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Hot take (or maybe not so much anymore): fuck RBG for not stepping down during Obama’s presidency. For a woman that fought so hard for the rights of others her entire career, her hubris at the end of her life has lead to the unwinding of countless precedents that protect those very same people. She has forever tarnished her legacy for me.


It seems like that entire generation of liberals has a problem letting go of power. The sense of entitlement for people like RBG, Feinstein, Pelosi, and Biden to cling on until their literal dying breath despite all the evidence they're putting everything they've worked for at risk is so damn painful. I wish more of them would take a cue from Breyer and pass on the torch when the time has so clearly come.


The arrogance is strong within that group.


Even Breyer took a gigantic campaign from voters to congresspeople to get him to step down. He clearly didn't want to but we couldn't deal with another RBG situation.


Honestly, fuck Breyer too. He should have stepped down in the moment Biden was inaugurated.  The arrogant prick took his sweet time and waited until he was ready to publish his book ...


You're being downloaded but people had been saying he should step down for years


He's being downvoted for complaining about the guy who *didn't do* the thing other people are complaining about. Like, why?


In case you don't remember, at the beginning of Biden's term we also had a thin margin in the Senate. If something were to upset that (a death, an extremely aggressive case against a corrupt senator like Bob menendez, etc.), it's possible that we could have lost our majority. So waiting at all posed a risk. While Justice Breyer did step down before the midterms, it wasn't clear that he was going to do this.  People were calling for it, and yet you still had writers for Slate trying to get everyone to respect Breyer's delusional view of politics. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/06/stop-telling-breyer-to-retire.html So, yes, fuck Breyer.  Unfortunately, there are still a lot of libs who believe politics is The West Wing. Unlike the republicans, who know politics is about grabbing and wielding power.


or just pass on period.


Oh bullshit. Plenty of GOP way past their prime stay in. It’s a good gig.


It's not a generation thing. It's an age/wellness issue.


Pelosi? I don't understand how her not stepping down risked anything (of course, she has stepped down as speaker). I understand your logic with everyone else (obviously, no Democrat was going to lose a Senate seat in California but there are some issues that could come up and have an effect on other races when the governor picks her successor rather than going through the primary process, fortunately the governor's pick didn't seek election) but not Pelosi. She was mentally sharp and doing a good job as speaker all the way to the time she left that role.


The worst part is they don’t pass the baton early enough so in 2016 when Biden was running in the primaries there were really not any well liked or wide appealing candidates who were younger (because there really aren’t any being trained or given opportunities).


Biden did not run in 2016


Hillary and Bernie did. Both old and legacy politicians that have been around forever. Edit: loving the downvotes here. Be mad all you want but when I think “fresh face” or “new blood” I don’t think Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. The senate, house, and executive “leadership” have all been in politics for 30+ years now and half the political pundits and news commentators are from the same group of people. Literally no change, fresh ideas, or new blood for decades. Look where we are because of it.


If you mean 2020, I certainly think Buttigig and Klobichar were well liked and wide appealing. The same could be said about others who also were a lot younger. But the voters gravitated towards the one with the most experience who had been Vice President. I think that was understandable.


Her legacy isn’t even as clean as it’s presented anyway. Especially with Native Americans. There are of course much worse people in government, past and present, but her actions and her reputation really don’t align for me


Especially ironic given the prior name of the school...


Couldn't agree more. The Girl Boss love for her is beyond embarrassing. Fuck her arrogant ass.


I feel the same way. Every time I see something positive about RBG, I just can't get over the fact that she refused to step down when asked. Now we have an absolute joke of a SCOTUS and while she's not fully to blame, she's a big reason why this country will keep going backwards, for years.


> while she's not fully to blame She's fully to blame


if she retired when Obama could have effortlessly nominated a replacement, it would still be 5-4 on most decisions.


SCOTUS is dismantling our democracy and empowering would-be autocrats. That ain't no fucking joke.


Crazy logic that restoring legislative power from the unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in the executive branch to the elected legislative branch is deemed ‘empowering would-be autocrats’. Feels like double think.


Can't tell if you're joking orrr? This is the most disingenuous thing I've read all year.


It has to be a joke. Unless snickboi happens to know when the next election for Supreme Court justices is?


They're a fascist troll, look at their comments.


Not disingenuous at all. Just happen to believe that accountable officials should make policy and base it on balancing of competing interests. Myopic ‘experts’ make bad policy. The ‘would be autocrats’ in the equation are the very ‘experts’ that some want to have control over us. To think moving that power back to elected officials is ‘autocratic’ is a special kind of double think.


The fact that you're claiming this after today's ruling is fucking wild lmao


this person has no idea what's going on


Uh-huh, and where do the lizard people factor in?


RBG also attacked colin kapernick for kneeling lol


Also her record with natives, fuck her.


Don't think that's a hot take anymore. She fuckin sucks. Did more to harm abortion rights than help at this point.


I completely agree with you. I meam just look at how fucked the court has become since. Hell, even setting Roe aside for a minute, look at the shit they’ve pulled in the last few days


Exactly. The current list of dems too arrogant to leave power includes her. She's basically now mentioned in the same breath as Diane Feinstein. That's RBG's legacy, now.


Been saying this for years now


Definitely not a hot take at this point. She fucked up big time.


100% this. Same with Biden. They sullied their life's work because they couldn't bring themselves to pass the torch. And we're all left with the consequences. Legit her staying on the sc until she died under trump was probably worse for the nation than any other positive thing she's done.


I would even been willing to give Biden grace on the 2020 election since clearly people wanted him. But it’s strange to me he (and his team) did not have someone waiting in the wings for this year’s election. Very disappointing.


Exactly. The current list of dems too arrogant to leave power includes her. She's basically now mentioned in the same breath as Diane Feinstein. That's RBG's legacy, now.


The California Democratic Party actually endorsed Feinstein's opponent after the jungle primary. She literally got reelected because Zoomers were too lazy to show up and vote but for some reason the myth that the Democratic Party elites wanted her to win wont die. https://rollcall.com/2018/07/15/california-democratic-party-endorses-dianne-feinstein-opponent-kevin-de-leon/


I think it might be Biden's.


no this is an absolutely based take.


Came here to say this and glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks this way


If more people voted for Hillary in certain states you wouldn't be saying this right now. But some people didn't like Hillary enough and now here we are.


She was diagnosed with cancer in 1999, it returned in 2009, and she had a "cardiac event" in 2014 that required a stent. Calls for her to retire actually go back to Obama's first term; she was in her late 70s, her husband passed away, and she herself was in poor health. She was a brilliant justice and an intellectual powerhouse. But she tempted fate and now here we are. Smart people make dumb decisions all the time and her decision not to retire during Obama's first or second term was one of those.


And trump won in 2016 and appointed 2 Justices. It would still be 5-4 decisions like Roe getting overturned. Trump said he would appoint Justices to overturn Roe and he did.


The conservatives on the court have been significantly emboldened since the balance tilted from 5-4 to 6-3. The risk of trying to overturn Roe - and failing - would be too great in a 5-4 court.


Hard to know. But we do know trump said he would appoint Justices to overturn Roe. He did, and they did.


Hard to know. But we do know trump said he would appoint Justices to overturn Roe. He did, and they did.


True. But it shouldn’t even had been an option. She should have been out of government by then. She was ancient when Hillary was running in 2016.


Even if RGB retired earlier, trump would still get to appoint a couple Justices because people didn't like Hillary enough.


If she would have retired during Obama then her seat would have been filled by a democrat.


And trump won in 2016 and would still appoint 2 Justices.


Very true, but the balance of power in the court would not be as extremely imbalanced as it is right now now, which leads (imo) to worse more extreme decisions.


Stop. If the DNC didn't cheat for her and let it just play out there would have been no issue. There were many who just were not going to vote for another Clinton. They ruined the democratic party.


More people voted for Hillary than Bernie. Bernie also endorsed Hillary over Trump. But some people didn't like Hillary and now Roe is bye bye and Supreme Court is overturning other norms.


No way in hell Bernie would have beat Trump


Not the Bernie talking points lol


Bernie bros can't let 2016 go


Bernie Bros did show up for Clinton, though. This is a myth perpetuated by DNC lackeys to cover for the fact that their ordained candidate (Clinton) was so lazy and entitled that she didn't even bother going to Wisconsin.


I agree for the most part, though my only relevant anecdote I have is that someone I know went from Bernie Bro to full Qanon MAGA.


All the ones I know held their noses and voted for Clinton, but I know they were only a great majority and not an absolute one. Some people were understandably very bitter about Clinton, and by extension, bitter about establishment politics in general.


The DNC was even more flagrant with it 4 years later. Holier than thou boomer neoliberals would rather have Trump be president for life than see socialized medicine.


We didn’t get here because of Trump and 2016. Everyone has got to stop saying that. We got here from decades of Republicans and Conservative Democrats playing the long game with Ronald Reagan laying down the foundation and framework. None of this happens in a vacuum.


No way in hell Bernie would have beat Trump


I said this and I got yelled at by so many of my lib friends about how I was blaming RGB instead of everyone else I swear to god man all of my dumb lib friends going “BuT wE nEeD dEcOrUm!!!!!” is gonna be the reason we’re all about to get completely fist f—d


Hillary should have won. Had Russian bots, email crap and QAnon pizzagate nuts hadn’t surprised us, she would have.


I mean sure, but those people all legally went to the polls, weren’t smart enough to not believe internet scams, and democrats/liberals didn’t care enough to show up to counteract them.


True, but don’t blame Ruth for that. Every liberal was caught unawares in 2016. It’s not our wheelhouse to cheat and be underhanded. We learned a valuable lesson.


What was the cheating in 2016? Trump won fair and square. Liberals didn’t turn out for Hillary and moderates did not like the Clintons. RBG should have stepped down when Obama won since she was already very old and had already had a bout with cancer.


Or maybe blame the DNC for shoving her ahead like she deserves it instead of listening to the polling that told them that she had problems in swing states. Remember when she thought she didn't need to visit places like Wisconsin and Michigan, voting records remember.


Hot take, but how about we blame the guy who appointed 3/6 of the conservative justices and who is currently running for president now? You’re welcome to not vote for RBG or HRC in the upcoming election…but maybe focus on the real threat here?


I do, and I'll vote for a potato over ANY Republican. I also can revisit the fact that centrist and corporatist Dems continue to pigeon hole infinitely more capable and progressive candidates. Just look Hillary's stupid ass still harboring a grudge in going against Bowman. Straight Goldwater trash.


I said this and I got yelled at by so many of my lib friends about how I was blaming RGB instead of everyone else I swear to god man all of my dumb lib friends going “BuT wE nEeD dEcOrUm!!!!!” is gonna be the reason we’re all about to get completely fist f—d


“He discovered America is what he did. He was a brave. Italian explorer. And in this house, Christopher Columbus is a hero. End of story.” — Tony Soprano


"Dat bettah nawt be Christophah Columbus up dere!" --Paulie Walnuts


I thought that was Artie!


You're right. Better get my latest re-watch going, I'm getting rusty! https://youtu.be/uY5tqtfnfzw?si=e5QWW6KSrXNIL1YA


After giving us the first two Harry Potter movies, now they throw him under the bus like this? Disgusting...




And a pretty ok RENT


In this house Chris Columbus is a hero! End of story!


This was personal T


Honor the person who threw us all under the bus cause she wouldn’t retire? Great…


I'm ashamed to wear a shirt with her name on it now.


You sound like an idiot for buying it in the first place, if that’s how you’re feeling now.


Your reply makes zero sense.


If someone was bothered by her not retiring sooner just now, it makes no sense why they wouldn’t have been bothered by it in 2016 or whenever she became a political celebrity. A lot of people are sheepish idiots when it comes to political tropes.


I’m not sure you’re getting the context here. I’m pretty sure the person didn’t mean “now” as in today because of the school naming.


tbf, still better than Columbus. RBG did some momentus things, regardless of the fact that her final days were definitely marked by a damaging level of conceit.


I mean being better than Columbus is probably a low bar 🤣


It’s basically the ground.


Uhh Columbus did some pretty momentous things too, regardless of the fact he was a shitty person. Maybe just a bit more momentous than RBG.


Well Hitler literally killed Hitler but we shouldn't go on idolizing that version of himself either


“tbf, hitler did kill hitler”…that’s kinda funny to me.


I think few people are actually aware of what a horrible person Columbus was. Even by the standards of his time.


Yeah, I'm specifically agreeing with you. His whole "massive torture and super racism" thing is probably worse than RBG's hubris.


Actually you’re not. Lol jfc


Oh, I see, I misread you a bit. My mistake. Yeah, Columbus definitely did some pretty famous stuff and all. I suppose I'm making the contention that they don't balance out the whole torture bit as much as RBG's sins.


They both were responsible for mistreatment of Native American lands too!


We’ll all see it reversed in our lifetime lol


tO bE fAiR…name 3 momentus things she did…and no Google ya troll.


Are you really arguing that Ruth Bader Ginsburg didn't accomplish anything important in her career? That's your position?


I just want you to tell us 3 momentus things she did…you know, to be fair.


So again, to be clear, you think that she didn't do momentous things? Because I'm not sure why I'm supposed to care about your pop quiz about it.


We’re just being fair.


But you didn't ask me to name a bunch of Columbus accomplishments. I thought we were being fair?


Not this stupid canard, again. Being responsible for her replacement wasn’t in her oath or job responsibilities?


She was an arrogant, self aggrandizing idiot


Now what makes you say that, Ace?


You know, aCe


Not really, I don’t. Can you explain it?


Nah you know, Ace


She did nothing wrong so I don’t. Your inability to explain it is revealing.


Shut up https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/s/ZwmOU8VhsK




You could do a lot worse, obviously, but in light of the Supreme Court activity this week and the role she played in the current court composition the timing seems a little bit ridiculous.


You realize these cases likely would have had the same outcome, right? You realize they’re 6-3 decisions, right?


You realize it wouldn't be 6-3 if she had stepped down to preserve her legacy, right?


Oh really? How so? Please explain how Trump isn’t elected with her stepping down sooner.


Trump may have been elected, but a 5-4 is sure as shit better than a 6-3. We would have one less Trump psycho as a judge and 5-4 SCOTUS spreads haven't historically dismantled (or set) precedent. Admire RBG all you want, she's a role model in every way except in her hubris which undid all of her accomplishments. Also - NEWS FLASH. Our incompetent octogenarian president is going to be the reason why Trump is elected again. Seems like there's a pattern of hubris and foot-shooting, no?


They didn’t risk setting precedent on some of these when they had a 5-4 majority.


This week? They decided on the name months ago.


The Chicago Board of Education accepted the name change during its meeting Thursday, which is the reason this announcement came out last week.


Was there not a Chicagoan that was more deserving? Especially one of Italian descent?


Plenty... But 2020s isn't about celebrating them


The person who was too arrogant to retire when she should have and now we have a supreme court letting president's do whatever they want and telling the EPA they don't have the authority to protect the enviornment??? This is a terrible decision. There are many, many better options available.


Ego is like 99% of our problems. How about Fred Hampton Elementary?


I'd be down for Dolly Parton elementary


Heck yea!


EPA doesn’t have the authority to legislate. Great decision. That worked out great. Thanks RBG!


Why “Thanks RBG?”


RBG could have retired under Obama but chose not to because she allegedly wanted Hillary to pick her replacement. But then Hillary lost and RBG died, allowing Trump to appoint her replacement who just struck down a core ruling responsible for most empowerment of any federal agency.


> allowing Trump to appoint *her* replacement "her" replacement. Single. I grumble at her stubbornness leading to her seat getting flipped, but the specific ruling you're talking about, as well as nearly every other ruling discussed in these comments, came as a 6-3 decision. It would have been 5-4 otherwise. Rulings aren't lessened if more people vote against them. The effect would be the exact same.


This. The Supreme Court reset the growing tyranny of unelected experts legislating as they’re not accountable to the people affected. The restored proper balance is more along the lines of expert advice / counsul to legislators who then enact laws reflecting the balanced best interests of their constituents. A messy but much better, more accountable, way to create law.


1. Being responsible for her replacement was never her responsibility or in her job description. It’s ultimately the responsibility of the voters, and they dropped the fucking ball . 2. The Republican Senate wasn’t going to allow a vote on her replacement regardless; and 3. These are 6-3 decisions. A vote from an Obama appointee wouldn’t have made a difference. I have to wonder how many people that buy into this trope were buying the coffee mugs and posting the dumb memes back in 2016.


1. We didn’t vote for the Supreme Court, she chose to hold on to power for her own ego, even though there was always a possibility she would die with a R president. 2. She could have retired before the Rs had a majority, 3. There now isn’t a chance that Dems will hold a majority in our lifetime because of her.


1. You realize you vote for the people that appoint the Supreme Court, right? 2. See original #1 again. 3. No.


> Being responsible for her replacement was never her responsibility or in her job description What a fucking dumb take. Like it or not, supreme court is a political entity. The Republicans know this and act accordingly. I wish we could get our heads out of our asses and do the same.


No one cared about a justice retiring until 2015. No one gave a rats ass about John Paul Stevens serving until he was 90. Her job was to be a judge and she did exactly that. The voters who are too stupid to know the difference are not going to get let off the hook.


No one cared about it justice retiring until it mattered. You are correct.  Yes the voters are also to blame. Ginsburg being wrong and voters being wrong are not mutually exclusive ...


Appointing her replacement is not her responsibility no. Abdicating your position when you’re no longer fit to serve absolutely is though. How old was she? How many health issues did she have?


Was she ever not fit to serve? How many decisions did she miss? She was literally reviewing cases and drafting opinions through cancer treatment.




Care to provide any citation?


She was in her 80s, battling cancer, and a skeksis


Some people like the idea of being fucked by the long and dangerous dick of unregulated capitalism


But … why “thanks RBG?” You didn’t answer my question.


Yeah fuck her.


Ah, yes. The judge who fucked us all due to her stubbornness.


Always deeds of pandering, never action. We deserve all the garbage that happens to us


Dumb move, and for many reasons


Don't google RBG's George Floyd comments.


talk about bad timing


# Ruth Bader Ginsburg destroyed her own legacy.


Ah yes let’s rename it after the judge whose arrogance is responsible for the current makeup of the Supreme Court. She more than wiped out her legacy with that move.


Good god the virtue signaling in the city has gotten so out of hand


I know we're busy hating on RBG, but what the fuck does renaming a school do anything for the kids there lmao


It doesn't do anything. Just like renaming Lakeshore drive doesn't do anything. It's pandering and wasting money




This is so funny


Wonder if the school will now allow students to retake 5th grade as many times as they like, in case they don't feel like graduating and handing off their classrooms to a younger generation...


Why not Jean baptiste point du sable elementary?


Two people who both hated the absolute shit out of Native American Sovereignty


RBG is a traitor that ruined our country for her own ego. Fuck that bitch.


At the very least, chris was consistent in his goal about finding the new world to exploit it. RBG allowed the conservative supermajority because she didn’t want to give up power a couple years too early. What a fraud RBG ended up being and what a terrible name for a school




RGB has arguably treated native americans worse than Christopher Columbus


CMYK did wonders for printing though


I hate to break it to ya but there would still be a conservative majority even if rbg stepped down during Obama’s tenure


Fantastic and well deserved!


“RBG IS THE BEST HUMAN ALIVE AND ANHONE WHE THINKS DIFFERENT HATES WOMEN AND TRUTH!!!” —Social Media c. 2016 “RBG WAS AN EVIL WITCH AND ITS HER FAULT AMERICA DIED!!!” -Social Media c. 2024  Can’t wait to see what happens to Taylor Swift :) 


the important thing is that you feel superior, m'redditor