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This is beyond fucked.


Scary time to have a vagina


I don't understand the downvotes cos you're not fuckin wrong! We keep being murdered


Legit I didn’t mean any disrespect to this specific case or lady. Just I genuinely feel scared right now to simply exist as a female 😭


What kind of comment is that? A woman is dead you prick.


She deserved better. Condolences to her loved ones.


OH my God the poor woman!!. may she Rest in Peace


https://www.9news.com.au/national/queensland-woman-found-dead-in-nundah/aa76025b-f904-4122-8363-d38aa72638b2 Don't use AMP links.


What is wrong with AMP links? What even are they?


Really simplified answer, AMP links are 'Accelerated Mobile Pages' which allow you to load pages faster on your mobile, however google can track you.


I feel like if every webpage didn't feel the need to load fifty ads in my face there wouldn't be a need for optimisation. For me the difference appears to be that the ads load in different spots - AMP one seems slightly more intrusive, but only just.


While I hate Google tracking me through sites, I get a fun little recap of each month from Google maps telling me where I've been so they're tracking us regardless of what sites we open.


You can turn off location tracking in your Google account


you can enter into incognito mode and never be tracked also, on google maps


I have used an alternative search engine for a long time but I had no idea I could go incognito with maps. That's awesome. Thanks!


"They're tracking us regardless" isn't quite the same as "Hol' up, let me specifically contribute more to analytics to build data images we don't fully understand the current and future import of."


How can you tell the difference? 🤔 How can we avoid it? :) I've never heard of it before would appreciate if you can explain how to avoid them x


To add on to the other reply, basically any extremely long link will also have a tracking code on it too. For example if you get a YouTube link with more than roughly tenish characters those are usually to link the sender to the recipient, you can literally cut them off and have the link function. Facebook marketplace links are similar and are even easier to truncate because there’s a slash where you can cut it off


If you look at the OP link, you see the url started with //amp. Instead of //www. That's basically it, change that part when you share links with friends. Also there is generally link buttons on new articles and websites, you can use those instead of just cut and pasting the URL on browser.


Who gives a fuck 🙄


lol I guarantee you someone's tracking you anyway.. Hi daddy Joe!




Mods encourage conversation but comments like this add nothing. Multiple examples of this will result in your account being removed from this subreddit


Didn't know until now, but AMP links are Accelerated Mobile Pages that attempt to load web pages faster on mobile phones


Thank you


What’s that?


They are saying not suspicious, so may not have been DV!


Da fuq is wrong with people? That’s 2 today.


That we know of. No sign of stopping unfortunately.


As a kid growing up overseas in a tight knit community - many of the cases of domestic violence revolves around alcoholism / Gambling.. most of the Abusers were men (The females were looked on with empathy & respect for hanging in there “For the kids”) & a tiny fraction were women (but the abused men were looked down on as being pathetic). It revolves around the addict looking for money for their addiction while the partner prioritising the money in a tea box or in a cushion to pay for food / kids clothes. Social factors were in place where women stayed at home while the men congregated at the pub for a chat & a drink (this was the usual excuse for forcing the partner to hand it over after some forceful battery). There is a major Gambling problem here in Australia & I’ve seen old people Queue up at pokie-pubs early in the morning waiting for them to open - playing all day up until late at night. I’ve worked at a lot of the pubs owned by our two major supermarkets - they’re designed to keep people playing all day.. A dark room heavily lit/No clocks / Free tea/coffee facilities / ATM / free finger food near lunch time.. I’ve seen addicts wedging a beer mat inside the start button on one machine while they manually play another - waiting for that loud flashing addictive “Win” music only to gamble it all away again.. I’ve never seen that many people cashing in & walking out with a big win. These are the problems they tried to address years ago but Tony Abbott jumped to the defence of pokie venues with - “They support our lifeguards”.. which was disgusting knowing these peoples families are near destitution !! Then there’s the rise of online gambling during Covid where you win small & lose big.. and people ppl e have lost 100’s of $1,000’s - life saving in a few weeks!!! I’m told drugs like ice have a major factor also but I don’t know much about that !?


The only way an intelligent person is involved with gambling is running the game.


Gambling is not a male problem only, my grandmother had 4 houses in the 1990s. Lost every house and nearly her own home due to gambling.


2? What did I miss? In QLD or nationally?




Thank you.


And one in WA yesterday too


The other one hasn’t been called a violent death. May be OD.


She was stabbed, seems pretty violent to me.


Sadly, it may still be DV


This case is a suicide, please show respect and don't speculate.


What was the other one?


The bear, without question.


Forgive my ignorance, what is "the bear"?


I also had never heard of this until now. Here's an explainer I found: https://www.mamamia.com.au/bear-or-man-test/


Thanks. Yikes.


Truly sad state.


Sounds like a version of the “black or lion” test. It's basically the same question. Would you prefer to be alone with a black person or a lion? The bear test is just for misandrists instead of racists.


I'm male, and would also take the bear, that's honestly nothing to do with not feeling safe around people of any kind, we're simply a more dangerous predator and more risk in the scenario


Disagree, in the situation described, the risk is much higher with a bear. You are more at risk of being killed by a man, and it is reasonable and rational to be more scared of a man because of that, but in the end that's because of significantly higher interactions with men. The fear is rational, but the situation described is hyperbole. You are also significantly more likely to be killed by a woman for example than a bear, but again that's due to the same reason of many more interactions. The reason this scenario gets the answer it does is because many women have felt the real fear of men while the bear remains hypothetical. It is a fair commentary in that sense that it is shit they are made to feel that way on a regular basis.


The scenario is cohabitation of a first area with either a best or unknown human right? Assuming that simply teaming up isn't an option because that ruins the scenario then another human is a larger threat than a bear. Simple as that really


It’s currently being treated as not suspicious, these sort of assumptions are not helpful.


"A woman has been found with fatal stab wounds to her chest inside a unit in Brisbane." "The circumstances of the woman's sudden death are being investigated but police say it is not initially being treated as suspicious." I'm sorry, what?


This was my question too!? How tf does that line up


Cop boyfriend?


My very first thought.. never heard of “non suspiciously being fatally stabbed in the chest”?


Some peoples chests just do that


I thought that too but then maybe it could mean self inflicted?


Anecdotal but I have looked after a number of people with self inflicted stab wounds, the injuries are far worse than you’d expect someone could inflict on themselves with that method.


i can only guess but i assume it means they know exactly who did it and why, so there's nothing to be suspicious about


lol that isn't what "not being treated as suspicious" means. > *A classification of a death as not suspicious occurs when a coroner (together with law enforcement) make a preliminary determination that no third party was somehow involved in nefariously causing an individual’s death.*


This needs to fucking stop!


Spoiler alert, it won't. But the people who can't accept that will do a lot of evil trying.




Inappropriate topic.


How is a body with stab wounds to the chest not deemed suspicious? Suicide? Do they already know whom the suspect is?


Let me make a total guess. It was her current or former male partner.


This comment aged well


Well it’s apparently not considered suspicious so presumably it’s either natural causes or self inflicted


Male Brisbane Redditors last week: "Why are you posting about a protest for women's rights? Men get hurt by their female partners, too! Hurrr!" /s 🙄


It's a whataboutism. These men don't give a shit about men who have been harmed. I'm a man and have been falsely accused of DV & was abused emotionally, physically, and legally by my ex-wife. These are the same men who would laugh at my experiences. Men are the higher rates of doing this stuff, and it needs to stop. Yes, all perpetrators of abuse need to be punished and stopped, but the big difference between me and most women in my circumstances is that my ex isn't a physical threat to me. As long as I stay away from her, there's nothing she can do to me, I'm at no risk of being murdered, I could very easily defend myself from her.


I'm so sorry you went through that :( You didn't deserve it, nobody deserves it.


Thanks. I'm just glad she doesn't give a shit about her kid so I got to keep my son. I don't think I would've made it through if I'd lost him.


I’m so sorry this happened to you.


>The circumstances of the woman's sudden death are being investigated but police say it is not initially being treated as suspicious.


Wrong but nice fear mongering


The death was deemed non suspicious.


How does that even work!? It’s stab wounds. Did I miss something?


I’m not sure but all recent new pages are saying it was deemed non suspicious?


That hurts my brain


https://amp.9news.com.au/article/aa76025b-f904-4122-8363-d38aa72638b2 That’s 9news and many others are saying the same thing? Maybe I’m looking at a different person? But all info seems to match up


Oh no I’m not arguing with you! I am just confused how stab wounds aren’t suspicious


That’s okay! I was just making sure I had the right info :) but yes that does seem suspicious, stab wounds don’t happen by themselves


Maybe the Bondi one yesterday as well?


At the bottom of the news articles is a link to beyond blue and lifeline...so 


There’s a whole lot more going on, undocumented.




Pretty sure the majority of schools in Australia are coed


It says it's not suspicious, did anyone actually open the article first?


Cost of living pressure is driving up DV rates.....prove me wrong!


cost of living skyrocketing, social fabric disintegrating, ambient rage in the air... I'm sure it won't keep getting worse though


Victims are trapped in abusive households due to the lack of available shelter, if they have children, it's especially hard to risk homelessness. And with the costs of rents skyrocketing, many have been driven out of their hometowns, many hours away from the support networks who might be able to recognise something is wrong. When people talk about property investors making a killing, they are being literal.


By DV rates do you mean murdering, raping, and harassing women? Because men are the sole cause for those rates rising. As an Aussie bloke myself, poverty has never made me think about killing another human being, and it shouldn’t be that way for anyone else. Life is hard, killing people is not the answer.


While it doesn't cause domestic violence, Australia's housing crisis is the perfect environment for predators and abusers. Housing is such a shortage, many are forced to go homeless, people are desperate for shelter, it's harder to leave than ever. And with rents out of control, many have been forced out of the cities, away from their support networks who could recognise something is wrong. Meanwhile you have people freely advertising spare rooms available to "good little girls" who defend themselves by saying they're just providing housing during a crisis.


You’re correct. Australia’s housing crisis does force vulnerable people into difficult situations with shitty people. The whole system is predatory and needs to be changed. It doesn’t however negate the fact that the overwhelming majority of these abusers are men and that the issue of male violence stems from the way men are socialised and how they’re taught to value women. Men don’t beat and kill women because they’re poor, they do it because they’re vile pieces of shit and have been getting away with it since we used to throw rocks at each other.


The social fallout from Australia's housing policies will only get uglier and more confronting.


that's not how the burden of proof works buddy


to that dude/ette on here yesterday saying, ohh its logan... well lookie here.




Self inflicted was my first thought.


We all need to call this out and we need more male voices calling it.


If I put a like on your reply it's job done right?


Im talking about real actual life, when you hear your mates talking shit about girls, call them out. When you see a man harassing a woman, call them out. When your peers talk about rape like it’s funny. When they joke about violence against women. Whenever you hear the bullshit that allows this culture to continue, call it out. IRL. Not so sure it’s a keyboard thing…


My mates don't talk shit about women. I'm not calling out a man that I think is harassing a woman because everyone has a different threshold as to what harassment is. When I've done it in the past it usually riles up the male for obvious reasons, and riles the female because she thinks that I think she can't control the situation (power to the pussy bullshit 💪). I don't know of any man that thinks rape is funny and they certainly don't joke about hitting women as they know in the male domain as it's definitely a beta cuck (weak) move. This shit happens behind closed doors, and is only really visible to those in the immediate vicinity. There's a prevailing piece of wisdom that circulates in the male community these days which is 'the best fight you can have, is the one you avoid'. Same goes for females, just get the fuck out of dodge. Recognise the signs of beta cuck aggressors and don't let them into your personal space, and for crying out loud, don't breed with them. These traits are heritable.


In certain cultures, all the men call out a man who is doing the wrong thing. You’re right, don’t do anything.


Ok I got you. Suicide should stop. Please don't do it.


Is it just me or has this been happening far more frequently these last couple years in Australia? Been living here since I was 4 and it seems every other day there’s been another unaliving, especially with women.


You're likely paying more attention and the media are responding to a heightened public interest due to a perceived pattern or increase in incidents. Overall murders of women (per capita and raw numbers) has dropped over the last 30 years, as with men (who are still murdered much more than women, mostly by other men). https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.FE.P5?locations=AU


So men are responsible for female suicide now?? 👀


On one hand, this needs to be reported so people pay attention and we as a country deal with this issue head on. On the other hand, I can't help but feel all the media attention this year is sparking further instances. Like in cases of well televised cases of serial killers leading to wannabe copycats or rise in suicides when its in the media.


I work in DV - the general public would be shocked to hear how many reports of DFV are made every single day. The increase in media reporting deaths is fairly recent and although the numbers are going up the incidents of DFV reported daily (reported, not just occurring) has been far far higher than most people realise for a really long time.


Thank you for all that you’re doing


Agree. Considering the dominant narrative about DV and control used to be turning a blind eye as "that's between husband and wife", and therefore not newsworthy, it absolutely needs to be amplified.


What percentage get an adequate response from authorities? I'm assuming it's low.


There are definitely issues with police responses but in my experience the bigger issue is with the courts granting bail willy nilly, and the lack of support services - particularly emergency accommodation.


Granting bail and choosing not to record convictions even after multiple incidents


Where do you get the stats/reports from?


I work in a police led taskforce - every morning we get a report on the amount of reports made in the prior 24 hours


So that's reports made to police? So if a woman goes to a FV support group place and tells them what's been happening that wouldn't be included as a stat? Or would it?


I’m talking specifically about reports made to police. Which means the actual number of incidents would be even higher again because most don’t go reported


Yes, that was the point I was trying to get it. So although most people and organisations criticise police around FV, here in Australia we only count reports of FV made to Police? That's poor. Are there other places for woman to go, other than police stations as a first point of contact if they want to escape an abusive relationship?


No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the the amounts of reports made to police every day are more than what most people would think. I’m not saying disclosures made to other services don’t “count” or that disclosing to other services doesn’t mean help can’t be accessed. It can. You can disclose to, say, a social worker in hospital and they can assist you with accessing services whether you make a statement to police or not. My point was simply that there is more DV going on than people realise. I simply used one metric - reports made to police - to illustrate that


Have to disagree. People need to be confronted with the dark realities of what’s happening in this country. It shouldn’t be hidden and hushed like suicide and mental health in general.


I agree whole heartedly on mental health...the problem tho is, the law makers are causing the issues... So whilst the selfish, greedy corrupt, power hungry people are the ones writing, funding and enforcing the law, mental health issues wont be properlly addressed, thus resulting in a continuation of hypocrisy and stupidity


Domestic violence doesn't tend to be planned out, unlike suicide or serial killing.


Domestic abusers don’t need inspiration to be horrible people though


Unfortunately it's been a problem for a long time, it's just getting more attention now instead of being swept under the rug. Domestic abuse was/often still is seen as "a family issue, don't get involved." Or, worse, "what did she do to deserve it? Should have been a better wife/girlfriend, he wouldn't have gotten so mad." It's a respect thing. Abusers think they own these women, they fully think these women deserve to be punished, and that they are fully justified in being judge, jury, and executioner. It's a disgusting lack of empathy and often a huge dosing of misogyny - they saw their fathers have a wife in a time women had no rights, couldn't divorce, were expected to be slaves to the man of the household. These days, though often back then as well, women/children/partners of abusers won't put up with this, and the abuser sees others as malfunctioning when they don't fulfil the role they expect of them. Hence the escalation from verbal threats to physical violence as they try to exert their control to 'correct' this. If/when the victim tries to leave, this is when they most intensely fear loss of control, and their fragile egos just can't handle it. This is the most dangerous period, as many will see 'no choice' but to punish them by murdering them. They literally think they are right to do so, and this way of thinking has been perpetuated and enabled by the hushing up about it. Victims fear they will be killed, and the police often can or won't do anything until they are. It has happened time and time and time again, it's maddeningly common how often victims have gone to the police over again and even gotten protection orders (which do nothing to help and only enrages them further, it turns out), then they turn up dead. Talking about it and about how their abusive beliefs about people (especially women's place below men) are skewed, and disgusting and cowardly, and not "manly, putting your wife in her place" and normal behind closed doors. Hopefully it means means that our current and next generations know that domestic violence is not normal and not tolerated and it also makes sure that both victims and their abusers know that this is finally going to be taken seriously. And making sure to root out this behaviour in the police force itself is also going to take public outrage to fund. I didn't mean this to refute what you said, I'm pretty much in agreement, but I do think the good it does to publish this sort of thing and spark these conversations and hopefully speed change along, outweighs the potential copycats, because I think they were probably already thinking along the same awful and stupidly shortsighted lines.


Intimate partner homicide is down 70% from 1990 in Australia so whilst it has been a problem for a long time it has certainly gotten far better. We are talking about a minute fraction of the population perpetrating these crimes. I think they are all disgusting humans but I don't know that you can really say that hopefully the next generation knows not to do it when that has been the messaging for decades and seems to have been successful at reducing these instances. Source for the 70% statistic: https://www.aihw.gov.au/family-domestic-and-sexual-violence/responses-and-outcomes/domestic-homicide#changed-over-time


Holy fuck, a voice of reason. No way. Cheers. These types of conversations ("it's getting worse and there's nothing being done" type conversations) only push society further away from solving issues like this and many others. Instead of looking at systemic factors that need to be implemented at the governmental level, influenced by media, people are quick to form tribes and paint the other tribe as the villain. This way the populace will always be divided and unable to form a cohesive plan to solve various issues. A playbook as old as time. Whether your the person spouting "fuck off, not all men are murderers!" Or the person saying "A lot of women are dying every day and it's only getting worse." You're both failing to look at why these things are happening and get sidetracked into believing the narrative that best suits your worldview rather than advocating for meaningful changes. A house divided cannot stand. Recommended reading: Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky


It's strange. If you believe there is a problem don't you need the accurate statistics so that you know what to target, what works, etc. Normally when I give statistics like these with the sources, I just get told I'm wrong as evidenced by the other person that replied. The stat I have doesn't agree with their world view so they want to discredit it no matter what.


Thank you, yes!




These people will do this anyway with or without media It is happening everywhere and now it’s reported. We need judges to back the basic first time charges.


Hard disagree. This needs to be talked about until boys and young men are taught what to do with their emotions instead of taking them out violently on women and others. Not to mention better funding for mental health and women's services for DV should be in more of the spotlight. Edit... Removed A from DV


I'd love to have an expert's opinion but I wonder how much DV can actually be attributed to people needing to be 'taught what to do with their emotions'? I'd argue that they're not capable of dealing with emotions like a healthy human could. [This article](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/invisible-bruises/202210/do-abusers-understand-their-behavior-is-wrong) puts forward the idea that most abusers have traits of a personality disorder. It also states that those with personality disorders are unlikely to understand that what they did is wrong and therefore would continue abuse. I know that in the case of men, personality disorders are often more likely to be undiagnosed. I'd imagine that a lot of these people committing DV are people who have been failed by family and friends as children, and are likely to pass that trauma onto their own children (i.e. intergenerational mental health).


I'm no expert but in my own therapy with 2 seperatev therapists I'v had many discussions of childhood trauma and even just how much childhood experiences effect you as adults. As well as doing deep dives into psychology text books which are then a topic of discussion with my therapists so i can more clearly understand the theory. That being said I'm still no expert. Though from my experience I feel that labeling this as personally disorders as a cop out. I for many of my 20s had anger issues. Luckily even if i got angry at something that anger went inward not outward and was never violent. Through 5 years of therapy I firstly leart about the ranges of anger. A practice which allowed me to start being mindful of the different situations that my anger came up and then the awareness to make sure it never got to a point where it was past the point of no return and the only way it would go away was for it to explode. Once I learnt that, then I started to look inward. And when I did that I learnt about IFS (Internal family systems) which is a concept that emotions are not you, they are just parts of you that act in ways in that it feels is the best way to protect you, even if it is or it isn't. For example if you see someone say something you feel is wrong part of you comes up and wants to call them a idiot. It's just part of you trying to protect you from feeling hurt or not enough or whatever the internal reason. I had a issue with rejection that a part of me would always get frustrated and angry. Not at people but at myself because if they rejected me, it meant I was not good enough to receive their love, etc. And I worked on that for the past 2 years. Now i say all this because before that 5 years of knowledge an self growth I didn't know any of that. No one told me any of it. I was just lucky that i was in a place that I was willing to accept help. And its because of this, I do believe men need help. But simply saying "don't hit women" isn't enough. It's the underneath that's the problem. Its that they don't have a outlet to express their emotions healthy. It's the experiences from their parents that were ingrained in them. It's the lessons from society that even though it is saying men should be able to cry we still can't do that openly. Because we are still scared of how others will perceive us, how if our wives will leave us because they want their men to be the masculine man. How we see that society rewards the arseholes. This clip from Brene Brown about shame really explains it well [https://youtu.be/psN1DORYYV0?si=-qIcjbVsnYzOqR1o&t=996](https://youtu.be/psN1DORYYV0?si=-qIcjbVsnYzOqR1o&t=996) I'm sure I'm going to get downvoted for this for some reason but whatever. Just my thoughts on the problem to help prevent DV because we all know whats happening. We would just rather a easy solution than accept it is a deep and very complex issue. Though I will say this. If you are finding it hard to talk to the men in your life, get them to watch this comedy special by daniel sloss. https://danielsloss.com/streaming/x/. Just don't tell them what it is about. And if you are going to comment about why I'm recommending a comedy special. Then watch it yourself and understand.


Thank you for sharing this- really brave of you to do all of that self-work


Well said and agreed. Actually, an individual with a personality disorder can be prone to an increased risk of aggression, but not everyone with a personality disorder exhibits violent tendencies. Most people diagnosed with personally disorders do not engage in violent behaviours and many lead productive and fulfilling lives. So where violence stems from is a complex topic involving many factors which should be considered. Such as: biological, psychological, social and environmental factors, substance and drug abuse and cultural and societal influences.


This is not what Stern concluded in ‘Why does he do that?’ He found they all knew exactly what they were doing, and it’s born out by the fact they choose when and where and how far to take it.


As an Aussie bloke myself, your first point is the actual elephant in the room and so many people are ignoring that conversation! We can distract ourselves with mental health and cost of living discussions all we want, but the sole cause of DV and violence against women has always been men, how were socialised, and how were taught to devalue women.




Comments that are clearly meant as hate speech will be removed immediately and users banned. https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


DVA? Don't you mean DV?...DVA pays me my pension.


I didn't notice the A! My bad. I'm guessing auto correct did this and I missed it.




There is zero evidence that harsher sentences stop crime but plenty of evidence that supports further education as a preventative measure. Your bullshit about men committing suicide because they're being 'shamed' about being part of the problem? Again, zero evidence and deflection from the issue.




They were a young couple and the perpetrator is her partner , so yes it’s DV.


The media needs to call out in headlines "Cowardly pathetic man kills woman - proves he really isnt a tough alpha"


And stop talking about what a great bloke he is, his education, his career etc while barely mentioning the victim.


This is an incredibly naive take.


Wannabe copycats are probably going to more commit crimes like terrorism or mass murder or be serial killers. IPV and DV are usually cases of just spur of the moment loss of control and anger turning into violence.


I really wish people would stop making this a gender war. This is not the result of men holding some deep-seated hatred of women. Fitzgerald and Graham (2016) found that over 80% of domestic violence offences are recorded against someone who has a lifetime criminal conviction on their record. Kerr, Whyte and Strang (2017) found that over 60% of domestic violence events are perpetrated by someone with a previous domestic violence offence. So, if we wanted to reduce domestic violence by 80% annually, all we would have to do is have legislation that holds the 1.5% of criminals in Australia accountable for their crimes. But we have progressively more "understanding" sentencing processes, allowing more and more criminals (who are statistically more likely to commit domestic violence) on the streets. Even if you claimed that every criminals was male. That means that 3% of Austrralian males have a criminal conviction and are responsible for 80% of domestic violence. In no other part of life do we blame 97% of the population for the behaviour of 3%. Domestic violence is 4 times more likely to occur in low socio-economic environments. Aboroginal women are 35 times more likely to be hospitalised by domestic violence than other Australians. This is not a gender war, this is a social issue. 1.5% of the population need to be adequately sentenced and removed from society. There is not a man in Australia who doesn't know that domestic violence is deplorable and immoral. But 1.5% of the population, the same scumbags that steal, assault, murder and commit paedophilia don't care, because they are immoral humans that belong behind bars.


It's not a gender war just because people are outraged by and speaking out about the violence from men in this country atm. And rather than stand with women in show of support, some of the "other men" that you speak of are defending their gender and/or feeling personally victimised, which can be infuriating because women's issues are often invalidated by males making it about themselves. So yes, its mainly women talking about this, but not because its a gender war, its because there aren't many males talking about it. Women are louder about it all now and sure, it makes people uncomfortable, but how do you think that whole female gender feels having to live as potential prey? They've been oppressed for many many years so speaking up is women holding men accountable for what they're doing and a public appeal for change/protection. Women are terrified of their predators. Millions of people hate sharks and won't swim in deep water in fear of sharks (because of their threat, which is a thousand times less likely than a male on female attack) except women don't have the option to choose to be within a man's vicinity.... so this is all they have. Your stats are appreciated to provide some facts and figures but I'd argue that these stat's would have considerably changed in the last 8 years with the wordly influences and increased aggression.


Stabbed but not suspicious who is that possible???


Self inflicted.


Hey guys, it was self inflicted.please if you need help contact Lifeline 131114


They say she has stab wounds but "The circumstances of the woman's sudden death are being investigated but police say it is not initially being treated as suspicious." Wtf


It’s not a suspicious death. Everyone calm down.


Its a murder, period. In another jurisdiction (love Singapore) he will be hanged.


it's being reported as not suspicious now.. don't jump to conclusions. did we not learn anything from Bondi?


Maybe a symptom of financial pressure, perhaps more to be expected


We have a serious issue on our hands if men don’t know how to deal with financial pressure without killing their current / former partner.




All my opinion.. but if you're going group all the men together, then we all end up having to be punished together. At what point will it come to "well we're going to have to take men's rights away, they simply can't be trusted anymore" for the doings of criminals? I believe that domestic abusers know that what they're doing is wrong at the highest level, but they do it anyway. So educating isn't going to help as they already know it's wrong. I don't think anybody ever had to tell you it's wrong to beat or kill your partner, but who knows, maybe some sick men get off on it. I am married, we argue sometimes, but the thought of killing my wife has never crossed my mind, not because "it's wrong" but because I don't want to fucking kill my wife. So where does it leave us? We've got animal blokes out there killing women because whatever reason they come up with, and without accessing their thoughts, it's very hard to predict what they're going to do and stop them until the crime has been committed. Women need easily accessible places to go to free of charge which can also accommodate children. Sorry but that's the only way I can see out of this aside from keeping all men out of the house and home for good, which is not only immoral but also illegal.


Some people love grouping by one large, flat demographic to support a narrative, but get awfully uncomfortable if you extrapolate and notice worse patterns in more specific demographics.


Housing crisis doesn’t help. Many people in these situations can’t get out due to not being able to find another place to go.


The thing is if you have a suggestion why this might be happening you just get shredded and get called everything under the sun . All men are murderers I guess even when the cause of death isn't suspicious.


why is it saying not suspicious and then says she was stabbed nine times


Media won't say suicide because it might attract copycats


Not suspicious? Who stabs themselves in the chest…


Ah yeah the totally natural and non suspicious phenomenon of women being found dead with multiple stab wounds to the chest.


As a man I look forward to being blamed for this somehow in the coming weeks


to maybe help with everyone's assumptions and speculation. in this situation its the Mental Health Ndis provider/support worker companies that needs a wake up. They failed this beautiful sole, who has suffered and struggled with mental health, and parents who should never had been parents in the first place. the struggles she went through are so heart breaking. child abuse, and neglect from this girls parents should be where the blame is at, they wronged her. the provider/support co ordination who were supposed to help her and support her, and provide the help and care she needed. should have still done what they are supposed to do, and not just stop because they were no longer taking there cut from her funding. they should be blamed too. she didn't deserve to end this way, this isn't how her story should have end. she really was a special girl, who had dreams. She will be missed. I'll never forger her and will always have a place in my heart.


To be fair, , an individual genuinely needs to want help first in order for the mental health services can help to a significant extent. I'm not saying that mental health services ( or drug addiction services) are all hunky dory, in my experience it is more like swiss cheese absolutely rife with ignorance and corruption. I found alot of services and staff treat and look down on patients/clients with contempt.


This is NOT women’s problem to solve, I’ll say it louder every time. Men, what are you doing about this?