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I have no idea what anyone here is talking about


Good YouTuber makes video essay about controversial player from controversial community, arguments ensue.


The video is a YouTube video essay about Hungrybox, competitive Smash Bros Melee Player. OP (the one who drew the SNAFU) won’t explain in any comment why he thinks the video is biased.








remember when this guy straight up killed behind the meme


Did it really had an impact on him ? True question, I didn’t followed this


Behind the meme didn’t really have a good reputation before, but emp’s video solidified the bandwagon


He actually took out his cross bow and shot the guy between the eyes and killed him it was really tragic


Floridians, man. They're something else.


What happened?


In 2017, EmpLemon made what I can only describe as a hit-piece on BehindTheMeme, a YouTuber who made pretty bland videos on memes, all things considered. However, due to the seemingly vindictive nature of the video, some of his audience members took it upon themselves to harass BTM, which led to his real name getting doxed, among other things. Because of this, BTM ended up taking a years-long hiatus from YouTube before eventually returning in 2022. A lot of people criticized Emp for making such a harsh video on a guy who wasn't really doing anything evil other than making mediocre content. In a follow-up video he made a year later titled "in defense of BehindTheMeme," he ends up defending BTM after the latter go into a controversy surrounding fake suicide videos. He bases his defense on the notion that BTM was really just a nice but naive guy who had good intentions and genuinely enjoys making content, as he initially believed that BTM was just another greedy YouTuber making low-effort content for a quick buck. If you wanna know more about the whole controversy, Emp talks about it in the video titled "The History of the Downward Spiral" between 50:17 and 58:42. He explains why he made the initial hit-piece video, his reaction to its sudden popularity, and how he felt about BTM leaving because of it.


Damn, at least he did end up recognizing that he was wrong


While I believe 4chan users, EmpLemon viewers, and general internet meme-people are cut from the same (stained) cloth, I don't know that I'd blame EmpLemon for emboldening and sending doxxers at him. Meme content aimed at normies will draw ire from the *worst* people, who initially started attacking and harassing him from before EmpLemon's video on BTM in May of 2017. ^(I don't know if this subreddit blocks /r/ links but I'm not investigating) Both /DankMemes and /MemeEconomy had mild vendettas against him for killing memes they liked from March. 4chan attempted to attack him in February of 2017, by attempting to push him to make a video on a fake meme they just made up "Zenzi", and Know Your Meme users (notable website for hosting meme writeups and softcore pornography) have long had animosity over Behind the Meme regurgitating their webpages into a short video essay. The genesis of his doxxing (August 5th) was his stating his full name in a video on June 3rd, 2017, which I would consider to be the strongest contributing factor because it gave the malcontents something to latch onto and start digging. I am NOT justifying the behavior, but pointing out that it wasn't EmpLemon's actions that caused it - he already had the attention of fuckwads long before getting Video Essay'd.


>Both /DankMemes and /MemeEconomy had mild vendettas against him for killing memes they liked Aren't those two, like, THE meme accelerationist communities, anyway? They practically invented ultra-ephemeral memes.


Dude, why you're saying emplemon viewers are comparable to 4chan people? I have watched a decent bunch of his videos, pretty good overall, but i dont interact with youtubers communities that much, it is really that bad?


It's not that emplemon viewers are bad, just that "4chan users" can range anywhere from dnd players shitting on eurogames to super hitler satan.


I don't know if bad is the right word. A 4chan user is a broad spectrum of people. Some people treat it like any other social media, and some are bottom feeders from hell. It was a mix of both. Like any YouTuber who does meme content or delves into internet history and lore, especially if it's on the edgier side will always have some 4chan users in their audience because 4Chan is instrumental in a ton of Internet history. It's kind of difficult to really put your finger on how much of an impact 4chan has had on the Internet and some societal shifts


EmpLemon believed the "wrong" that Behind the Meme did was letting "normies" learn about memes. Basically what Lessons in Meme Culture did. EmpLemon was this kinda edgelord that got upset that in-jokes from obscure parts of the Internet are now known by a wider audience. Somehow this "ruins" the meme or makes the meme "die". It's this strange Internet Hipsterism. Literally no one cares that some random image is spammed on some random forum. No moral wrong was committed. Caring about memes going mainstream is the most terminally online thing I've ever heard.


There was this channel that explained memes. People got mad because they wanted to gatekeep jokes on the internet and that guy made a 30min essay on how uncool he is because YT drama was hot back then


Behind the Meme did make shitty content but he didn't deserve that


But he did not just straight up kill Behind the Meme. He defended thr guy and saw his actions as too harsh


Mango fan spotted


The only documentary of a smash melee player I will ever openly enjoy is the aMSa one


Asumsaus ROCKS


which one? theres a few out there lol


Asumsaus’ one


based asumsaus enjoyer


Hell yeah! I love Asumsaus's videos!


I literally only got into asumsauce (and by extension pro melee, which I haven't even remotely followed for years now) like a week ago and suddenly this? Pre programed event trigger type shit.


Brawlternative is pretty good.


brawlternative is peak


HONESTCONTENT is pretty good as well, they make stuff for Melee and ProjectM/+ and general just smash stuff


I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a real life copy of Melee but damn I love AsumSaus’ videos


French Youtuber Bronol has some good ones


The video where he portrayed himself as the Joker because some 12 year olds told him to make a youtube poop was funny


For all of his faults, I'd definitely blame him the least for not handling fame too well and getting too insecure in fandom toxicity and public perception.


What’d you consider his faults, exactly? I’m curious I always considered his biggest issue to be his hotheadedness. It’s a lot more noticeable in his older videos but he’s just not great handling the natural stupidity of the internet (which, honestly, I understand, but damn did he make it everyone’s problem)


Probably his inability to react and respond to his fans and haters in an appropriate manner. Nowadays he’s toned it down, but before he would definitely let his opinions fly about how he was treated in the community and it would come off as pent up menstrual frustration, which would end up with him just antagonizing himself within the space. Would even bleed into his interpersonal relationships he had with other top players. Though there was one very specific fruit-related player who definitely didn’t help the situation by constantly berating his play-style and character (personality) both in and out of tournaments..


Makes post about it being too one sided, refuses to elaborate in comments, leaves.


except he isn’t leaving just doubling down lol


I only ever watched his video on Dale Earnhardt and was just happy a major figure on Youtube was speaking positively about Nascar for once.


His racing videos are probably his best ones, he just put one out that was pretty good


His Talladega video is genuinely up there for one of the best videos on YouTube IMO. Give that one a watch if you haven’t seen it.


Love the Revenge one too. A particular high point is using the Garfielf music as a backdrop to a driver going on a damn rampage just fucking over everyone he can reach.


I have no fucking clue what music you’re talking about


[The background music here](https://youtu.be/OGbhJjXl9Rk?si=pGBh0KlkjQAH7CLj)


I love PilotRedSun, not only for the animations but because of the genuine music talent as well Someone described him as a reverse Jack Stauber: that PilotRedSun makes weirder animations but generally more "normal" music while Stauber makes weirder music but more normal animations


The Talladega video was LEGENDARY. It was uploaded right before the 2021 autumn Talladega weekend. Just as he said in the video, controversy always surrounds the race track: that weekend the "let's go Brandon" incident happened.


He still makes great content. It's insane that his videos are free to watch


It was targeted more towards non players I think, and it served that role well as entertainment. What was the bias about?


hungrybox was not just some helpless victim, yet the documentary painted him as such. and people just believe that now.


I watched the documentary back in the day uncritically (albeit it was pretty much the only thing I've interacted with in terms of competitive smash), were there any particularly egregious things about it? Though In hindsight, EmpLemon was always dodgy at commentary and I knew it at the time.


[You can’t make this shit up](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/s/90LsZKn1pC) “What was biased about the video” “HBox’s playstyle is lame”


god forbid someone plays in a way that is effective in a competitive scenario


ive seen people call him bad even though his playstyle works with like any character, he just gravitates who his favorite, who is less capable of playing hyperoffensively without getting murdered


As someone who played competitive melee for 6 years as a hobby, i think that the common player has no idea how fast and precise the inputs neccessary to compete are. Even if Hbox would be "bad" he's won major's! You play to win not to entertain


There isn’t anything wrong with it. This dipshit is just one of the people explicitly addressed in the video who don’t like hbox because he plays puff and they think it slows down the game.


Melee fans when they have to wait in the lobby for a doctor's appointment. (The doctors don't move fast enough, C tier characters at best.)


i love wizzrobe and so do many others, but a while ago he'd take ages to start a game (sometimes over 30 minutes)


The ONLY issue with emps video is that he says that Mang0 doesn’t play smash anymore/is washed which could not be further from the truth. And the only reason emp said this was because it made the story a bit more dramatic to call hbox “the last of the 5 gods”


Emp’s stuff has gotten much better IMO, don’t know if continued to check out his stuff


Last thing I saw was his video about Talladega race course, definitely felt better than his other stuff I watched.


Highlights from his more recent stuff is Art of the Choke, 72’ Dolphins, and Moore Oklahoma. Definitely worth watching.


That's good to know because some of EmpLemon's vids caught my eye but I kept thinking "Aren't they a shifty person or something? Feel like I've heard drama around them a bunch of times"


Yea, he’s made some old mistakes but has addressed and talked about his mindset going into nearly all of them, he basically made an hour and a half video talking about his YouTube career as if it was one of his documentaries. Don’t get me wrong, he does still have some “old man yells at cloud” moments about some weird situations, but most of the time he keeps those on his second channel lol


could you explain your problem with hungrybox for as as far as i know he was just unfarly targeted by bulies which the led to someone literally throwing a crab at him. all for just being really good at a charecter that is kinda mid.


Not gonna lie, Hungrybox was kind of a huge fucking cry baby.


bro they threw a fucking crab at him and billied him nom-stop of course the guy would complain


not only this, but people are allowed to be emotional, especially in a game theyve loved their whole lives, while the community actively refuses to accept them, hungrybox is a flawed person, but name someone who isn't


hmm yeah I can see that. Seems to share some characteristics with the Killdozer story in a way, antihero against the world, it's down to the storyteller to say how much anti and how much hero is there


the killdozer guy was NOT an antihero lmao the dude was a psychopath


The Killdozer guy was not in any way shape or form an antihero or justified. I have no idea why this myth still persists


Internet libertarians


The killdozer was deranged and went after innocent people


OP goofy as hell. "Anyone who disagrees is a drone" What that even mean bro, you the real drone.


This snafu feels biased lmao please explain your reasoning


He's made so many better videos I can't imagine why that's the most popular one. Never Ever episode 4 is my favourite YT video I've ever watched.


was that one about cold war, sponge bob, or wwe?


It’s the Cold War episode about Petrov.


oh yeab that one was peak


if only pretty good episode 4 wasn't lost media, then we would have 2 of the best videos ever made


I'll never forget how this guy was mad at Smash players for not dislike bombing Sephiroth's reveal trailer, as if that would have somehow changed Nintendo's mind about Sliipi. That's the mentality of someone who only touches grass with the express purpose of putting it in a bong. There are plenty of things to call out nintendrones for. This really is not one of them, especially with how few of Smash's fans pay any attention to the competitive scene whatsoever.


he was mad about something NOT being dislike-bombed? lmfaooo


> popularguy gets added > people are okay with this we truly live in a society


He wasn't necessarily mad about it though. He went on to say how the Byleth trailer was dislike bombed for some other reason i've forgotten about, proving that the Nintendo community could come together and dislike bomb something for extraneous reasons. He also proved that after many disliked decisions, Nintendo Directs and other videos were dislike bombed. While I do agree that the venn diagram between smash players and comp is nearly 2 circles, it shows how Nintendobros don't really care when Nintendo does anti-consumer practices (shuttering a melee tournament due to them using an online modded version of melee during the pandemic included.)


Byleth was disliked because it's another Fire Emblem character. Sephiroth wasn't disliked because it's fuckin Sephiroth. I don't think it's any deeper than that, nor do I think there was any sort of organization behind it


Yeah there just as many Fire Emblem Characters as Mario Character which imo is a major problem


Don't insult the stoners! At least half of us touch grass. Every few months. Maybe a year.


The only stoner I like is the medieval type.


Too nu-age, I only like rolling big rocks down hills.


>I only like rolling big rocks down hills. Greek gods when deciding what Sisyphus has to do


What’s wrong with the video? I generally like emplemon


There's nothing wrong the video. OP is a dumbass who refuses to elaborate on why he thinks hbox isn't a victim


He did, actually. His reason was “lame character” (he is the problem that is outlined in the video)




one-sided and biased for hbox. paints him like a helpless victim when he wasnt, and isnt.


Wild, I do like his video on nascar though, only guy to talk about it with any positivity


If you just abandoned this post, the OP has just repeated said “HBox wasn’t a victim” and just refuses to elaborate or give any other information lmao Def check out Emp’s video on Moore Oklahoma.


just watch all of his stuff until the jimmy kimmel video tbh, i find all of them entertaining


It's not as bad as OP makes it to be by a lot, if anything it seems like a salty fan of another player whos angry that hgb got a video essay.


I think the goal of the video was more to tell a story that would be interesting to viewers and not give a perfectly accurate explanation of every event that occured, which is what he accomplished by showing hbox in the light that it did


he’s a player of a video game, not hitler.


Shit take. I’ve seen your comment replies.


Emp lemon does videos outside of racing?


It's funny seeing EmpLemon prove his own theory of YouTube relevance correct by constantly changing his videos. Not a complaint, I much prefer his newer videos over meme culture.


He does stuff about weather phenomena


he just does stuff tbh, cold war to nascar, cinema to weather, guy is talented at storytelling and u cant deny that


I am proud to unironically say that Emp choosing to put “crossroad blues” in his moore video made me start listening to Robert Johnson songs and blues in general.


somehow all of his videos become the accepted truth of anything he talks about, and any variation will be shit on. his videos are like a language virus that make people mindlessly and feverishly accept and parrot anything he says. This is true for most video essay youtubers though.


it's because he's a genuinely very talented video creator. I don't like plenty of his opinions but his work speaks for itself. I'd recommend "2 days in Moore, Oklahoma" for something less controversial


I must have watched the Moore video 4 times by now, genuinely fantastic


Mabel is terrible… 😞 that video


the epitome of that "thats a nice opinion, did a youtuber give it to you?" meme


I feel like I'm the only one who has no idea what this is about


Good YouTuber makes video essay about controversial player from controversial community, arguments ensue.


He shouldn't even be a controversial player. The only reason people hate him is because he plays kind of boring. Like, actually. They thought this was egregious enough that they should throw a fucking crab at him after a match.


He’s controversial because a lot of people love him and a lot of people hate him. Also controversial because he was literally so sick he was coughing blood during Covid then showed up maskless at a tournament.


They threw a crab at him?


Yes some moron sneaked a crab into the audience and it went I noticed.


if you walk into an event with a raw crab in rural maryland that isnt out of the ordinary


Did he just do happen to bring a crab that day or was it a common thing? I have so many questions.


tbf i can’t imagine its smell would much be noticed in a smash tourny


Coaxed into thing I don’t like


He’s definitely matured over the years as a content creator, his new stuff is pretty great in my opinion, racing stuff, art of the choke, the basketball one. But… a few of his old videos aged like unpasteurized milk


What did Hungrybox do though?


he play boring so constant harassment justified >:(


I mean he has done some legit shitty things that deserves to be called out, but the Emp video from 4 and a half years ago talking about him is where we draw the line? Lmao


oh no doubt, but i will say Hbox’ legacy is certainly unique, who else has gotten a frickin crab hucked at them on stage? people were jus out for blood lol


Like there are actual problems with Hbox's behaviour and conduct, but the vast majority of critics back then hated him solely for playing Puff and nothing else.


exactly yeah- and it’s hard not to empathize with him during that period of time, dude could only rlly lean into being a heel in the smash scene. But he’s still a *person*, and so much of that vitriol directed at him just for who he mained and how he played was nasty. Didn’t help some other pros in the scene goaded it on but that’s a whole topic of its own


*cough* Leffen *cough*


ugh.. Leffen… i dipped from th smash community a while ago, is he still a dickbag or has he grown up?


Well I like his videos 🤷‍♂️


The one he just released about Moore, Oklahoma is genuinely fantastic, one of the best YouTube videos I’ve seen in a long time.


Same, his racing vids are cool


Sports ones in general, I have no interest in American football or racing but I really like his videos on those topic


Art of the Choke is a masterpiece lol


Who's this guy?


A man that used to make YTPs now makes well-regarded video essays on various topics. He then makes a video essay about a controversial player in the Smash community, and arguments ensue.


Eerrrmmm... excuse me but EmpLemon is supposed to have a different but very similar name so you can pretend this snafu is more broad then it actually is ☝️


(My response to this post, upon gleaming context from the comments) It's been a while since I watched this video. But I can recall what it was about: an overview of the competitive Smash community for non-fans leading into the story of this one player. Hungrybox became one of the greatest players and also the most controversial, mainly due to his play style. Not cheating, mind you, but mastering Jigglypuff, a character people found 'boring ' or whatever. Now OP is saying that EP 'painted Hungrybox as a helpless victim.' I mean, maybe??? But that really wasn't my takeaway from the video. Even if he was biased towards the player, I don't think it affected the video's integrity meaningfully, since I don't think that was the main idea. And anyway, if you feel this strongly and make a post about how some YouTuber made a "biased" claim that this guy was treated badly by the community, then you're kinda proving his point.


Are you a Leffen fan?


fuck leffen


For someone who calls themselves "snafu connoiseour", you sure just made a strawman of someone you dont like and called it a day lol.


mang0 is the goat


I don't get the point of this Snafu. What's wrong EmpLemon and his HBOX video?


Leffen alt account spotted


I could see Leffen doing this, I think I would respect him more if he just made memes when he doesn’t like something


lef "this matchup is a fucking joke" fen


Emp’s older stuff is hit or miss. Yea, he has some missses, the HBox one definitely isn’t great, and the Trump one sucks. But a lot of his stuff is great. His NASCAR videos are some of the best essays on YouTube. I genuinely think his Talladega one is one of the best videos on YouTube.


The trump one was great wdym?


Another smuggie, r/snafusub has fallen, billions must cope


this isnt what the snafu is talking about but the damage that one video about steven universe did to the internet's perception of the show was insane


To be fair, Steven Universe did decline massively after like season three, that specific video was just the final mail in the coffin towards it being seen as a “bad” series.


sure, it declined, but i dont rlly think it deserves the horrible reputation it had


He uses so much green in his videos that it makes me vomit.


Blame the YouTube copyright system.


Why are the Simpsons green?


Bro does not know why the Simpsons are green


I don’t know why the video was bad but jugglypuff is awesome and I am happy


If you were gonna shit talk EmpLemon, you had way better Ammo than the HBox video. The Jimmy Kimmel video ends with him going on a schizo rant that is literally, explicitly about how he thinks Racism does not exist anymore and even if it did that'd be OK because it's just an opinion.


emplemon is the kind of guy to upload the best video essay youve ever seen and the worst video essay youve ever seen back to back


Eh, it’s started the skew into best one you’ve ever seen 3 times in a row then the worst IMO Back when the HBox video came out? Yea you’re absolutely correct lmao


As soon as he started running his mouth about social justice warriors and other rightwing nonsense I stopped watching his shit.


Wait what??


I thought the last time he talked about stuff like that was his Jimmy Kimmel video.


He has one of those cringe "Buzzfeed so woke" vids from like 2017, I believe that era of Youtube existed


Literally the only video that does this is the Jimmy Kimmel video, and even then, what in that video was wrong or inaccurate? “I disagree with it” doesn’t automatically make a video bad


He leans more into his politics in other videos, like "Stop Checking My Privilege" and his Twitter Checkmark video, where it's clear that he doesn't like SJW/PC/woke culture and progressive politics. However, he qualifies that notion by asserting that he dislikes those same tactics employed by the right as well, so he's not radical in the binary political aisle sense.


Yeah that’s the impression I got as well. It’s unfair to paint him like he’s your average right wing “anti-woke” culture warrior/grifter, especially when the Jimmy Kimmel video in particular predates the right wing usage of “woke” by at least 3 years


Or anti-SJW to borrow contemporary terminology from that era. He definitely is/was a reactionary Youtuber, but he's not as right wing as other reactionaries are, and his primary focus of critiquing Youtube as a platform is an issue shared by creators across the political spectrum.


He's stopped that for a while thankfully


> As soon as Are we talking about the same creator? Afaik he stopped talking about SJWs/Youtube and leaning into a reactionary persona when he began focusing on more general video essay content. Unless you were there from his Emperor Lemon days.


Didn't that guy make a video claiming Trump won in 2016 because of internet memes and another about the importance of "meme culture"? He sounds like a complete joke


tbf, back then, i thought he won because of memes, but thats probably because im not american, and i was way younger lol


He 100% didn't win because of internet memes. He won because of incumbency fatigue, the opposition running a uniquely bad campaign, and Trump having a way more organized and motivated following the way Obama did when he was first elected.


There's def an influence tho. The memetic repeating of MAGA, r/The_Donald memes... It didn't win him anything but it absolutely played a part.


Yeah, and I'm sure that's an interesting topic an actual sociologist or political scientist could tackle instead of the zoomer video essay YouTube poop guy.


Oh 100% lol


The video is about how Trump used branding to win, it literally states at the beginning that the notion that 4chan got trump elected is impossible


Well actually the first video was a lot more about memes in the traditional sense “things like slogans and what not” even if it’s still a little goofy.


I don’t like emplemon, I don’t like his cringe RW-adjacent ‘I hope 4chan thinks I’m cool’ persona he has, that video he made about YouTube poops was embarrassing as fuck and the video he made about how the games industry is on a ‘downward spiral’ means I think I’ll forever seek him as lame as a creator, so I’m not a fanboy, that out of the way: I remember that video being mostly about how Hbox was just one professional player of many trying his best and people kinda tried to force him into the heel role for reasons separate from anything he actually did, mainly they don’t like puff, and in spite of him not wanting to be that. In the comments of this post, you keep repeating the video is one sided and biased and not responding to people when they ask what specifically you mean, as in like what claims were wrong and what specific events he left out that he should’ve included. Kinda looks like you just don’t agree based off vibes alone.


I’ll say, most of those things you seem to not like about him are from 5+ years ago. Have you watched him any since? His content is much different and he’s even made a video talking about himself and how he regrets his former video styles.


i just put on a video of him once in a while for background noise, his actual videos are pretty meh


nah his recent work is pretty awesome and VERY educational. the oklahoma one he made was sooo goood


I watched the video and enjoyed it, I didn't think it painted him as a victim of some kind, just discussed his career


I liked it


When he goes over events and history his content is good when he talks about other YouTubers it’s shit


Why is Bullying only ok when "your favorite niche thing is now popular"? Like it's out for blood for mainstream effect. That's and has never been what "dillutes" the love you have for something.


as a smash hater you don't know how many times I've told youtube to not recommend it lol


Idk what this is talking about can someone help


op i havent seen this video or touched melee ever but you are very clearly in the wrong lmao


This guy was like "im a loser asshole inhighschool, just like the outsiders book! Im so cool!!"


Anyone else remember when this guy made YTPs about The Incredibles?


Out of everything Emp has done, I think this video might be the most inconsequential one


Look through OP’s post history. It paints quite the picture.


The video doesn't portray him as helpless, but it does portray him as a victim of unfair harassment for just playing a character, which he was


Emplemon is kind of hit or miss ngl. He feels like two steps removed from a rightwing grifter gamergate type of guy. But damn if a lot of his video essays and reviews aren’t great.