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That Smarch weather.


Do not touch Willy. Good advice 


The 13th hour of the 13th day of the 13th month.


For fucks sake, just say “Easter.” This is getting ridiculous.


"To those who celebrate, have a wonderful Easter. To everyone else, we hope you're able to enjoy the long weekend with friends and family." There. Inclusive.


Looks like they did call it Easter in today's post, that one was from Friday https://twitter.com/VeteransENG_CA/status/1774407021854408707


Yeah on… Easter lol. Friday isn’t Easter


Good Friday is part of Easter. Some say the most important part, since that’s when you celebrate Christ dying for your many many sins.


... if you want to complain about people erasing Easter, you might want not to demonstrate that you don't know about the Crucifixion on Good Friday. Y'know, sortof the whole lynch pin of the entirety of Christianity.


I don't think u/dmacpher's comment is indicative of being unaware of the existence or the significance of Good Friday. Rather I think it shows that they are aware that the name for the collection of holidays in question is Holy Week and that it is important to separate Good Friday from Easter Sunday. Just like you wouldn't refer to Holy Saturday or Palm Sunday as Easter, Good Friday is also technically not Easter, as easter refers to the resurrection itself not the crucifixion. Fun fact: Easter is named after the goddess [Ēostre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%92ostre) who was worshipped during the Spring Equinox.


Don't even need to include the last part, just make a post for other religious Holidays/events as well. It's very easy to do. The entire point about inclusivity was to give visibility and inclusion to as many people as possible. I think that is a good thing. For some reason, it has turned into walking on egg shells for the standard Christian holidays rather than continuing what has always been done and including other holidays/events never talked about before.


We have been trained that a Christian simply noticing out loud that they are being treated without respect, while it's being granted to others, probably makes them a bigot.  Every politician falls over themselves to wish [X] religious group a happy [Y], but bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that might be misconstrued as positive about the largest religion in the country  It's bizarre


I'm not even Christian and it's still Easter, not fuggin March Holiday.


Exactly. Last year it was in April. So is this "March holiday" variable?


The interesting thing is that our governments and organizations have moved away from saying happy Easter or merry Christmas, which have been largely secularized, but will happily announce and celebrate holidays and observances of other religions that have definitely not become secularized. Could you imagine the response if other religions’ holidays were sucked into the secular capitalist celebrations like Easter and Christmas are? Everyone would lose their minds, lol. “Come on everyone, let’s go scavenger hunt for some Breyers ~~ice cream~~ *frozen dessert* laid by the Ramadan Chicken! MOOOooo!”


These days most people aren't Christian but still just enjoy the traditional holidays of a Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving without whatever religious origins they have once held. Stripping them of their names though is redonk.


The kids are going March Holiday egg hunting .


Very true. I don't see Easter and Christmas (let alone St Valentine's Day) as religious holidays. I know maybe a handful of Christians but everyone else celebrates Santa Day and Bunny Day and calls them Christmas and Easter.


Over half of Canadians identify as being Christian, followed by atheists. My personal take, most of those atheists come from Christian families or backgrounds and still celebrate the holidays.


I'm not Christian and I don't really care what it is as long as I get a day off


I’m celebrating spring break so I get it. Shouldn’t be that hard for everyone. I’m not religious but I still have if off and it’s not just a day so…


Why even tweet at all if they're not going to acknowledge the actual holiday they're tweeting about. Lol


No thats RACISM! 


These stupid politically correct departments could just say Have a Happy Easter like a normal person would on the appropriate holiday and avoid all this stupid crap every time this happens. They're either intentionally doing it because some internal mindless Liberal leaning bureaucrat orders it, or don't have enough brain cells to rub together to think ahead what an issue they'll be making of an otherwise non-issue. We shouldn't be fighting over if it's appropriate to say Happy Easter on Easter or not. It's Easter, deal with it.


The irony is that the person who feels the need to avoid acknowledging Easter *is a bigot*


When inclusion loops around to exclusion.


at first I was like... I dont really care But youre right, it's getting ridiculous... I still dont care though.


If they say the holiday name for every other culture's event or holiday posting, but not this one, they're just doing it intentionally at this point.




Right? Creating a situation that doesn't have to exist. 🙄


"How about we just say "Happy Easter" guys? Like everyone else does? Then conservative leaning people won't make a big deal out of accusing the federal veteran's department of becoming some kind of post-national anti-white, anti-Christian state". "Nah, they get "Happy March Holiday" because they're colonial oppressors and stuff. Next up, planning for the next Happy Diwali post we're making".


It adds to the notion that they are unserious people, though, and contributes a little more to lowering respect for government and government institutions.


Ramadan is also ongoing right now as well. 


First of all how dare you. It was also lent.


Stop canceling Easter you fascist! /s


Apparently the government can celebrate Eid, Ramadan, Holi and Vasaki. But nope. Not Easter. Hold on Passover and Hanukkah, not you.


Last year Jagmeet Singh tweeted 'Happy Sunday'.... Here's the tweet: [Link](https://twitter.com/theJagmeetSingh/status/1645079125470904328)


When it's Diwali next time... "Happy Monday to the community in Brampton! Totally not any specific holiday or anything! Enjoy this day starting with Mon and ending with day!"


I think you mean southern Ontario.


Remember when he had the balls to say "When I'm prime minister" and everyone in the House of Commons burst into spontaneous laughter? Singh is not a serious person. Mulcair could have said it. But then, Mulcair would have said happy easter. In fact, he [did](https://www.ndp.ca/news/statement-ndp-leader-thomas-mulcair-easter).


As a visible minority who celebrates some of the other holidays you mentioned, I agree this is getting ridiculous. I’m born and raised in Canada and happily say Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, etc. I enjoy learning about other holidays and celebrating them, and this goes for all my family. I honestly can’t say I’ve ever met anyone who has an issue with others holidays. I wonder who/what these organizations consult when they decide to go too “woke”


Yeah literally. I honestly dont care if i get told Happy Holi or Happy Diwali. Its nice but not needed. I work on Easter so as long as I get a day off for a religious holiday of mine the way I have to work on a religious holiday thats not mine it doesnt matter. Things like Merry Christmas and Easter doesnt bother me. Heck i went to a catholic school as a nom catholic. I wish muslims Eid Mubarak. Sometimes inclusive language can come off as exclusive and divisive.






The Karen Community.


I work in the financial district in Toronto, i see this 'open reverse racism' all the time. It's definitely corporations doing it ONLY for optics. We celebrate every major and sometimes minor religious holiday under the umbrella, but not Easter or even Christmas. As for LGBT stuff, it's recognized on a monthly basis. Our company even had our head of purpose go on during a town hall and tell us that the gas used in cars energy spent in offices and commuting to work is a myth and we use more resources working from home. I honestly fucking DESPISE the corporate world. Nearly everyone in it is a two faced scumbag shill.


the fact your company has a "head of purpose" and it's a thing now is infuriating.


Same here, our workplace has gone completely woke since 2020 after we went public. The irony is, we are losing our top performers to other orgs because we are sales and 100% commission based, these people are go getters and could care less about that bullshit.


Honestly our holidays are so far removed from religious meaning there is no reason to act like they are anything more than social days. Jesus birth = fat guy giving out material goods to kids. Jesus death = chocolate bunnies and eggs. The religious people should be offended not the secular people


Every holiday observed in modern times has no doubt gone through a thousand iterations throughout history, the fact that these days are still celebrated is a testament to their cultural significance, regardless of how the day's meaning has been changed over time. Besides, we don't need religious connotations to celebrate specific days each year, and many people would prefer it that way


Pagans should be most upset. First visibly longer day of the year = Jesus' birth = fat guy handing out gifts. Vernal equinox/festival of virility = Jesus' death = bunny shits out chocolate eggs


All of the Pagan days were stolen and reworked by the church as a means of coercion to conversion... "Hey, Pagans and Druids... Y'all got that Ostara thing? Yea, we got Easter with this Jesus fella. Rose from the dead, no shit! Spring and rebirth, right? Same same! C'mon over... also, toss 15% of your worth in that tithing tray. It's fine..."


For real, as someone who grew up in a religious holiday, yah we had to do church stuff but the memories were from the chocolates and the gifts. It’s a commercial holiday, with a little religion sprinkled in


The government moved the voting day "because of Diwali" yet cant say happy Easter in public.


They moved it for pension reasons. Ive looked it up and no one considered Diwali. Like for fucks sake stop making everything is about religion god damn it's annoying. I celebrate Diwali and it's just a day of prayer for us. We can still vote early and even that day.


There's a big sign in the large downtown Vancouver where my work is located that says "Happy Holy Month of Ramadan." The lack of inclusion of Easter seems a bit crazy at this point.


Didn't you know only Christians and jews start wars and commit war crimes? Its starting to become pretty obvious there is a guilt problem with our leaderships.


They didn't actually make any tweets for any of those. Seems more like they forgot and then realised they couldn't *just* make one for Easter.




https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1774425058510848219?s=20 Congratulations on straight up lying.




Boom. Roasted.


Well it's on Sunday, and as of this writing it's just after 10am Eastern time, and your comment is 6 hours old. Do you think he's sending one out just after midnight? I don't even like the guy, but pick your battles, fucks sake. He sent one out just after 9am Eastern.


Easter only started an hour ago, to be fair. Edit: not sure how this was controversial but okay


Be sure to thank Judas for the long weekend!


So edgy


Trudeau gives an Easter message every year on the Sunday, which even if he didn't, who gives a flying F. There are more important things than if a political figure says happy whatever.   Stop falling prey to insane fake outrage news.


They're not falling prey, they love their rage.


It was so funny to see on the other subs them posting the Lilley opinion piecee and all of them jacking each other off.


Bunch of people crying bout a word. Lot more important things happening in Canada. Nobody cares about any of your religious holidays tbh. And there’s no rule saying we need to. It’s multiple holidays falling on the same day so woulda look at that, the gov account hits them all generally rather than one specific. Trans viability day, and you can see how to two are probably supported by vastly different crowds. Smart move gov. Ppl need to grow up


>Bunch of people crying bout a word. Drop the N Bomb a few times in public at McDonalds, and see how much "people cry about a word". Use the R word as you're strolling by some disabled kids, and see how much "people cry about a word". Next pride parade, make sure you stand on the sidewalk as they pass and loudly describe them using a common F slur. See how much "people cry about a word". Language has power.


Language does have power and by all means you’re silly Easter isn’t being infringed upon by not being included in the governments tweet😂 you can’t possible think this and those examples are the same. I didn’t realize you and your family weren’t able to have the exact same Easter as last year because of this tweet. I’ll go one further I’m happy they tweeted it because I’d rather celebrate trans visibility day


The government will push back a whole ass federal election to acknowledge an Indian holiday (at least, they say that’s why). But they can’t even say happy Easter?


Not the right kind of "inclusion."


Saying happy Easter doesn't get them a fat pension.


I'm afraid the reason is far more sinister than a fat pension.


[They said happy Easter...](https://twitter.com/VeteransENG_CA/status/1774407021854408707?t=US46lroQpngV0C3S3Wm8nw&s=19)


The amount of fucking cope and sheer blindness in this comment section is crazy. Trudeau just said happy Easter. For those of you who say it should have started a week ago or some shit Pierre posted his video about it 7 hours ago on X. Mad Max posted his on March 30th. Jagmeet said his too a few hours ago. Like really guys? Grow the fuck up.


They literally live for this shit. For as much as they complain about woke they do it just as much.


They do and they did. One department had one tweet that didn't.


I've come the whole way around on the whole neutral well wishes thing, so let an oldie give you their perspective.    When I was young, *Happy Holidays* became a thing because it became apparent that we had more and more Canadians that didn't celebrate christian holidays.  It was a way of being inclusive and I bought in.  There were always people talking about us "taking away Christmas" which had me dig in further.   But as I aged, I became aware of more and more other holidays that got shared with me. Holi, Diwali and others started making their way into my life, each had its own greetings and tradition.   It was really enjoyable to share these special days with others, and if we'd gone with "Happy Holiday" over Shubh Diwali, it wouldn't have been as special.    The way you make these things inclusive is by inviting your friends from other cultures to celebrate with you and you celebrate theirs.  So Merry Christmas, Happy Easter and Shubh Diwali.  May we all enjoy each other's worlds.  


This is the way. I’m an atheist and have absolutely no issues wishing happy whatever holiday it is to people celebrating. If your god gets pissed off at you acknowledging another religion or culture’s holiday, I don’t know what to say to you. And if you’re so concerned about not being inclusive enough, it’s getting really cringe and is antithetical to the ethos of true multiculturalism


This. Invite me to the party, tell me what to wear, and I'll rock out as hard as any devotee. Why? Because like the man said: "Every Day is an Atheist Holiday"


I think we found the only sane r/Canada user. You post a well thought out comment that describes your position and why you came to that, while reinforcing that it's only your own perspective


Happy Holidays is not a new thing, despite what religious whiners cry. Christmas used to be one of dozens of masses celebrated in December. 12 days of Christmas, plus nearly a dozen Saint’s feast days. Check out the Catholic calendar, it’s chock full of celebrations.




I've often heard this but I'm yet to see any real example of people being told to "hate themselves for being white". Any sources where I can read more about this?


So election day gets pushed off because Canada will now recognize Diwali, and at the same time do everything it can to erase Easter. I hate conspiracy theories but this is getting ridiculous. Fire the lot of them.


If the election is moved, I'm going to use that day to protest , I encourage everyone to do the same.


[Easter is erased?](https://twitter.com/VeteransENG_CA/status/1774407021854408707?t=US46lroQpngV0C3S3Wm8nw&s=19)


Oh yeah, it’s so erased I got a whole two days off work. Whine more.


That tweet was awful. 


You mean this one? https://twitter.com/theJagmeetSingh/status/1645079125470904328


I don't know what's worse. The "Happy Sunday" or the MP's hanging out in the House to watch a foreign leader's speech on the big TV.


[What about this one?](https://twitter.com/VeteransENG_CA/status/1774407021854408707?t=US46lroQpngV0C3S3Wm8nw&s=19)


But I’m sure they have no problem saying happy Ramadan.


Happy Hangry Month!


[They had no problem saying Happy Easter](https://twitter.com/VeteransENG_CA/status/1774407021854408707?t=US46lroQpngV0C3S3Wm8nw&s=19)


FWIW they're okay saying Saint Patrick day https://twitter.com/VeteransENG_CA/status/1769332943204282765?t=6oKXI7D1I-x6u5mSS9VfiQ&s=19


Which of all of them, is kinda the one we should ignore given the actual meaning behind the day haha. They weren’t really “snakes” lol


Just don't make a post at all.




I thought they were talking about March Madness


Last year Jagmeet Singh tweeted 'Happy Sunday' over Easter... Here's the tweet: [Link](https://twitter.com/theJagmeetSingh/status/1645079125470904328) I'm starting to wonder if he's Canadian.. Even if you aren't Christian, you have to know it's Easter... Imagine some other politician saying Happy Monday over Eid or Diwali?


This is one of reasons Jagmeet will never become Prime Minister. The NDP were once made up of small-town progressive. church going farmers (CCF), unionists, & auto workers who cared about the poor & less fortunate These are the same people who'd gather together for Easter meals with their families. You insult them in a tweet like this in the belief you are being more inclusive.


I used to work with a fairly prominent (like if you run in the right circles you probably know who I’m talking about) Jewish man. He was born in North York and spent his entire 60+ years living in Canada as had his parents. He was completely baffled by Christian holidays. He tried arguing with me once that Christmas was on the 28th “this year”, believed Christmas to be a secular holiday and insisted Easter was on Fridays (not only did he not understand, but he was very arrogant trying to argue for things he knew nothing about, but that’s a different story). It’s phenomenal how bad we are at integrating people. There should be no situation where you can be allowed to be that ignorant of the majority culture in a country.


stop attributing ignorance to what is clearly malice.


Not sure if you’re referring to the policies that have allowed this to happen or the guy I’m talking about but if it’s the later I’ll say that while he was a real jerk there was no disdain when he said these things. He would said the most extreme things (like “God put gentiles on this Earth to serve the Jewish people, kind of like farm livestock”) without the slightest hint of malice, as if that was just an everyday thing to say that everyone agreed on. It wasn’t about dislike or anything, it was just exceptional ignorance.


Remember when the MPs recently changed the election date to accommodate the Happy October Indian Holiday? I don’t. I remember them using the offensive term “Diwali”. /s


To be fair, rather than focusing on some ~~Tweet~~ *X* sent by some Veterans Affairs communications flunky, there is this: >Today, millions of Christians in Canada and around the world will celebrate Easter. > >Commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter is a celebration of rebirth and beginning anew. The resurrection of Christ provides hope for our past, present, and future. It serves as an enduring reminder of the power of belief, forgiveness, and resilience. As the holiest day in the Christian calendar, Easter invites us to reflect on the values Christ lived by and died for, and to reaffirm these values in our lives – from loving our neighbours to taking care of those most vulnerable. > >Whether you celebrate this weekend by attending church services, organizing your own Easter egg hunt, or simply enjoying quality time with your loved ones, I hope you find joy in togetherness, and look to the future with hope. > >On this holy day, we also reflect on the contributions Canadians of Christian faith of all backgrounds make to our country. With kindness and selflessness, they give back to their communities and help make Canada the diverse, inclusive, and welcoming place we know and love. > >On behalf of my family, I wish a happy and blessed Easter to everyone celebrating today. https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/statements/2024/03/31/statement-prime-minister-easter Nice to know he can still occasionally do something right (or he has better communications people than Veterans Affairs)


> Veterans Affairs https://x.com/VeteransENG_CA/status/1774407021854408707?s=20




Take away all the holidays.


Why is that politically correct? Pretty sure when it's Ramadan, all these institutions just say happy Ramadan. Why should the Christian Easter be any different?


Looking at these comments, holy shit boys, time to go for a walk outside. The government isn't coming to steal your Easter words. Have a great long weekend everyone!


Disgusting. Liberal self hatred is strong with this one




The amount of fucking cope and sheer blindness in this comment section is crazy. Trudeau just said happy Easter. For those of you who say it should have started a week ago or some shit Pierre posted his video about it 7 hours ago on X. Mad Max posted his on March 30th. Jagmeet said his too a few hours ago. Like really guys? Grow the fuck up.


I don't care either way, stop picking fights. Stop attacking others, just stop it all


What the hell does the army have against bunnies?


They’re standing in the way of the holy grail. 




Those fuckers stole my cam paint


Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes, they've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses, and what's with all the carrots, what do they need such good eyesight for anyway? Bunnies! Bunnies, it must be BUNNIES!


I couldn't care less except for the hypocrisy in using the names of other holidays with abandon. Is Ramadan the March no eating festival or Diwali the November happiness season? Stop the nonsense.




Take a break jfc


If this isn’t a screaming indication to get off Reddit and go outside I don’t know what is. Adversarial foreign governments might actually pay you for comments like that.


Seems like an incredibly small and stupid thing to start to hate your country over lmao... leave it to conservatives to get triggered by the smallest and least consequential shit and then project it onto the rest of the country!


There is no point in the sentiments if you do not note the name of the holiday


They all can cry in their basement rooms about it.


This should be at the very bottom of the “things people should care about” list.


lol! Look at all these “war on Christmas” people in a manufactured tizzy. Bless your little hearts.


There's a few holidays going on- stop the handwringing. They're wishing observers Happy Easter today.


Every other groups holidays are stuffed down our throats...yet likely, the Veterans who actually fought for our freedoms and were likely mostly Christians back then, are not recognized for their religious holiday.


I hope no one at Veterans Affairs is getting bonus pay for Good Friday or Easter Monday since they think the holidays are not worth mentioning.


Happy Ēostre!


I like to think that the phrase "Happy Easter" has a little something for everyone.


Directions unclear, do I stop eating during daylight until April 9th or look for chocolates?


We're SUCH a nation of candyasses.


just have a separate tweet from the easter one that says happy ramadan if you’re walking on egg shells around them it’s not that hard


Imagine having the balls and the respect for not only yourself but your countries citizens to actually name out the holidays specifically instead of being so micro-dicked PC afraid to offend anybody that you use "holiday season". If you're too afraid to specify Easter, International Transgender Day of Visibility, Christmas, or any other day of import for fear of offense, then just don't bother sending out these worthless tweets.


I am not Christian or anything close but I think we should just call it what it is and respect the tradition. Being inclusive means welcoming everyone instead of redefining what it is


At first glance I thought this was a Beaverton headline. SMH.


All the people in the comments screaming “say Easter!!” As if the fate of the entire country and the world rests upon a stupid government tweet


How or what is politically correct about it? North America is giving into and becoming Islamic. Plain and simple....people are supposed to come here and assimilate but the opposite is happening.  North America is fucking doomed. It's lost it's way trying to please e eryone. 


Islamic lol. You know the first muslims in Canada were Scots right?


There it is lol


Focus on Veterans. That’s your only job. It’s cornflakes and it’s milk. Stop fucking it up.


Much ado about nothing. Baited?


You guys are getting upset over nothing.


The only thing dumber than Easter is people getting their panties bunched up about shit like this. Are you sad the big mean government department didn't wish you happy Easter? Jesus Christ go pat a dog or something


Maybe they could take the time, effort, alotted meeting times, emails and normal civil servant work load from this tweet and Finalize a Few Hundred Disability Claims that Vets are needing. Seriously, this is their focus.


Funny story ... I submitted a claim for a service related injury and recieved an unfavorable decision **17 months** later from VAC. I contacted the Bureau of Pension Advocates to appeal the decision; Once all the required information and paperwork was collected, I was told it would take a year to get in front of the Appeal Board. A year passes and I recieve my appeal date, however, due to my mobility issues I would be unable to drive the distance to the in person appeal and requested to do it over Zoom ... They said it was possible but I would have to wait ANOTHER YEAR for a teleconference date 🤯 The whole system (VAC and Pension Advocates) is beyond fucked


Year 1.5 for submitted claims, hanging out at Stage 2, multiple spinal issues. Massive backlog, frustrating. It might be a bit better if my Case Manager or other employees I deal with, happen to have served, fun explaining things.


I feel your brain bro, been dealing with VAC since 2015 .... Remember, Ape together strong 💪




It was Veterans Affairs. Nothing to do with Liberals. The manufactured outrage by everyone here is hilarious.


Ikr. The amount of fucking cope and sheer blindness in this comment section is crazy. Trudeau just said happy Easter. For those of you who say it should have started a week ago or some shit Pierre posted his video about it 7 hours ago on X. Mad Max posted his on March 30th. Jagmeet said his too a few hours ago. Like really guys? Grow the fuck up.


Hey look kids! It is the 'March Holiday Season Bunny!' Now go find it's 'March Holiday Season eggs!'


Of all the things you could be angry about, this is one of them. Happy bastardized Pagan spring festival, everyone.


It doesn’t really bother me but how about instead of avoiding certain holidays, which will naturally lead to avoiding all holidays, we just go all in and wish everyone a happy holiday for every single holiday? There’s millions of people who all celebrate different things


I don't mind having a paid holiday for every religion big day too. Some countries did that. 


Man, when national post checks the VA Twitter today, they are going to look dumb for writing this whiny piece.


Why is that the same politicians who trip over themselves to recognize Eid al-Fir won’t say Easter?


They can do this stupid shit but it just loses them more and more support from most of us.  Happy Easter folks!


This country is an embarrassment on so many levels.


Fucking hell, only target the federal government can hit is their own foot


Bunnies get offended by Easter. We must be inclusive of bunnies


Why not Happy Magic Jesus day?


It’s also the International Day of Trans Visibility. So maybe they just want to include both holidays. Also who cares.


Hey dummmies  https://twitter.com/VeteransENG_CA/status/1774407021854408707?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


"God keep our land...Glorious and Free..." That's what happens when you have a National Anthem that doesn't say Allah, Yahweh, Waheguru, Buddha, Brahma, Odin, yadda...yadda...yadda. Revamp the holidays and get rid of any reference to religion...because its all a lie anyways, isn't it?


Anyone find it odd that only the traditional 'White Christian' events are erased for diversity? The same organization sent out Ramadan well wishes earlier.


Someone make a list of English words that are left, that we CAN SAY! Enough of this shit with can't say this or that. Fuck off with more pronouns. SO tired of people telling me what I can or can't say. Merry Christmas and Happy Easter.


I think they're saying that as a joke making fun of that sort of overly sensitive bullshit