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Middle-aged? Has life expectancy been dropping?


Zoomers think that you're middle-aged if you're over 30 or 35 now. There are different classifications, but it's pretty consistently thought to be within 45-65 years old. The midlife transition (second adulthood) usually begins at around 40 years old but can be earlier or much later.


My 20 year old colleague loves to refer to me as ancient... I'm 38..


Kill them and drink their blood to steal their youth powers


Youth is wasted on the young.


Whenever they do that just remember that in 18 years time they’ll be your age and some ignorant kid will be making fun of them like the passage of time doesn’t effect all of us.


Yeah I tried that but he just countered with "yeah but you will still be older" 😂


Haha same I’m 39, turn 40 in a couple of months and I get called grandad all the time off the 20-23 year olds at my place. Cheeky little fuckers 😂


Assuming someone played it on release from infancy they'd be 30-ish. Wouldn't consider that middle aged though.


Yeah, and also a lot of people played it as kids years after it's launch are are still on their 20s.


And these days retro gaming is growing ever more popular so there are even 14 years old fans of the game


Also with the switch having the whole 64 emulator thing it’s super easy to play even today.


Mario 64 speedrunning is actually pretty popular with that demographic.


Damn…I’m 38 but I was 10 when the game released and I remember getting it for Christmas …I hope I’m not middle aged lol


Average human life expectancy in the US is ~78 (~75 for men, ~80 for women). Welcome to the middle.


Good thing I’m not American 😅


I mean… 76 is twice your age. So… I’d say that’s about middle


Youngsters have been viewing anything past the early 20s as "middle aged" for years, lmao. I


Dude I'm 35 and I got at least another 10 before being called middle aged lol


Middle aged is 50-60


I imagine it hit different if you played it in 1996.


Yes! This was the first 3D Mario game ever. Even one of the first 3D games at that. I blew my mind! Still play it sometimes; Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time.


Kiddy me could simply not comprehend that there was a 3d world with 3d worlds in it.


IIRC it's the first game to use an AI to determine "NPC" actions. It wasn't advanced enough for actual enemies yet but they used it to make the fish "run" from you.


It was mindblowing. The first 3D game I had ever played and it was massive compared to the NES games that I had been playing up to that point.


Those two and Goldeneye were childhood staples for me (And Beetle Adventure Racing which is even better than Mario Kart 64 imo)


Christmas Day 1996 is a high I am forever chasing.


Played it for the first time around 2010 and it's one of my favourite Mario games.


I played it for the first time in 2020 or whenever the 3D collection released and I liked it, but it drove me insane at times when Mario needed to do this huge U turn instead of snapping into the opposite direction while standing on a small ledge.


A little tip he turns Instantly if you are at a complete stop or full speed


You can do a full 180° turn around while running by quickly flicking the joystick in the opposite direction and jumping.


As someone who's a big fan of Mario 64 and it's romhacks, this mechanic is bullshit. You get used to it eventually, but it is absolutely terrible for new players.


It was easier to do on the old N64 controllers. They were less sensitive than modern ones so it wasn’t as awkward.


Disregarding ease-of-execution, the fact that you have to do a whole ritual in order to predictably go in the direction you want is a design flaw.


There wasn’t really a “ritual”, it was just designed to use the old, crappy N64 controllers so the control scheme doesn’t translate well to modern controllers or keyboards.


Why I appreciate the PC port having an option to fix this, alongside freecam. Two absolute must-have fixes for me.


I started with Galaxy 2. It wasn’t until n64 came to switch that I finally played this game. I love it but I can understand why people prefer new ones


Please don’t call me middle aged


Ikr, they call anyone over 30 middle aged these days. I mean we're old, but not middle aged...


Ah yes. Liking Mario 64 is a white quality...


Well of course, that gives their post a much needed oomph since white people are the bad guys at all times


Mario64 was a great game, for its time. However, then and now I will forever hate that camera, and the n64 controller. But hey, different strokes for different folks :)


It holds up for me. And it isn't just nostalgia talking, because many of games I loved from that era don't hold up for me. Camera issues are overstated in my opinion. Most frustrating thing is probably accidentally grabbing ledges.


Yea honestly I am always infinifly surprised on how well Mario 64 has aged A LOT better than it has any right to.


I second this, prefer the ds version even with the dpad if I never have to deal with the camera of the original


It was a good foundation for the future games but I can't stand M64 nowadays.


I have never played it before, bought it on Switch and absolutely loved it


Exactly this! It’s really charming and definitely did alot later on but from a gameplay perspective it’s janky and hard to control


I have never heard the hard to control complaint before


Mario literally never controlled as good as 64 until Odyssey. People are tripping. Sunshine felt worse and Galaxy literally took away half of the moveset.


People say it controls poorly because half the rereleases controlled like ass and Project 64 has noticeable input latency and an OG N64 controller probably has a shitty stick if it's been used and analogue to digital conversion is awful... Mario 64 controls great, but if you're not an enthusiast it's a bitch and a half to play the game with the intended controls. There's literally no official way to play the game on a flatscreen display without input lag unless you're spending hundreds on a nice upscaler because Wii U VC, 3D All Stars, and NSO all added varying amounts of latency that make the controls feel way more dated and clunky than they actually are.


Complexity and number of options does not equal feeling good to play


Mario 64 movement is pretty simple and it gives you just the right of moves. Basically just combinations of jump, crouch, dive, and knowing how to change directions.


Might be people playing the DS version, lol.


I think it didn't translate well to the switch. I played it on the switch and it felt so much worse then it did in like 98 when I played it as a kid. The only thing that ever bothered me as a kid was in certain area thr camera was finicky. But other then that it felt pretty good


Nostalgia goggles, my guy.


I think it's solid, Mario Sunshine handled like a bag of d¡cks.


Nah sunshines controls fely so fluid and sharp


I understand finding the camera annoying to control, but Mario himself?


I guess its moreso the physics being asscheeks at times, similar to Sunshine


Honestly the physics are *better* than Sunshine's...or at least less glitchy. Sunshine is prone to absolutely fucking out, especially in a few select scenarios like the Pachinko stage.


not me doing a dive-slide over a ledge and somehow bumping into a wall on said ledge Yeah SM64 is definitely better in that regard, just not quite polished


There's a 4 hour video explaining invisible walls in SM64. The game is definitely janky, but it was one of the first 3D games. Can't really compare it to anything.


Sure, it may be due to its age, but man did it really not age well


Mario was a breeze to control


Thank you! I see this game praised and I get it if it's for it's time, but the controls are bad and the camera is bad. It WAS revolutionary for it's time and as a Sonic fan I can tell you that there were much worse games transitioning into 3D. This game has not aged well and that isn't a condemnation. MOST N64/PS1/Saturn games that were pure 3D haven't.


me explaining how i see sm64ds as superior to n64 in every way: everyone:


Me too and even my friend who grew up playing the original and loves it more admits that they should've just ported/remade 64DS since it has so much extra content for switch


Same here (although not every way), love to replay both but the DS remake is just better overall in my opinion.


The DS version is good


It's a great version, especially for the DS! Too bad controls were odd


Hell yeah just started playing it again for the first time in ages


Was the way i actually got to play it. My buddy had an n64 so I played a few levels with him. That and Kirby and the crystal shard so we could have a lightsaber… but when it hit DS I actually got to play the whole thing plus the new secrets and characters.


In my opinion Mario 64 has not aged well but i understand it was the first proper attempt at 3D


The game was amazing when i was a child. My grandparents had a Nintendo 64. Pretty awesome. Nowadays, the game kind of feels like a horror game. So eerie, weird. It is fun though to see what fans have done to the game.


I really liked it as a kid when it came out. I've replayed it recently on Switch, and it does feel weird and uncanny. Also, the controls are all over the place, either they were slightly different on N64 or I had much more patience and free time. It was great fun back then, and it is one of the defining games of the dawn of 3D gaming, but I totally get it if people don't like it, especially in 2024.


Switch only emulates the game which adds lag to the already existing joy con problems like the joy con drift for example. Only the NDS remake has wonkier controls


please for the love of fuck stop labeling this game as a horror game. it is not scary at all.


I agree. Idk where people are getting this idea its uncanny or creepy. Like are they talking about the same game as us? Mario 64 uncanny? Idk...


Honestly, I agree. I respect it, but I don't really like it.


I like having access to it for it's significance in gaming history. But truth be told I don't really enjoy playing it that much and I certainly can't see myself finishing it.


Wait, are you saying I'm half dead?


I respect your opinion. SM64 will always be my most favorite game of all time


The game is historical and I respect it immensely for how it melded video gaming as a whole… but dear god it’s one of the worst controlling games I have ever played and it only becomes tolerable if you play it for hundreds of hours.


It was iconic, laid the foundations for modern games. Do I enjoy playing it in 2024? Nahhh


Me but with Ocarina of Time


I'm not a fan of it either. Sunshine all the way


SM64 and OOT are important games for both the industry and the history of videogames, but holy fuck i really don’t care about thoses games. They play like shit nowdays.


The controls just feel clunky imo


I think the game’s fun but people have got to stop calling it the best game of all time because holy shit it has not aged well


It's okay, OP. I was born in 1980, and I don't like Super Mario 64 either. I mean, it's okay, but I think it's overrated. Also, for the record, so is Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


Early 90 here and... Dont like too. Player it many times, but... Meh


Who gave Borat an account?


Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk desculpa, eu não conseguiria me expressar tão bem noutra língua, sua piada foi perfeita, obrigado kkkkkk


Agradeço sua aceitação da piada. Você tem um bom senso de humor. O jogo tem suas falhas. Essa mensagem foi traduzida pelo Google haha. Desejo a todos o melhor!


hey be more respectful with after he very good friend of me ok


People who get offended by others’ personal preferences are the worst.


And the Dutch


Hallo maat, ik ben een nederlander


yeah. people get offended so easily just because of a different opinion.


I can do you one better I think Mario 64 DS is superior in almost every way B)


Controls asides, but yeah


I kinda enjoyed it but i really can’t stand some of the levels like the snow one. I remember seeing some people glaze it and say it’s one of the best platformers every made including newer stuff. It made a huge impact on 3D platformers but let’s not pretend like it’s not showing it’s age


im mid 2000s and i still think youre wrong


One of the most significant and influential games of all time, but there are definitely better 3D Mario experiences.


yea, stuff like mario galaxy


I'll be real, I adore this game, didn't even grow up with it (too young), so I emulated, and no amount of anything is gonna change that for me unless I become physically incapable of basic movement in that game. But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend it doesn't have some of the jankiest controls and most frustrating levels in the series. It's an old arse game, and one of the 1st attempts at 3D platforming, of course it wasn't gonna age well. If it's not for you, probably just means you have a higher expectation for controls. And that's fine; you deserve that king/queen! 🤣


I think it is important to appreciate Super Mario 64 in the context of how it helped pioneer early 3D games. However if someone doesn’t like it because it’s not good compared to modern games then like yea of course Super Mario 64 is dated as heck by modern standards.


I still love it, but the camera and it’s control could be better.


Most of the game is fine and still holds up well, but there are a lot of terrible things in it: Mario turns in a little loop which can kill you on small surfaces, the camera, 100 coin challenges, you can get stun locked until death by the rolling balls in Tiny-Huge Island, sometimes the wind doesn't work properly there either, and there's this weird bug where Mario can't move that happened to me like 5 times in my playthrough on 3D All Stars and killed me in Rainbow Ride. It's still fun, but nostalgia goggles are a huge factor in the enjoyment


I can get not liking some of the later levels, they haven't aged well. But the game still plays awesomely


I haven't played it myself but based on what I've seen I don't like it much either. Was probably great for its time or something like that. Some of the music is iconic. Basically it's what inspired many new great games, so gotta appreciate it


It's not a bad game but my main issue is that the controls don't feel as tight as Galaxy or Odyssey. Also the camera is bad.


As a new player, the controls and camera and invisible walls and other janky bits can definitely take some getting used to. Other Mario games, while still difficult, have more ease of access. Not that I’m coming in with the “skill issue” argument, but watch a pro player. When you’ve put in the time to master the controls, it becomes one of the most fluid platformers to exist. And that’s saying a lot considering it came out in ‘96 and revolutionized the genre.


I was never pulled into Odyssey the same way others were. It’s gorgeous, and I *should* love it, but for some reason it just didn’t hit the same way as SM64 or Galaxy


I played Odyssey and SM64 on the Switch. I really don't understand the praise for them. I like linear games and I like non-linear games, I just find those two to be an unpleasant way of merging them.


Good it’s not just me


i tried it on mario 3d all stars, but imo the movement felt too slippery for me in a way that more modern games like galaxy and odyssey don't


It's probably because you do it on a public forum which invites debate. I'm sure taking jabs at the perceived audience for the game doesn't help.


Yeah I played it for the first time a year ago and didn’t like it. The controls were not that great and that loud SWOOSH noise every time you move the camera annoyed me so much.


Look, I get how monumental it was at the time, and how influential it was for 3D platformers as a genre. If someone wants to call it one of the greatest games of all time, I'm okay with that for those reasons. But it has aged very poorly in my opinion. It may have laid the groundwork for the genre, but that doesn't mean it perfected it. I find movement and the camera to be very clunky and frustrating, severely hurting my enjoyment of the game. It's just not very fun for me to play, so there's no reason I would ever play it over any of the other 3D Mario's.


I swear to god, it’s gotta be one of the most overrated games ever. Yes, it was groundbreaking and it’s a fun game but to me Mario controls like utter fucking shit in that game. Jumping feels slugish and it annoys me to no end how he does an awkward roundabout whenever you try to turn him around. I prefer literally any other 3D Mario game to 64, based on how it controls alone.


i know it’s been said before but it totally has cursed vibes aside from the playdoh graphics and camera. the way ppl talk about it you’d think it was mario galaxy or even sunshine


I don't mind the 3DS version like not my favourite Mario game, by a long shot but not bad. The N64 version is just too clunky and slippery.


Mario 64 is a very important game and i would definitely understand if someone loves it to death. But the game has its flaws in my opinion, the movement is not fun and it just ends up pissing me off. The game has its highs and lows.


One thing all generations can agree on: the camera controls suck


It’s the one Mario game I can’t get along with. I’ve tried multiple times and I just don’t like it, it’s a similar thing with Sunshine. I’ve preferred the games after Galaxy.


For me a game's rating is supposed to _rate_ how good it is _now_ I don't care if it was the best game ever in 1996, it's 2024 and compared to the games we have now it simply doesn't hold up, I could only possibly recommend to play it (assuming you haven't before) if you wanna experience some gaming history


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. People will go nuts about lego island being the best game but you go to actually play it and you can't even move your head without arrow keys


Mario 64 Ds was good fun back in the day.


Mario 64 brought 3D Platformers from objectively terrible to a working proof of concept. Mario 64 is not all that fantastic beyond that context imo. That said, the only collect the star Mario game I enjoy is Odyssey.


Why are 'muricans so obsessed with races? for fuck sake.


Because mentioning that the bad people in your, probably made up, story are white gives you more sympathy lol




Comments section only proves the meme true lol


The game just didn’t age that well. Honestly if you want a platformer from the N64 that aged wonderfully, go play Banjo-Kazooie


I played it my entire childhood and beyond. I considered it my favourite game of all time until 2020. Even then I still played it some more times, including randomizer and a couple ROM hacks. Something happened in the last 1-2 years, because I played it one more time last January and I did not have as great of a time as usual. It might be because I was set on collecting all Stars in one day, which I had never done before, but I remember starting to hate it fairly early in the run


As someone who is 16, I love all the technical things about the game, especially pannenkoek2012, he's epic. With that being said, I could explain things about parallel universes, how you can reverse the Koopa the quick's animation timer, etc. But I couldn't tell you what the jump button was. Never played it..


Played it several times as a kid on an old CRT in my house in the 2010s lol. The game’s older than I am but I still really enjoy it.


I was born in 2002 and still think Super Mario 64 is great. Then again, I grew up on Super Mario 64 DS, so that’s probably why I love the game, even if it’s slightly different from the original lol


I like it and I’m 14


Yeah, I got the DS version for my birthday, and honestly I'd say it's mediocre at best.




For us late-80s, early 90s guys, remember we'd never really seen a 3D game before, and the fact this one holds up pretty well is incredible. Yes it's noatalgia-fueled, but it's also a very important part of video game history. Appreciate it for what it is.


thats not what middle-aged means, youre off by a decade


It's good but very dated so if people dont like it I can understand why, even though they're obviously wrong😁


Rayman 2 is better


Me whe i say i don't like Ocarina of time


Me with super Metroid


Just like the model t paved the way for modern automobiles, I can respect its contributions and still hate actually using it


"Pick it up" *Kicks N64 controller over


I just started it and its currently not retaining my attention, but I will keep trying.


It's good, but like all 3d Nintendo games through the GameCube, the camera controls are backwards.


I just wish it had better level design. Some theme, some more unique music, some charm to it all. But it feels like a tech demo in a lot of stages, or a rough draft that was cut short. And there's no excuse other than time constraints, cause look at banjo or crash or dk64 or even the 2d Mario games


[According to the Oxford Dictionary](https://web.archive.org/web/20141014211143/http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/middle-age), one would have to be born between 1959 and 1979 to be considered middle-aged. (phew)


Whoa whoa whoa. Careful with the definition of middle aged.




I fucking love Mario 64 but don't like Zelda OOT so I'm in the same boat as you


I like Mario 64, it's still a great game, but as someone born in the 1980s who adored SMB3 i don't see it as the be all and end all. it was quite different from all previous 2D Mario games. You can like Mario games and not like Mario 64!


Hot take: the Nintendo DS version is the definitive version and objectively better.


Me when I say I don't like Odyssey or the Super Mario Bros. Movie (Illumination).


Late 80/early 90s is middle-aged? Are you from the future?


Late 80s and early 90s babies are NOT middle aged.


This is like me when I say I don’t enjoy Ocarina of Time because it hasn’t aged well. May have been revolutionary back in the day, I can’t deny that, but it doesn’t hold up today.


30s is middle-aged now?


I thought Mario Kart 64 was ok, but when I picked up an original controller and played it on an N64 with CTR Television I discovered why people think this game is so good


Me explaining why I don’t like 64’s ds remake: People born in 2000-2010 who haven’t played the game since they were 6:


35 is not middle aged…..


If you were born in the late 80s/early 90s, you're in your late 20s or early 30s. Far from middle aged lol.


I’m, ah, duty-bound to inform you that someone born in the late 80s is not “middleaged.”


Whoa I was born in 91, I’m 32 that’s not middle aged. I feel old enough as it is!


did you even see mario with wings on his hat? HE FUCKING FLYS, way better than cat suit


Dang, didn't know 30 was middle aged. I knew I felt old for a reason


>born in early 90s >”middle aged” ???


The only complaint I have with the game is that god awful camera. Pisses me off beyond belief.




Early 90s - middle aged. I feel personally attacked


How can someone born in the 90s be middle aged???


I used to not like it because the skybox would make me motion sick somehow.


I just hate their camera system, that shit fucking sucks


I hate to say it, but I get it.


The biggest problem of mario 64 is its camera angle, so frustrating


Born in '85 that game sucks. So does ocarina... fight me


I grew up playing it, and I enjoyed it, but… it really hasn’t aged well.


im a gen z kid that is a sega fan, and i still think super mario 64 is a great game


Its okay, Sunshine is my favorite 3d Mario. But overall id say TTYD is my absolute favorite Mario.


Those born in the early 2000s who grew up with 64 DS: "Alguien se quiere morir."


Once you get into speedrunning it, the whole game evolves into something completely different and engaging. It gets competitive and you have a big community to share it.


I was born in the mid-80’s and I am not middle aged..


Just turned 30, never liked the game. Never really liked main title Mario games in general. love smash and Mario party and paper Mario though... In general I dislike side scrollers and find that weird nerds are super into them.


Banjo-Kazooie is better anyways lol.


the only thing that can be considered bad in m64 is the camera that works against you sometimes and that's because it was the first attempt


I was born in early 80's, a Nintendo fan since the NES days and I never liked SM64 too.