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You are a great person and the universe knows your heart. You will find peace again. Thoughtfulness like this is rare.


I feel as though I’ve lost my own cat. The grief is too strong. I’m at peace knowing he left fast, but I’m worried his someone doesn’t know he’s gone yet.


Hey, if it’s someone’s boy you should post fliers around the area and look at Facebook groups. We know you are remorseful and feel guilt. We should find an owner so they have closure and can grieve


Yes, I’m doing my best to find the owner. The animal control officer and both humane societies near me have my name and number. I’m told they are checking to see if the cat has a chip, but I haven’t got a call back yet. From the area Facebook group I’m on, this is the third cat in 24 hours to be unfortunately killed by a vehicle. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a post soon from the local police department about each.


I hope they find the cat's owner soon and take steps to prevent more accidents.


I feel you, brother. I am so sorry. But things like that happen. It's not your fault at all.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's heart-wrenching to imagine the uncertainty his absence brings.


You are wonderful person for the comfort you provided to him at the end. I totally understand your grief because I would feel the same way.


Thank you. The grief is stronger than I expected. Looking to my two cats for comfort but feeling ashamed. It happened too quick to have done anything, but then I think, why was I driving at all.


If it wasn't you it would've been someone else. This is why inside is safer for a cat. At least you comforted the cat whereas many other people would've just kept driving. Hang in there OP.


Just like the other person said, this is why cats should be inside. He may have been well fed and taken care of, but the owners were absolutely irresponsible letting their cat go outside freely. If it hadn’t been you, it would have been a hawk, eagle, coyote, fox, or any other number of predators- if not simply the car of another. Our family’s first cat was eaten by coyotes. We now only let the new cat outside leashed.


This is my major fear while driving. Hitting a living, loved creature. Of course a kid but just as well a pet. As I know they mean just as much. An accident happens quickly and very often, you can't do anything about it. You did what you could, that's all you can do.


Thank you. A fear of mine also, that I unfortunately know much too well now.


I very nearly hit a kitty the other day, they’re fast and sometimes they’re not fast enough. It is not your fault. You are a victim of this tragedy too, please take care of yourself. So sorry this happened.


Skeletor is devastated this happened to you. Reading your text, I know you are kind and considerate person. You have empathy and love in your heart. I'm sending you all my love. Sincerely Skeletor 💜


I’m tearing up at this post and I’m still laughing at this, you are amazing


It’s not your fault. I don’t know what else to say but it’s not your fault. Be glad it didn’t suffer. If it was still alive but in agony I can’t help but think that would have been worse. I’m so sorry this happened. It’s not your fault


Thank you.


This is a call to people who have cats. Please, keep your cat indoor. Accident do happen and also bad people go around looking to harm innocent creatures. In Salem, Oregon, a group of teen shot a cat several times with a BB gun, thankfully they were caught but the poor cat won’t be brought to life by it.


That’s horrible. How can people intentionally hurt innocent animals? Ugh.


They are psychopaths. There is a video of it released by news agencies and it made me so mad. I hope those kids get years in prison for animal cruelty but knowing Oregon they’ll be let go with an apology from the DA and governor


You are a wonderful person! ❤️ And you aren’t like the other people who run over cats/ animals. My cat son got run over, while I was at school. My dad had to come and bring me the news. I was devastated. And to this day I still grieve. He was born 6/21/22 and died 1/27/23. He had just turned seven months. His name was Kotaru (Dakota). He is still missed to this day. I miss him dearly. But trust me when I say you aren’t like the others. You tried to help him. You tried to comfort him. Kota died suffering. At least that cat died feeling comforted. God knows your heart. We know your heart. ❤️ and for that, I respect you. Kota is with that cat now, comforting him. And the night kota died, a cat that looked exactly like him came to my front door. I cried saying Kota was alive, but he wasn’t. That she-cat is still alive today, with her second litter of four. Her name is Cloe Bell. Thank you for helping that cat. ❤️❤️❤️


I am so sorry for your loss


Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. So young and gone far too soon. My late cat was named the same, but spelt Chloe. Beauitful. ❤️


Maybe it was meant to be :)


Sorry that happened. This sub is just full of examples of why people need to keep their cats indoors.


I understand wanting to let them out. My indoor cats beg some times, but I worry more about them fighting with the many neighborhood cats. This experience taught me to never let them out without their harness and leash.


Im sorry this happened. The same happened to me years ago. The cat came out of a hedge under the side of my car and there was nothing I could do and he died in my arms. I put him in a box with the intention of going back to try find his owner. I only lived 2minutes away and couldn’t take the cat in the car with me. When I came back he was gone. I asked in the neighbouring houses and found where he lived. I called into them to say sorry and explain what happened (they had the cat). They were understanding and I offered to get them another cat. His name was Pedro :( I hope you’re ok ❤️


I’m so sorry that happened to you. A similarity I’m sure we both hate sharing. I know how much pets mean to most people, especially our loving cats, and I know I would be heartbroken getting news like this.


Thank you for saying this. I wonder how ppl could just struck a cat or dog with their car and feel no remorse. I imagine what you imagined, that they were someone’s world, someone’s best friend. It’s not your fault, you didn’t want this. At least you took the time to be with it in its final moments, it’s all you could really do sadly


This is why people should keep their cats indoors.


This isnt your fault. This was either someone's lost pet or someone's irresponsibility and I'm sorry you gave to deal with this


Do you think he is microchipped. Was a collar on. Perhaps check for missing cats online. Check the shelters for missing cat report. Check pet stores for missing cat poster and watch all over streets posts for signs hanging up . Retail stores sometimes let people hang up posters of lost pets too. Also check with local vets. See if they have lost cat poster please let us. Know. Does animal control know ? They are part of shelter and can keep on file what happened if you ask them too in case an owner calls them to report lost cat also you can post what happened on lost and found pet websites online and hang posters up describing what happened and see if owner calls you or email you


I called animal control when it happened and waited for them to pick him up. They bring him to the humane society where they check for a chip, but it’s taking some time. I’ve called the society a few times, but nothing yet. I need to know the owners know where he is and I want to offer my condolences, apologies, and money for a cremation and urn if they want.


You have a beautiful, soft heart. Be gentle with yourself in such a painful time. It was an accident. If he was indeed someone’s love, they should have made different choices like a catio. They may have slipped out and it was an alignment of bad luck. You aren’t to blame. May you be able to wash the sting of shame away with time, kindness and compassion for yourself. 🫂 if you like hugs.


Yes, check for microchip.


This is both the best post and the worst I’ve ever read, but I thank you.


As I was lying in bed not able to fall asleep, I thought writing him a poetic memoriam would help. After I wrote it and re-read it, I cried more than before. The lack of closure on this is hard. My hope is I hear the owner was found soon.


I know mistakes happen and cats can get outside, but for those that let their cats outside unattended, it is so dangerous for them. I ride my bike to work and I see all of the dead wildlife and my fair share of dead cats on the side of the road. I gently moved them off the road when possible and I call the city for pickup and microchip check. It breaks my heart every time. 💔 Op I am so sorry this happened. I would be devastated. Thank you for staying with the cat and calling the right people to come and not just leaving him there alone.


Im sorry this happened to you. People need to stop letting their cats outside


This was beautifully written. I can feel your grief and pain through your words. I just want to say that it's okay to feel the way you do, but don't beat yourself up on the inside because you didn't mean for this to happen- it was an accident. A cat can sense people's emotions, and this one could probably tell that you meant no harm and wanted to comfort it in it's last moments. It felt your warmth and caring heart until the end. That's what matters.


May you find peace and comfort again soon… I’m sorry this happened to you… I don’t believe in god and I’m not sure that this comforts literally anyone but sometimes when tragedies like this happen with 0 explanation, I just try and think their soul needed to return to the universe to fulfill another purpose. 🫂


I like that thought. I hope the universe brings him back to his someone in one form or another.


Love always finds a way


I‘m so sorry for you that this happened but your posting shows how hard it is for you and that you care about animals and their humans, one time someone told me he hit a cat and just drove one without even stopping a second, what an asshole, you’re for sure a better human than people like him.. i hope you get well soon again and the same for the humans of the cat. I feel your sadness and got sad myself because of your posting but also confident because i wish there would be more people who care for the things and livings around them like you.


This almost made me tear up. I live in a place where cars drive fast and crazy. And she managed to sneak out in the night. She was a recent mother so all her 5 kittens had less than a month. I’m still trying to make them survive. One of them already died. Sadly, we don’t have shelters in my country. All I’ve been doing are things recommended by the vets. And trying to take extra care of them. I look at them looking at me, and we connect. We both have the same pain. They lost their mother. I lost my cat. Don’t feel bad. I know it must’ve been tough for you. But you showed respect for him. You stopped and checked if there was anything you could do. It wasn’t your fault. You seem to be such a nice and wonderful person.


Sometimes we do things we don't mean to do, and we can't take them back. All we can do is work as hard as we can to make sure we never do them again. At least you stopped for him. At least he wasn't alone.


Paying closer attention any time a get into my car. But I’m not sure I could’ve avoided this. Wishing I could rewind time and just stayed home yesterday.


Everything is as it is, friend. We can't change the past, but we can change the future. Maybe you can adopt a shelter cat, give life for the one you didn't mean to take. I wish it hadn't happened either, for what it is worth.


I am so sorry. I hit a cat a few years ago and it was the worst thing. I was going slowly because there were kids, but the cat was so fast there was no way I could stop. It was a cute little tuxedo with a pink collar. The kids knew who the owner was. I was on my way to work and so couldn’t stay. I’ll never forget it. Virtual hug from an internet stranger who knows what you’re going through.


Dammit 😭😭😭😭 You did more than most would though


Drive slow. And for those who let their cats outside, keep them inside goddamn it.


I’m so sorry this happened to you both.


Oh honey. I am so sorry you are going through this. Bottom line is that letting a cat outdoors is dangerous. They can’t just how fast a car is going and are at risk of getting hit. You did everything you could. M I hit a dog many years ago now. It ran out in front of my car on the interstate. I tried to swerve but there wasn’t time. It was awful, but it does get better.


I am so sorry about this.  I know I would be absolutely fucked up if a cat died by my hands.  Do you need anything to help you feel better. Edit: I'm fucking crying rn.  What the fuck.  


I'm sorry. You did the right thing staying with them until help came ❤️ try not to be too hard on yourself.


I'm so sorry. I can only imagine how you feel... Also poor cat. Thanks for holding him during his last moments and honoring him.


I hope you can find peace. You have a good heart.


I'm so sorry. This happened to me with a squirrel once. Thought it was a leaf. I had a similar reaction and still get sad about it. Sending light to you. ✨✨✨


My cat does that, but with her claws outside 😮‍💨


So sorry to read, my condolences, and prayers


It was not your fault friend, you didn't mean to hurt him. I hope you're able to forgive yourself. Lots of hugs to you 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂


Ugh I wish I could hug you. You are such a sweet person. You care so much. I’m so sorry


Sometimes rotten things happen to the best and least deserving of creatures. Your mourning is kind, and I hope your rest is easier knowing that.


Sorry that happened. RIP to the kitty, and its not your fault. Your a great person for doing this


I hate this damn sub. Tired of reading about cats dying etc. fuck this.


Sorry you keep seeing the posts. I put it under mourning/loss. Maybe there’s a way to mute that tag? :/


I have r/cats widget on my phone I like to see before bed since I don’t have pets of my own. Clicked on this thinking it was a wholesome picture of an owner with their cat’s paw holding their hand.. now I have to go to bed sad.. again.. because it seems all these “cute cat” pictures the widget chooses to show are mourning/loss posts and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them in their self, I’m just so tired of being saddened when I’m trying to get a micro dose of cute cat here and there to brighten my day. I’ll look into seeing if the tag can be muted.. but I don’t think Reddit works like that.. let alone my widget.. ;-;


Bahhh now I’m crying. You are a good person. Hug your kitty today folks!


As someone who’s dog was hit by a car last year, thank you for doing this. How we found her was awful and I can only hope she passed quickly. I’m so sorry ❤️ you are a good person.


So sorry about your pup. That’s heartbreaking. I hope these two are resting easy together wherever they might be.


Thank you ❤️


I hit a rabbit once and felt like shit all day. I’m not sure what I’d do if I hit a cat or dog. Sorry this happened. You’re a great person, this isn’t your fault, accidents happen. Please keep your pets indoor, people.


this subreddit became a karma farm of sad news


May all cats in heaven have a beautiful caretaker like you...


I hope in time you may find peace. You sound like a good-hearted person who had an unfortunate accident. Your kindness in his last moments means the world. He's free from the burdens of life and suffering. May your suffering be eased.


I found a struck kitty once when I was longboarding home. The person that hit them had left long ago, not caring like you obviously do, I picked them up and moved them out kf the road to a more respectful place. You should take Solace in knowing you're a better person than most and truly care. Sometimes, you can find the owners on FB lost pet groups in your area. I'm sure that the parents would like to know one way or another about their friend.


I definitely hope to find the owners by the end of the weekend. The animal patrol officer and humane society is helping.


I know you're a very good human just by this post, OP. I am sure you will blame yourself for a while. Know that is a normal and a valid reaction by kind hearted humans like yourself. Your feelings are heard and are valid. In time you will forgive yourself. I hope you will find peace soon. It isn't your fault. ❤️




This is the singularly most moving post I've witnessed on Reddit. You deserve a seat at whatever table you wish, sir.


I'm so sorry this happened OP. You are a kind soul and this could have happened to others too, others who wouldn't have had your empathy, others who wouldn't have even tried to help as you did. I'm so sorry and I sincerely think that poor kitty felt that you cared and that you were by his/her side. Please take care of yourself


This is really hard to go through and nothing I say will change that. You moved me in ways most people and can't and it gives me hope that someone who thinks and feels like you exists. We need more people like you in the world. And I'm so sorry you went through this.


I’m so sorry. ♥️


I accidentally hit and killed a cat while driving down the street. I didn’t even see it happen - a dog in a front yard had gotten loose and had chased the cat into the street right as I was driving by. I stopped and the cat passed after a few minutes. Thankfully after knocking on a couple of doors I was able to find the owners. I sobbed for days, and even though it’s been a few years I still think about it. I understand your grief and can see how much you love animals. Just remember it isn’t your fault, there’s nothing you could have done differently. Give extra love to the cats that are still around ❤️


Heartfelt condolences for your loss. May memories of your beloved companion bring comfort during this difficult time.


Damn, dude. This was deep and very thoughtful. You had an accident you couldn't control. I know I'd be torn up for a long while, but don't be too hard on yourself. At least you didn't abandon it and gave it some comfort in its final moments.


Sometimes there isn't much we can do but do learn from it and be more attentive when you drive


Maybe find a picture of a similar looking cat and make flyers with description and time he was last here. Let them know he didn't die alone. If he's someone's boy, then I am sure they would be grateful to at least know. So sorry you are going through this! I would be devastated too.


It is extraordinary to show such kindness to a strange animal and to grieve them as though they were your own companion. I feel that animal is now watching over you in the spirit world. Your kindness towards them at the end won’t be forgotten.


Im so sorry for you and the kitty.


You have such a big heart, please don't worry for him. He is in a better place now. Thank you for comforting him in his last bit of time here. This is something I fear, too. Things happen, unfortunately.




I xant stop cryinf help me


I’m so sorry that happened 😞 accidents happen and it wasn’t your fault. The fact you care so much shows you’re a good person. Rest in peace kitty <3




I am so sorry. The most I can tell you is that you, and we, know this is not something you wished to do. Your heart is a good one, or it would not punish you the way it is right now. Keep that heart, and use it to keep loving those around you. That’s the best we all can do. I wish you peace.


Hugs to you dear. You have a big heart. I'm so sorry this happened 🤍


I know how you feel, I'm a traindriver and I've hit 5 cats :( I couldn't stop, but I'm glad you could and did. You're a kind person ♡


It’s not your fault, and you were kind enough to stop and stay with the dying kitty as he passed!! 🥹💜 — I guess next main concern is this kitty belong to a young child who has grown very attached to this cat— Trying to find the owners is very sweet of you, and goes beyond what most people would do!! You are a good person, don’t forget that.. and don’t change!! 🙌


So you took a photo and made a post to the world ?


So sorry. I live in fear of hitting an animal in my car - I live in a rural area with lots of wildlife and it would be even worse if it was a pet. But tragic accidents happen which are beyond our control. My heart goes out to you.


So sorry for you both, cats tend to have suicidal action, like they dont cross the street until im very close to them.


I am crying for you as I write this OP your grief is palpable and I share it with you. Unfortunately, accidents happen in life and we can’t rewind the clock. I hope the owners are found. Please don’t beat yourself up about something you cannot change. You have a beautiful heart.


I can’t even imagine what you must be feeling. I have 6 cats of my own, and I love them all to death. It’s so hard losing an animal you love and just as hard (if not more in some ways) to accidentally take an animal out of this world. You are a wonderful person for handling this the way that you did. Some people would just drive off, and forget it ever happened, leaving the family to slowly discover their worst nightmare. Whoever this cat was, he was more than a cat, and he will live on as a beautiful memory for a family. Hopefully you will be able to make peace with this at some point, I wish you all the best.


Omg look at that paw, those little mingies (fingers, tooties)!


I’m so sorry this happened, you’re a great human. Thank you for doing all you could, you gave them the love they still needed ❤️‍🩹


u stayed with kitty, he or she wasn't alone when they went over the rainbow bridge. ik u will never forget & idk if u have any pets of ur own. if u do or if u want to get one now, just love them. ![gif](giphy|9d3LQ6TdV2Flo8ODTU)


Your a good person, we once had to stuff a dead cat into a shopping bag because someone left him on the road . Sadly not micro chipped


🫶🫶🫂🫂 a beautiful tribute. An unintentional tragedy, I hope you can feel lighter soon enough.


As someone whose first cat was a tabby struck by a vehicle… Your post gave me a sense of calm; my 3 year old Kuro got hit by a vehicle some years ago. I was told he passed away on the way to the humane society after being hit. Knowing that the person who hit him had immediately called for help gives me a feeling that they were as thoughtful as you have been to this tabby. I read your post, subconsciously filling in the blanks for Kuro’s last moments, and it calms my heart to know that he was cared for until he passed and not just left on the road. I’m sure this tabby’s someone would feel the same. Thank you for your heart!




JFC… You wanted internet points today…


Well, I cried. This is beautifully written and so full of empathy. I'm glad you stayed with him and I'm sorry for your pain. *hugs*


I just cried reading this at a restaurant. Makes me emotional. My cat died on accident, personally. I have never recovered. This was such a powerful post. You didn’t mean to hurt this cat. Let go. Have Peace. You are a kindhearted individual, it is obvious. Bless you, good person and stranger. Angel kitty knew it too. You’ll be okay. This too shall pass ❤️


I am sorry you had to experience this. My heart is with you and his as now both your journeys have changed. This is most definitely my worst nightmare and at 64, I’m praying I make it to the end without this experience. ♥️


That’s so sweet that you took the time and effort to give respect. ❤️


It happens. Thank you for not just driving off. It is, after all, inevitable in this day and age. You have done your responsibility in the aftermath of this kind of tragedy.


Oh hon. I’m crying for you. I live in constant dread of this happening to me. But you didn’t mean to, and animals know that. Don’t be surprised if you get the feeling that a cat has rubbed against you or ran by, even if you have none at home.


Oh my … I can’t imagine how upsetting that is 😿but it is not your fault. You did nothing wrong. I hope this helps.


I want to blame something




The picture is not of this cat I wrote about. It’s of my cat of 15 years that passed in 2020, and was the last of her and I. You can look back in my post history. I absolutely love my cats and others. I used it because this experience had brought back a lot of feelings of when I lost her, and thoughts of how the owner of this cat might be feeling now. I didn’t mean to mislead.


It is pretty misleading though


I’m sorry that’s the only thing you took away from this post.


Damn and I thought I was a jackass.


Don’t worry you are


There’s lots of more appropriate places you can try to argue with a stranger on the internet for no reason at all.


if that’s all you took away from this (and what you said ain’t even true) you’re sick