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Okay but genuinely how else do you kill roaches without them getting their children everywhere. Like seriously what could you do besides flushing or burning


Shoot a golf ball sized hole in it


what do i do about the 2nd roach?


draw your pistol on the second roach but miss it entirely because its smoothebore


Then you’ll have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs




ok i've followed the instructions, but there's still one terrified roach left


Fix bayonets! He’ll bleed out before the police arrive because triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up


Just as the funding fathers intended


what did they fund?


Wouldn’t that just make it not exist anymore




he’s dead on the spot


["hate those damn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsQTpwJ0phk) ~~flies~~ [cockroaches"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsQTpwJ0phk)


Poison, call an exterminator


Slowly poisoning then to death isn't much better than burning to death I imagine


I heard that poison used to kill insects is very quick.


Oh damn, I didn't know that I thought it would be like a slow and painful death


I'm genuinely curious why would you think that Like if you were offered a cyanide pill before being burned alive you'd think "well poison sounds about as bad as burning alive so no thank you"


Well it’s gas right that’s different then a pill


Get a pet spider, lizard or ant colony. Even if it lays eggs they'll get taken care of


Wow i keep having more reasons to like spiders


They make insect growth regulator which makes it so that they don't be reproducing like that anymore. Which is a far more effective than torturing one roach, cuz I mean killing one roach will not put a dent in an infestation


Bro put people's IP adresses as upvotes


https://preview.redd.it/5pscb8r93d8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9574d41a475957568d3314703ded4e02cf276c op


many such cases


https://i.redd.it/kqqse004xd8d1.gif you need some democracy OP


Don't care, I still wish mosquitoes the worst


They are not only annoying parasites, but they transmit diseases too. The only good mosquito is a dead mosquito (or one genetically engineered to kill the rest without spreading disease).


They’re actually not parasites :D They **hunt** for your blood, because it contains potassium, which they need to form their eggs


they suck *my* blood for their eggs? sounds like parasite behaviour


I like to keep my business at the blood bank and sperm bank as two separate affairs, and any creature which can make those two trips in one is the Devil’s plaything


sex with mosquito?


You don’t wanna know


no, not really


And you eat fish for your continued existence. Sounds like hunting to me. A parasite doesn’t have to worry about the outside world, their host is their world e.g. pinworms. They live their entire lives in you. They don’t have to worry about anything outside of you. Mosquitos do have to worry about the outside world. They don’t live in anything else in their entire life. They’re home is the outside.


hmmm I guess so. but they don't eat the whole of me like I would eat a whole fish. they sneak up and yoink my blood and then I get an allergic reaction and get sad


bitch are you eating the eyes?




of course


Why don’t Mosquitos just eat a banana? Are they stupid?


Bro if they were hunting id be dead mfs make me suffer


They can hunt for the open palm of my hand (it is accelerating toward them at high speed)


they also are only good as prey for other insects, and are nonessential to nearly every ecosystem


Around 700 million infection cases per year with around 700 thousand deaths per year, with a disproportionate amount of burden of disease in Africa (as always unfortunately 🙄). I generally love bugs but I really really hate mosquitoes because of just how deadly they are, and mosquitoes are adapting to the interventions we have at an increasing rate so they are absolutely an genuine danger and not "misunderstood lil buggies". [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/29/health/mosquitoes-malaria-disease-climate-change.htm](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/29/health/mosquitoes-malaria-disease-climate-change.htm)


Yeah. My entomologist friends will express their joy for pretty much every bug, except for leeches, ticks and mosquitoes, these bloodsuckers just piss everyone off.


Reminds me of a trend with people torturing invasive species and defending their actions with “they deserved it for harming other creature’s habitat”


I completely understand the need for culling of dangerous invasive species in order to preserve ecosystems, absolutely, but when people start actively *torturing* innocent animals? You can tell their motives were never actually good- and it’s strange that such behavior doesn’t get called out more often.


tf??? it's not like the creatures chose to be born in the wrong environment


It’s like that one saying I heard, “No one cares about environmentalism unless it means they can kill something.”


I remember growing up and because i live in Australia cane toads are a serious problem, so we would just grab metal poles and whack em and stab em.


>"Sane person" >Defending ze bugs A bug made this post https://i.redd.it/j2gohbzmtc8d1.gif


Bug are racist while else would they kill each other


I know you probably said this as a joke but ants and wasps are in fact super racist lmao. It's one sight if they see another species of ant/wasp


Chimps are our closest relatives alive today in part because chimps are basically the limit on how human an animal can look before our instinct is to genocide it We did the Holocaust to members of our own species because they worship the Christian God slightly differently or speak a different language, imagine how we'd treat Neanderthals


How we treated every human since pre history. Kill or fuck


Spiders are one of the good ones depending on where you live


Creepy? ✅ Crawly? ✅ Conclusion: death sentence


Idc what you have to say, I have the luxury of not coming across huge or quickly-breeding spiders in my home, so I get to like spiders. You do you


Creepy❌ Nuh uh spiders are awesome


"oh my god hes so silly and cuuuuute!!!!!" and it looks like it came from thr 5th circle of hell


Depends. Silly small little goofer? Gets a pass. Fat and hairy? Fucking delete it.


they both have their own fucked upness


Jumping bros are forsure cute. Look at those pedipalps.


ermmmmm ackhually spiders aren't bugs, they're arachnids 🤓🤓🤓🤓


I saw the word "bugs" and my brain registered it as "arthropods" but I genuinely appreciate the correction


Nah, the other guy is wrong. "Bugs" as a general term refers to pretty much anything small and skittery. As a biological term it refers to a very specific order of insect species. If spiders aren't bugs, then we're assuming that the person is referrung to the biology term and not the general one, and as such neither are centipedes, scorpions, earthworms, butterflies, moths, flies, wasps, or beetles.


I saw the word "bugs" *again* and my brain registered it as "insects" but I genuinely appreciate the correction


I'm doing my part!


I get that it's a joke, but you don't have to make EVERYTHING about your fandoms. Or maybe you do, in which case I'm getting the Aerialbots to bomb your house.


I dont even play helldivers this was just the first bug typing gif I found


That's worse. You're not even joking because of your fandom, you just want to torture animals to death.


Youre just mad youre in the gif


And YOU'RE just mad humanity isn't the only species that exists.


Bug haters when i slowly dismember their parents for fun: erm quit being a snowflake?!😂


Fuck mosquitos though. I generally try to either move or quickly kill bugs, but I have absolutely no sympathy for the parasite infested disease spreading plague that is mosquitos. The only good mosquitos are dead or the ones that eat other mosquitos.


It's why i love fish because they eat all the larvae, and one of the few reasons i like spiders.


I used to decapitate ants and make ants Sompopos fight when i was little 😭


incredibly based


pokemon battle


Me sending my Ariados (Brazillian Wandering Spider) army against the Snorlax that showed up to the door (my landlord)


And then they say “achutally bugs don’t have pain receptors like we do so itsh fine!” to justify their sociopathic tendencies


More so the entertainment vaule at seeing a pest removed from our realm of existence we bring up pain receptors because if they did itd be needlessly cruel but the fact they dont means kill s bug is on par of kill an npc in gta


While the cockroaches in the video audibly scream in pain


Me when I make the most blatantly wrong possible statement without even looking up a quora article or some shit and still get upvoted. Cockroaches can't scream, bugs make high pitched noises when electrocuted or burned because they have air inside them. This is obviously wrong unless you believe the sound from bug zappers is them screaming or shitting their pants or whatever


Humans do the same. The screaming is actually just air escaping a strange crevice called the "lungs"


Insects literally can't scream because of their anatomy. This isn't some gotcha moment.


Firstly: If your only arguing to say technically its not a scream cause its different even though its used the same way a humans scream is, then thats stupid semantics. If your not: I have had pet insects that emit a noise equivalent to a scream both to communicate with other bugs in its colony and when under distress. It sounds like squeking and clicking. Also, scientific evidence points towards bugs feeling pain, even ones that cant emit noise during it. Lots of bugs do emit squeaks as communication and if they get distressed by pain, or by poking or handling that they dont like, they will squeak aswell. Here are various squeaking insects: [Hissing cockroach](https://youtube.com/shorts/XFIJZLUmPMk?si=lmeBKtsa7YADE3C3) [Deaths head moth](https://youtube.com/shorts/8btjFDPqS8M?si=wpkXdlWCOhBRonw0) [This guy (idk what he is, found him while looking for a different video)](https://youtube.com/shorts/uaj3N10y7LU?si=UkdgJ3T7H5_On6H0) [Some longhorn beetles](https://youtube.com/shorts/rBTK6m97sjc?si=IycBNBgN8MudLf60) [Bess beetles](https://youtu.be/OE9B6TxXEbI?si=SXtFhEgvikLEHC0A) [Cicadas are incredibly common in summer and you've almost certainly heard them trying to find a mate before](https://youtube.com/shorts/eW2G7ObRv-A?si=Wz4KStQSkeREPGBD) [Even the humble Cockchafer squeaks](https://youtu.be/gjY0vkq5350?si=i6W1gcIOIG0KaQTW)


lmao next you're going to say lobsters can scream Those all make sound in the same way, i.e. by rubbing two body parts together (for most, its their wings or a pair of legs). The hissing cockroach is the only one that actually squeaks by moving air outside of it, although it isn't an expression of pain, and is used to vocalise to other cockroaches (for mating purposes) Hissing cockroaches are the ONLY insect that can do that. They're unique.


You missed my point. I already said they arent technically screams, but they are used for the same/simalar functions. They are not only used for mating clearly, as all the insects i linked do it when agitated due to the distress it causes them.


The hissing cockroach is a much rarer type of cockroach that is native to madagascar so I doubt that's what they're referring to. How is it used the same way a human scream is? Human screams range from intentional to instinctual, while cockroach "screams" are just noises made by heated air. I'm sure there's a lot of insect that make noise, nobody's doubting that, and yes that one species of roach from Madagascar hissed when threatened but i'd bet good money that's not what is being talked about. In that case, it's not "screaming in pain" because it's not "screaming" at all.


You missed my point. I already said they arent technically screams, but they are used for the same/simalar functions.


You missed my point because they aren't. Yes, bugs communicate through noise. That is completely irrelevant to the situation. You'd know that if you read the reply where I literally asked you to explain how they serve the same function.




I hate insects but wth


If I am killed simply for living/let death be kinder than Man.


Idc what your stance on bugs are, I find it a little weird why people enjoy watching living creatures strapped to makeshift torture machines. Can someone explain the prevelance of this type of stuff?


Finally someone else who thinks like this, I thought the entire world had gone insane. Yeah bugs and etc can look gross but they can't help it, torturing and despising something for the crime of being born different in a way that doesn't appeal to human eyes is straight up vile


It's perfectly normal to despise something for being disgusting "to human eyes". We think it's disgusting because they made our ancestors sick and the only ones who survived were the ones who found them disgusting. Furthermore, "to human eyes" is the only framework we have to judge what is disgusting or not. There is no objective framework of what is and isn't disgusting. Torturing things is just not necessary, though.


heres the thing... bugs are nasty because theyre dirty and i dont like dirty things so they should die


Take a shower buddy


Animals and bugs only deserve our compassion when we find them cute! All else MUST be purged from this planet!


I'm OOTL did I miss something?


In general, there’s a strong “Hurting animals for fun is wrong!” sentiment on this site… unless those animals aren’t cute/don’t make for good pets. Someone will cry about a limping puppy and then turn around and scream about how much they want to kill rats or mice. They’ll cry about a starved kitten, then talk about how much fun they would have torching spiders. Much like YouTubers with monkeys, I suppose.


No that YouTube/baby monkey thing is absolutely a front for perverts


Baby monkey content appeals to three groups of people, basically: 1. Brain-rotted children who don’t know better than to support what is clearly animal abuse (*Same with kitten/puppy duckling videos*) 2. Sadists/perverts who are too scared/lazy/poor to act on their real-life desires and just watch someone else engage in it as a proxy 3. Grown-ass adults who don’t care if content is exploitative or abusive as long as it’s *entertaining*: fake animal rescues, monkey ownership videos, puppies interacting with ducklings, mass pest killing videos, etc… And of course, YouTube allows all of this- because it makes them money.


what is the deal with puppy duckling videos? is there like a big thing about that or something? I feel like I don't see that specific thing that often


To sum the videos up in three words: it’s animal abuse. Ducklings are separated from their mothers (*because the mothers would likely attack the other animals*), allowed to interact with animals that are toxic to them (*mammalian saliva is fatal to birds**) or are outright predators that would happily eat ducklings (*cats and dogs*). Needless to say, no genuinely caring pet owner would ever allow their animals to interact in such a dangerous way. However, there is a *massive* audience for “cute” animal videos, which lead to people abusing and endangering animals for content- especially on YouTube, where it makes them money. It’s not *always* puppies and ducklings, though- my main concern is the sheer amount of knuckle-dragging lobotomites who think that having a pet monkey would be “fun”. Yes, have fun changing diapers multiple times a day for thirty damn years. Oh, wait- you won’t get there, because people just **murder** their “pet” monkeys when they stop being living baby dolls. Genuinely sickening. You ever wonder why you never see an old “pet” monkey? Why every shithead “influencer” advocating for pet monkeys always has a little baby? Why those ducklings/mini pigs never stick around for more than a few videos? Because they abandon or outright kill those animals when they stop being cute and complacent enougg for TikTok/YouTube content.


Very sad, I didn't know that about duckling videos thank u for the information


Hey, no problem! Thank you for asking, honestly! I love getting a chance to talk about things I’m passionate about!


Do you have more to say? A podcast? I really liked the way you laid out the info very informative


Oh, thank you so much! I don’t have any form of podcast or channel, no- I just find animals to be very interesting and take any chance I can to learn about them! I also just find it fun to spread a little bit of information here and there!


reddit hates monkeys too ive seen images/videos of monkeys doing funny things and then the comments are just full of haters


Monkey hate is an actual thing and it's bizarre


I don’t like the sounds they make but I definitely don’t hate them


Mice, rats and spiders are all cool, but mosquitos and flies deserve the absolute worst




Them fuckin' 'roaches


The only bug that deserves to be tortured is bed bugs. Those little fucks don't do anything aside from being a nuisance 


Mosquitoes and ticks:


At least mosquitoes feed cool bugs like dragonflies and spiders. You have a point with ticks tho


why you getting downvoted this is 100% true


Because this is Reddit.


Noooo my little bedbug friends!!! Don’t hurt them they’re just cute little innocent friends!


Your cute innocent friends gave me insomnia and made it look like I was doing drugs


It feels like no one on this site understands sarcasm


"Yes I agree we shouldn't torture living creatures just because they're gross and annoying, except this one living creature I personally find gross and annoying."


Anyone who disagrees with me has clearly never had bed bugs before 


The best moment to bring up funky parallels with hypothetical godly aliens


I genuinely wish the worst for people who *hate* insects and small animals


Do you live in a place with lots of pests? It's hard to feel anything positive about aggressive insects and snakes


Lmao what aggressive insects. Wasps? Hornets? Bc those are the only two “aggressive” insects I can think of and even they don’t fit the description bc no insects really do. I don’t care how hard you try and justify hate towards animals. They might be annoying and I get that but bugs gotta eat and live too. It’s not their fault that your home is the perfect environment for them to live. It’s not like they know it’s your property. I’m not saying you shouldn’t kill pests in your house, you definitely should, but that doesn’t require *hate*. I think it’s pitiful that they should need to die for something that is beyond their understanding. It just is what it is and it doesn’t need to be any more than that




unrealistic, satan isn't in full caps for no reason


Y'all know you can *kill* a bug without torturing it, right? Op is talking about those videos where a dude takes a live cockroach or something similar and starts tearing off its limbs, electrocuting it, etc.


Rats I get but cockroaches deserve medieval torture


you can say that in your ivory tower country where mosquitos and cockroaches dont naturally spawn.


I hate the internet sometimes.


Mosquitos deserve it


I get killing bugs I do it all the time But going out of your way to torture them I'd gonna raise eyebriws


I HATE mosquitoes.


a cockroach made this post


Mosquitos, cockroaches, wasps deserve to be fucking electrocuted, tortured whatever. That whole loooong video on people killing mosquitos is extremely satisfying. They do not bring any value to our world and they only cause pain. I wish we could make them go extinct. Same with wasps and cockroaches, I'm sorry what fucking value they bring? They are just annoying and don't do anything else. They actually do hurt humans too. Fuck em. Also oh burning and electrocuting bugs is where you draw the line but when we use an entire fucking gas machine and gas the entire wasp nest or poison the entire cockroach colony you're like yaaaay good riddance! Same fucking thing.


Just because something doesn't "bring value" doesn't mean It deserves to suffer. No animal is capable of malice, yes that includes parasites and bugs and creatures that carry disease, humans can choose cruelty, animals do not. i think it's our job to not purposefully torment fundamentally innocent creatures. If they need to be killed to keep humans safe, that's fine, but there's no reason to make them suffer for no reason.


i hate when people do this to things like snakes and spiders just because the eat things or "are creepy", like yeah no shit what are they supposed to do


Okay but what if I do it with a LIGHTSABER this time?


i remember when one chinese dude made a ***fucking ground-to-air thingamajig for mosquitos***


Every living thing deserves respect in death from the hands of those that have the ability to give it.


OP is a roach/tick/leach/bedbug/mosquito confirmed there is literally no other explanation bro just fucking exposed himself




Bugpost propaganda, don’t think I don’t know your game


Dont care im still torturing ticks and mosquitos


It cewtainly is hilawious to towture Bugs!!!)


It's posts like this that make me realize how detached reddit is from reality lol


Op have you been anywhere where mosquitoes and roaches appear more than once every two years like I get torturing other insects like lady bugs and ants is bad but you specifically chose the two worst insects on the planet for your argument


Ngl i use to fucking FRY the living shit out of flies cuz they are annoying (fuck them)




Big difference between small animals and insects who are literally so simple we can effectively control their dead bodies




I agree that doing it to small animals is bad but fuck bugs


Your lack of empathy and the lack of empathy of the internet as a whole towards not conventionally cute critters is concerning to say the least. The sadism and apathy it takes to actively torture bugs instead of just a quick death is insane…


Humanity would likely go extinct if every bug just suddenly disappeared


Never said I wanted them all to disapear, I just dislike them and dont like them near me


fuck dem bugs i hate em


there is only one kind of insect torture video that brings me joy and its one that tortures mosquitos as those little fuckers have been tormenting me for far too long


Burn roaches alive, don’t care


All arthropods are spawns of y*kub and must be handled appropriately.


They do not feel pain they feel mild discomfort but insects and such don't feel pain, Small animals such as rats and stuff dont torture them thats werid


Even if they don’t truly feel pain- why draw out their deaths? Is that not unnecessary cruelty?


Why is it cruel to do so if it lacks all the capability to both perceive and understand its situation? They have the barest form of awareness that allows them to not die but by no means are they proper intelligence.


If you see the insect as a pest and nothing more the rational thing to do would be killing it quickly so it stops bothering you. Purposefully building a tiny machine to torture it just shows sadism regardless of whether it feels pain


Its not torture if theres no pain involved really its just funny seeing squirm if an insect is nothing but a pest it gives us more justification then anything because what we do with it literally hurts no one and nothing


As a biological engineer in study I strongly believe distorting the sanctity of life to fit human needs is a pretty neat idea, even when that need is just sadism 👍


as a normal person I think that’s really really weird 👍


Should I switch majors? I’ve been eyeballing computer engineering but I just don’t know


i think you should be normal


yeah change your major to being normal




kill every musquito


The only insect im ok with torturing is mosquitos and flies, they can go to hell