.


😂 This is a good point. I was coming from the standing point that most 21 year olds don’t have a lot of money! But yes.. chat to her about her extras. They’re different prices for different workers!


I’m just trying to think what anyone would get for $50 haha, touching… maybe?


Yeah, like boob touching, a dance, or something else. Some girls kiss and charge for that. Mostly they just box them up, like girlfriend experience or hardcore experience or bdsm. Etc. but if he wants to dip his toes, come with a little extra money.


Yeah, yeah, (also SWer here haha). That’s why I was shocked when you said only $50 lol but I guess so


What is classed as an extra for $150? I'd have thought the whole visit would be about that much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


No way dude haha. $150 alone probably won’t even get you in the room. $180 - 30 mins $220 - 45 $280 - hour Then extras for a GFE, touching her body usually just thighs, titties, ass but nothing like inside etc, maybe they’ll let you finger them with gloves on, or maybe you can body kiss, most girls don’t do mouth kissing, maybe she’ll let you do covered oral on her, maybe she’ll let you cuddle, maybe she’ll do a little lap dance, it’s all different every girl but then booking times the extras go up too. $150/200- 30 $200/$300 -45 $250/$400 - hour Then there’s like kinky GFE or porn star exp which is more intense and costs even more usually 30 mins is shit to be fair. A good time is 45-60 plus GFE so spending $400-$600 you’ll have the best time but depends who you choose as well and if you push their boundaries you won’t be having a good time cos they’ll be pissed off at you, naturally.


I've often wondered if the sex worker has to change the bed sheets herself between clients or if they have a separate housekeeping team to do that?


She/they/he usually will do a little house keeping like changing sheets and cleaning up, yeah.


Thanks for all that info it's really interesting to understand how it all works. I know I kind of took it off thread for OPs question but if they're reading what you wrote it's a good education for them. Haha I was thinking I'd just need the 5 minute express lane service, and that's probably on a good day 🤣


Yeah I’m curious to know if the client finishes in the first 5 or 10 mins how is the rest of the time spent - cuddling/chatting? I guess some married/attached men who are feeling guilty just want to get out of there fast…..


Cuddling (if she offers it), talking, a massage is included in the price, taking a shower and cleaning up. Some girls offer a second round but you gotta pay for it but if you can’t finish you don’t get your money back. PS usually it won’t finish that quickly unless you’re the type to get SO excited you cum without even getting touched because she’ll try to make it worth your while (if she’s decent) and draw it out. Cos we’re actually not just flesh lights you know? We need to warm our bodies up too and prepare.


I spin out reading these prices knowing strippers get paid similar if not more per hour for doing a lot less.


Not really. I was making around $950 - $3,000 per hour when I was doing sex work. I left work with $10k once after a good double shift. Went on a holiday after that.


Jesus Christ, that’s amazing! I couldn’t imagine.


Some girls charge more than this, or less. What I gave you is pretty standard and a safe amount to have on hand for a good time! And to be fair strippers are usually in clubs with drunk guys, drunk guys hand over money easier and aren’t always coming into the broth or often won’t be seen or allowed. Or if they are they’re the night shifts and girls on night shift earn a tonne more usually.


$220 was pretty standard base price 10 years ago. Not sure if inflation impacts sex work--no reason it wouldn't. Honestly, it isn't cheap, but that's the cost of regulation--and regulation of the industry is very much a good thing for all involved.


Wow, I have no idea of the costs tbh or how it has increased over time but I agree, there's no reason inflation would not have an impact same as any industry.


The boss of the broth pays… I think 10k a month for the licence let alone all the other expenses. SW is unlike any other work. We are literally using our bodies and often doing things with people we’d really rather not - of course you gotta pay a lot for it. Inflation affects everyone.


You pay a base fee for just a massage, blow job and sex. Anything else is not included. Generally a good punter will know this and not expect everything for free. We’re quite literally using our bodies as a business making tool - I’m certainly not giving away things when each service on top of that requires more of me.


Fair enough, I was only asking.


Haha, a ‘good punter’ like a quarter or even less tho of the people coming in, let’s be real 😂❤️


What does the $50 do that makes it better?


damn how many times do u go bro. get urself a girlfriend mate


😂 I have a bf. It’s called being a sex worker m8.


Brothels being in Australia are legal and therefore regulated. The girls regularly get tested and use protection when working. You're probably safer there than a random one night stand


You are way more likely to catch an STD from a random hook up than a professional establishment. At least at a brothel you onow the person has been tested recently.


Your odds of getting an STD from a licensed brothel are likely lower than if you just had a bunch of tinder hookups. Condoms are enforced and workers are tested regularly.


You don't have to be attractive to get girls, though you're 21, you'll learn later.


there was a guy in our friend circle who was literally missing a significant part lower jaw due to childhood cancer, and had tons of scars, and still got plenty of ladies. Because he was nice, interesting to talk to and not a misery guts, and treated women with respect. But also confident and not falling all over himself to try and impress people or agreeing to everything they said or anything. Like, a normal, well-balanced person.


What’s the secret 🫣


I wouldn’t stress man. I was a late bloomer and I worked on everything. Hell when I was younger than you I just didn’t know what to do so i ended up just drinking. Ended up getting hit by a car and had two years living with my filled in a town where I knew no one. So lost all my social skills. When I went back to uni my lack of social skills really showed. So I started to work on it. Went out most weekends. Talked to as many girls as I could. Over the next few years Improved my communication, comedy, fitness ect. They all helped but the biggest thing that I realised was that I was coming at it at an angle of thinking that my lack of success meant i wasn’t worthy of connection. It was once I realised that and started working on improving myself for me. Making sure I was doing things to make myself happy for me. That things really started to shift. I was having more dates. Meet more interesting people and had a lot more fun. Plus people that weren’t interested in me I didn’t take any notice. In this world there will be 10% of people who will like you no matter what you do. 80% are a maybe. Then the other 10 is people who will hate you no matter what. Focusing on that 10% that doesn’t like you is pointless. Instead look for the 10 that like you no matter what. There’s still more progress I have to make but that’s life. You don’t get to a point in your life and go “well that it. I’m done everything I can do” you just keep growing. So keep at it man. You just having to find your way and trust that no matter what you do matter and it will get better.


1) Learn how to observe well, pay attention to details 2) Learn how to be funny(part of this is learning how to observe) 3) Learn how to communicate well(so take mental notes of points of interest and ask questions about things they've shown interest in) 4) Be chill 5) Do hobbies that you enjoy, get good at these hobbies 6) Try new things, the creative arts are a good place to start, everyone loves to create and be near someone who is able to teach.


I’d also add things like learn your boundaries and be comfortable with being uncomfortable. It will suck but a lot of the time these days op will need to have a back bone and not accept bad behaviour. We aren’t options. So if you are treated like one. It’s time to say bye.


Yeha. Currently I am trying to improve my Comminution skill. Because English is my second language.


Use that to your advantage, women love an accent. Be honest, open, put yourself out of your comfort zone and dont try to get laid, women arent sex machines that turn on instantly like us guys. They generally need the process to all go well, ie if you could take her on a date and everything goes so well and you distract her from the troubles/problems in her life and she has a great time with you, she will generally initiate the hey lets go upstairs together convo. But hey, if it doesnt happen, dont stress.


Get a small fluffy dog


Confidence, making them laugh and more than anything not giving a fuck. There's a level of nuance to each but that's it distilled. The last one is most straight forward - desperation is the world's biggest turn off.


This. Though for OPs benefit, unless you're a very skilled actor, it's hard to adequately fake not giving a fuck what people think of you. You can usually see through an act. Generally it comes with age and it's hard to speed up that process. That said, you can do two things to help. Get yourself a mantra--that is, when you catch yourself worrying what others think (unreasonably) remind yourself that you really don't need to care--most people usually care more about how they appear than how you do. Two, if you really want to go whole hog, practice by dressing outlandishly, or deliberately doing things outside the norm (that don't negatively impact others). Essentially trying to desensitise yourself to being seen as weird. But my man, OP, honestly, as long as you're not a cunt, just be you. The rest will just happen naturally as you get older.


Don't mind me running with you here, I feel like we're totally on the same wavelength, here and this has prompted me to put a little more effort in and elaborate thoughts in kind >It's hard to adequately fake not giving a fuck. Truth. I like to use a dancefloor analogy. You're only going to look silly on a dancefloor if you're there standing still with a drink in your hand because you're too worried about how you'll look. It's a revelation when you realise that everybody is too busy having a good time, and if they were worried about how anybody looks on the dancefloor it's themselves, not you. \[Sidenote: We're often all more relatable than we sometimes realise (broaching that relatability is the beginnings of connecting with someone)\]. This is very relevant to confidence; fake projected confidence might do something for some, to get you through long enough to find your feet more surely, but some people will be turned right off by it, because it's so often faked in a one dimensional way whilst real confidence in who you are / your position is more holistic in nature. Forced confidence often comes off, to me, as brash and cockier than you can back up then retreats into hesitation at the slightest challenge - rather than running with it. One can be quite calm and friendly and confident. That's often denoted as 'charm'. Resilience is also important for confidence. That is the antithesis of ship-sinking hesitation, and comes with experience. The irony is that if you aren't that confident due to lack of life experience and simply accept that and try to gain life experience, you're on a good path to building genuine confidence. >Generally it comes with age Fair - I would say it comes with experience, and age provides opportunity for experience. A concerted effort to go out as much as possible will bring experience, too. I know you know this (and I am just building on it), as you said *generally*. Sure, some people may be more predisposed than others, but all these things you just have to get out there, build and hone - I reckon, anyway. For all of this, authenticity is worth its weight in gold - so cultivate situations for oneself which allow a path for those growth. >Two, if you really want to go the whole hog. That's an interesting one (as in, the psyche involved)! As in, you can 'mask' and dissociate yourself from persecution by 'owning it' and being different on your own terms? \[Edit: I believe this to be spoken as truth\]. I don't knock it, it's a ballsy approach - and a fun one.


Thank you, truly, you put all of that beautifully and clarified some of my thoughts that in retrospect I did brush over quickly. I couldn't agree more with everything you've said and I hope OP reads it and is able to take at least some of it to heart. I have to admit, I'm not married to point two, though you again nailed the essence of it better than my original phrasing. Mostly just a suggestion if you have trouble with the true 'secret', which is fundamentally persistence, experience, patience.


Don't objectify them or financially coerce them to have sex with you. Good place to start.


A wise man once said “Girls don’t like boys, girls like cars and money” that man went onto marry one of Charlie’s angels.


It's literally the safest place to have sex. All workers are tested and MUST have clean certificates to work. Condoms are used for everything, including BJ as is the law. One of my good friends is a SWer in a brothel here and is the loveliest person. Happy to make a recommendation


I hate to blow your mind here, but condoms arent 100% safe, and unless your whole body is inside a giant condom, it most defiently isnt safest. Testing only happens every few months/weeks. Meaning hundreds of men have been there before you, from skin infections like cellulitis to warts and horrendous fungal, bacterial and viruses on the shower floors, sheets etc. Your immune system generally does a great job at fighting these things off and most people are lucky. But it only takes one dirty prick before you.


I don't recall saying they were 100% safe. I merely pointed out the laws and requirements that sex workers follow. Sit down.


They'll get a condom onto you at the first opportunity.


I know my advice is unsolicited. Clean and groom yourself, get some tailor made fitting shirts and trousers, online is so cheap. Its almost winter time so get a fitting blazer. Have a few sips of whiskey and just take a walk in the city at 10pm. You will be surprised.


They’re probably more scared of you than you are of them.


You can get a GP to prescribe you PrEP. It’ll lower your risk of getting HIV by about 99%. You can take it daily to make it most effective or on demand (double the dose at least two hours prior, then one for each of two days after sex). And if you’re squeamish, there are online Telehealth services that will do this.


Picking up at clubbing seems way more risky


If you are 21 you should of had your HPV vaccine when you were about 14, other than that I guess if you treat it like any other midnight fling and wear a comdom you should be as safe as you can be.


Thanks mate ✌️


I wonder how many other vaccines I missed out on


You should see if you can get this one


The vaccine doesn’t provide immunity to all strains of HPV, only the ones they know to cause cervical cancers , so it’s still a massive gamble .


Depending on the age group you sleep with quite a lot of people have hpv regardless of whether they’re a sex worker


The most horrifying picture I have ever seen was some variation of HPV causing crested wart florets, on the head of a guys member on ask docs. I don’t think getting them burned off was even an option, it was so much.


If you think that's bad, don't google filiform warts, they nasty


Sure, which is the main concern. It's primarily 1-2 strains that cause the majority of HPV induced cancers. If there are any left that do cause cancer and we don't realise yet, it's because they're really uncommon and cause an extremely small amount of cancers. Outside of the ones the vaccine protects against, they're generally accepted to be mostly benign.


Don't know why you got downvoted for being right. Avoiding cancer is about risk factors. It's impossible to avoid everything. Walking down the street and inhaling the car exhaust around you is a carcinogen, but you weigh the risk against the reward of being able to leave your house. Unless you want to be sexless, and not already in a completely committed 100% monogamous relationship, HPV is a likelihood. As long as it's not the cancer giving kind that's just the risk of life.


HPV vaccine only covers some strains, mate.  There are numerous.


didnt they teach you how to put a condom on a banana?


Yeha. I know tha.


Similar boat, most brothels and escorts are pretty clean as long as you look after yourself and wear protection you're good I did cop an infection several years back though, from a small cut on my pork sword and an unprotected beej. Yes, condoms are a requirement however I have encountered a few escorts that didn't use them or offered extra to not use them.


Used to go to Brothels when I was single quite a lot, my partner asked me to get tested when we first started our relationship, didn’t get a single STD, very low chance you will get one all the sex acts are performed with a condom on


Your testing didnt show a single std/sti. I work in the health profession and testing isnt a once off thing. Its a multi tiered, repeatative pain in the ass. The tests dont cover you for everything either. Theres so much more you can pick up from high risk encounters than an sti test can detect.


Sex workers in brothels are required by law to have regular STI checks, I’d probably be more concerned about randoms in the valley.


I don't think there such thing as a "not attractive person" because attraction is such a personal thing. It's subjective not objective. I find people physically attractive when I'm drawn to their nature; their essence. I got nothing against using a brothel in the meantime, but I wouldn't sell yourself short. You might realise one day that someone finds you attractive because they like who you are.


Almost 5 years in Australia and just found out prostitution is legal


I know some people who visit them, and none have reported any unwanted lingering effects. On the other hand when I was bought back in the resuscitation ward at 2am in December there was a very angry patient next to me who had been brought back and was yelling at the people who resuscitated her about how they had “cost her a fortune you fuckheads” and “do you have any idea how much fucking sex I had to have to buy the GHB that they stole” and screaming at the top of her lungs to the entire ER about how if she wanted to die she would have and calling all of the medics dumb fuckwits and then accusing them of stealing her phone too. I didn't find her very sexy. So not sure what the quality is like. Maybe read some google reviews.


Interesting, poor thing, see this is why more people should study chemistry, is insanely easy to make GHB, heck most drugs are easy to make, or at least to make analogues.


Must be why the penalties for it are so harsh for ghb.




where do you go to?


You could also consider visiting a self-employed sex worker. There's a huge selection on the Escorts and Babes website. I think they offer much better value for money and some of them will also provide the service at your place (outcall) if that's what you want.


Is it safe than brothel ?


I don’t think it would be any safer in terms of practice, but in my experience the providers don’t see as many clients per day/week as brothel workers. I recommend it because you get more choices and a better service.


Some of the ugliest guys get girls. Don’t lower yourself and pay for affection. Work hard, go to the gym and focus on yourself. You’re person will come before you know it


Gardisil vaccine will protect you from 9 different strains of the human papilloma virus. It's free. There is also prophylaxis for HIV (Tenofovir) - you can get a prescription from the State run sexual health clinic in Brisbane. And use condoms!


>Not attractive person therefore no girls So you want to get a hooker ? Spidey sense tells me you need to work on you as much as your appearance.


No matter what your personal opinions are on sex workers, if OP wants to engage in a safe transaction at a legitimate brothel, there's nothing wrong with that. Others have provided uplifting, constructive and useful advice in this thread to OP about their personal situation and ways to get into a relationship. If you haven't got something nice to say......


What do you mean by saying 'no matter what your opinions are on sex workers...there's nothing wrong with it"? Surely you know some people are of the opinion that there is something wrong with it?


Definitely true. Perhaps not the best choice of words on my part. What I could have said was "no matter what your opinions are... It's not our place to judge/none of our business"


The idea that we can't judge other people's actions is ridiculous. We judge people all the time. People who litter, steal, don't say thanks to the bus driver etc those actions are judged by most in society. Judging an issue, having an opinion and debating about it is ok actually.


What I said was probably the nicest, most genuine thing in this entire thread. The logic that "I'm not attractive there for I need a hooker" is fucked up. OP needs to look inwards.


I do. I dress nice. Try to talk nice.


I'm pretty sure you have a tougher time being able to donate blood if you see a prozzy because of the vector for diseases. You'll get laid eventually if you work hard on your appearance and career. Donating blood/ plasma regularly also keeps you accountable with not wanting to see a lady of the night. At the donation center you get to talk to the nice lady nurses for under an hour, you get a random text saying you saved a life (when it happens), its free to donate + you get free food after and you're more likely to feel good from the experience where as some people can feel guilt for seeing a pay-to-win missus. Besides when you get an actual real-life woman girlfriend - you can brag to her about being a life saver instead of the weirdness of having to explain to her about how many women you have done the good-good with for money. Honestly, donating blood is a better long term strat for your sex life than just paying for a girl to touch your benis. Be a chad and donate blood. Don't do it for you, do it for the people who need life saving blood & your future girlfriend who wants to have sex with a man who hasn't paid a prozzy to do it. It's a real gamer move. Trust me bro.


Random. But nice.


On the nights that I am lonely... I do get curious about the simple comforts of the pay-ladies... But I know I shall not falter! Curiosity doesnt wane my conviction! I WILL GET A LONG TIME BIG TIDDY GF!!! MY BLOOD WILL GO TO THE WEAK, THE PREGNANT, THE CANCER RIDDEN!!! THIS IS LIFEBLOOD!


Pretty sure they don't take blood if your on crack.


You're\* ... That aside I have never swung the crystal pistol, I really enjoy 8 hours of sleep and could never bring myself to harm that. Also, as long as you're not intravenously using crack and only smoking it you can still donate blood. This isn't me saying blood donors should do crack but I would like to take this chance to say, consult your doctor and get a marijuana prescribed pot addiction. It's cheaper than crack by many measures and is a performance enhancing weapon when it comes to getting those 8 hours of sleep.


What wild prompts are you using to generate this ?


Dude the fact that you think I had help typing these responses is a huge compliment. Some people just wired that way mango.


Haha, you are welcome, dude! I guess some of us are just natural keyboard warriors, right? 🎮 No extra help needed here, just pure unassisted typing skills. Keep rocking that keyboard, mango! 🤘


I can be this annoying in person too. This isn't even my final form gamer.


That's the first genuine thing you have written!


Why do you think yourself unattractive? You're 21 man, hit the gym, get a good personal hygiene routine and practice active listening. Find someone to practice a humorous rapport with. I am a gay man with a lot of female friends and I can tell you most just want someone to listen, be attentive and laugh with.


I already going to the gym. Trying to be socialist. During Covid i think I lost my social life and become a cave man always in my room. Other thing is my English is not good. I think I am on right path.


Its not all about being a meat puppet gym boy either. Youve just gotta put yourself out there, you wont find a good woman in your room, or most likely piss in a club etc. keep trying, find one thats smart and self respecting and your set for life






sex is not human connection you would do better spending your cash on a series of sessions with a therapist the alternative is becoming the guy at Bondi on Sunday


First of all, Bondi incident was on Saturday, and secondly that guy was schizophrenic aka very easy for certain bad faith people to exploit

