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Remove all of them from his casket and write him a check for the value šŸ‘šŸ»


Write it for double the value. You can afford to be generous.


This is the way x2


Male sure to account for inflation too.


Face value only... sorry.


LMAO. It reminds my of the friends that made a pact; when one dies, the other will pour an expensive scotch over their grave. One died and the friend came along and urinated on the grave, mumbling "I know you will no longer mind if I pass that drink through my kidneys first"


This is the way


Leave the date blank so he isn't stressing over the 90 days. Make sure he knows he can rest first as long as he wants before cashing it. You don't want him to be in a rush and pissed off when he is trying to cash that. It will already be an uphill battle to the bank.


God: "Hey, guys, we're starting Armageddon in five months so this guy can get this check cashed."


Just leave him the pen so the ink matches and he can fill it in.




Came here to say this same thing.


Thatā€™s genius!!!


But forget to sign it


Or maybe an IOU


Sounds like he's challenging you to do some grave robbin'.


Challenge accepted, grandpa šŸ«” I wanna be buried with my coins too but specifically to see how long it takes someone to rob my grave (itā€™ll probably be my best friend)


"IT'S WHAT HE WANTED! Now help me dig!"


I collect casually and my grandfather's Morgan collection disappeared during my father and aunts handling of the estate. I am still bitter about it since our family can barely fill two rooms on a good day. They hired someone to liquidate it and I just picture some knitwit selling them on silver content alone.




I had a friend that worked at a funeral home. There were people who wanted to to be buried with all kinds of jewelry and things. He told me that nothing of any value ever made it into the ground. If the family didnā€™t take it the director did


Same in the hospital. If you ever go in, take all your jewelry off; it wonā€™t leave the hospital regardless if you do or not!


I got my shoes stolen at a hospital.


Donā€™t worry I got the em back after surgery they left this ankle thrombosis thing completely attached to my leg. Checked me out walked out with it. Sold it for 600 bucks. Edit: One nurse told me not to take it off. So I said okay. And literally did not take it off


If thatā€™s all, consider yourself lucky.


I literally got my shoes stolen at the hospital from the room my son was born in.. insane


I had my shoes and jacket taken off of me in the emergency room by two random people who said "you don't need these anymore m'fer". The hospital acted like it was normal and told me to replace them and send them the receipts to get reimbursed. I wish that I was joking.


I got all my jewelry and every dollar in cash that was in my wallet.


They do steal


Your location?


mark my words... there will soon be powered web cams enclosed in caskets as a 'feature' for family to use to check on their deceased. Could already be some out there for all I know.


I don't understand people who want to be buried with things. I can kind of understand with sentimental things, but even that is just as much for the living. Why not let people enjoy your things? Take all my things and throw my body in the trash, I'm done with them.


If my 8ā€ 10k gold dildo is not buried firmly up my rectum, I will haunt all for ever after! It is offensive to think any would would deny that to me.


But I wanted to use it!


With or Without šŸ”‹šŸ”‹?


Beware the undertaker.


Only 8"? Amateur.


My uncle was buried with his favourite sword and I've got to say it was pretty fucking cool.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. Except for the trash part haha. I want a viking funeral.


Sure, me too, but also, that's totally up to the people who are alive. If it's a pain in the ass to get rid of, do whatever is convenient. I'm not worried about you disrespecting my body, have you seen what I've done to the thing?


Idk about just money per se, but I think maybe jewelry, or trinkets, or especially in this case where thereā€™s a collection you worked on in your life, it might be a way to show the future what you or life was like in the past when they find you in the ground; like we do now with old rich people, like the Pharos buried in tombs. Now days your grave could get moved but maybe, just maybe, your casket makes it to someone in the future. Far out. I hope people to find me with something cool. Maybe a T9 calculator, or a Nintendo or something. Silly putty. A Twinkie so my future kinsman can see if they really last forever.


Probably the same reason people make a will. They decide who gets what, sometimes it's everything and other times it's nothing also.


Itā€™s a ā€œfuck you theyā€™re mineā€ mentality. They donā€™t want anyone to enjoy them or their value when their gone.


trash? nobody throws out compost. recycle me, I donā€™t want to be anaerobic sludge in a landfill.


I really hope they wait till I start stinking real bad just to make sure Iā€™m fucking dead


And where will be buried? Asking for a friendā€¦.


Easy, he said he wants to be buried with his coins plural. So take two of the coins from his collection, preferably the lowest value ones and put them in his casket. that way heā€™s buried with his coins and then you get to keep the rest


Two pennies from his pocket change.


One on each eye


Well when heā€™s passed, what he wants and what happens with his coin collection can be 2 different things. It sure what the haunting ramifications would be if you donā€™t burry him with his money though.


He pissed on the body of a dead man and heā€™s eating extremely large amounts of sugary food with type 2 diabetes the dead donā€™t give ramifications


>he pissed on the body of a dead man Holā€™ up..


Tbh he sounds like my gma..


Easy. Write him a check for the fair market value of the coins and bury him with that instead.


Once dead, he really doesn't have any say. Even a final will can be disputed since he is already passed. With my collection, I have modern-day coins because I recognize that one day they won't be as common. I would love for my kids and grandkids to keep my collection going so that in 200 years, they will have unique, rare coins that aren't around anymore


The main reason my dad is leaving his coin and stamp collection to me and me alone is that he knows I wonā€™t just sell them frivolously.


Our worry is he will throw money away once my grandmas dead for being a cheap dude he loves spending other peoples money


Maybe in 200 years my descendants will hear about the Har\_monia Coin Trust.


I promise you that you will change your mind when you die


Will he be buried in a suit? Weā€™re not religious, not spiritual but I fought to have my dad buried with a silver dollar in his pocket- just in case there really is a ferry man.


My grandma plans on cremating him and dumping the ash into some random river He would hate that sheā€™s doing it for that


I suspect your Grandpa's will and testament may have a joke waiting for the family. "And to my grandchildren, I bequeath all my coin collection. Did you really think I wanted to take it with me?"


My grandma wants him dead and for good reason heā€™s the kind of dude where nothings good enough and everyoneā€™s a loser he craps on everyone No he would definitely not do that


Easy then, promise him you'll do it and leave the responsibility and coins to you to do it Then sell them when he croaks and give it to her


Youā€™ll get yourself in trouble legally, Iā€™m not sure anyone would find out, but if someone complained you could get in trouble for violating your duties as the executor of the will or estate or trust etc


If itā€™s only an oral promise and there is no impending death, it likely wouldnā€™t be enforceable regardless so he would be Scot-free legally. Only a couple states accept verbal wills and the circumstances are extremely particular.


Well my point is, the grandfather could put it in a will or trust and not tell anyone but they would find out after he died


Then you split the coin with whoever knows and call it good


Obviously, he and Marta Cabrera must have been boinking.


Tell him to leave them to you in his Will and then you can make sure it definitely happens, otherwise family members will fight over them. Then you can do your duty and take a photo of them to put in the cask instead, along with a photo of you giving thumbs up .


Take the coins and write an equivalent check and throw that into the grave.


Best answer here


A long time ago, I knew this old widowed lady. She was a close friend of my family. We were renting a house from her after she moved into another one up the street. So anyway this house was older built in the 40ā€™s and on a custom lot w a decent sized yard. I was having furnace problems one winter and went to take a look inside the basement where the furnace was locatedā€¦ as I looked around the corner I saw a cigar box, no identity. I only assumed it must be this friend of mine since itā€™s her house. So i reached for it, opened it up and saw a small coin collection. At the time I wasnā€™t really an avid numismatic or anything Iā€™ve always liked coins and had wanted to start but I was younger and pretty busy anyway I called her up and gave the box back to her. She then told me that she had put it there to test my moral compass as a way for her to know if I was trustworthy or not mind you, Iā€™m already renting her house which was worth close to a million! She told me that she would will them to me. Said they were her late husbands and that was her promise to me. Ok? Cool! Thanks? Some time goes by and Iā€™m outside talking to the neighbor across the street from me telling her about this how I found the coins and gave them back and she asks me why? I said bc they were her late husbands , this is her house , they built it. She says ā€œ No they didnā€™t!ā€She said they werenā€™t the ones who built it and that there was someone else who lived there first so ā€œshe lied to you!ā€ This wasnā€™t the first time we found or caught her in a lie but she was getting up there in age so we kinda gave her a pass. Some years go by. We lived there for 8 yrs total and then she dies. This happened back in the early 2000s. No word of any box of coins. Now THATS depressing!


Haha sorry you didnt get a payday in the end. As a former server, your story reminds me of bad tippers. They quite often say they will leave a big tip!


Does this guy have a house that will be sold and the proceeds that people will inherit? IRA accounts? Youā€™ve got 2 options: 1. Let the old guy get buried how he wishes. If you get 10k from his IRA just go buy 5k in old coins and leave them to your kids. 2. Rob his grave which sounds awesome but live with the potential of a lifetime of being haunted by a vengeful spirit. I cast no judgement as an anonymous internet poster just stating your options. Honestly what coins are there that are so rare you canā€™t buy more of them?


So, when he dies, get the coins valued and then write out a cheque in his name for the amount. Put it in his coffin with him at the funeral. Problem solved.


That is a request I would not follow if I were you. Once he is gone, he will not know if you don't bury him with the coins. A probate judge may see the request after the fact, but I do not think he would try to enforce that request. And I would make so he has to make that bizarre ruling if he wants to. Immediately after grandpa passes, I would hide as many of the coins as you reasonably can, and then share them equally/proportionately amongst his heirs after the fact.


Write him a check for the entire amount and let him be buried with that instead


Cremate him, have some of his ashes pressed into a coin. Bury them in your bank (actual coins in the account, 'his' coin in the safety deposit box)


So uhhh.. where's your grandad's burial plot? This is sub is about to go Sutton Hoo on that graveyard.


If I didnā€™t want to be cremated, a silver half dollar in the mouth for crossing Styx would be nice.


Write him a cheque for the value and leave that in his pocket.


Thereā€™s an old joke about this - A miserly wretch of a husband always scrimped and never gave his wife any money to care for the household very well, but would never let her get a job. When the old coot died, his will stated he wanted to be buried with all his money. People naturally felt bad for the wife, she spent a life taking care of him, and he never gave her a penny. After the funeral, an old friend stopped by and was surprised there was a new car out front. When asked ā€œHow is it possibleā€¦your husband was buried with all his money?ā€ To which she replied, ā€œHe was, I wrote him a check!ā€


Somebody played too much Sunset Riders.


Haha bury me with my money! (Fuzzy midi scream)


TouchƩ let us know when the burial is. Will show respect within four hours.


This has been stated by many people yeah it came from the old western days, but it unfortunately for them it is not a practicality most states have laws against burying valuables in a gravesite, this limits prevents grave robbing. I ran into this first-hand myself when my mother passed away we had heated discussions about leaving her mother's ring on her hand. Ultimately our lost and the rings will return to me after the service.


After reading through your other comments, it seems like your grandpa and my grandma are quite alike. Fuck em both. Try and find a way to keep the coins


Write a check for the approximate valve of the coins and place that in his coat pocket when the time comes.


Write him a check. You can bury that with him.


Did he tell anyone else besides you? How much would it cost to get fake coins?


Nah!!! Just write him a check and put it in his āš°ļø. If he can can it, he can spend it!!


Take the coins, put them in a fabric bag or something, lay them in his coffin at the viewingā€¦ then get really close to his face and say, ā€œwhatā€™s that grandpa?ā€¦youā€™d like us to keep the coins? Wow, thanks. I appreciate that. What a nice change of heart.ā€ Then take the coins and give them to your grandma or whoever she wants to have them.


I have a friend who buryed silver in his backyard, I told him when he moves next month, I'm getting a metal detector to see if he missed any and keep it


I knew an old grumpy fuck that LOVED his wordjumble puzzles. His adult kids put some in his casket and RIGHT before the lid was shut, his widow stole them out. ā€œI hope heā€™s bored in hell,ā€ she whispered as she threw them in the bin next to where I was standing. Maybe do that?


Honestly that would be kind of funny


Maybe this should be posted on r/metaldetecting.


Thank you for reminding me of that my house has something weird on it


Lots of people are commenting things about the will, but the will is read long after he's dead and buried. Anything in the will about his burial will be far too late. If you want the coins, offer to buy them from Grandma after he passes. If she's really going to cremate him and dump him in a river, coins won't burn.


Enclose a check for the face value of the coins .




I came here just to say that. Take my upvote


Ask your self, are you going to be the bigger dick and steal his shit?


He pissed on his dead brothers grave after not seeing him for decades His reason for not seeing him was his brother decided to come out as gay in the 90s Very hard to be a bigger dick then him


Easy peasy. When he dies, count up the coins and write a check for face value then drop it in the hole after they lower him down. At least you paid for them. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Just asking. Why are you here? I would wait for the will, and his death. It may not get that far. Unless it is a request in his will that his coin collection has to be handled in this manner, I would not worry about it. A verbal request on the other hand does not have to be honored. Unless witnessed by others, and they make a stink about it. It really depends on who inherits. If you are the only inheritor. Then that decision will be yours. I just wanted to make you think.


Yeah, just tell him if he donā€™t give you the coins someone else will end up with them.


Write a check and put it in the casket


Forget the check. For me, it's not about the money, but the actual clubs and their history. Just keep the coins upon his death unless you're legally obligated to honour his request. Once he's dead. He won't know if he's buried with them or not.


Write a check , put in coffin take coins


Use his coin collection to pay for his funeral.


You cant take anything with you. One way trip.


Bro's grandpa is a prehistoric tribal chieftain


Tell him heā€™ll be cremated.


It me.


Ask him to estimate the value of the coins. Once he dies, take the coins, write a check in the amount, and bury him with the check.


Itā€™s his loot, you want your gramps to haunt your ass? Bury it as heā€™s wished.


I donā€™t want to be buried with mine I want to bury it in a discreet location and leave a vague treasure map to it in my will


Understandable. We all agree to let him be buried with them. We also all agree that he needs to be moved in about 5 years to a better plot so there is thatā€¦.


Sure thing, gramps


Tell your grandpa youā€™ll do what you do and yā€™all can argue about it in the afterlife if heā€™s still mad.


I allready have to beat the ass of someone else in the after life


Ask him if he wants to be mummified, too.


Ask him if he wants to be dug upā€¦as that will eventually happen if dev does it and people know!


Dig them up while the ground is still soft.


Like my mom says ā€œdo whatever you want Iā€™ll be deadā€


He wonā€™t end up being buried with them but o e if the funeral home employees is going to be riding a new Harley


Nope fix up Grandma or the familiesā€™ future


Lol..tell him sure. Then, burry him with a single mangled penny. Whisper to him this is his worth as you close the casket.


Go to chuckie cheese or putt putt. Get a bunch of tokens and swap out- then a check for the rest. Whoever goes in to rob his casket will appreciate it. šŸ¤Ŗ


Careful!!!, You might end up like Sardonicus!!!!!


I mean it sucks but itā€™s his stuff if he wants to be buried with them thatā€™s his choice. Itā€™s unfortunate


If you donā€™t take it the person burying the casket will before they put him down


Count it all and write him a check


Who says you canā€™t take it with you


All these people saying to write him a checkā€¦thatā€™s too much effort. Just write ā€œIOU one sack of coinsā€ on a knapkin and toss that in. Or just write it on his hand.


Yes! Best answer!


I guess you really can take it with you...not that you can spend it.


I would take pics of the coins and bury him with the pics. Any crazies out there that knows they can get thousands of dollars by robbing the grave will.


Either you bury him with the coins or he will haunt you for the rest of your life


I donā€™t think the funeral home will do that. I pre payed mine and they said they donā€™t allow a bunch of stuff like that to be buried with you.


> I pre *paid* mine and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Tell him to leave the coins in your care and youā€™ll make sure heā€™s buried, but keep the coins and go through them all to see what the value is.


itā€™s his money he can do what he wants


I mean, legally, as long he is of sound mind, he can do it. Still some 101 dalmatians level villainy.


Shovels are cheap


you should laugh and say "ahah you thought we were going to bury you? Do you know how expensive that is.. I'd have to use your coins to afford it!" xD


Just say no


If he dies intestate & youā€™re his nearest next of kin you will inherit & can do what you want to with them. They wonā€™t be legally yours until probate court rules but youā€™ll probably make his funeral arrangements & need to decide then.


Take a bunch of pictures of him with the coins enjoying them and make a nice photo album with each one neatly labeled and graded if possible and make some copies and sell them before he dies and buy the collection and give him the proceeds. He would get credit for the collection and get to spend some of it or all of it before he dies


Itā€™s his stuff and he can do what he wants with it


Tell him it makes it more likely for someone to disturb his grave


Iā€™m sure he enjoyed his coins very much :) even though he wasnā€™t the best guy out thereā€¦ this is what he really liked :) my grandpa got buried with his guns lol I enjoy fireworks! I have been making them since I was a little kid and now I make large professional ones! When I go, I want to be put in one of these and blasted up into the sky :)


https://preview.redd.it/tw85tpyl607d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f27451ea93d802af2c1be8234ce7923928ba8910 Wondering about these?


Sure Grampa, we will absolutely tuck those under each arm for ya.Ā 


Does he think people aren't gonna dig him up?


It's a simple request to honor. Who is more honorable, him or you ?


Well, I mean itā€™s his shit. Unless heā€™s a bad guy because he stole/bankrupted the family then YTA. r/amitheasshole


Itā€™s his right. If youā€™re the executor, you have no choice. Violate his will and you will find yourself on the business end of a lawsuit, especially since you posted this online.


Keep your location and identity quiet. With the way the prices are going someone will dig him up! But honestly, itā€™s his stuff so honor his wishes.


Unless he writes it in a will, it's just a wish. Doesn't mean you are obligated to do it.


Unless he has some way of enforcing it, you can't take it with you when you die.


Maybe he is just frustrated that no one in the family cares about his hobby. Ask him about the coins and how he learned about them, how he acquired them. In my experience, no one with a hobby can stop talking about their hobby. If you show real interest, he might leave them to you specifically because he will believe you will take care of his collection. So many collectors are frustrated that they have no one to pass their coins to who will appreciate them. Then when he dies, you get the coins, and can sell them. Sure you con an old man but you said yourself he isnā€™t a good man. If that sounds too hard, just send his contact information and Iā€™m sure people from this subreddit would love to meet and chat with an old guy with a bunch of nice coins. Sometimes coins are left to friends who will cherish them.


No heā€™s a greedy dude he has 10 rlly rare coins like copyā€™s his friend has none His friend offered to pay 750 for the coin My grandpa told me the coins are only worth 300 My grandpa told me he wonā€™t take 750 cause it will complete his friends collection for that sort My grandpas a dick


Better add the coins once he is over the grave, cause ain't nobody carry his ass and his heavy ass coins..lol.


He won't know...


Bury the money with him. And always know that if times get tough you know where to find it


Maybe they arenā€™t actually worth anything and he doesnā€™t want anyone to knowā€¦ If you know in advance what they are worth, you could always throw some of the face value ones in with him. I mean did he specify he wanted to be buried with ALL of his coins? If not, itā€™s a technicalityā€¦lol In all seriousness, I like the idea of taking pictures of them and burying him with those.


Iā€™ve met a few of his coin friends so I know for sure he has some more expensive coins and he has a entire closet of coins and has been collecting for decades they are definitely worth something


Use those coins to pay for his funeral. And split what's left. What a selfish old man.


Perhaps he has dreams of some lucky person uncovering his grave in hundreds of years and changing their life with a fortune.


Yes, hundreds of days.


Shitty as that is, it's his last requests. I'd honor them if I expect mine to be honored


6 pallbearers died today falling down the stairs of a church the cause of death were an overweighted coffin


It's his stuff, that he paid for, with his money, it's up to him what happens to those things.


Iā€™m really confusedā€¦ so, you CAN take it with you? All these years Iā€™ve been told you couldnā€™t.


Dead people don't care when they are dead. Buy yourself something nice.


In Greek mythology people were buried with coins so they could pay Charon, the ferryman of the underworld,Ā  to take them across the river Styx to their destination in the underworld.Ā  No coins, no river crossing. Maybe that's what Grandpa had in mind...


Theyā€™re his.


I kinda want to be buried in a similar manner to "ancient warriors," just to mess with future archeologists. Essentially, just modernize the gear slightly, but make them question why this one random person was buried with their kit.


I think after he dies and the money is in the casket you should scoop it up then write a check and put it in there. It's a lot easier to get around with than all that coinage. You might want to fireproof the check just in case


You write grandpa a check for the coins after reaches the great bank in the sky . And you place the check in his pocket.


Sounds like youā€™re going to have to take possession of them coins, ya know, so he can be assured his last wishes will be honored šŸ˜‰


Replace with gold chocolate coins, he'll never know and BONUS... the worms will have something to eat before him.


P.S. Not worth digging someone up for for 1k +, just not worth it. Now, if they're valued 10k plus get me a shovel!


Probably worth a couple 10 k he has literal shelves of coins all in protective coverings I know his more expensive coins are worth hundreads of dollars and he has atleast a dozen of those He has a few coins he wonā€™t even show to anybody Idk why he collects he doesnā€™t brag about his collection he more hordes it


Obviously, he's not a good man. Can't take it with ya when ya go! The least he can do, is give it to his family. Eff that!


Have them put it in his casket. Once everyone has gone from the viewing, take them out and leave him a check with the exact amount on it. It will be worth the same.


The coins will take up too much room in his casket. Deposit the coins into the bank and then write dear old grandpa a check for the value of the coins. Or you could give him a debit card tie to the account.


Unless it's in his will, which can be contested, there is no obligation to bury these coins with him.


Let me know where his plot is. I'll do the dirty work , so you don't feel bad. Then we split šŸ˜Š


Flashback to playing sunset riders at the gas station when I was a kid and the villain would say "bury me with my money" when you beat him. Anyways, yeah I grew in a tiny town and a gas station there had a small arcade set up. Literally the only form of commercial entertainment in town for kids.


Somebody is going to be visiting his grave in the middle of a cool fall night with a shovel and some beers...


[Graveside, after the mourners depart] ā€œListen, why donā€™t you guys take a break. Iā€™ll finish filling in this grave.ā€


Your grandpa isnā€™t thinking clearly.


He told me yestardau his mom died in a brutal car crash and was a nice woman His mom was abusive and died in her sleep His brain is dieing


Do you remember before you were alive? Bc thatā€™s what death is like. He wonā€™t know.


Your grandpa is a dumbass


Get the collection appraised and then when he dies write a check and put it in his coffin for the amount keep the coins