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Last time I stopped in Osoyoos I flew a kite on the beach and someone offered me a joint. Talked to a few people at the farmer’s market and a dude at the record store. Seemed pretty chill to me. You just gotta avoid the kind of places cliquey rich tourist folk go.


💯 can agree. Record store dude is rad. Check out Penticton. Their farmers market is fantastic. Theres a few ok places to eat in Osoyoos, buts generally a touristy place.


Last time I was in Osoyoos I did a lot of mushrooms and took a walk.


Come to summerland next time you come through! I’m born and raised here and it’s a wonderful small town. Weird people are all over the place. We are all weird, some more than others 🤣


I’ll never forget seeing a giant peach from the highway driving through Peachland. A delightful sight that I could not trace down asking at this sub. I know you are Summerland but you are close enough to hear my reminiscence.


It used to be a golf ball directing people to a golf course. When the course was closed they gave it to the city who painted to be a Peach. When it's lit up you can still see all the golf ball dimples.


>When it's lit up 🫨


Pretty sure there is one in penticton, too!


That penticton peach was rolled into the lake after a riot from and mc hammer concert lol https://www.pentictonherald.ca/news/article_7f032ae4-e09d-11ee-8765-8f8dc5e64738.html https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/nearly-3-decades-after-rioters-rolled-giant-peach-into-okanagan-lake-owners-seek-closure-1.4771873


I was at that concert/riot. Thanks Pepsi and McHammer.


I was in my house a few blocks from Okanagan Lake during the concert/riot. It will forever be the MC Hammer Riot to me.


Yup the concession stand


There sure is! Pentictin is called the Peachy City.




Ahhh yes the peach!


Summerland, Peachland, Penticton, Naramata, and Keremeos are all wonderful places with amazing people! Spent many summers in my teens and early 20s camping and traveling all around there. Amazing fruits and wines too!


From Keremeos. My folks live there. I go every summer to can tomatoes because produce there is amazing as is the wine. Shoutout to Forbidden Fruit in Cawston


Normal is a setting on the dryer.




My husband and I had the BEST convo with an older couple at the little pub there in summerland. I love love love it there


We visited summerland last summer and loved it there.


I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves!


I used to live in Princeton. I loved driving the old road to Summerland that followed the KVR tracks.


Summerland and Peachland are awesome small towns. Very friendly folk!


Summerland represent!




My in-laws live in Summerland and we love being able to come and stay with them! I love walking up and down the main street and going into all the little shops, used to love going to The Beanery too ( particularly before the renos )


I was born and raised in Kelowna. I don’t live there now but visit every summer and have seen the shift from sleepy orchard town to rich wine country tourist trap. I feel Kelowna is extremely cliquey, even being born and raised there. I find the wealth breeds egos and I don’t really enjoy being there. I live in a small northern town now and it’s night and day. I was hanging out with my Kelowna friends and a new person in the group I had just met asked me my home value in my town. Literally just met the person. My brother still lives in the valley and is obsessed with home prices and mortgage rates. Where I live it never comes up. I was also invited to Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner by work acquaintances my first year here. Very welcoming, very different. Not to say there are not nice people in Kelowna, of course there are, but when you look at a macro level culture of a city… yeah more bad than good in people.


I was going to say the same thing. Born and raised here but moved back in 2012. Coming back now for the occasional summers between work contracts and the culture has changed drastically in the last 15 years.


Northern BC has good folks but still they hate outsiders. If you drink with them / smoke a joint with them one weekend then you’ll be accepted and invited back, but the place def gets defensive when the tree planters show up lol.


As a former tree-planter, that is a reasonable reaction.


I think that largely depends on the community you enter. As I said previously every place has good and bad people but in my experience wealth brings out the worst in individuals.


Funny to see a post like this. I've been living in Kelowna for 15 years and have been in Calgary for work the last week. When I'm out walking in the city parks everyone says hi and is friendly. Kelowna is just like you say, no one wants to say hi, they just head down and walk by, here I am thinking for years that's normal and I'm the weird one. Fucking Kelowna man, I've never felt like it was really my home.


Sammme I did my formative growing up in K town but moved to Calgary for 7 years after I graduated. Couldn’t believe how friendly everyone in Calgary was.. and that was almost 20 years ago before Kelowna started to adopt the mob wife vibe


Kamloops is the real K-town and don't you forget it!


Nah that’s ’loops


The Loops


Froot loops 🤣


Kamloops people over Kelowna people errrrday 👊🏻


I thought kam loops wss a breakfast cereal! Ha. Kelowna rules over loops


Mob wife lol so true.


100% agree with the interior of BC compared to Calgary all the way north to Rocky Mountain House; I especially realised this in the early to mid 90's. Way better vibe with people, and just energy. I could never put my finger on it. I was born in Kamloops, but lived all over between coastal BC and Manitoba.


+1 to this. We moved to the vernon area a few years ago and it took me at least 3 years to make any friends. There is no interest or investment in making life for newcomers or visitors easy here. Signage is terrible, advertising for events is terrible, logistics for said events is brutal. We had to scrape and claw our way into figuring out how and when to get out and meet people because there's a big "you just have to know" attitude about everything. Everything spreads word of mouth, so if you don't have friends to talk to, you know nothing about what's going on. It was a real fight to find any sort of meaningful community here!


literally 90% of people in Kelowna right now are from Calgary and other parts of Alberta so if you are getting a cold feeling from anyone they are most likely Albertan! The other 10% just moved here from somewhere else. Anyway if you want the small town feel you have to be in West K, Peachland, Summerland, Penticton (though getting into tourist season). Totally different vibes than Kelowna and Vernon. I moved to West Kelowna 12 years ago never been anywhere friendlier, this place is heaven for me.


Just don’t talk about electric cars in Calgary and you’ll be fine. 


As someone who spends a decent amount of time in both cities, I find Kelowna to be way for conservative than Calgary. Can't say I've ever seen a pro-life or anti-vaccine billboard outside of Kelowna before. But, it's probably a city/rural thing more than anything. Edit: I even saw an anti-bike billboard in Kelowna foo


Agreed as someone who lived in both. Kelowna is more like Cochrame as far as Conservative goes.


A huge number of my neighbors in suburban Calgary drive electric cars. I'm starting to feel the "keep up with the Joneses" pressure in my 20 year old gas guzzling Honda...


This!!! I lived in Kelowna for 10 years, moved to Edmonton in November and I have the exact same experience here, everyone here is so friendly always smiling saying hi as they walk by. That doesn't happen in Kelowna, and yeah I felt like the weird one for always smiling and nodding!




That pretty much sums up BC.


Lived throughout Ontario, Alberta, and BC. Kelowna is easily the most rude and standoffish place I've lived.


Hey same here. Grew up in Ontario, lived in AB, SK & BC. Spent 5 years in Kelowna and it was the only city I lived in where I didn’t make any friends and everyone was rude. Lots of old money and rich douchebags. Not much else to it.


I had a similar experience but in restaurants in Summerland and Peachland. We were there for a wedding and one evening like 6pm, we went to a restaurant and the minute we walk in the hostess just stared at us, not even a hello!? I asked if we can get a table for 2 and just got a straight up "no , we're full" Was weirded out by that, but we need food!! Went to a restaurant two doors down. And again, we as customers had to initiate the conversation....I'm chinese and husband is white. We were both a little baffled by that ans of course, makes the experience quite unpleasant. Of course we also met some nice people that are chatty at the liquor store. Go visit the pawn shop in Kelowna, the owner is really nice and they have lots of interesting stuff there 😁


I grew up in Penticton and on a trip back, probably about 20 years ago (my parents are buried there), we stayed at a B&B (the Gibson house, if people know it). While my husband and I were having a nice chat with the owner over breakfast and I commented about the growth in the community, the owner said quite seriously, "Oh, it's the White Flight from Vancouver that are moving here." This was presumably in reference to the folks getting the hell out of Hong Kong at that time and moving to places like Vancouver and area. I was gobsmacked and gritted my teeth at the comment at the time. Being older now and more like my mom (i.e. zero f\*cks left to give), that comment would have been called out, tout de suite. And now I want to go pawnshop browsing.... lol


Kelowna. You need to scratch below the surface. And get out of the tourist hot spots. There's some truly wonderful people here but you probably won't find them at cactus club.


This is what I've always said about Kelowna. Get off the main drag, out of down town (I think they rebranded now, didn't they?) and go OUT. To the sleepy vineyards, farms, cottagey "urban" centers, parks, beaches, etc. I always wonder if Kelowna "douchebaggery" is actually just someone from Mission stopping at Michael's before they continue their long-ass journey to Calgary or whatever. Just a tired, rushed passerby who has no reason to strike up conversation.


Kelowna is a town of tourists and ex-pats from all over Canada (and the world, lots of (white) immigrants, lots of British and South Africans here), It's a rare day to meet someone born and raised here unless they are <20. I have nothing but great things to say about the area, and when I do go into Kelowna proper I have great experiences. For example had to drop my kid off at an overnight camp, decided to walk our dog at cedar beach after the drop on a sunny Friday night. Within 5 minutes of walking we (wife and I) had struck up a conversation with a woman who was walking in the same direction as us, really nice walk and chat. Before long we were passing a couple and they stopped to let their dog play with our dog, so struck up a conversation with them and that's the point we decided to go the other direction and we walked and chatted with them. Conversation was great and we took our time getting back to our car, at the car we decided to formally introduce ourselves turns out we already indirectly knew the people through friends of friends. it is a truly small world here everyone seems to know everyone. And that evening which was a great evening keeps happening over and over and over, we love it here. And I went to cactus club once and it was terrible place to be and the food was garbage.


I find it hilarious whenever first time tourist who did tourist stuff now thinks they know the area well enough to make a post about how the locals are Especially in a place where the locals have had the housing market screwed up by tourists moving here but I've seen this for other places too.


I feel as though since Covid began, a lot of imbalance has disturbed people’s finances and so driving around in your big rig or whatever unnecessary baggage people have, now is truly an extension of their maxed out credit lines, credit cards and so and so. I’ve noticed a huge impact to overall traffic and how little attention people have now to pay to the road. I know it seems like a wide topic but I truly think that people are more stressed than before and it shows in their attention span and carelessness on the road. It’s scary. I don’t think kelownas food scene is nearly as good as it should be for such a hyped up city. It’s quite boring but no doubt there are a few locations that boost the overall rating single handedly and thank you to those restaurants truly.


Yeah. I live in Metro Vancouver. Same vibe. Here it feels like a free for all with how people walk on the street downtown or things such as being a gentleman and holding a door open. The attitude sometimes feels as if you should stomp on others to get what you want. I visited Kelowna recently and it wasn't as bad. Quiet town. Felt like a lot of rich people though using it as their second hangout.


meh you'll find a lot of people on here agreeing with you and will blame everything from immigration, to high cost of living to people in BC just being insufferable pricks. Frankly I think you'll encounter a range of people no matter where you are and depending on the environment and just the persons mood for that day. I know there are days I really don't feel like talking to strangers and will give them a cold shoulder and other days I will be free to have a small friendly chat with someone.


I think this is easily the most rational argument. I've lived in the Okanagan since 2021 and haven't made a lot of friends, but I've also been a stay at home parent who is a bit of a homebody (nah reframe that - nigh on agoraphobic at times) so getting out to meet people hasn't been easy. I've found a mix of friendly and standoffish. Some are downright rude, but the other day it was crappy out and I stopped in at the local yarn store and I ended up sitting and chatting and knitting with the salesperson for about an hour while I killed time waiting for an appointment. I really think it depends on the day and the general area you happen to be in.


I’m introverted and most days I would not enjoy talking to some random tourist while I’m minding my own business. I work night shifts and sometimes I’ll walk around after one in a dazed and confused state and probably come across extremely rude to anyone if they try to talk to me. I live in Kelowna but I’m from Vancouver lol.


Not sure if this is solid rational advice, or… Something the weird guy on the train would say.


What's weired about it?


The Okanagan is full to the brim of wealthy Albertans who LOVE themselves and the smell of their own farts a little bit too much. This kind of attitude results in highly judgmental, classist folk who will not waste a single chance to highlight all the ways they are better than you . This is not isolated to Albertans either , but also to Lower Mainlanders who escaped the “woke” coast and are SO happy to have gotten away from all the poors and the browns in Van/Vic. Source : moved to Kelowna in 2022 sight unseen from Ontario . Didn’t know it was gonna be one of the biggest mistakes of my life


I promise penticton is much nicer! Come visit next time you come through! Beautiful beaches, wineries, great mid priced restaurants and amazing friendly and kind strangers :)


Penticton was wild times back then, I went during peach festivals and some woman was riding on the back of a motorcycle, at a red light, she jumped off and pulled up her shirt showing her boobs at all the other cars, then pulled up her skirt and bent over... she wasn't wearing... jumped back on bike and screamed like a maniac when the light turned green. Oh memories.


I'm moving there next month, can't wait


Osoyoos people were BORN weird. Whenever we had to play soccer against them as kids it was always an absolute display of weird.


I've lived in Kelowna my whole life, and honestly, it's not as great as most people say it is. The homeless population is crazy. Going downtown past, like 8 pm, especially alone, is almost off the table. The people are rude, and it's just kind of weird. I'll admit it has its pros too, but definitely more cons. My guess is just because the economy sucks and everyone's depressed and broke (Which could be all of Canada tbh) I remember it being a better place a few years ago when I was younger, but now it just feels dreary.


To be fair, the people in the restaurant were probably tourists as well.


That doesn't sound like a normal reaction from tourists either, unless they don't speak english very well.




Lol the Okanagan is one of the culturally worst places in the province IMO. I've lived most of my life an hour away from Osoyoos, and have lived in Kelowna twice and Vernon once. I like to joke that Kelowna has big city traffic and big city crime without any of the big city benefits. Except it's not really a joke.


Okanagan and specifically Kelowna has a high concentration of Albertans


Kelowna is Alberta’s third biggest city after all 


I was in Kelowna two weeks ago for a conference and during the Vancouver-Edmonton series I didn't see anyone rooting for the Canucks. It seems like it's pretty much Alberta 2.0


I've been calling it Calgary-lite for my entire life


let's not go crazy here, there was definitely a lot of Oilers fans here but there was still more Canucks fans, of course.


A lot of Albertans turn into cunts when they cross the border because you can see them chucking Wendys bags out of the their windows on the highways.


We are trying to treat that affliction but it is very resistant....


I wish there was like some kind of spray or ointment we could use. https://preview.redd.it/983450jpw84d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28eb319f402e525fcb21261301aee3fc7c9c83f0


That wouldn't explain the standoffishness of the people though. Alberta - and prairies in general - are far more friendly than anywhere I have been in BC. In the past years I have noticed coming back into the province, either from Alberta or the US, is that people here seem so much more tired now days. I know why and understand, but its been very noticeable if you spend time away.


The issue is that it's pretty much just RICH Albertans relocating there. And alot of the wealthy these days either inherit their money, or they make it through less than savory means. They tend to be some of the worst people in society in general. 


Nope. It’s oil money Albertans in Kelowna, not rich people who inherited money.


I am from winfield, bc (not lake country, fuck that place) and I now live in Fort Mac. The people in Fort Mac are 1000000x nicer than anyone in the Okanagan. If someone needs something here the community bands together and that person gets the help they need. I've never lived somewhere that is like this. The Okanagan is definitely not like that. So don't blame it solely on the "albertan oil money" cause I don't think that's it. Kelowna just attracts assholes. That's all it is. They all congregated there and turned it from the great place it was - into the shit hole fucking wasteland it is now. Reap what ya sow I guess. Eta and I'm definitely not calling you or anyone an asshole - I don't know you.


Fuck "Lake Country" indeed! I once heard someone describe Winfield as "Kelowna, but with dirtbikes." People would actually look up and smile at you while passing on the sidewalk there. Not a "let's talk" but more like a "I acknowledge your presence and am not a foe." Better than I ever got from Kelowna.


Ya, I moved to the Edmonton area from Winfield several years ago… finally able to make a living wage here.. I used to miss it and get homesick, now each time I visit, at about a week I start counting the days wanting to get away the all of the woke douches and arrogant assholes. I always thought I wanted to retire back “home” in BC.. Not so sure any more. I hear a lot of crap spewed about Albertans, but have to say I think it’s just the holier than thou attitudes in BC


Yeah, it's funny too - my parents have albertan neighbours, they are there during the summer mostly. And they are the kindest people. My parents have 2 big dogs that hate everyone - but love these people. They are the best neighbours. I'm much happier in alberta. I just find the people are more down to earth in general. We don't hate on people cause of your province and turn into raging assholes about it. It's just the bc attitude - agree. I find it's not so bad outside of the Okanagan/lower mainland/Island. We spend a lot of time in the valemont area and the people up there are fucking deadly! And it's beautiful as shit up there too. Good sledding.


Agreed. It's generally people who are wealthy enough to have a second home, and are also the kind of people to think "I want to spend a lot of time in this busy city on a lake, with a bit of a party reputation". The type of people who think that way probably aren't going to make the best neighbours or community members in my opinion. When people think of oil money they tend to think of tradespeople working in camps, and I don't think those types of people and their families are on the same wavelength as the aforementioned.


The heavily right wing people are angry, not that friendly. The interior is blue-purple and full of tough nasty folks. Vancouver has never been friendly though  Edit: it’s also got a lot of lovely, grateful, happy people. But they’ve really been overshadowed the last few. I’ve been going for almost 30 years as family lives nearby and it’s definitely changed 


I'm not usually one to make broad generalizations, but I tend to agree. I don't know what it is, maybe something about how I dress but I've encountered open hostility when travelling through there, ranging from "hate stares" to curt service.


Osoyoos should be just starting to get touristy again after the long weekend — it’s very sleepy in the winter, so it’s possible that there’s a bit of wariness, or that you were speaking with tourists. It’s effectively two different towns during summer / winter. Much of the okanagan is a mix of really old established residents and new comers. So it’s a weird mix already. Osoyoos seems like it’s managed to attract some young people the last 5 years or so, so that’s great, but it still has a big town/farm divide, and a big age divide (November-April the average age is like 75). All to say it has a complex social fabric, which might very well feel a bit weird. Regarding the missing middle of food — the Sage pub has great food and really good deals on it. The Owl has good food too, but not as good deals imo (it’s also more central so gets more tourists). Campo Marina is also great, and a reasonably priced, pasta place. Sorry you had an awkward experience; there are lots of friendly people around as well— promise!


I’ve heard Kelowna described as the breast augmentation capital of Canada but I certainly wouldn’t repeat that.


Kelowna is filled with so many Albertan transplants it's become very weird, it's like Alberta's Florida. Osoyoos is also filled with old retirees, but mostly from BC, so it's just old people world with lots of Indian orchards. That said, maybe it's the air. Something about BC makes people more insular. Vancouver is especially notorious for it, people are very flaky.


The Kelowna man/woman stereotype is a very real thing. Board shorts,flip-flops, bad tattoos, red skin, backward hat, and, of course, the white rimmed sunglasses on the back of their head. Generally trashy, loud swearing, racism, usually a fuck Trudeau sticker on their lifted 2012 dodge.


those people only show up in the summer, and we hate them too. The trucks on the other hand are a year-round plague.


>Generally trashy, loud swearing, racism, usually a fuck Trudeau sticker on their lifted 2012 dodge. I got so tired of those loud raaaawwwrr raised pickup trucks, they were common even back in the 90's, very common along KLO.


We call them albortions around here.


Kelowna is the Toronto of the valley. Same hot shit attitude.


The funniest part is the entire place is mid at best lol


They are just very touristy areas. They probably aren’t even locals. Kelowna is also filled with quite a few very rich people and quite a few very poor people. There’s a huge dichotomy in social structure I’ve noticed. But people are pretty friendly in general. I live in the mission area and it is a lovely place to live, but it is hard to get to know people.


I go to Osoyoos every summer and always find the people around town super friendly 🤷🏽‍♂️


From May long to Labour Day, the Okanagan and other touristy areas in BC are overrun with tourists like yourself. The locals, we tend to avoid downtown and restaurants during this season and save it for when all the loons leave town. If you're ever wandering around city park area in Kelowna and are wondering what's up with the weirdo's, it's because 99% are tourists just like you. We're almost never around here every weekend, tend to leave and play tourist in other BC locales and go thru the same weird vibes as home. Lol, Sechelt is so much weirder than here imo.


Agreed. We are usually out on some Okanagan back road or trail exploring.


I strongly disagree. In Kelowna and west Kelowna people are supper friendly. I get approached all the time by strangers looking to start a conversation. What I found interesting is that most of the time they start a convo with: “Spare change? Need money for a bus to Manitoba. Looking for dope? Fk you” Etc. it also has a strong community of folks parading beat up “collector” vehicles with “Fk Trudeau” stickers. Friendly folks with signs on a bridge along Hwy 97 helping us rid of the “Chem trails” and “15 min cities”. Strong community.


You found the wrong people! If you’d asked me we would’ve been chatting away


There's plenty of "missing middle" places to eat in Kelowna! Even if you're not a fan of chains like BP, Cactus, White Spot, etc...theres still a ton of places. Central does awesome burgers. Krafty Kitchen + Bar has great brunch, Jackknife Brewing does THE BEST pizza, and Red Bird across the street also has good pizza. Hatching Post in West Kelowna is really good BBQ (although it's best to go here with friends, extremely hungry, and share a platter). Bamboo Chopsticks, also in West Kelowna, for pho and really fresh Vietnamese food. BNA downtown has decent food, good beer, and is a fun night out cause they have a bowling alley upstairs. There's so many more places, too many to list.


Lived in Penticton for 8 years. We called them sand people. The dusty grit in the air just really wears people down. There is some novel about the 30's talking about the colonizing people being really rough harsh outlookers. Maybe that original culture has continued to flourish based on the environment?


I was born in Kelowna, that must be why I’m ‘weird’


Kelowna is so douchey haha


Trump supporters. Nothing else needs to be said


I love Kelowna ❤️ Best weather and wineries in Canada. ♥️


I just came back from a visit to both Osoyoos and Kelowna and I found people pretty chatty and friendly. These were the folks who worked in the shops, hotels and other local places. If you encountered rude random people on the street, they could be tourists, not necessarily locals.


Sounds about right for Kelowna.


Kelowna is probably the most stuck up city I’ve ever been to. Lots of woman with snotty attitudes that think their looks will get them through life. Good majority of dudes figure they belong on jersey shore. Jacked up on juice and wear designer clothes 3 sizes too small. That being said, there is still a lot of good people there. Was an awesome place 15 years ago.


I read that as, “I come from a pirate town” for some reason 🏴‍☠️




I had a little stretch of land along the CP line




I looked for every kind of job, the answer always no; "Hire you now?" they'd always laugh, "We just let twenty go!"




The Okanagan is the Bible belt. Low education, agricultural workers making low income, and high poverty. Kelowna is the most conservative Constituency in Canada with a conservative mayor, a majority Conservative council including harper era qanon conspiracy nut Ron Cannon, three Conservative MLAs and 2 Conservative MPs.


Naaaaa not at all. Bible belt lmao noo. This place is an expensive playground for rich people, a lot of the housing has become people's 2nd houses. It's also full of old people thus the conservative morons getting voted in. It's fairly close to Alberta so you get the wealthy oil red necks. It's not always the case though we did get a good mayor here in Vernon and MLA.


Maybe 25 years ago it identified as the Bible belt. When I moved here it was unreal to me how many churches there were and they all had signs with some cheesy saying like "download your worries and get online with god" or even better "Easter comes once a year, how about you". Now no more church signs. it's tourists and newly arrived rich Albertans or Vancouvrites. But I avoid most of that and found great people here.


Low education, Low income, high poverty ??? Ahhh…no.


There’s quite a few “middle” places in Osoyoos 🤔 La Marqueza is amazing.


second this... fuck Kelowna but I love Osoyoos.


In Osoyoos 15 Park Bistro has super reasonable prices for it being a wine bistro. Backroads Brewing in the opposite end of the Watermark hotel from 15 Park is super chill and friendly and has a sandwich menu provided by 15 Park. The Osoyoos golf course also has a really good restaurant.


I have family in Kelowna and spend a lot of time there. It really reminds me of the lower mainland as far as being cold and unwelcoming. Family keeps asking us to live there but definitely not interested. It's too bad as I loved Kelowna as a kid but it was a much smaller city back then.


I visited Kelowna during spring break, on my own, and hit it off with so many people there. When I returned to work and told my colleagues about it, they all thought it was strange because they said they found people from Kelowna to be unpleasant LOL


Was just in Kelowna a few weeks ago, went to the Blue Gator bar. Live music and the local women there were really friendly! I’ve actually never been approached that much before


Maybe it’s that crazy switchback highway into town that the locals hate just as much as anyone else.. they’re mentally trapped into small town mentality of wierdness.. (they don’t recognize how weird they actually are)


If you couldn't find moderately priced food in Osoyoos you must be blind. There's all kinds of good food at a decent price.


Both places have seen a large influx of Albertans in the last 5 or 6 years. Don't worry, we notice it too.


I guess you missed Diamond Steak and Seafood House in Osyoos bc that place is THA BOMB. Like mid, not high-end or junk. Pastas, steaks, salads etc


I'm from the prairies as well. Moved out to B.C in 2005. The way you described people in the Okanagon is how I feel about people in the prairies. I find that I fit in here than I ever did back home. It could be that you're so used to the general vibe of the prairies that everything seems a little weird when you're not there. I do agree with you about Kelowna though. I didn't enjoy Kelowna.


That's just like, your opinion man.


Kelowna is super cliquey, which is weird because you'd be hard done by to find somebody born here. Everybody wants the small orchard town from the 80s and the gates closed after they got here. The tourists also scream from the rooftops thats Kelowna can't exist without them. It's a weird place, but I love it and it's the best weather in Canada -- just don't tell anyone, we're full :)


I visit kelowna and osoyoos frequently, and I found everyone to be great.


Kelowna is not a small town. It is the 19th largest city in Canada. And the 2nd largest in BC. The extremely fast growth has more of a downer on people being friendly 'chatty' than most other factors.


I stayed in Kelowna for a few weeks when my dad was in KGH and I definitely found the people there pretty rude. I was treated very strangely, I got a lot of weird looks, people walking into me, remarks about my makeup, and a lot of other general rudeness. I'm assuming it's because I'm goth and have face piercings and short hair, and it seems pretty conservative there? It was very strange because I grew up in small towns in the East Kootenays and never had experienced people being weirded out by my style to that extent.


Wait until you get to Vancouver


So you based your impression of an entire city’s populace on one interaction with two strangers at a host stand at a restaurant? You should write travel guides….


Not only their opinion of an entire city but of all small towns in the province.


Why do you hate old people? One day, if you are extremely lucky considering the sad state the planet is in, you too will be old


These places are super high turnover for staff and even community members! Also there’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE economically speaking between the haves and the have not’s! The greed goes without saying. When an 18 year old is being asked to pay 2000 a month for renting a studio apartment when they only earn minimum wage. Or the business you work for telling you that rent is ONLY $500 a week. Of course people are stand off ish!


They are still angry about COVID and the vaccinations.


Sound like majority of BC


As a resident of Vernon, I feel like the north Okanagan is a bit friendlier of the place. Maybe it's just a proximity bias, but I moved up just under 5 years ago and everyone here has been great.


The Okanagan is just a straight up strange place.


Weird people in the K-Hole? Never!


Maybe it’s you.




I moved to Osoyoos after growing up on the BC coast. I don’t live there anymore, but I recall talking to my girlfriend about how it seems like people there are less friendly. I joked that it was because they are so close to the US and therefore have to deal with American tourists too much.


Welcome to nowhere’s ville. I’m an extrovert as well and I cannot stand the sleepy suburbs. Move to Vancouver. Problem solved.


Yeah there’s a name for it: The Kelowna virus 🦠


I get the same vibe from Kelowna I hate it


I avoid Kelowna when and where possible. You won’t ever catch me in traffic through that city. It’s just asking for trouble.


Part of why I don't like Kelowna, people can be hard to get along with there, I lived there after moving from Alberta back in the 80s, finished school and OUC courses then I high tailed tf out of there after. I used to go to golf tournaments in Oosoyas, neat little place but wouldn't live there unless it was a last option.


https://preview.redd.it/eoeese2ux94d1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2baa8cdf4b3f50c3b86e87e7f6f262097274a8f7 I say this as someone from Kelowna who lives close by - everytime I visit, this is the general vibe 🤣


*I had one weird interaction with someone who probably wasn’t actually from Kelowna and a tourist so all Kelowna people are weird* Fixed it for you!


I live in Calgary and travel for work a LOT between Saskatoon and Vancouver and it’s become very noticeable that people become less friendly the further west you go. It takes some time to get used to.


Have to disagree! As a solo female traveller I’ve often had people say “hey you’re far from home!” And suggest places to see/eat


Kelownatoid here.. I moved here 35yrs ago and people would greet you from across the street. A town that didnt know it was a city.. But the crime and homeless changed things.. All cities have these problems.. Us too


Apparently you need an open mind


My favorite moments in Canada have been in Victoria, and some in Tofino. I'm not sure about Osoyoos, but generally I find the people in BC to be really kind and open minded, warm, funny, helpful.


Come to the kootenays .. it's not far but completely different in a good way.


Come on and hang out in Vernon and Armstrong instead. Kelowna is … uh… well …


I do feel like this is a kootenays/okanagan thing, most of the northern communities are much more personable. That being said there's also good people every where and sometimes you just run into people having a bad day. Love bc :)


I have been coming to Osoyoos for holidays most of my life and just moved up full time from Van this winter. Can't say I have had any of theae problems. The rich snowbirds are slow drivers and entitled but everyone else is friendly and it's a great place to live. Besides the absurd grocery prices. 


I loved Osooyoos! Just walked around and had a blast and now that I think of it I didn't reach out too much to people. But the people I met were stars! Like Nk'Mip museum and curators. But travel is good for you! It rewires your brain and allows to shake off stagnant energy and emotions so to speak. It's only natural to get some culture shock, but you'll be good in no time!


Hated the 10 months I spend living in Kelowna. It’s like a suburb without a city. I tried so hard to make connections but nobody was interested. The only people who spoke to me were those trying to convert me. I’m sure it’s lovely for a week long vacation in the summer but other than that….its awful.


When I lived in Kelowna for a few years it was a mixed bag. I met some great locals that were really welcoming and great. Otherwise I spent a lot of time with people I already knew and were also transplants to the Okanagan. Overall I just think people are broke and bitchy. And that was a decade ago before prices are what they are now. I enjoyed Kelowna for its outdoor activities but besides that it is meh. I hardly visit now and don't care to either.


Maybe take a visit to Revelstoke ? I was there recently and everyone was quite friendly


Haven’t noticed that but I thought 100 mile house people were really weird. They act like they don’t want outsiders or “city folk” in their town. They stare and don’t appear to want to serve you. the whole place has a weird vibe about it.


Thats just most BC people in general. Big city or small town. Doesn’t matter. The ones who aren’t like that are the ones who were born and raised elsewhere and have some shred of people skills 🤣


Maybe just stay in Sask then


Well you’ve clearly figured out the entire province based on a couple of interactions in a couple of towns.




Kelowna used to be good. That was until all the west vanners and rigging Albertans moved there, now it’s just a shit hole of a town. Osoyoos has always been pretty bad. Just too much of a tourist town. Oliver is much nicer.


you have to understand both of those towns are extremely high tourist towns and you most likely are just hitting up against other tourists feeling out of place. I think Osoyoos has a winter population that is 1/10 it's summer population


Kelowna is douche bag central. Shit hole wannabe city with an even shittier setup. Osoyoos is your run of the mill butt fuck no where town.


\*Vanderhoof enters the chat and is the first to invite you to one of its many churches\*


In my experience, I’ve met the nicest people in Canada right there in kelowna. Wife and I have been discussing to move there just because of the people!


Hard to really judge Kelowna right now as it’s tourist season and there’s a large influx of tourists here that may behave differently than locals


Sounds like you interacted with one of the many rich kids who haven’t spent much time socializing. Many of the people I know from that area seem to be a bunch of posh bastards lol.


The people you spoke to were likely tourists themselves. I live in small town central Alberta but grew up in the far South Okanagan. Most SO people are chill, minding their own business as they make a living or are retired. Worked at the beach and in restaurants in Osoyoos where the tourists overflow. Generally get families with its quieter vibe than party Penticton/Kelowna. While 99% were OK, the worst tourists were those who'd had too much exposure to $ entitlement, driving, their families, or booze. There are some very cranky people out there.