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See also: [https://medium.com/message/how-white-people-got-made-6eeb076ade42](https://medium.com/message/how-white-people-got-made-6eeb076ade42) Also the full lecture series: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_y4a2Bwd\_Y0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y4a2Bwd_Y0)




And the rich are doing it again


There are a few issues with this. Firstly, he is acting as if the entire history of America can be described by the South. His logic of "pitting the races against each other" doesn't work when you consider that the North, the primary source of wealth in the colonies was almost entirely white (and largely still is). Indentured servants also made up nowhere near a substantial percent of the population and didn't really exist in the same spaces as slaves. Poor European immigrants were also generally more focused in the North. That makes his idea of racism being created to pit two groups of lower class citizens against each other weak, at least as he portrays it. You could argue he was more referring to the Civil War, but if you go there that's basically poor southerners vs poor northerners and while the southerners were "poor people controlled by the rich and wealthy to defend slavery" the northerners were the exact opposite so it's not exactly all poor people pitted against black folks. Overall I think his argument that it was about keeping the "lower class folks down" is a little tin foil hatty compared to racism being more a justification of slavery as an economic system. America did not invent that just as they didn't invent slavery.


Ah yes, europe: the inventors of war /s


That's your take from this whole video? Besides, he didn't even say or imply that lmao.


He absolutely implied it. If nothing else this is a lie by omission.


Bs! There was always races! And always wars on others based on ethnicity! Racism between white nations was a big thing yes but it’s not like we magically one day 1600 found Africa and found black people. We have been identifying ourselves with colour a lot longer then 1600, especially since Africa is right next to Europe there was a extensive trade network and in fact Romans helped build the Europe


He didn’t say you did any of that stuff.


He said racism started in America and that it wasn’t a European thing because they were too busy fighting wars at that time to notice differences between skin colours. That is entirely incorrect by a historical point of view. Not only is it a very dumb argument he’s deliberately trying to make America seem the worst. Spanish conquering of South America was far far worse then North America being conquered. Yes we had residential schools and our own battles for independence and rights, but what the Spanish did was way way worse, they wiped out city’s bigger then London at the time off the map and burned all the books and religious texts that were found. Atleast here in the North America we haven’t done construction onto much of any historical burial grounds in the last decade or two without any significant backlash and or controversy(I’m native Canadian and Irish Canadian) there are a lot of important places like snake mound, serpent mound, and tater hill in Scarborough which is in a heart of a urban setting


He literally said the Europeans were also racist, just not between black and white, but among their different nationalities and cultures.


It was still among black and white!


Youre correct in the idea that cultural bigotry and various otherisms have always existed, but the point he was making was about the modern version of racism, and the modern division between lower classes and engineered wealth/poverty. True, it isnt an original idea to say "these people who look different are worse than us", but he is using tons of historical context here for why the world looks like it does today. It used to be landLords and churches working in unison to keep peasants and serfs in line and subjugated, because if they didnt follow the laws of The Lord, they would go to hell. Now, the idea of hell isnt scary enough, and we're quietly fed ideas spread from person to person, generation to generation, that ethnic group A is different somehow than group B. I grew up in mostly rural WI, and people in many different rural or small town areas had about 100 ways to beat around the bush of "milwaukee has black people and they will shoot you so fast", not to mention anything referencing black/mexican/not-white culture or whatever, like music or fashion, was looked down on. Shit pal, asian folks even. People for some reason think it's alright to interject asian stereotypes into conversations WITH ASIAN PEOPLE and expect them to be like "haha yeah we as a continent sure are that thing you just did". There is such a thing as institutionalized/systemic racism, Ive experienced it's effects from the White side, and watched my not-white friend's experience it. It's so normalized that most times, unless it's pointed out, we cant see it on our end.


Racism as a word existed since the 15th century before that it was a combination of different words, one of the earliest accounts in China labeled blacked people monkey man’s from what I remember, white people they were labeled ghosts(other names for ghost) in some parts of the world. I will say he is right but he just didn’t provide enough information for his arguments, he was providing multiple statements and examples that were shortened due to time constraints making a lot of the important information in the history of racism lost


I’m native Canadian and Irish Canadian, both sides of my ancestry faced equal amounts of oppression, both had their land stolen by the government in Canada, my grandfather he is Irish lived along pottery road and when hurricane hazel hit it caused bad flooding but he wasn’t in the flood zones in the valley however the government forced him and everyone else from the valleys out. The native part kinda goes without saying in the Toronto land take over treaty, the natives thought it was being rented and or lent to the Toronto Canadian government but they weren’t fully aware of what the writing said causing them to sign something giving away well over 20 trillion dollars worth of land and resources