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Is anybody else disappointed when an opponent resigns? I want to practice my hand at getting checkmate while avoiding stalemate.


Especially in the early game when they blunder their queen.


But I also get it, why would they want to spend more time losing? Just resign, review and move on. (BTW, I get never resigning and that there is stuff to be learned but especially queen blunders can make playing the rest of the game feel like a waste of time.)


You misspelled "learning." Playing when down a queen is good exercise. Besides, your opponent might not be good at finding checkmate so you could get a stalemate.


I specifically called attention that there is stuff to be learned but also if playing down a queen is miserable enough that you don't like playing chess after, I get just resigning and then studying why you lost the queen in the first place. People shouldn't resign but also, it's totally reasonable.


If you've never hung your queen and resigned, are you really playing chess ?


Playing while down a queen is a major test of chess ability. I have hung my queen and continued playing afterwards.


I *try* to keep playing when I blunder my queen, but it usually tilts me enough that I blunder more pieces after that, so the effect is the same.


Such a pathetic move, especially when they play an aggressive queen opening then they lose it and just quit. Real weak behavior.


nah i like saving some time


Mostly I don't care, that's their choice and I do like winning.


Totally. I'm not gonna make three more queens, if I'm winning by enough that they should resign I feel I owe them a quick mate or like I have to convert it quickly to justify being up that much and not have won yet. And if it's been a good game and I'm losing I often won't resign to give them the satisfaction or watch and learn how they convert for the win. And if they start making more queens the chance of stalemate goes up. So I'll resign if it's a pretty boring straight forward position and I'm obviously gonna lose, but yeah I pretty much never want my opponent to resign.


Usually afterwards I go into analysis then play against a bot starting from the resignation position


Depends. My endgame knowledge is weak and ive given up stalemates. If im playing for ELO then im happy for the points


Often I see pics of games where the stalemating player had several queens. Now I'm wondering if those players were trying to bully the other player into resignation because they didn't actually know how to checkmate.


Yes but also people who would rather showboat than win. I've definitely passed on looking for mates in winning positions to make 2 queens simply because that mate is super easy. Anything more than 2 is unnecessary


I really only know how to get guaranteed check with two rooks. That’s why I go for multiple queens even if I have tons of pieces


Queen and King is a really good one to learn, and it isn't hard.


King and rook is also very easy. And if you know K+R, then Q+K is even easier (just don't stalemate though).


Agreed actually - king and rook might be easier than king and queen.


If I were white in this game, i probably would have done the same thing white actually did because I'm terrible at chess. However if I were just a little bit better at chess I would have done the K+R checkmate in this situation.


What if you end up in a classic king and pawn endgame with only one pawn?


I stalemate or draw lol


As long as the free pass pawn is not on h or a it not a statement and you can get a queen.


It can also simply be that they got extra queens to make it easier to win.


If it's me, it's almost certainly because I botched the checkmate lol.


No they are purely trying to show off and make a point that they should resign quicker. I've seen many top players also do this and it just happens to go wrong when less good players do it. Should they just directly go for ladder mate or whatever? Yes. Should players also resign when they have literally 0 pieces and are just praying for their opponent to fuck up? Also yes if they are above like 1000 rating.


These are more likely players trying to waste the initial losers time but accidentally stalemating, leading to the idiot posting on Reddit like this one.


Your only mistake is in identifying which player was the idiot. It's the one who does something out of spite and ends up only hurting themselves.


No one has an obligation to resign. Just convert the checkmate


Id rather this than win a game lmao


The board situation before this move is an illegal state?


He promoted a pawn with his last move


Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Thx.


Oh, I see


All you have to do is not make the last blunder of the game.


I always wonder if I should just resign when I'm in this position. Some people have told me it's rude to carry on with no chance of winning. But at my elo stalemate is definitely an occurance. And personally if I'm on the other side of it I like to have practice trying to deliver the checkmate so I tend to carry on. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But seems like insisting someone resign shows you can't do one of the most important parts of chess.


I think it’s only really considered rude at very high elos where your opponent is literally never going to blunder basic checkmates and continuing the game is just wasting time. At lower elos there are lots of “lost” positions where your opponent could absolutely blunder away a win into a draw or even a loss so there’s nothing rude about making them earn the win. In a situation like OP’s where you can never win, I’d say it’s just up to you if you want to resign or pray your opponent showboats too much and accidentally draws. If your opponent feels like you are wasting their time then they should checkmate faster.


I NEVER resign. If someone wants the win then they have to mate me.


That’s exactly how you should be. When you get the master title then you can resign. Until then, never.


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: It is a stalemate - it is Black's turn, but Black has no legal moves and is not in check. In this case, the game is a draw. It is a critical rule to know for various endgame positions that helps one side hold a draw. You can find out more about Stalemate on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalemate). --- ^(I'm a bot written by) [^(u/pkacprzak)](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Wow, your opponent missed a checkmate opportunity. Spotting checkmates is also a weakness that I am trying to shore up. Since it ended in a stalemate, you both probably lose a couple of elo points and your opponent was trying to salvage that to a win by trying to have you resign.


Were you down to 2 seconds time or something similar? Because it can be tough to not do something stupid with so little time to think.


Why did he let you have a draw?


Because he forgot to pay attention to avoiding a stalemate


I used to make mistakes like that when I was a beginner but at 1500+, I would expect him to do this on purpose.


Never resign- try to get into stalemate


I've been on the downward slope for a while. Lost 180 elo so far, just seem to have lost all game sense recently and can't get out of it.


Took a moment to realize that the queen was a freshly promoted pawn. And it really was M2 that they blundered. The knight stops Kd6, king stops Kc6, and bishop stops Ke6, so Rh7+ would've forced you onto the 8th rank and then promoting to queen or rook is mate.


and? sounds like a normal day to me


I am trying to figure out how whites last move had you in check already and then they moved out of check?


nevermind, didnt see that that was the "A" file, he promoted to Q, lol


How did the Queen move from A7?


Google pawn promotion.


Op commented it was a pawn promotion