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I like how this whole comment thread is a response to one comment lmaooo


Fuck I missed the BBQ!


Way to ruin it.




Especially when it's 30 degrees and the entire electric grid fails.


I go to north Texas every year for Christmas and when they had that harsh (for them) cold snap a couple of years ago, it didn't matter that my sister's place still had power. The newer suburban template throw-em-together houses down there are not built to deal with subzero wind chills. I slept upstairs in the family room and froze my ass off.




It's going to really be something to maintain all those houses, roads, etc over time. Right now it's just grow, grow, grow, developments and cul-de-sacs wedged in wherever there's space. There's visibly little thought put into what is being done.


They already struggle to maintain the infrastructure.


Not even just grow, grow, grow, it’s grow out, grow out, grow out instead of up.


Everything is dumber in Texass. Blast the AC, fuck the insulation.


I would normally complain about not identifying the unit of measurement, but this comment works whether the unit is F, C, K, or R...


Heh. Texas is great for back office stuff. If you need to hire someone with a BS for $60,000 a year, Texas is a good spot to find those folks. But the GDP per capita is growing more slowly than in other states even as the GDP grows. And the percentage of college graduates in its major cities is growing more slowly than in other large metros. The kind of creative class workers who don't want to drive everywhere or worry about being denied treatment in the E.R. if they have an ectopic pregnancy would rather be just about anywhere else.


My last company tried to hire out a Texas office and ended up with a bunch of employees asking for a transfer to Denver or Chicago.




why are you in a chicago sub? secretly missing the way better quality of life, while pretending otherwise. LOL




My company, who predominantly does business in Texas on West, looked at moving there and decided on suburbs of Chicago. Why? Access to talent. We found it was best to warehouse in Texas for a while host of reasons.




It’s not paying more for talent, it’s having access to talent. The talent knows Texas is a bad place to live for anyone other than single white men




Sounds like a lack of imagination, understanding, worldview, and spouse or kids in your life


Let’s think. Why might someone who is not a straight white man be hesitant to move to Texas, one of the most openly sexist, homophobic, and racist states in the country just to save a few grand in taxes? I bet if we use our thinking caps we can solve this truly vexing quandary


Telling? Its the first thing I said. It’s easy to find low cost back office staff there. If you need to build a call center, no better place.


Not a lot to list off…it’s big? 


Tex-mex is pretty tasty I guess?


They're stuck on no state tax. And that's literally it.


and worse for every single worker in texas, that's demonstrably true in every metric. There is such a thing as a perfect balance where businesses get good profits and workers are paid well and treated well. Illinois does this as good or almost as good as anywhere in the country. I cant fathom what kind of person brags about a state that literally bends over and takes it for businesses at the expense of everyone else. congrats




oh cool. Illinois has had the most corporate expansions and relocations 11 years in a row. Chicago metro has the 2nd most fortune 500 companies of any metro in the country. The city itself is 3rd, moving up 1 spot and passing Atlanta this past year. Such an awful place for businesses. Crazy


I doubt that statistic about Fortune 500 companies is correct


[You would be incorrect](https://www.realpage.com/analytics/fortune-500-companies-2023/)


I stand corrected. Thanks


No worries, I was surprised too actually!


2023 Fortune article - "Chicago, meanwhile, continues to wane, being bumped from third to fourth place as Atlanta ascends. Over the past three years, the windy city has declined from 15 to 13 companies. Compared to their prominent spots in the 1957 list, they’ve each declined by over 70%, quite a fall. For now, the bargains for corporate headquarters lie south."


LOL, this guy logged into his alternate account and then blocked me... posts an article from 2023 meanwhile I have the data from 2024 https://www.chicagobusiness.com/economy/fortune-500-companies-chicago-home-third-most https://archive.ph/BuDSb odd, it is almost as if this guy, and his multitude of alt accounts, seems to be wishing for chicago bad news. Almost like he has a clear agenda?




Totally looking to flee the city and move to Texas where I have to drive everywhere, run the risk of having my right to marry taken away in a decade, feel like I’m not in a world class city at all, etc. all because the finances look better on paper.  Texas wants to play with the big leagues but can’t offer up a real city to save itself. 




How does the pension debt directly affect private business?


> How does the pension debt directly affect private business? Taxes, primarily the property tax. Over 80% of the City of Chicago's property tax levy goes toward pensions. This causes other taxes & fees to climb in order to pay for daily operations.


Don't most businesses lease their offices? Why would they be paying property tax?


> Don't most businesses lease their offices? Why would they be paying property tax? One, all commercial properties pay a property tax. Just because the business doesn't own the property, the tax is baked into the terms of the lease. Two. "Offices" are not the only type of commercial property. Most light industrial properties are owner occupied. Most heavy industrial properties are corporate owned.


Thanks for answering. Unsure why I'm getting downvoted for asking questions.


> Thanks for answering. My pleasure. >Unsure why I'm getting downvoted for asking questions. That I don't have an answer for.


I just posted from an article that contradicted some guys questionable stats and I got downvote too. Such a weird sub sometimes.


Generally the tenants in commercial leases pay the property tax. At least that’s always been the case in my experience.


Interesting. Didn't realize. Initial Googling says there's 8 different types of commercial leases, half of them with some amount of taxes paid. No idea which is more common though.


Taxes usually.


Texas taxes through a franchise tax, which is against taxable margin, vs net income in Illinois. Illinois's taxable rate for a large corporation is likely to be lower than Texas would be for the same business.




You do realize that Texas taxes corporations at a much higher rate than Illinois, right?




Why are you moving goalposts?




What does the taxation of employees have to do with the pension debt or businesses moving to Illinois? I'm not going to chase your red herring.


It's better to be in Belarus. That's demonstrably true in every metric.




Just a post-Soviet dictatorship and likely annexation into Russia next decade Given the choice, I’ll winter on Lake Michigan rather than in Minsk


As I skimmed through the thread, I thought you were kinda looking silly with your trolling, as it wasn't playing out very well... but then I realized you have the sole parent comment on this post. I have to give you props for writing such a short comment and causing such a shit storm. Maybe you are better at trolling than I first gave you credit for.


If only it were a simple case of trolling and not severe cognitive dissonance.


Counterpoints: TX industrial explosions, suburban sprawl- or as you’ll call it, Houston, Texans work longer hours than every other state except Louisiana


Texas culture is dogshit. Story time: A Canadian friend of mine worked for a company based out of DFW. Each year the company throws a BBQ/tailgate party out of their office parking lot. Everyone is supposed to wear their favorite football jersey. Lots of variety with people repping various college and NFL teams. My friend got the bright idea to wear his (Canadian) high school football jersey, as a cheeky joke. You’d think they’d get a kick out of their Canadian coworker wearing his HS jersey to a Texas tailgate party but No - it went over like a lead balloon. People were either confused or slightly offended. Anyway, he saw the writing on the wall and got a better paying job in CA 3 months later.


Let me know who will have water access long term


Unless you are a woman in need of prenatal care. Or a newborn. https://www.pressherald.com/2024/07/01/infant-mortality-rate-rose-8-in-wake-of-texas-abortion-ban-study-shows/#:~:text=In%20Texas%2C%20the%202022%20mortality,the%20rest%20of%20the%20U.S.


Not even remotely true. Some advantages sure but by and large it's a mix.


Oh, I just gagged a bit


Being around insufferable Texans is worse in every regard.

