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Quality issues and videos coming out on Tesla lying about the 911 race coming out all at once. It’s astonishing how much of a fan base Tesla still has when there’s so much documented, bad publicity about their products and morals.


I always see it as shopping for an oven for most people. Do some people care a lot about induction, or gas, or whatever? Yeah. Most people don't though, they'd see a subreddit for people discussing comparable ovens as a bunch of weirdos and just go for whats in budget that meets their needs as they see it That's what probably 80% of the population sees cars as. Wheeled ovens


Realistically, they are just appliances for the majority of the population.


And I think that's totally fine! I'm always a bit baffled when people on here complain about that; sure it's unfortunate that fun cars have died recently, but let's be real, creating the Ioniq 5 didn't deprive us of a Hyundai sportscar. It's just an electric Tuscon, and it does the Tuscons job very well imo Now when we start getting EV sports cars like the new 718 or whatever that MG thing is called, then we can make comparisons. But an economy brand SUV is an economy brand SUV regardless, imo


While I agree about the general idea that most cars are just appliances for most people, I don’t think that applies to the Cybertruck. It’s an enthusiast vehicle. Not the same type of enthusiast as say, a 911, but somewhat similar to someone shopping for say, a G-wagen.


Oh, I don’t know about that. Even someone who will always buy an accord/camry for excellent practical reasons will admire an unusual or beautiful car. The cybertruck problem is… it’s not beautiful. It’s novel, no doubt, and it’s a very different approach, but I think back to the delorean coming out. Even people who had zero interest in one couldn’t help it smile when they saw one. It was an underdog. The cybertruck is none of those things. And it has the unfortunate problem of being associated with a CEO who is, to quote my former-Tesla-owning neighbor, “high risk, low reward association” Tesla were very cool cars five years ago. Made by someone who was vaguely different but forgettable. Now, they’re everywhere, and unfortunately, so is musk. I’ll always smile and think “I’d have fun driving that” when I see a Porsche or a Ferrari. It would be fun to be seen in one, and watch other people enjoying it vicariously. The assumptions one makes about a cybertruck owner, unfortunately, not generally positive.


> And it has the unfortunate problem of being associated with a CEO who is, to quote my former-Tesla-owning neighbor, “high risk, low reward association” I'm curious. Why should who the CEO be matter? I don't think there's any other car manufacturer who's buyer's opinion of the CEO prevents them from buying from that brand. I'm no Elon Musk fan but no Chevy owner cares what Mary Barra says. No Hyundai buyer cares what Randy Parker has to say.


> I'm no Elon Musk fan but no Chevy owner cares what Mary Barra says. No Hyundai buyer cares what Randy Parker has to say. I'm not sure I even recognize the names, but I'm assuming they're the CEO's of those companies, respectively. I'm also assuming they're doing reasonably good jobs of running those companies. (for some reason I'm mentally linking Randy Parker with Tegridy Weed, but that's Randy Marsh, right?) Musk is a child, but his tantrums and schoolyard bullying drag along the inertia of billions of dollars in value. Nobody remembers how many models Tesla motors makes right now, but they absolutely remember something abhorrent that Musk has twattered recently. in the public mind, there is no daylight between tesla and musk. (more concerning to me from a national security viewpoint is his personal bratting with starlink, but I digress..) If you're in a business where a tiny negative impression on a customer can undo months or years of goodwill, you go out of your way not to do things like put political bumper stickers on your car, or even HINT at discussing politics except as they are strictly related to business. Maybe it was also that his lease was up or whatever, but my neighbor mentioned the negative connotations of musk as being a factor. He has a Lucid now, I couldn't tell you who is the CEO of that, which is generally a good thing. celebrity CEO's are high-risk when they act like toddlers.


Ok, so you're saying if the CEO of Lucid started to act just like Elon, then your friend would sell their Lucid and buy something else?


*re-reads my own post* No. But seriously, isn’t one pathologically narcissistic automaker CEO enough right now?


Lol, and you're the one calling Elon a child?


The description is, unfortunately, pretty accurate. I think Tesla has made some pretty cool cars. Five years ago, I would have bought one, no questions asked. Today…. There are alternatives, most of them without the baggage.


Really? You can’t understand how a potential customer wouldn’t want to be associated with a highly-divisive public figure? Mary Barra doesn’t own a social media platform and flirt with alt-right figures.


it doesnt matter until its about Tesla then suddenly it matters. /r cars hate Tesla and it shows.


It matters when the CEO buys a social media company and creates, shares, and boosts bigoted and hateful posts. Most people couldn't tell you what Mary Barra is thinking, Musk posts that for the world to see.


Idk, Tesla/Cybertruck/Elon news has transcended car circles… everyone I know is talking about the Cybertruck and never in a good light. Not to mention, large stories on manufacturer reliability/practices have most definitely hurt sales in the past (Audi unintended acceleration, Dieselgate, etc). 911 race will definitely not matter but the seemingly endless quality issues and service center nightmares surfacing could have major impacts on the brand


Yup, hobbyism is getting into minutiae that most people don't care about. Someone could explain to me in great detail why mechanical keyboards are superior and totally worth it and my eyes would glaze over and I'd just continue to use whatever came with my laptop.


I think most people shopping for an oven have at least some idea about the difference between a gas one and an electric one. And resistive heating vs induction for an electric stovetop may not be something they think about every day, but I think the majority of people would at least Google it before they drop a couple grand on a new appliance. And that's the thing. A lot of people look at a car an appliance to get them from point A to point B. But they're still going to be concerned about basic things like features and reliability.


We bought a house, the 500 dollar oven that was probably 20 years old had The cooking element in the oven shatter, and while trying to replace it I nearly burned the house down and electrocuted myself. So I went out and bought what is basically an identical version of the oven for $500. Because I knew it would work and was the exact right size. If I was shopping for a $5,000 oven, I would care about things like quality control and if it's a death trap. A cyber truck is a $5,000 oven


Good analogy


Idk if there's are 5k household shoves but if there are id expect craftsmanship and light bars if it's supposed to come with one.


Weirdly enough, high end kitchen appliances are often poorly made. My SIL had not end of trouble with her Big Chill fridge.


I've heard that about fridges, you get all the tech and suddenly shit doesn't work well. I can't stand how expensive fridges are designed, the fuck do I want two doors to open and a pull out freezer?


The more stuff it does, the more stuff there is to break.


If something like a Corolla or an Accord is an oven, what kind of appliance would a cybertruck be? Im thinking some kind of automated electric bong.


“automated electric bong” I’m listening.


Whatever it is, you're buying it from wish/temu/whatever...


In the Vegas summer heat cars *are* wheeled ovens.


I know mine is, with all this sunshine! Whew! I’ll see myself out…




Honestly, I'm in a weird sport with this imo. I really like that the Cybertruck did something different. They really swung for the fences They just did the equivalent of hitting the ball and having it foul and hit a make a wish kid


> some people Wut? Literally everybody cares about this. The answer is always Gas if the house has it, otherwise induction.


Seriously. The cult of Elon dick riders is as big and as annoying as the cult of anti Elon dick riders. Both camps need to shut the fuck up. You're all cut from the same shit cloth.


The 911 drag race was debunked a while ago…


Motortrend double debunked it yesterday. The idea that it was a 1/4 race was debunked, but MT actually found that the CT also loses at the 1/8th mile that Tesla showed, implying that Tesla may have had the 911 let off.


Couldnt porsche sue for this? Isnt it pretty egregious to slander the competitions product?


You would need to prove harm to Porsche, which would be VERY hard. The easiest argument against it is simply: why Porsche did the Cybertruck shopper not buy? Porsche would likely be better off just marketing against it.


The pretext isn’t that Porsche 911s are bad. The pretext is that the Cyberthingy is so good it could go toe to toe with one. Of course it was cherry picked, but nothing that would be detrimental to Porsche in any way. If any thing it’s free positive publicity. Those two cars are so far apart in segments that they might as well be in different industries.


That would require Porsche giving a single solitary fuck about Tesla.


I’m talking about the mass amounts of videos and articles both released and on the front page of r/cars recently. Regardless if it was “debunked” a while ago, compounding bad publicity is going to leave more of a bad taste.


Quality control is a real issue. The rest just ultimately doesn't matter to most consumers. The CT itself is the type of vehicle that attracts a type of buyer who doesn't care about the negative attention or even thrives on it. And the 3 and Y clearly sell high volumes on their own merits.


The Cybertruck is less an F150 XLT competitor than it is a RAM TRX, Jeep Wrangler 396 competitor. A poorly-made $100,000 vehicle that's meant to be completely bananas.


The majority of people don’t care at all about the 911 race. It’s no different than when car companies use a truck to pull a train or move the space shuttle. It’s just marketing.


They are Stock bros, not enthusiasts. Elon is the next greatest conman in American history.


Ford and GM, and Chrysler have a well documented history of sitting on some very dangerous defects in their vehicles, and they all have hardcore fanatical fanbases. And almost every product tesla has released has had serious quality issues as the ramp production. Overall there isnt much new happening here.


> It’s astonishing how much of a fan base Tesla still has Those fans probably have stock in Tesla and they have a vested interest in throwing kitty litter over every one of Tesla's turds in order to keep that stock price up. It's worked for a long time, but I think we are reaching the point where the cracks in Tesla are starting to be better understood by the average Joe.


The fact that so many people hates Tesla/Musk is a main part of the appeal. The worse the news and publicity get, the more they dig in. They're Free Thinkers. The rest of us are just Sheeple. They're the smart ones, actually, etc.




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I actually think within Tesla fanbase there’s a lot of pushback towards the cybertruck. If I had to make a guess, I bet half of people interested in the CT had no interest in previous models.




No. It’s not.


Worse, because outside of the supercharger network, the rest of Tesla is shit. At least Apple products are well made, long lasting and stable products, if overpriced by 30%.


it's sadly not something unique to tesla or musk, alas


That fomo seems to be wearing off lol


Reddit’s gonna love this one




r/teslamotors is probably more diverse in it's opinions than r/cars tbh EDIT: case in point


That’s surprising, the Tesla fans tend to be pretty culty, although I suppose that r/cars is also a cult dedicated to the worship of Mazda, minivans, and station wagons. 


The true culty ones sit in their insane echo chamber on /r/elonmusk, /r/TSLA, and /r/teslainvestorsclub.


investorsclub is decent, will be critical of musk


something something miata


I was literally banned from that sub just for having participated on r/realtesla. I never even posted or said anything, they just banned me for having joined another sub they didn't like. r/teslamotors is a bubble full of losers that are afraid to ever say anything bad about their cars


> Looks like matt farah is not a sellout, or doesn't care about tesla cult backlash. On the other hand famous youtubers like Marques or Jason praised this piece of crap. From r/realtesla comments section regarding this video.


I didn't know "diverse" is a synonym for "bubble"


That's what a Tesla owner would say. /S


Why the “us” vs “them” mentality?


Not deranged vs deranged?


You could say deranged vs deranged. Saddens me for all the true car enthusiasts on both sides of the camp…


"True car enthusiasts" on both sides? That's where you lost me.


Again, “us” vs “them”, mentality, there a true car guys and girls on both sides, but you are disillusioned through you prejudice and affiliation to one side. To me that makes you a fake.


Yeah I get you but also the cars cult is kind of always in jest "only miatas or station wagons" where a lot of the Tesla side hinge their self worth on a car company. Just my opinion


Agreed… as a massive car nerd I miss the days (pre rise of Tesla) when we could just like whatever the quirky car we covet that day… Now our love for cars has become politicized, and simply because I love something - it’s become virtue signaling above genuine passion…


well, they banned me from their sub, which was funny, as I'd never even read it, much less posted there....based on comments in other subs....


yeah, r/teslamotors really isn't as culty as other redditors like to think it is. Literally takes just a minute to check out the sub and find heaps of criticism, but I guess that's just too much work and goes against their predetermined views. Edit: Case in point. Thx for the downvotes guys lol


cool only half of them are weird cultists


This doesn't really make much sense to me. So if you encounter some tesla stans on this sub, your automatically inclined to think the entirety of that sub are just the same?


no, we have now all learned it is only half that doesnt really change our experience here but its awesome news of course, thank you


Reddit has been pretty out of love with Farrah for like 5 years now. It’ll be interesting where this post lands.


Who likes farah unironically?


I like Farrah just fine. It’s important to understand where his actual expertise begins and ends (like with all auto journalists), but I find him perfectly reasonable regarding what he actually knows.


I enjoy the stuff he puts out. He has good perspectives on driving dynamics and a lot of knowledge of the automotive industry from an enthusiast perspective. I may or may not get along with him personally but that's true about plenty of otherwise decent people.


In fairness, his video on the Honda Fit convinced me to buy a Honda Fit. Granted, that was back in 2011...


I never liked Farah




I think Farah would agree: nobody is going to buy or not-buy a Cybertruck based on a video. It's like the upcoming presidential debates: it won't change anything. At this point I wish we could just move on from the topic.


He does say at the beginning that these are HIS opinions and that people should buy what makes them happy. I think there is a small number of people who don't know much and think it's cool, but aren't aware of the issues, and so maybe this will sway them.


The point isn’t to change minds, it’s to correct facts. Should a company be allowed to constantly spew lies because correcting them “won’t change anything”? Whining on the internet is surprisingly effective at times.


Matt called this year ago and every Tesla simps came at him with their pitchforks. He said that this thing would be fucked in every aspect and it’s a gimmick and not a serious production vehicle. Well he was wrong there as this did make it to production as Elon's wet dream. He said it’s basically Elon knowing he could sell shit in a bag and his cult fangirls would buy it. The Tesla Cybertruck is an overpriced piece of dogshit that looks like a Sub Zero fridge. They market this thing as survive any planet or the apocalypse. You don't want something like this on Mars or in an apocalypse setting as Matt pointed out in the video. Its a fashion statement and nothing more. And don't be surprised to hear news of people getting run over in this thing because the owners think they can.


So much hate for an object. Get a grip.


hey, the debates could change something. Both candidates in the same place at the same time provides the small chance that they'll both need to be replaced due to... ahem... unforeseen circumstances. [dear assigned NSA agent: please don't put me on a list, twas a yoke]


I agree with everything in this video. The cybertruck is going to be one of the highest depreciating cars ever created if Tesla doesn't fix the problems this car has. And even if they do, it's still hideous.


I hope it does depreciate terribly, just so I can scoop in and buy one. I think too many people are looking at the truck for its actual capabilities. When the truth is, it’s just a toy. The Cybertruck is irrelevant in the same way the Ferrari Purosangue is irrelevant. Whether they are great cars or terrible cars doesn’t really matter. The same people will buy them for the same reason


The difference is you can't be impaled by a Purosangue.


Im sorry if you have trouble keeping track of your fingers but I don’t.


I meant more the really sharp point where the front fender meets the nose. A Purosangue bumps someone at 10mph in a parking lot and they stumble or perhaps fall over. A Cybertruck does that and it gouges them.


I’ve never hit a pedestrian with a car. Never even come close to it


You haven't but some other CT owner will.


And some other Miata owner will throw their car off a cliff. It doesn’t mean I will. It’s really not hard to remain in control of a vehicle…


decide butter lush cats onerous slap spoon middle quarrelsome cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t care if it’s will dust a CT. How’s that relevant in normal day to day driving?


Your QF will be absolutely smoked by a Plaid for not much more money, at least in a straight line, but I bet you don't give a single fuck (and I wouldn't, either - I would take the Alfa ten out of ten times). Nobody buying this will care if it gets dusted by a 2028 Nissan Leaf.


I feel like a lot of his yammering about, "Why does this need to exist, how does it make anything better" could be applied to damn near every single enthusiast car honestly. From a Lambo to a AMG G Wagon, lots of stuff could be asked "Why does anyone need this". I do agree that it's pretty surprising Tesla would design something they cannot sell globally though, and it's depressing that the US apparently has *no* pedestrian impact testing whatsoever. Because this thing is truly does embody the phrase "Weapons Grade Stupidity" Wish more people would stop giving 6,000+ pound vehicles a pass if they're "cool" somehow.


For your first point, this is a review of a vehicle that is supposed to supplant F250s, high end F150s, Silverados, etc. This is supposed to be Tesla's take on the work truck. Rivian did a lot of innovative things without hitting half the amount of "wtf is this" moments. And at least on supercars most of the stuff there is furthering the purpose of that car: drama, theatre, hilarious experiences. The "innovations" on this truck that Matt points out as being stupid are stupid because of what the truck is supposed to be doing. Nothing helps the work-truck mentality and most of it actually detracts.


Same could be said for the R1T. But way less hate for that vehicle.


What do you mean? Software is lacking, but all the bones are there. You can at least see out of the damn thing, and their rear view mirrors aren’t blocked by a basic feature of the car. They don’t advertise auto-driving features that don’t exist and deliver a car that has some semblance of thoughtful design. For me, they also don’t sell a drive by wire system of questionable reliability and zero independent verification.


I agree I think Matt harping on it not needing to exist rang false, pretty much every vehicle he reviews doesn't need to exist.


he hates cybertruck and its coming through


>... it's depressing that the US apparently has no pedestrian impact testing whatsoever. The funny thing is, in *Unsafe at Any Speed* there is a section dedicated to how pedestrians or bicyclists could get impaled on the pointy chrome tailfins of 1950's era American cars. I always assumed that's why these were phased out. I also imagined that nonexistant pedestrian safety regulations were the reason why electric cars have additional low speed external noises, so that blind people and people with their backs turned know that a car is behind them. I guess I was wrong about the existence of these regulations.


That we definitely do have regulations for: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_vehicle_warning_sounds#United_States > After several additional delays, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued its final ruling in February 2018. It requires hybrids and electric vehicles travelling at less than 18.6 mph (30 km/h) to emit warning sounds that pedestrians must be able to hear over background noises. The regulation requires full compliance in September 2020, but 50% of "quiet" vehicles must have the warning sounds by September 2019.


Funny how in all the close up shots you can see how dirty the truck is... I wonder if the owner is too scared to clean it


If I remember my timelines correctly the guys only had it for like an hour or so, and it had just come in from a massive road trip.. This is also the reason why it was shot in town and not in the canyons as is usual for TST..


Ah fair enough! It just seemed odd as most people make sure their cars are nice and shiny before handing the keys to a show like this. P.S Fuck yeah Cappuccino gangster


A dirty truck? In _my_ suburban America?


Honestly I quite like the Cybertruck, however these issues would be a deal breaker for me. I would not pay that sort of money for a product so poorly made. Tbf Tesla had qc issues for many years on their model s and 3 but have gotten remarkably better over time. Hopefully this car follows the same path.


> Tbf Tesla had qc issues for many years on their model s and 3 but have gotten remarkably better over time. Hopefully this car follows the same path. I'm sure the Cybertruck will get better, but the design and materials it uses are probably going to make the margin of improvement smaller. Getting those sharp edges to come together cleanly will be a nightmare where conventional body panel lines that curve around corners before converging are more forgiving. I have to imagine that the stainless steel they are using for the body is tougher to work with than aluminum or steel since it's far more durable. This thing seems to be doomed to be a fit and finish disaster to me.


P.I.S.S. Pedestrian Impact Safety Standards. 😂 💦


Finger under the hood...Yeeeeouch, there goes anotha! I only have so many to go around Elon!! LOL


The build quality on this thing is just abysmal, the waviness of the dash is ridiculous.


Didn't MotorTrend just borrow the Out of Spec Cybertruck too? Man, that thing gets around.


I know about the quality control issues, but every time I see one in the wild. They just get more and more repulsive. I’ve seen roughly 50 this past month, and they don’t get any better seeing. God help anyone who bought one for multiple reasons


I don’t care what people say this thing is interesting/goofy and that’s all that matters to me. Sometimes we take life too seriously and should slow down and just appreciate that such a dumb vehicle exists.


For what it's worth, that's where I am on the Cybertruck too. It's fun. It's flawed. I don't understand where the super strong feelings the internet has about it come from, but there are valid objective criticisms of the vehicle and the company, of course.


Saw one in the wild yesterday. 1) Much bigger than I thought. 2) Really ugly design. I mean really ugly. 3) My god that stainless steel shows dirt, hand prints, just seems like a dirt magnet. Could not believe how grungy it looked up close. Didn't even want to touch it. Seems destined for trash heap of automobiles.


A man child out of touch with reality makes multiple wrong decisions ? Shocking.


Cyber is probably going to be like the new delorean. You can still find them but they were such a POS that there aren't many left and they were basically broke when leaving the factory. Give this vehicle 20-30 years and it will be a rare sighting


I think the takeaway is near the end when Matt says "it's a thing no one asked for." One guy did, and he happens to be the one in charge of the company. Yeah, you can point at the quality issues (panel gaps, sharp edges that can hurt you, etc.) but at the end of the day, Tesla didn't design and build this because there was a demand for such a vehicle from the public, but rather because their boss said "I want something like this."




The Elon Chump mobile..


But didn't you hear? It went around a go kart track, and has a higher base voltage. That means its an I C O N. Everyone else is just a hater boomer who can't get over heavy statement luxury cars.


This but unironically


After seeing Jason Camissa absolutely cook Matt on his own podcast I can't take the dude seriously anymore. Farah really showed his ass on that one.


If Matt hates this thing so much, he shouldn't give it any attention, because that's all Elon and Tesla want with it.


If you’re going to be hit be a 6k pound truck the least of your worries is going to be the stainless steel edge tbh.


For a low-speed impact, which is presumably when most pedestrian impacts happen, it would make a difference.


At city-street speeds, can be the difference between moderate and severe injury.


I feel like there's a pretty big difference between being grazed by a round truck and grazed by a knife.


Then why not attach a fucking spear as a hood ornament They were gonna die anyway


8,000 lb truck.


fwiw, they list it with a ~6600lb curb weight, [but yeah, GVWR is closer to 9000](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-12A976DD-EB60-431B-AFF1-5A37E95006DB.html)