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My favorite part of this is the nameless meat for .99


Don't worry about it


Probably a pound of ground beef or similar




Goes to show milk is damn cheap nowadays. 1 gallon is $2.99. The inflation based price of what your mom paid is over $5. Snickers are now $1.60, inflation adjusted price she paid is $0.95. The pickles adjusted price is $3.13. Kroger has too many varieties to compare now. Some more expensive, some less.


Milk is heavily subsidized. Grandfather was a dairy farmer. I don't know what the rate is now, but the government sets a minimum price on a gallon of whole, raw, milk. I think it was north of $15 a gallon when he retired in 2005.


Pickles would probably be dill pickle spears, which are currently $4. At the time, they were 16 oz jars. Now they're 24 oz jars.  All that to say, a lot of this is in range for normal prices given 41 years of inflation. 


> which are currently $4. It says "Kro Pickles" which means it was their store brand which are currently $2.79 for 24/oz ($1.99 with e-coupon) or $4.19 for 46oz. Less inflation than I would have expected.


Their store brand, strangely, is also $4 0001111084016 is $4 0001111089236 is $2.59 Assuming spears, of course.


It looks like the $4 ones are the refrigerated version, $2.59 are shelf stable. Same exact pickles, slight different way to prepare them as I understand it.


I hadn't considered that, but also I almost never get spears.


Same, they lose all their crunchiness. I also never buy the refrigerated ones - what's the point?


Milk pricing is subsidized and controlled, thats why it has avoided inflation. Not a good measurement versus other items.


On top of that it's also a Loss Leader for grocery stores.


Milk is a dying industry; not saying that it's going to fail, schools will keep them afloat. Shelf life of 21 days without extreme processing and aging infrastructure and stricter regulations means lose of profitability. Most dairies around here were built in the 70s when the average milk consumption was 1 more glass a day than it is today.


I dunno, not by the dairy cases I see - there's now easily 5x the selection of milk products vs 20 years ago, leave alone 40, including soy, almond, cashew, walnut, coconut, rice, oat, hemp, goat, etc., etc. not to mention everything in whole, 2%, 1%, fat free and the selection of local/regional "boutique" brands seems like it's constantly expanding and even includes the return glass bottles. Also, as to the Kroger receipt and milk prices, the range for "milk" prices across all those selections is ridiculous - some cost 2x or more than the basic.


Fluid milk consumption in the United States has been trending downward for over 70 years. In 2021, the average American consumed 134 pounds of fluid milk per person, which is a 46% decrease from 1975 when the average consumed 247 pounds. Adding more products has nothing to do with actual demand. Demand stays the same, adding products increases competition in the market share of milk.


I'm talking about the category, not just traditional dairy milk - all those non-dairy milk products are a significant part of the decline in dairy fluid milk consumption. And as for milk overall, the USDA data and the IDFA cite record cheese consumption - along with yogurts and ice cream - to show: “The combined growth in dairy consumption in the U.S. and abroad along with growing export sales have translated into growing milk production in the U.S. to respond to growing demand,”  [https://www.foodbeverageinsider.com/market-trends-analysis/us-cheese-consumption-breaks-records-while-dairy-milk-continues-decline](https://www.foodbeverageinsider.com/market-trends-analysis/us-cheese-consumption-breaks-records-while-dairy-milk-continues-decline)


Fair enough, I was just backing my above comment with some facts. I audited some local dairy plants and it was an interesting experience.


You don't have kids, do you? I go through 3 gallons a week. I buy the organic, ultra-pasteurized kind so I'm dropping like $25/week on milk alone.


My kid also drinks milk, but like I said on average people are drinking 1 glass less a day than they were in the 70s and that was 1 glass less than they were in the 20s.


I don’t drink milk anymore and tend to go for almost or cashew milk but do want to recommend snowville’s milk locally. Much better to support, they don’t pasteurize and homogenize to the min temp required. Snowvillecreamery.com they also have yogurt




literally cheaper than water


Yeah that's what I thought too. I wonder if ppl drink milk less overall as its seen as not cool, plus the varieties of genetically altered milk ppl get now. I would give up a lot to buy candy bars for $1 again. Namely my health and smaller belly


Citation needed on the "genetically altered milk".


I’m wondering what “grocery” is…


You can totally tell this is a one off stop in for specific groceries and a special treat. I’d love to find a full grocery list. Still interesting!


Pickles are currently $2.29 and milk is about the same price depending on what sale is going on. Seems pretty reasonable to me for being over 40 years ago.




Head cheese




Median hourly pay 1983: $. 5.59 2021: $ 18.12.


Finally someone who is thinking


It’s popular to complain these days, victim complex. Easy to blame “someone” rather than explaining why you can’t afford a snickers bar


I certainly won't claim there is NOT inflation, and I'm hearing that big grocery stores have been price gouging (which I would believe) but looking at a 41 year old grocery receipt and then looking at a modern price and going "why isn't this the same??" Is pure foolishness. Differences in the receipt were noted by a few people. "Meat? Grocery?" Showing that UPC scanners were not a thing. Instead of a modern receipt showing: Where you shopped, exact time of day, exact cashier station, time of transaction, IF you have a "Store membership discount". The EXACT ITEM you purchased, with description, size, etc Not to mention FUEL POINTS, how much you saved, etc. if you paid with plastic, all the references to the sale in case there is an issue, etc. Plus....I guarantee the store clerk isn't earning what they did in 1983. Since I couldn't find an Ohio wage specifically I looked at "National Averages" in 1983. That cashier in 1983 made $168.00 a week. Assuming 40 hours that's $4.20 an hour (and was probably less considering "averages" are always crazy compared to reality.) I'm going to assume $168 is taxable income. Giving a break, I'm going to assume 25% tax rate. That leaves $126 a week. Today that same cashier makes $13.36 on average. After mythical taxes of 25% thats $400.80 take home. That, and the ability to buy "Organic tomatoes- home grown by a one armed Bolivian opera singer" because an internet Guru said they were healthier costs more.


https://preview.redd.it/mskrrzo93j0d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7cd123cc77c0a70f2148b52e243e5b7eadadcc9 The reason candy bars have jump so much. There is hope it may come down as price is down 20% today.


In 83 I was living in corryville, likely Euclid avenue


I recall when candy bars were that cheap (and cheaper, I remember them at $0.25)


Milk costs about the same (when on sale today or at Aldi)


5.56 and 444. Two of my favorite number combinations 😎


No tax? I'd this NJ?


What is “grocery”


Works for me. All my recipient’s are 6ft long these days..So much crap on there, you can't even find the transaction.


Krogers is ridiculous now with their prices. I stopped shopping there and now go to Aldi’s


same, Aldi's is great for most things and you never quite know what you'll find


That's kind of a problem for me. I'd rather know exactly what I'll find when shopping for food. Specifically the ingredient I was looking for.


That candy bar....the price is now what like 5x that?




End the Fed


End stupid catch phrases used by those who can only drool and repeat "Hur Hur....I doesn't like big guberment cuz a tax dodger says they is bad fer me"


Nobody ever shows their paystubs from back in the day


Same bill today: $659.37


Yeah... And WHAT WAS the SALARY/EARNING PER HOUR back in 1983?


The avg hourly wage in Cincinnati in 1983 was $3.35 The avg hourly wage in Cincinnati in 2024 is $28 https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/-in-Cincinnati,OH So technically, you should be multiplying the prices on this receipt by 9 to get a comparison. Snickers should be $2.70, pickles should be $9.99, and milk should be $18, lol.