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Oh I’m so so sorry to hear this. Absolutely heart wrenching. Sounds like a special relationship and you both mean a lot to each other ❤️‍🩹 sending love


Oh I'm so sorry. I've only had my beautiful boy for 2 years and he's my everything as well. Sending you and your girl all my love ❤


If you need someone to talk to I'm here.




I'm so sorry, I can't express how much I feel for you. I lost my beautiful pup last year. He was my everything too. Just typing this I'm tearing up. It's not fair. Not fair at all. Sending hugs.


It’s cruel. I’m sorry you lost your pup :(


I'm so sorry, sending you love 


I can’t imagine how difficult it is right now, just know how much your baby has loved being your baby. Sending you hugs during this horrible time.


Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry to hear this. 😢


I'm so sorry. It's not fair. I'm really heartbroken for you that you're losing your beloved dog. It's a blessing that your dog doesn't have to do this alone, she's got you. 💛 I nursed my beloved cat girl through cancer after 15 years together, and what really stayed with me is how this was the closest I've ever come to finding a silver lining of having me/cfs. If I had still been working she would have been alone during the day sometimes, but instead I was there for her 24/7, *right* there where she could find me at all times and lie on me whenever she wanted.


I’m so sorry for your loss. And I have come to that silver lining conclusion as well! I have had my little hero for 14.5 years but used to work so much and he has had my full attention and time for the last few years of his life. It really is one beautiful aspect of this illness. Especially considering there is literally next to no positives.


Yes, and they deserve the world


Yes, they do ❤️


That’s been my only silver lining as well. I get to spend every minute with her. It’s hard that I can’t walk her or take her to her appointments, but you’re right , I used to work a very demanding job away from home. I’m so sorry you had to go through this too


Sending love. They are constant companions to so many of us. I mean this sincerely, your dog will live on in your heart. That is something that CFS cannot take from you. 🤍🐾🤍


Please don't dispair... try to remember that grief is not forever.


I’m so sorry to hear that and I hope the transition goes as well as it possibly can. I am in the same boat right now. I’ve had my little hero for 14.5 years. Just started to plan for end of life as I don’t think he’s going to be around much longer. I honestly don’t know how I am going to endure this. It’s devastating. Also, found out within a couple of days of the above that I have to move out of where I’m staying within the next 5 - 6 months (thank goodness not sooner). I feel like the last bits of comfort in my life are being taken from me all at the same time. It’s going to be a tough transition. I called a few vets today and on one of them I saw that they offered virtual pet loss support group meetings. I thought this was a beautiful thing that they did. Maybe something similar is available to you if you’re interested in something like that although I know that may be too much depending on your severity. Also, if you want to talk to someone going through something similar, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all of the best in this trying time.