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But its so easy.


Sure. Without ownership and responsibility of any kind. And then there's the record.


misinformation spreads way faster than information


There is a study that shows misinformation is spread 6 fold of the real information https://www.pwc.com.au/digitalpulse/fake-news-problem-business.html#:~:text=False%20news%20spreads%20faster%20than,to%20hundreds%20of%20thousands%20more.


Secret government information moves even faster. https://www.reuters.com/business/pwc-australia-sacks-eight-partners-over-tax-leak-scandal-2023-07-03/


Misinformation has made it twice around the globe before the truth has gotten its shoes on.


Technically, misinformation is also information, just wrong


very true, but i feel my point still got across


its marketing. Her post has gotten millions of views and reached the top of r/all at least 5 different times in the last 24 hours. She is gonna make a lot of money on this stunt, which is what they planned. Disruption and rage bait is the most effective way to garner attention, and its only going to escalate since its so effective.


Fine, have Target sue them for ANY income they derive from said video stunt.


Just curious, how exactly will she be making money? Does she get a check in the mail from Reddit for hitting the front page? Or do you think companies will come flocking to her for paid advertisements?


The idea is to cause outrage, drive engagement and then either crowd fund or use the notoriety to get views (paid) and/or other deals. Just having clout and visibility can transition to money and opportunities. It doesn't always work but it's honestly more likely to make you a bunch of money than hard work will.


Posts on the front page drive traffic towards her socials which can be monetised


You'd have to be delusional to go to all that effort and to go to a store to film yourself 'dancing' just so you can put it on tiktok. Tf are people thinking?


Trying to be the next big thing and rake in the money easy. Fame and fortune. It's the same.


I'm thinking it took a while to plan it all, rehearse it etc. So you go to all that effort just so you can go to target of all places and film a 30 second clip? Blows my mind.


Not to mention you can put in the time and effort to get all those people together and make sure they know what to do but can't take five minutes to let a manager know you'd like to do it?


It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.


Because they know the manager will tell them to fuck off


And after 30s clip is published they get famous. Since the bar nowadays is as low as the attention span off average TikTok user they gonna get some deals from sponsors or even better donations from people. I think it's pretty good idea if you actually can think of a decent plan. I hate TT with a passion. I like the idea behind the app but dislike how it operates and even without that, even without following people like her I now know who she is and what she did, meaning her reach is decent. Which will probably end up with her gathering a following of white knights and social justice warriors who will do anything to defend her while gladly handing over money. Sounds terrible but if you don't mind exploiting others, the cash is gonna roll in soon


It seems to be a very efficient attitude. If you can get away with this stunt (nobody stops you) you've got a video or how fabulous main character = clueless pain in the a§§ you are. If there's someone with the nerve to stand in the way of your art, you can show how poorly you're treated, level of racism and probably some victim ptsd = some rules not going your way


What if it’s a bid for attention that they knew would, and is, successfully working very well. Like I’m pretty sure they knew they’d be stopped and that calling it “racist” would get attention, and everyone is falling for it.


Exactly what I came here to say. Mission failed successfully. Getting kicked out and blaming it on racism was the desired result, I'm sure. Rage bait is a tried and tested strategy for gaining notoriety on social media. I bet she would've been really annoyed if they just let her do it, because there are millions of videos out there of girls just dancing that aren't going to get any views.


I remember once this woman and her child got to the top of a water slide after passing a height requirement sign that you could never miss. The employee at the top held up the ruler to her son, pointing out he was at least 6 inches too short, and wouldn't allow him to ride. Obviously he was being racist


And if the employee had let her kid take the ride and the child was injured because he was too small, she would have sued the park.


Target is now Public property.


Wow, look at this racist /s


Its racist if you do anything someone with their new „special rights“ dont like. Thats the big issue in society right now. It was the opposite in the past but you cant fix the past by doing the opposite mistakes today.


Not delusional. Just selfish and entitled.


The video clarifies this very well- two guys calmly block the camera and tell them they can’t dance jn the store without permission, adding that if they persist in trying to do so the police will be called


Holy shit imagine being this ........ (reads card again) Raci... raaa ... .racist????




Blue eyes white ski...dragon! I mean dragon!


Blue eyes white dragon wins against Dark Magician Girl, ya know?


Haha you've activated my race card!


“My pathetic grandpa's deck has no racism cards, kaiba!”


Blue eyes White power! Is that too edgy or am I in the clear?


Silly me, I forgot to read the card.


They imply that if they were white, Target would have let them do their dance... How absurd is that?




I was once called racist because, even though I love black licorice jelly beans, I feel they did not belong with the fruity ones. So when I eat jelly beans, I eat the fruity ones first, and save the licorice ones for the end. I shit you not, I was called racist for this. So, this video isn’t a shocker for me. Lol


I once was called racist for asking another waiter if it was darker in the restaurant I worked at, someone had dimmed the lights for dinner way too much. Someone overheard that and saw us both looking around and thought, hmm, must be racist. (Implying that because there were several tables with various ethnicities it *must* be about that) Called into the office, mind you I'm like 20 at the time and couldn't fathom what the fuck it was about, jaw on floor. I literally went over and showed the manager the dimmer notch it's supposed to be at. Two random ass kids very literally having a one line conversation about the amount of photons in the room...green / naive as can be. Didn't get in trouble but you know what...the people that "overheard" what they wanted to overhear gave a lot of shit and side-eye comments for weeks until they realized they were wrong or just fucking forgot People that are minding their business that experience that get tired of crying wolf real fucking quick.


Yeah it’s gotten out of hand.


That is (just like this point) just freaking deranged man ​ Racist nowadays means "you did/said something i dont agree with" i swear


I swear, a black guy could be filmed murdering a child in 4k, and there would still be a crowd that calls his arrest racially motivated. Everything is racist to someone.


That reminds me of the OJ simpson case. Dude clearly killed his wife but his aquittal was celebrated as a win against racist cops.


he clearly did, but that's the state's fault. you employ racist cops, put them on the stand, and people are gonna root against you


I mean… you heard the Mark Furman tapes right? The guy perjured himself on the stand and was a key witness for the prosecution. It’s the states responsibility to prove guilt behind a reasonable doubt and they absolutely fucked it up.


I think Furman was the guy who legitimised the jury decision. It made sense legally to aquit after Furman toroedoed the prosecution. However that jury was never going to convict OJ. If you put it in the context of the racial landscape of early 90's America, Rodney King and the riots still recent history, I can understand why. It's not right, but I understand why.


Mark Furman was a racist asshole who was a hundred percent correct OJ simpson killed that couple. Broken clock and all that






>LeBron James: YOU’RE NEXT!!! The girls damn father was there when it happened too, and did nothing to de-escalate the situation. But people get mad at the dude who saved the other girls life for not de-escalating in the half second he had upon arrival.


That event happened here in Columbus, Ohio (my screen name should be a giveaway). That video clip was on our nightly news for weeks, and anybody with the IQ of a houseplant could see that cop did the right thing and was a hero. And yet many black people still protested him as being…”racist”. The *rest* of the city just laughed at them.


It's disgusting watching the so-called parents in that video. I get their grief and shock, but dammit their daughter just tried to murder that other young woman! Now I'd love if all USA police officers had less lethal options and the training to use them. But that's not on that officer. He didn't even have a stab vest. Poorly equipped, poorly trained - narrowing his options to one. At the end of the day, he still very likely took a life to save another. And I'll always value the life of a victim over that of an assailant.


I was raised by a combatives instructor and SWAT lead. Here's what happens if you try to confront someone armed with a knife, even when trained, ,"get something between you if you can, but accept you're probably going to get cut, try and take it on the back of your forearms". A knife is not as lethal as a gun, but still lethal so deadly force is warranted along with the fact that trying another method would open them and others up to more danger. Even using a taser, you don't use that in a life or death situation, not reliable enough.


And people don't appreciate how _fast_ a knife wielding assailant can move. I can backseat that officer and everyone else can too. But he did the best he could given the circumstances, no question.


I was in martial arts for years, and trained in knife fighting, so I agree that you’re *exactly* correct. I would have done the same thing the officer did.


Yeah that's the thing people don't realize. Even if you're a trained boxer, a guy on the street who only has the prerogative to hurt you and just continually attacks very quickly is still likely to get a few licks simply because action is faster than reaction. Of course punches can be deflected and defended and blocked much better but I'd say the point stands. I practiced judo for 12 years and other things and people really underestimate how dangerous someone that wants to hurt you and is not as concerned with self preservation is. If you try to be batman and disarm them, there's a good chance you're still getting hurt.


Precisely my point. Too many frivolous claims of “racism” only end up cheapening the word, rendering it to, today, being utterly *meaningless*.


And some TV pundits literally "sometimes kids stab each other".




Yeah just knee cap him with your gun with one perfect shot! Just taze them! Oh they died from a tazer how dare you




The DOJ had two reports after that. Thing 1 is that the cop who killed Mike brown was justified. Thing 2 was that the Ferguson PD were systemically racist. My understanding is the officer who shot Brown was in many ways the Jim Gordon of Ferguson walking around going “maybe we should be less racist and the community won’t hate us”


Yes, everything any white person does that slightly offends a person of colour is immediately racist /s


They consider the slightest criticism of black people to be racism


we've basically made it so as a society if you call anything out as "racist" you get a pat on the back for being so progressive. People will gladly denounce anything they can as racist to get social kudos but of course would never live in a majority black community


No no no, the word is REASONABLE. it is close though


"If you don't allow us to do whatever we want wherever we are you are a racist"


Does calling someone a racist who isn’t racist make you racist?


Eh, i don't think so ​ I'd say it makes you a vapid, self centered idiot ​ Dumbness doesn't know race


And as for filming, they can ask for them to stop. While Target is a public space, it is still private property.


So many people don't realize this. Unless you're refused service because of a protected class the property owners or it's agents can tell you to fuck off for any other reason.


Yeah, their reason can literally be “because I said so”


See; many people be stupid, selfish, and/or entitled thus why society is in such the percolating predicament.


Also, considering it’s private property, Target could take action against them for filming on their property without permission.


He also adds that blocking the aisles the way they are is a safety concern as well


Why did they immediately play the race card when they could have played the intellectual disability card instead?


She literally posted the video like that somehow makes her look better.


Then after theyre forced to stop, you can hear them plotting to have more people film it “they cant block everyone!”


If someone calls someone a racist for no reason, they're the racist.


Also, they diminish the severity of actual harmful acts of racism. Story of *"Boy who cried wolf"* and all that.


Many words have lost their meaning from misuse and overuse, which will allow the actual dangerous psychopaths to slip through the cracks.






This happened to me years ago. I still think about it.


Or they just dont take their responsabilities and blame their mistakes on racism. I saw it a lot of times...






target has been clearly targeted by foreign agents. this is all part of their scam.


Reader added context is the best feature on Twitter change my mind


Yeah it’s really helped combat misinformation. Plus you get to see a guy comparing about it and someone saying: Well stop telling lies then.


Yeah unless the added context is something musk doesn't like then it promptly gets removed.




The muskrat has been fact-checked himself and had it removed multiple times, I can’t post image replies but if someone who can sends them here that would be helpful


That would indeed be helpful.


[He removed one about the covid vaccine](https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2023/07/25/twitter-deletes-fact-check-of-musk-connecting-bronny-james-cardiac-arrest-to-covid-vaccine/?sh=6ac32af63aa8), and he also removed one about his dad owning an emerald mine ([original with note here](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aDYZvYw_460swp.webp), [current tweet with no community note here](https://x.com/cb_doge/status/1654644652593512448?s=46&t=l8t1F3i65IusP7YNEvAZhA))




lol of course he'd be wearing a Judge Dredd shirt.


I got this [one](https://media.wired.com/photos/63783610d30bfc76923483e6/master/w_1280,c_limit/Elon-Musk-Tweet-Community-Notes-3-Business.jpg) , wich made me chuckle. Their have been other occasions I don’t remember where he have gotten fact checked by it.


Not really as Musk picks and chooses what he deems as misinformation.


I cant believe Muskerino would attack Target-Dancers like this


Reddit desperately needs something similar


Nothing more frustrating than going to a comment section, and the top comment is obviously wrong, exaggeration, or straight up disinformation. And everyone is jacking off to it like it's a revelation.


In most subs, you'll be attacked and banned for simply asking the poster to clarify their position. Don't taint the echo chamber. "Could you explain what you meant when you said [x]?" BANNED!


Plus the inevitable "get out of here with your facts and logic! Those aren't allowed on reddit!" comment, which gets posted regardless of if facts and logic are, in fact, used.


few months ago there was a video that went viral where i live of some cop pushing a lady onto the ground. people were setting up protests until a slightly longer video came out that showed her threatening people with a knife just before that video stared.. context is always great.


I haven’t used Twitter in years. How does this feature work and how does it stop users from abusing the feature to troll?


Honestly surprised Elon hasn't ditched it yet.


He removes them from his posts when he violates his own policies so I wouldn't be so quick to give that moron any credit.


"Soliciting attention," another byproduct of main character syndrome.


Thank you, That illness is accompanied by "Victimhood syndrome"


This is like a main character meet and greet


You think they fought over who got to be In front?


They clearly never worked retail. All employees want to do was get their shit done and wait to leave. A bunch entitled, dickheads dancing around getting in the way is the last thing they would want.


It was also at 9:30 at night in a store that closed at 10:00. Those employees VERY clearly just wanted the "dancers" out of the store so they could go home on time. As an aside. Does anyone else feel like the pulled a lot of this routine from Thriller?




The guy in video calmly explains they are creating a hazard to other shoppers. There was about 20 of them taking up the whole area and flailing their arms about. Why can't these attention whores just go to a park, school gym or (shocked face) dance studio to record their stupid shit for 12 year olds?


Yeah, it was probably a fire hazard


Looking at some of them more like an earth quake hazard.


I read on another post about this shit that the tried to rent a studio BUT it just wasn’t in the budget So that somehow makes it legal and perfectly fine to record a dance video in an open retail store Saying otherwise just makes you a racist apparently


This is apparently a decently successful independent artist (seen the name on music sites occasionally) trying to film her music video. I just can't understand the thought process. Those are probably professional paid dancers, but she decided to skip securing a shooting location. And she already got into trouble for filming at a cemetery without a permit.


Doubt they are professional dancers considering they are all out of sync. They seem to be just random people/fans trying to go viral.


That's just it they're pretending to "fight the system" that's oppressing her and trying to "silence" her music. Good old-fashioned egotistical artist. Imo


> Why can't these attention whores just go to a park, school gym or (shocked face) dance studio to record their stupid shit for 12 year olds? Because this generates way more attention than their social media ever would have gotten without it. Their video still reaches their regular social media audience but the outrage gets attention from people who would've never heard of this group otherwise. So the start of your question kind of answers it already: they're attention whores, they're doing this for attention.


If ‘dipshit’ is a race then yeah, target employees were being racist


I too am intolerant of dipshits


I am a proud nazi when it comes to dipshits


If you need a hand building the dipshit death camps, I'm free this weekend?


I have the dipshitphobia




Isn’t her post libellous?


100% but I doubt any of the 20 dollar an hour managers are going to want to go to court over something like this, it can be hard to prove and being such a sensitive topic that pretty much every American has strong opinions on the chances of a skewed jury either direction is a lot higher.


Can’t target sue them instead of the individual employees?


Depends, does she have any money? If not, then it probably won’t be worth the cost for Target to sue her.


A company like Target wouldnt have to be concerned about the money, it could be more about sending a message. If they burn $300k in attorney fees to win a $50k judgement against the artist that buries her, it can dissuade her and other artists from doing this again. Target may view that 250k loss as worth it, and it’s pocket change for them.


This, and the standards for libel and slander are notoriously high in the US. It probably wouldn't be worth it over some stupid video from some stupid shithead nobody's gonna remember in a few years unless you know you've got a homerun case.


I’d say so


Slander is spoken defamation, libel is written defamation, both defamation. Defamation is an untrue statement said to a 3rd party that tends to hurt the reputation of the person spoken about to a reasonable, average listener. Possibly. Basically, calling someone racist by itself is considered so vague to be meaningless. I'd argue that same goes for other similarly broad words accusing of bigotry. Being "racist" is a bit in the eye of the beholder and since different people may perceive that word differently, too nebulous to be enforced. But, what makes it a little different here, is potentially the context of the music video and target might add enough such that the reasonable reader would draw a more specific conclusion than just a broad nebulous "racism" accusations. Part of the reason why racism alone doesn't count is because its an opinion. Opinions can be defamatory if they imply a fact not generally known already. The idea is defamation has to be factual, but an opinion can be based on and thus contain the fact. Racism alone is just an opinion, but based on what? The fact its based on is supplied by context, the video. And that's why I think this is defamatory. So X is racist is a little different from X is racist that they discriminated against us because of it by not letting us dance in target for our music video. Now that I think about it, context would probably push it over the line into actual defamation. For example, accusing a person of being a racist is kind of broad. Accusing a person of being a KKK member who lynched a person is a bit more specific. One really important thing about defamation is that it must be understood in context. So like if I said, "pretend you are a KKK member," that could be read to imply I'm accusing you of being a KKK member. Or it could be the start of a legal hypothetical to illustrate the point. As I'm attempting to explain the law, its pretty clear that I'm not actually accusing you.


It is but it's really difficult to collect. Usually the times when someone can collect is when you can show financial damage to yourself(a la dominion) that the other party was unjustly enriched as a result of the libel. If these people then started the talk show circuit and started making millions of dollars off this post about racism then I think you'd have a pretty solid libel case


Nope. Its "opinion". For it to be slander/libel, it has to "provable cause monetary harm" (hard to prove), and it cant involve anyone who the public has heard of before. Because this is widely shared news, the target employee is now a "public figure" and this the bar is set 100x higher to prove slander/libel. Its why you can lie about anyone (except the rich and powerful) and get away with it.


False flag race baiting of any kind really drives me crazy. It undermines the completely legitimate cases when they happen. Dicks.


Exactly! Just looking at some of the comments proves your point.


Confusing private property for public. Not that unusual.


My take on this is, if you call someone a racist when they clearly aren't, you are in fact the racist. Secondly, the employee should sue them.


It's just become this dog whistle, like "communist" was in the 50s. Call someone racist, you'll get attention and maybe a payday.


I wouldn’t consider it a dog whistle really, it’s more of a blow horn that’s constantly there in front of everybody and some people are just itching to blare it.


No joke, being called or acused as a commie in the 50s straight up lands you in jail without warrant, especially when your of color, and we already know how crazy americans can get for example the far right. Now imagine that but in the 50s... And there were laws which basically banned anything communist, and ofcourse people who were critical of the government gets labelled as a commie, and leftist parties were entirely dismantled, and everyone was paranoid of everyone else.


Part two, look around.


It still does. This is still happening in many ways


The worst part is that racism, hatred and discrimination are still actual problems, but these clout chasing narcissists have been crying wolf to the point where words like "racism", "white supremacy", "x-phobia" etc. are devoid of their original meanings, sounding like nothing but empty social justice sibboleths.


Yeah, actual racists are the big winners from stunts like this, because it helps feed their narrative that anyone talking about racism is just attention-seeking.


That’s not a dogwhistle. A dogwhistle is a secretive or subtle code where what you say isn’t what you mean. It’s in reference to a literal dog whistle, which has a high enough pitch that most of the human population can’t hear it, but the dogs all can. For example, the number 88 is white supremacist shorthand for heil hitler, h being the 8th letter of the alphabet. The average person is still somehow unaware of this, so white supremacists can work the number into a conversation to communicate what they _really_ mean to one another in public channels. What you describe is the exact opposite of a dogwhistle - a term screamed so much, so widely, that it starts to lose meaning. People don’t know what 88 means because they’ve never heard the term in that context before. People don’t understand what communism is because other people point to things that clearly aren’t communist and call them communist anyways, which confuses the message.


Racist or sexist


Songs on their music album: My Way or the Highway Entitled The Narcissist Sociopathy Eating Disorder Mental Meltdown Final Treatment


Don't forget the bonus track.... Main Character Syndrome


Cluster B is their record label.




Since when is "dumbass" a race... 🤔


I worked at Target before cellphones; This guy came in recording random video...customer complained... they took his film, Kicked him out, had no reimbursement. Also was a film major, get a release form.


Play a card, any card


I am doing this thing and anyone who comes in my way I will justify my actions by labelling them racist.


Bitch, youre in the way, gtfo


I'm so sick and tired of the race card being thrown all the time. Sit down and shut the fuck up, stop annoying people.


I absolutely hate the people who try to pull the victim card. If she were white, they would call the security guard "sexist". If she were queer, they would be "homophobic".


As quick as I am go throwing a can of twisted tea, this doesn't seem like a racial thing unless remarks or slurs were used. Target along with several other private businesses don't allow filming in their stores and will stop you if you're obviously doing it.


I bet they would have called the police if you were trying to steal too. Those racists can’t keep getting away with this


People who try to pull this shit and then shout racism to avoid any responsibility are some of the most entitled cunts in the world.


They accomplished exactly what they were trying to. Go viral. Get attention. Get reposted. This will continue to happen more frequently.


Gen-Z confused and horrified that they can’t do TikTok videos in a shopping mall and plays the racist card 😁


They always pull the race card. Yet, when Asians businesses who are being targeted by certain group for whatever reason say they were robbed, attacked, beaten, etc etc. These groups scream racism? So the victims cannot say they were attacked? WTF


you're in a store. You can't just record in a store you muppet.


“Everyone I don’t like is racist”


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is why we need a purge


They look like shit. Ugly as hell.


I was called racist for telling a grown woman that she wasn't allowed to *talk on her cellphone during a movie at the theater on opening night*


“Racist” I see a 6ft tall white girl in the background you bloody fuck knuckle.


Racist? There is a big white woman in the back..


A self identified victim pulling the race card? I'm shocked


Sue for slander. Make her bankrupt to force her to work a proper job


Try wheeling a hotdog stand into any shop, and selling hotdogs without permission. Internet likes are currency. They're using a Target store to run their business. Not allowed, and can probably be sued by Target... ...Speaking as a non-American, from a foreign perspective... ...that wouldn't fly here in South Africa either


I'm surprised that someone with eyes that far apart could even hit a target. I'll see myself out...


How on any earth is this a clever comeback


someone put this on r/IAmTheMainCharacter.


Why dance in target? People are fucked


I briefly looked at the “artist’s” twitter and lo and behold she makes her race her whole personally. It’s fucking tiring. Let the music speak for itself?


I used to work for Target, and every store has a very solid "No filming" rule. If you're filming yourself doing something innocent, it's generally overlooked. If it's a crew of people, or it's distracting, or can be interpreted as you're trying to case the place, then you're getting tossed out. These people forget that stores are private property and you can and will be asked to leave, and will be trespassed if you refuse.


These people really wake up in the morning and brainstorm how they can ruin a minimum wage employees day


Eroding public sympathy for your people’s cause one lie at at time.


Full story is that they started filming a very loud music video without even asking for permission. It was big too, like 15 background dancers all dressed up as zombies and taking control of the whole main corridor, not even letting anyone go through. And it wasn't one person that kicked them out, it was the entire staff.


I love when they crop the author of the twitt and when it was done


Um, dancing? If that's dancing then I'm a fucking Rockette!


They're not delusional. They are leveraging racial tensions deliberately.


She is nothing but a black bigot. Shame on her for insulting a hard working employee!


I agree with target policy. Why everything have to be about race? Try educating yourself first before making assumptions