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Also Kevin O'Leary when asked about Millennials: "Get back to work and hold three jobs down and raise some kids and pay off your mortgage, and stop whining about it."


If Kevin O'Leary doesn't like you, you're probably doing something right. He's such a dirt bag.


Kevin "how does this make me money?" O'Leary


This 100% and also, I don’t generally take time to listen to murderers.


And Kevin O'Leary came from a wealthy family and got richer by selling a failing company for way more than it was ever worth during the dotcom bubble. Guy just lucks his way into wealth and acts like a genious. In fact, seems like that is how a lot of these wealthy entrepreneurs act. Born rich, get even luckier by starting a business during the dotcom bubble and act like it was all because of smart business moves rather than falling backwards into it.


Look we all can't commit super fraud and nearly bankrupt a legacy company and get away with it like O'Leary here. Also weak leadership is rich coming from the guy who lost a leadership race against Doug Ford - a former drug dealer/ Wikipedia article below. In 1999, TLC was acquired by [Mattel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mattel) for US$4.2 billion.[^(\[36\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_O%27Leary#cite_note-steveburgess-36) Following the acquisition, sales and earnings for Mattel soon dropped, and O'Leary was fired. The purchase by Mattel was later called one of the most disastrous corporate acquisitions in recent business history.[^(\[42\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_O%27Leary#cite_note-42) While acquisition management had projected a post-acquisition profit of US$50 million, Mattel actually experienced a loss of US$105 million. Mattel's stock dropped, wiping out US$3 billion of shareholder value in a single day. Mattel's shareholders later filed a class-action lawsuit accusing Mattel executives, O'Leary, and former TLC CEO Michael Perik of misleading investors about the health of TLC and the benefits of its acquisition. The lawsuit alleged that TLC used accounting tricks to hide losses and inflate quarterly revenues. In response, O'Leary and his defendants disputed all of the charges, with Mattel later paying $122 million to settle the lawsuit in 2003. O'Leary blamed the technology meltdown and a culture clash of management of the two companies for the failure of the acquisition


No love for Kevin but I’m confused why Mattel was forced to pay out the lawsuit, it’s not like they were the little guy getting bullied by unlimited funds and expensive lawyers in this scenario, seems like their lawsuit didn’t have as much merit as they imply.


He ran for federal conservative leadership and lost to Scheer, not to Doug Ford. He also led in polling until he dropped out because he didn't think he could beat Trudeau in Quebec. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Conservative_Party_of_Canada_leadership_election#/media/File%3A2017_Conservative_Leadership_Polling_of_Conservative_Members_by_Mainstreet_Research.png


When asked what the government can do to boost the economy O'Leary said "Cut taxes for rich people like me"




Pepperidge farms remembers…


I strongly dislike O'Leary but it was night time, pitch black out on the water, and the other boat had its engine and lights off so they could go stargazing.


But who the hell drives so fast in pitch black that they destroy another boat? The other boat wasn't in the right, but it's absurd to be driving that intensely in the dark


The other boat wasn't destroyed.


When it's that dark it doesn't really matter how fast you're going? 


You're right. There's multiple boating deaths every single night because nobody is able to have any idea where their going


I don't know about kevin Oleary but when I am hammered and driving my boat I just close my eyes anyway /s


"It's unfair to blame him for behaving irresponsibly when he knew it wasn't safe conditions". Besides, you're saying they crashed into a stationary object as if that makes it better.


I'm guessing you don't do much boating. I don't recall all the details on this one, he could have been very irresponsible, but what the person is pointing out is also very valid. You are required to have your navigation lights on at night if you're on the water for a very good reason. You cannot see a small unlit watercraft until you are nearly on top of it. It's not like a car where you have headlights, you rely on the other boat's lights to determine its location.


And also, folks who don't boat may not think of a pretty significant factor with boating: no brakes. Even once you see an object, you can try to avoid it, or throw the throttle in reverse and pray but the likelihood of coming to a dead stop in time in this situation even at low speed is fairly low. You can absolutely star gaze with nav lights on - for small boats they are small, red/green lights, and yes a mast light on a bigger boat may dim the stars a bit, but not enough to warrant putting everyone's safety at risk.


I've been on the water my entire life. If you're out at night you bust out the spot light and proceed with caution. Besides iirc O'Leary was drunk and that's why he threw his wife under the bus and made her say she was driving. Dickhead should be in jail, not spouting off in the news




Sure, it might work, depending on the circumstances. Here's one example I found quickly: https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/calgary-senior-acquitted-of-charges-in-connection-with-fatal-pedestrian-collision


This is so sickening. A metre outside the walk and you are fairgame.. jesus that's terrifying.


If one inch is offside, then a meter is definitely not in the crosswalk /s


There is footage of their departure that evening and she was driving the boat. Why do you assume only a man would be driving? 




I wonder if Mr. PP would think it wise to enforce a mandatory minimum sentence in this case.


Yes but only if he's a liberal


I think Kevin is such a joke. He just seems like the most entitled grumpy rich dude.


His wife killed a guy!


And there you have it … for the rich (like this buffoon) there is no such thing as too much …


he is such a jerk


He’ll create more jobs…….. in china.


And then he said to "drive boats onto the poor so there are only rich ppl like me left"


Kevin O’Leary 😂 what’ a bum


He literally said increasing poverty is a good thing. https://thetyee.ca/Video/2014/01/24/Poverty-Is-Good-O-Leary/


The man is the epitome of everything that is wrong with the world.


He is the useful idiot to the super rich so that they let him bark their thoughts on questionable media to push a certain narrative without having to expose themselves


40 + years if trickle-down economics got us in this mess Clearly, corporations and the rich did not share the benefits to those below. Time to raise corporations taxs and wealth taxs znd take that money back.. But both parties are scum and ok with us all.drowning


O'Leary is a POS


Two things can be true at the same time. I agree with your assessment of him but I also agree with his assessment of the situation in Canada.


Can someone get Ja Rule in here? Where is Ja?


I’d like to hear from Sideshow Mel


Planning a festival or something


Are you going to work harder and make your cash worth more? I doubt it. Tax billionaires out of existence please.


You’re misinterpreting what he’s saying. Until America does the same, it’s asinine to think Canada can do it and keep the major industries in Canada to remain in Canada Companies will just move south of the border for better tax rates leaving Canada in the dust. Our dollar will suffer Our gdp will suffer Our employment rate will suffer Until America does the same, you can’t, as a smaller country make it more costly and more difficult with less resources to manage. If we want more start ups, more jobs, more money, we need to make it easier on companies to operate in Canada. Countries like UAE are TAX FREE, and Canada wants to be one of the worlds highest taxed. It won’t work when there are better options. It’s not 2002 anymore. People can and will move with their business As big of a pos as he is. He’s not wrong about corporate companies moving to save a buck


>it’s not 2002 anymore Just lol. Isn’t the uae staring down the barrel of total economic collapse at the whims of oil stocks…? Isn’t protectionism a catalyst to domestic industry? The economy is a lot more nuanced than “give rich more spending money and they’ll create jobs”. Ffs we did generations of trickle down economics and we can verifiably show it’s not true.


The problem is he's just proselytising. He's not genuine.


Yes but he’s also not wrong


Kevin O'Leary and his drunk wife killed two people while driving their boat at night without lights on. They had too good of lawyers to face consequences. They are not good people.


He would have done no better. I'm glad he failed at his leadership bid. 


He would be worse. He is a complete charlatan fool.


I want to listen to the guy who sell cryptoscams on TV.


Condensed: * Kevin O’Leary says Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have squandered Canada’s vast economic potential, and that it’s time for wholesale change within the federal government. * In an interview with BNN Bloomberg, the Canadian businessman said that Canada’s abundance of natural resources make it one of the richest nations on earth, but political leaders have done a poor job managing the country’s wealth. * “We’re such a wealthy country, and we are so poorly managed from a policy basis. When I think about the tremendous potential the country has in natural resources, which was the essence of its success over the last 200 years – we've ignored it,” he said * O’Leary said that the current federal government has instead focused on things that “have nothing to do with our core wealth,” adding that he “can't help but blame Justin Trudeau for the last decade.”  “He's a weak manager, in my opinion. A very successful politician, but a very, very weak manager,” he said. * O’Leary argued that Canada should be attempting to lure foreign investment from corporations and sovereign wealth funds in order to inject jobs and capital into the Canadian economy, but current policies make investing in the country unattractive. * “We've done a very poor job of that and we've made the policy so poor in terms of attracting capital for these massive projects that they just don't come anymore,” he said.O’Leary said that he’d like to see new elected leaders take control of Canada’s finances in order to help the country become more prosperous and competitive. * “Justin Trudeau and his cabinet have been very successful in terms of longevity, but I really believe this to be true: Canada, if you look at resources per capita, is one of the richest countries on earth, run by idiots,” he said.


Wonder where this guy was when Mulroney started the process of selling off our raw natural resources instead of investing in doing something with them.


O'Leary would do the exact same thing. He'd sell them all off to foreign companies to make a quick buck instead of actually investing and his history is proof of it.


He's literally calling for it in this very article. "Attract foreign investment" --> A nice way of saying sell off natural resources and ensure all the profits leave our shores.


> Canada should be attempting to lure foreign investment from corporations and sovereign wealth funds in order to inject jobs and capital into the Canadian economy O'Leary is literally saying that selling off resources is the right decision. His only regret is that we didn't make it easy enough.


He probably didn't have the same influence in 1993 vs today. I believe he also made his millions later when he sold his educational company which was after Mulroney. Just for the record incase I make it big someday and someone posts this question about me and JT in 30 years please note that I was very angry in my living room yelling at the walls and posting my displeasure on Reddit.


Sold his money losing education company to Mattel by manipulating the numbers. Within a couple of years it was a total write down for Mattel and he was removed from his position. This guy is a scam artist in a suit, and doesn’t he live full time in Miami now anyways?


Truly a Canadian of convenience.


Further condensed: * Kevin O'Leary can go fuck himself. * Kevin O'Leary can go fuck himself. * Kevin O'Leary can go fuck himself. * Kevin O'Leary can go fuck himself. * Kevin O'Leary can go fuck himself. * Kevin O'Leary can go fuck himself. * Kevin O'Leary can go fuck himself.


Sounds like a lot of buzz words. What policy should we enact and how should we manage it? Most importantly, would the voters actually like it? I bet going to zero % corp tax would help but that’s not happening lol.


> argued that Canada should be attempting to lure foreign investment from corporations and sovereign wealth funds in order to inject jobs and capital into the Canadian economy That's what he wants. You know how we blocked the sale of that rare Earth mine to China? Bad for business. According to him, the path to Canadian prosperity is to firesale everything to America, China, Saudi Arabia etc.


Don’t like oleery but he’s not wrong.


>Canada’s abundance of natural resources Resources (namely oil and gas) that really only make Alberta wealthy. I wonder if O'Leary would be interested in a National Energy Plan that would nationalize our natural resources so that the entire country can benefit from them?


Canada has so much more resources, uranium, gold, silver, potash, forestry, metallurgical coal and much more. It has been squandered away by our politicians over decades. we could have been producing them not allowing every foreign company to buy them up, have taxpayers subsidies access to their infrastructure then ship it away to be processed. Lots of lobbying, enrichment and fuckery. The taxpayer will foot the bill


Ontario is rich in resources like Nickel


Uhhh ever been to BC?


So what you’re saying is you’ve never heard of equalization payments?


Bingo. Our country survives because if it.


That’s not nationalizing the privatized ownership of the resources the conservatives sold off in the 80’s. Thats just skimming a tiny portion of fees off the privatized corp who ships the profits to its shareholders and ceo pay packages. Look for to Norway’s model with its state owned oil company, which has led the country to have the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world at over a trillion dollars.


>conservatives sold off in the 80’s. The same Prime Minister that accepted envelopes of cash from a guy wanted in Germany for bribery, fraud and tax evasion.


What about the people from across the entire country that work in Alberta’s oil and gas sector?  Or are we just going to pretend they don’t exist and that they could fined similar paying jobs in their home towns working at cannabis shops?


Almost $20B annual net contributions to federal finances from individuals and businesses in the oil and gas sector.


The foreign investment part is also complete bull shit if you just read the news and not Facebook lol The Trudeau government has been making announcements non stop about bringing cars and battery manufacturers to Ontario and Quebec, beating the USA on numerous occasion by offering more than the Inflation Reduction Act


Fuck kevie o’leary


Fuck Kevin O’Leary


Dude and his wife killed someone while boating drunk and never faced any consequences. Mistakes happen but nothing you say matters anymore.


Kevin O'leary on Trump's trial "everyone commits financial fraud!" With a gleeful look on his face.


Kevin O Leary is a bad person. He does not deserve attention.


O’Leary is a narcissistic moron.


Kevin O'Leary is a fraud. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/kevin-oleary-hes-not-a-billionaire-he-just-plays-one-on-tv/article4564334/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/kevin-oleary-hes-not-a-billionaire-he-just-plays-one-on-tv/article4564334/)




I want to be on Shark Tank just so I can say “Kevin, I don’t care what your deal is, I would never partner with you ever!”


This guy lost all credibility long ago


I met Kevin O Leary, he has a weak handshake.


Will someone tell this fucker to get in a boat with his wife and see what happens?


100% STFU! Canadians don’t need anything from you.


Kevin O'Leary is a blowhard joke. This is what you upvote? As long as it's anti-Trudeau, it's a hit on this sub. The conservative takeover is complete.


Shouldn't he be in a corner repenting for killing someone and letting his wife take the fall? I'm so tired of these fake tough guys.


Oh man, he's an expert on weak leadership, so I trust his take here


Game recognizes game.


I'm angry at our government, but oleary can f right off. I'd rather them than anything he would pick.


Oh God not this fucking douche again.


>why are there so many children's characters involved in financial crimes this year? If it's not Harry Potter or Wood Nymphs, it's Yoda or Kevin O'Leary. >Wait, I'm being told that Kevin O'Leary is not a children's TV host? >Are you sure? > Ok.. >You're saying adults watch him? By choice? https://youtu.be/_WdfLc8H3rg?si=l7jYnGqDhmNTROxf&t7m48s


This from a drop who gets a haircut every two weeks, pays around $100 for it, and doesn’t even have any hair! I have not seen much leadership coming from him.


I don't like this guy, but agree with him 100%


That feeling when the worst person you know makes a great point.


Broken clock situation


the guy is a greedy narcisistic ass.. But he isn't an idiot that's always wrong.


Not really, no.


Kevin O'Leary is a hack POS. People at every dinner table in the country are saying the same thing, he's not a genius, just a loudmouth that people still stick a microphone in front of.


Thats true enough. But honestly, I feel like we need more people speaking out of how shit the current government is doing. The more these loud mouths speak out, the more chances are for people to rally together and make a majority vote the next election. Currently, they keep making decisions none of us want and majority don't approve of the current government's decisions. So I really don't mind having more loud mouths speaking out about it. POS or not.


I would say that we don't need MORE people saying this, we need one or two of the RIGHT people saying this. The whole country is saying the same thing. We need someone from inside the LPC, a respected elder statesperson to say "Thank you Justin it's time to step back". Don't think it'll happen because there's an air of desperate control permeating the LPC, but if it happens I suspect Trudeau would announce stepping down shortly thereafter.


I don't like the guy and would prefer to hear someone educated speak on the matter. Kevin O'Loser is really only spouting off right-wing rich guy talking points without being specific about anything. Basically his ENTIRE schtick is "make Canada cater to the wealthy so that the wealth trickles down to the poors". However we all know how that has never worked and just results in guys like him getting richer thanks to conservative politicians.


https://thehub.ca/2024/05/13/deepdive-canadas-natural-resources-are-a-long-neglected-golden-goose/ I feel like this is a pretty fairly written article with good insight and discussion.


Should we be leveraging our resources for the country better than we are? Sure. Does Kevin O'Leary have any actual good ideas on how to responsibly do that without simply enriching more of the 1% and not selling it all off to foreign interests? Nope, not one bit.


I feel dirty for agreeing with scam artist Kevin O’Leary but here we are. Thanks Justin


Given how wrong he's been that's not a good sign.


We already know. We don't need this loud mouth "speaking for us."


Kevin O'Leary's opinion shouldn't matter to anyone.


Have a drink and go for a relaxing boat ride, Kevin


Dear Christ I don't know how bad my life would have to be to care about the opinions of Kevin O'Leary.


O leary doesn't even live in Canada anymore


O’Leary was driving that boat.


Kevin O'Leary is a selfish asshole


Billionaires are a policy failure


Perhaps he thinks we need the type of leadership that lets their spouse drive a boat drunk in the dark and kill multiple people in another watercraft


Kevin O’Leary should be in jail


Says the guy that killed someone while drunk boating and blamed it on his wife.


Thanks Kevin, nice pajamas BTW 😎 👌


O'Leary also endorsed that nubar Maxime Bernier for PM when he dropped out of CPC leadeship race. He's a moron.


Kevin O’Leary? Who fucking cares.


Is he saying we need a strongman to lead us? Because no thanks I'll go with the mess of democracy.


This motherfucker was firing his AR in the U.S. right after a mass shooting. Not to imply he did it on purpose, just that he doesn't actually give a flying fuck about Canadians.


We need to cut taxes so we can innovate and invest.


Making Kevin O’Leary look right is Trudeaus worst crime


"Gotta be strong. Like my boat when my drunkass wife steered into that weak boat and killed that little biotch that was in it. Which she didn't do, fake news."


Narcissistic Rich Awhole


This guy is on par with Trump a total idiot and clown. I don't know why people continue to listen to the loudmouth.


Kevin is s simp and should not be given any credit whatsoever he is just a rich fuck that wants to think he is smart … but in essence he’s a crook


Yea for sure the guy who bitched about Trump getting charged for fraud because they all do it, is truly someone who will benefit us lmao.


Canada isn't alone in having a pathetic roster of politicians across all parties. Intelligwnt leadership in politics is nearly inexistant across the western world. Why would anybody who is capable or useful get into politics today? The amount of scrutiny, invasion of privacy and 24/7 threat to their well-being isn't worth a 6-figure salary, when c-suite execs are making 7-figure salaries with way more anonymity. Politicians across all parties and countries these days tend to be losers who flunked out of the private sector with their sense of entitlement intact.


Whenever I see O'Leary I'm reminded of what his longtime costar Arlene Dickinson said about him: his ruthless persona is not an act. He is legitimately unconcerned with the hardships of others.


Is he giving boat safety tips next?


Mr Boat Murder should fade away, but somehow the media loves him.


Not quite the person to be taking advice from. This dude threw his wife under the bus to save face after his boating accident. What a slime ball.


Can we force him to stay in florida? Like year round…


Check O'Leary's backstory before you listen to a single word he has to say.


Oh yes, because Kevin is THE guy we all should be listening to


Our finance minister has a bachelors degree in Russian studies, what else could be the expected outcome.


Says the Carnival Barker O'Leary


Don't feed Canadian Trump


Billion tries to gaslight population in to thinking him paying lower taxes will fix the economy...... Fixed the title.


> O’Leary compared Canada’s approach to managing its abundance of natural resources to that of Norway’s – another major oil exporter. He said the Scandinavian country used and contributed to its sovereign wealth fund wisely over the years, growing it to one of the largest in the world, and making Norway one of the richest nations per-capita in Europe. Might want to ask Alberta about this one, they chose Klein bucks instead LOL.


tl;dr - Tax me less and ignore climate change, it will work this time, trust me bro.


Just another load of drivel and meaningless BS. If anything JT has merely continued CPC fiscal policies and leadership styles so perhaps we need to look entirely elsewhere for better leadership...


Who cares. Drive any motorboats recently, Kevin?


> The stock of foreign direct investment in Canada increased by $52.4 billion in 2023. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240429/cg-a001-eng.htm


Which your graph shows was a lower proportional increase than Canadian direct investment abroad. From which we can infer that despite their stock growing, investments in Canada are performing worse than investments elsewhere, and continued investment in Canada, as a general proposition, is a suboptimal decision.


Kevin O’Leary always on the lookout to protect his rich friends and his own pocketbook. That greedy POS would gladly screw over a majority of Canadians and not think twice.


Why doesn’t he run for PM? Oh ya he already had whimpering leadership run. He thinks he’s Mr Wonderful when in reality he is Mr Who Fucking Cares


The thing is, not any other politician would have done a better job. The next one won’t do a better job. The next one is just coming in because we’re sick of this one.


Get in line Kevin. We've been blasting our weak leadership for years


Saved me a nice vintage bottle of wine to pop when this cockroach finally dies.


Hey Kevin, how’s your wife doing and that boating accident?


This is why we need to give these positions to actual economic experts. Sorry freeland but idk who taught you economics


>“I want to respect Freeland because she is the finance minister, but I don't know why she's the finance minister. She has no experience at this. She's never even run a bank… I don't know why she's there,” he said. Do Slavonic studies count as experience in finance?


Oh! But the wacko is delivering every single day for Canadians with his weak leadership. How long would that lost?


Who? Did he play Humpty Dumpty?


Who is this fuckard?


Gilligan of the Muskoka Lakes should mind his business. He is a killer on the water.


Kevin O'Leary is a boring old biddy.


Dudes a psychopath


That tree is an axe. All this public 'outrage' is a big puppet show for us peasants. 


Can’t stand this wanker


The below hard tough guy says we need a "strong man." Anyone else bored with this?


Why don’t all these rich folks just be happy with what they have .. and then help less fortunate you can have all the money in the world doesn’t mean u r going to be happy .




He’s a huge pos. His opinion is that everybody should be working 3 jobs, and the tax should be cut for ultra rich. If anybody’s on his side, your an idiot and don’t want what’s best for your self


He hasn’t liked Trudeau from the beginning. I don’t know if it’s because Trudeau is a weak leader or if it’s simply policy decisions that makes him upset (Kevin loves money)… but this is nothing new.


Kevin, you're not an industry leader. You're some dork who got lucky on the dot com boom. Sit down, dummy🤣


Ah Yes, that keen sense of observation that made him the successful businessman that he i;, Not shady business practices.