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The following submission statement was provided by /u/GreaterMintopia: --- Submission statement: This article reports an upcoming heatwave in the central and eastern United States, posing potentially life-threatening risks in major population centers including New York, Boston, Chicago and Washington DC. This heatwave is predicted to exhibit unprecedented intensity in certain regions. Record-breaking heatwaves like this one are expected to become increasingly common and increasingly intense as global temperatures rise. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dgpi5r/recordbreaking_and_longlasting_heat_wave_on_way/l8rf88f/




Raisins. Three times a day. Made out of dead birds. Dead bird raisins.


Crow Milk will be the drink of the future


Poetry 🤌


Ive never seen it so hot so early in Pennsylvania


it’s going to be near 100f next week lmfao




also it’s been raining like crazy! heat and humidity that’s the good combo right?


Good combo for my Nepenthes pitcher plant.


We’ve had it for years/decades in Ga, pretty much sucks throughout July


looking forward to it!


Ya it’s either dry heat/monsoon or a mix that yields a sauna


Sounds like a typical summer in the Ohio Valley.


When was the last time Boston didn’t expect temperatures in the 90’s in the second half of June?


Hang on, ((97-32=65)x5=325)/9= 36.1c yeah that’s quite hot, although in england the humidity makes it insane, what’s the humidity percentage?


I'm gonna go ahead and blink/stare at your math for the next 20 minutes. Thanks.


My weather app shows 100. Ive never seen above 98 during the peak heat two months away


yeah I don’t think i’ve seen 100 since moving here (central) in 2013 on the, at the time, hottest day on record which was like ~92


Phoenix 114 later in week. Already over 110. 


Same, but it's okay, you got boomers all over the local news pages and such saying 'it's summer, its supposed to be hot!' 🙄


Or when they are like it's a nice day out it's like bruh do you not see how extreme temperature will effect the ecosystem


No, and even if they do, they don't care.


Wise is the man who plants a tree, so his kids will enjoy the shade. Or Wise is the man who burns up everything for short term gain, so his kids will enjoy the apocalypse.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter….


Boomers, boomers never change.


Unfortunately it depends on who you ask.


Mmm you know what will help? YES! A brand new, and much bigger Truck!!!


“Kin ah make black smoke pour out of the tail pipe!?”


It was 32c (90f) with 86% humidity the 1st week of June in Toronto. That used to be mid July, August


https://preview.redd.it/rohwfwtofy6d1.png?width=378&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffc06129cb37e2992a7afaef1a3cd60083d6fcc8 [https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/wet-bulb](https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/wet-bulb)


I’m in Nebraska and we are having July-Aug temps. When end of July and start of Aug is here it’s gonna get real ugly with our electrical grid…


... oh ... so much for the "move to the Great Lakes region" theory... holy crap look at Michigan...


I was just looking at moving there these past two days. It’ll still be much cooler on average. They still get snow snow up there. The U.P. Is even chillier, so there’s still hope… I think.😅 Edited to add this resource I just found. I’m still confident with Michigan, Wisconsin, and the North East in general, but I’m also brand new to looking at this and I’m desperately trying to find the best place for my next move, so what do you all think? https://www.reliance.school


In theory, the closer you get to the poles the more extreme the change will be and the harder it will be for the wildlife there to react & adapt. Forest fires and grassfires will probably be a bigger problem in those regions compared to along the equator.


We’ve had the mildest spring and early summer in NYC that I can remember. It was beautiful day in day out for the last two months.


Thats about to end lol


Over here in Philly and I'm very much not looking forward to the next two weeks. Seeing 98 in the forecast makes me gag. 🥲  RIP all of us


Yup. Same here in Greece. Last june it was raining and was breezy till the ~20th. This year we are boiling for the past ~10 days and it looks like it's gonna keep going.


Watch out! Hot Greece!


I asked my wife if her dad believes in global warming yet, "it's just a little hot it's summer." Babe, tell him these are hot temps for July and August I'm PA.


I ordered some more reflecting window cling stuff that helps keep in cool and reflect heat for our back windows. I'm in PA as well. Already making plans to get the finished basement back in order. No problem being a nocturnal mole person. I always was anyway.


I'm tired boss


We have a cry room if ya need it.


Policy Note: All time spent in the cry room is considered unpaid time off. Please schedule your time in the cry room at least 90 days in advance. If you use the cry room more than 3 times in a quarter, you will need to present a doctor's note which states you have depression or a similar illness or future usage will result in discipline up to and including termination. Thank you for your cooperation. 🤗


And you are still required to respond to emails and calls while in the cry room.


The company understands that emergencies happen, and that is why you will have a 60-second grace period* before you are penalized for failure to respond to calls, emails, and Teams messages. *Grace period will be followed by a mandatory Performance Improvement Plan.


Please. Too real.


Too real except for the part where they fire you anyway for using it, doctor's note be damned. Stated reason: "underperformance of critical job tasks". But hey the (mublefucking) State of California mandated that we had to have the (mublefucking) thing. More realistic: "exhibiting behaviors not in line with our Korporate (mublebacteria) Culture". Now let's get back to treating the Chinese suppliers like shit-slaves and embezzle more money, my mail order bride wants a jacuzzi and that shit ain't gonna pay for itself. I expect a 50 page Power Point on my desk by Tuesday.


Go Team!!!


I just fire anybody that goes into the cry room. I don't need people who are not rockstars. Also nobody wants to work.


~~Fill it with nitrogen please~~


The “meditation” room. You have to clock out first though 😂


That’s too damn bad!


Cheer up. The iPhone 19 will be released soon.


Nintendo switch two the last Nintendo console before we go extinct.


That means we got time for one more Zelda game 😎👍




The triforce can remove co2. true fact


Yep and Link's bombs are carbon free.


One more Zelda remake more like it. Who has time to make new games?


Fittingly, it'll be Majora's Mask 2 and there's no escape this time




I just want the next Skyrim. 🥺


Nintendo *Killswitch or GTFO!


Don’t forget to go to work tomorrow


Dam I kinda want to fight someone over a new Stanley cup. The shit that really matters.


GTA 6 is dropping next year...... Fuck, man.


It’s going to have AI!


Everything is fine. Please consume normally! Thanks! -Corporate Boards


🫡 - filled up the pickup (10mpg) - bought more single use cutlery and disposable plates (lol hate doing the dishes) - bought Hershey's smaller and more expensive candy - bought some Apple juice that was grown in Brazil, shipped to China, squeezed and bottled in China, and then imported back into the US


Did you get any plastic straws?


Yeah but only the kind for throwing away not the kind for drinking. I have to go get another set for drinking.




The correct answer here is "No, I bought the more expensive paper straws. Buying plastic straws would be bad for the environment."


The paper straws are individually packed in plastic sleeves so they don't disintegrate before use. The plastic sleeves split in the middle so they do optimal strangling to sealife. Flush down the toilet for funny glorping noises and extreme damage to your building's plumbing and local environment. The paper straws swell up with water and turn into a glue-like paste that clogs anything it falls into. Maximum efficiency. A perfect gift for your superiors at work or a loved one.


And paper straws have so many wonderful forever PFAS chemicals 🥰🥰🥰


Oh man it just gets better and better! I need MOAR!


Sounds like you'll have stuff to throw out the window while you're driving around texting.


Yeah but did you take a private jet to France for a piece of cheesecake? Try harder!


I'm excited for Dawntrail! Let's go to fantasy Americas while the real Americas are burning.


Dog with coffee in a burning room meme: This is fine.


I’m in the super dark spot 💀.


Be safe!!


I’m glad to have a basement with few windows. We have a lot of homeless though…


“But I’m not so who cares?” -everybody


I am too! Can’t wait to start my journey towards “medium rare”.


We are so so fucked






Burn, baby, burn... 🔥 Edit: downvoters should try clicking the link, it's a lyric from the frickin' song. 🙄


It's fine just checked the stonks.


Hardwired to self destruct


Don’t look up


We really did have everything, didn't we?


Sure, if we includes only the first world and wealthy nations. Everyone else has been suffering for a good while.


>Sure, if we includes only the first world and wealthy nations. And the elite and upper middle class aka top 10% of third world/developing and newly industrialized nations.


In point of fact, no. Large part of the reason why no one (but us) cares. Oh you mean MATERIAL shit. Well, yeah. We really did have all of that.


Actually, a small fraction of the people had it at the expense of everyone else.


Ugh that line. I can’t under state the anguish it makes me feel. 


I still need to watch that, but also I feel like I’m actively watching it play out in real life, so it might be kind of redundant to watch it on a screen.


It’s so good. Like Idiocracy meets Melancholia. It was funnier last year and now it’s more sad/funny because it’s way too close to real life. 


It’s a great movie with great performances. And very funny too, really helps soften the blow.


As someone who works at a factory in New york: Hee hee, I'm in danger!


Get yourself one of those cooling vests.


I've been thinking about it, I'm gonna play this week by ear and see what happens. I have one if those huge insulated TAL gallon metal jugs that keeps ice formed in my drink for a fee hours in 80 degrees, and the drink itself ice cold all day while I'm at work, so I should be good. I feel for my brother's working down in the molten furnace area, where tends are easily 20-30 degrees higher than the rest of the floor


Something along these lines? [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/e/e4/Mr\_freeze\_dcau.png/revision/latest?cb=20180919184559](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/e/e4/Mr_freeze_dcau.png/revision/latest?cb=20180919184559)


It’s not a hard sewing job to make a vest with pockets for big flat gel packs. The commercial ones promise 2.5 hours of cooling.


Oh cool, we're at the "homebrew a stilsuit" level of dystopia.


Fine time to "catch Covid."


I don't know a single employer that cares about Covid anymore. Their response will be something like, "see you tomorrow."


“I’m sick af, can’t come in”


Cool, than dont come all than, you’re fired


I've caught covid twice, and now I can barely run a marathon like I used too. If I get covid again I'll probably just diee


Same here my building in Brooklyn was build in 1870, only AC is in the office.


My AC just crapped out and a 40 degree heatwave is coming soon woohoo


I use flexible gel ice packs to cool my head and neck when I can’t get away from the heat. Makes a big difference. When your brain is cool, the rest of you is more comfortable. Hope it doesn’t come to this for you, but tossing it out there in case it helps.


I appreciate it. I've always been fine with the heat though lol, must be my latin blood. I don't mind sweating a bit, as long as I keep hydrated. I'm a bit worried for my cat though, I'll run the fan for him and give him plenty of water. Maybe dip him in a cold bath or something.


For your cat, you can try freezing some water in a large bowl so they have an ice dome to lick and help cool off. My cat is too dumb to figure it out but my neighborhood cats appreciate it in this heat.


Lol I have the feeling my cat would be more like yours and less like the neighbourhood ones. Thanks for the tip tho!


Dude, call the HVAC guy. Like NOW.  Pay the weekend callout rate. If you wait til it actually gets warm, you'll be waiting a month.  And then when they come out, they'll tell you your crap out of luck on spare parts for a repair and need a new unit if you want it cool before next summer.


Man this happened a couple weeks ago, I've already had the HVAC guys over twice already, missed 2 days of work for this bullshit. First one couldn't find the problem, second one found the problem but they don't have the part. Now they're telling me next appointment is beginning of July. Trust me, it's not for lack of effort. These guys are just morons, it would be funny if it weren't so infuriating. Like I said tho, I'll be fine. I grew up poor lol, we never had AC. My gf can't stand the heat tho, that'll be something.


Lots of people grew up poor, but 100 is still 100. Take care of yourself.  Go see a movie in theater at 4PM.  Even a couple hours break from the heat can give your body a chance to repair before the stress of the heat does permanent damage (especially to your kidneys, which can lose a few percent function from each heat wave like this).


That's if the power doesn't go out.


If the power goes out, go jump in the river.


I'm an HVAC mechanic and I'm just curious what part they could possibly not have? An AC isn't that complicated to where aftermarket and universal parts couldn't be substituted?


The guy said it was the "central/main valve" (I'm translating as this convo wasn't in English). Apparently the piece is on back-order till July 3rd and the earliest available appointment after that is July 8th. Initially they thought there might be a leak in the gas tubes but it wasn't that (after like 5 hours of testing).


That's if they're not already busy.


Mine took a crap 3 days ago only needed a capacitor thankfully, heat waves starts today here in Kentucky luckily it’s only low 90s, BUT get that shit fixed asap!


I’ve found sleeping with ice packs to be helpful for getting rest without AC


My father has COPD and we live in an old house without central air. The last couple days he has been confined to him room with his window AC unit already. He's incredibly worried about the next couple of days with temperatures in the mid-nineties. It's a scary time, and it does not bode well for dog days of summer.


We hope the best for you & your Dad. It is so fucked that society lets people bake in this heat without treating it like an emergency.


Thank you, and it absolutely is. I really wonder how the local, state, and federal government will handle the first mass casualty wet bulb event. . .


Just hope that the power doesn't go out.


The dog days are going to be BRUTAL this year 🥵


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a forecast this hot this prolonged in NE Ohio. This one spooks me a bit, like stuck in a car in the sun in minute one. We’re ok now but what’s coming.


So do you believe it’s going to end on the 22nd? I have such a mistrust of the weather predictions in NE Ohio and I have a graduation party for my kid on the 23rd at a state park. It’s going to be a really short party if it’s 90 degrees…


With the way some of our meteorologists are here, I wouldn't trust most of them. It's still going to be in the mid to high eighties next Sunday.


Out weather forecasts in the U.K. are all over the place, one day it shows 10 days sun next 10 days rain, I know that our local systems are more complex than other places but I just take every day as it comes now. Showed sunny yesterday and then got caught in a flash flood for 20 min 🤷🏻


This is also going into the areas that are supposed to be the "safer" areas for climate change. No one's actually safe but at least there's a decent power grid, water, and shade.


I live in one of those areas, its normally like 65-75 and the real feel temp rn is 107, not to mention all the flooding that has never happened here washing away costal infrastructure 


Can’t wait for all the local meteorologist on TV in Philadelphia to tell me how beautiful it is


Look, staying “always sunny” is gonna have some side effects.


Submission statement: This article reports an upcoming heatwave in the central and eastern United States, posing potentially life-threatening risks in major population centers including New York, Boston, Chicago and Washington DC. This heatwave is predicted to exhibit unprecedented intensity in certain regions. Record-breaking heatwaves like this one are expected to become increasingly common and increasingly intense as global temperatures rise.


I wonder what this will do to the crops. I know fruit trees don't do welll with extreme temps.


As someone from the Pacific Northwest who experienced the 2021 heat dome … it’s true the trees and shrubs never fully recovered. Burnt leaves. A lot of dieback. 


The number of browning Doug Firs I see around Portland breaks my fucking heart. They're not going to make it in the new PNW climate and that's a tragedy I have no words for. They're such a beautiful tree in so many ways. The way they smell, the sound of wind through them, the shade they give, their silhouette at night.


I’m at 1,500’ elevation and the trees up here still show signs of suffering from that heat dome event. It killed a lot of the blackberry bushes on my property.


It’s hot as fuck here in Phoenix! 117°f today. This heat wave is no joke. Please check on your elderly neighbors and keep pets inside! Go to the mall or your local library if it gets too hot. Reduce daily heavy food consumption and drink lots of water! Stay safe


I had to scroll 9 comments before I saw any mention of the crops. Which should be the number 1 comment. Perhaps more alarming than the heat wave I find myself in the middle of.


A long time ago, someone suggested in the comments on this sub (or there was a study) that global agricultural production will shrink at least 25% by 2030. That's like a few billion deaths, at least.


> That’s like a few billion deaths, at least. How do you figure that number?


By far the most dangerous type of weather for jobs that work in the elements. I’m a garbageman and I got heatstroke last year during a 100 degree day. I can work all day through cold, rain, snow, wind, whatever. But After a certain temp there’s just no way to stay truly safe and still get the job done. I carry iced water, Gatorade, pedialite and salt tablets and still often get light headed and physically weak by the end of my shifts when it’s anything above ~95. I’ve tried to get a ton of coworkers to go to the shop steward and have him fight for us to either start much earlier at 3am or work overnight starting at 7pm-8pm when it gets that hot but so far local cities and towns have argued against it because it’s a “noise problem” for the residents. I guess they’d rather we potentially pass out then take the chance that a truck could possibly wake someone up that complains.🙄


Strike! Let their stinking ass trash sit around their houses for a few weeks and watch them knock down the doors to let you start at 03:00. I feel garbage people have so much strike power because it doesn't take long for people to realize how important they are. Good luck and stay safe. And as hard as it is to make yourself do it, make sure you're still eating. Stuff like tuna salad on salad greens with cherry tomatoes and cucumber is great in the heat. Pineapple and cottage cheese, watermelon, grilled chicken and veggie wraps, etc. Also coconut water is really really good in hot weather. I'm an HVAC tech so I'm on hot roofs and sometimes attics and coconut water is a life saver.


God. Night pickup is a good solution. Wtf is wrong with people. It's noisy for a minute, maybe 5 min for my cul de sac. That would be so much better for everyone. Also wouldn't be running big diesel engines when it's hot as f.


Yeah, this is awful, what we expect from garbagemen and construction workers. Being out all day in that sort of heat is abysmal and fucking dangerous. I wish the whole society would shift a bit more nocturnal. You've taken a lot of precautions, but if it's still not helping, try getting a wearable cooler pack/vest. You could probably fit an ice chest in the truck, stock half a dozen freezer packs there, and just swap them into your cooler vest throughout the day, as needed. Guarantee, it would make you *way* more comfortable throughout the day. Best of luck man, I feel for ya.


It hit 93 real feel 99 in GA last few days. Rained too. Honestly scary. Feels like being drenched in oil and fried. Can't breathe. Gotta stay inside about 12pm - 5pm.


Ga here too. Can confirm. Car thermometer read 107 in little five yesterday. Let's go heat island!


May have been a bad decision to switch careers at 43 and become a welder..... In South Georgia. I'm certain this part of the country will be uninhabitable in 15 years or so.


I feel for the people raking out the asphalt on the paving crews. Roofers and tree people too.


You can be a welder anywhere fortunately so maybe a it such a bad choice after all


it's going to be nearly or at 100 for a week here in colorado, and we have no AC. see you guys at urgent care!


All the people saying this area was supposed to be better for climate change: Really?  With storms steadily moving north and east, you thought other weather patterns like heat waves wouldn't follow?  Yall just lucky an EF5 hasn't hit Chicago or Columbus yet.  Give it time, that area is going to look like Oklahoma weather from the 90s in another 10 years. And I can promise you, you would NOT have liked Oklahoma weather in the 90s.


Better doesn’t mean paradise. At least you won’t drown like Miami.


Exactly, everyone is going to suffer, but not everyone will die.


The Final Countdown. Let's fucking go!!! Dying in slow motion.


All that heat accumulating.. it's bound to show up every now and then.


lol at nevada being blue by comparison


That part of Nevada is basically the Sierra Nevadas, and is a lot cooler than people give it credit for.  Lake Tahoe is basically in the middle of that blue dot.


Fair, I didn't look all that close it just jumped out as funny because here in vegas it was 108 today


No it isn't. Lake Tahoe is in the bend between California and Nevada and the Sierra Nevada do not extend east into Nevada at all really. Reno, Carson City, Winnemucca, Elko, far northeast Nevada where the darker blue dot is (Gerlach area where burning man is held), all get extremely hot during the summer. Mountain Nevada towns would be more like Stateline and Incline Village, that's it.


As a northern Nevadan I'm here for it


Temp for Wednesday is 97 here in VT. 4 day streak in the high 90s - insane. Currently going through a dysautonomia flare in the COOL weather rn. I'm gonna f'in die. 😭 Other than watering the garden early in the morning and again after sunset, I'm not lifting a gd finger outside this whole week. At least the ancient floor AC unit still works or you'll find me in the cellar.


Heatwave heading to Ontario Canada this week. Our winter this year was warmer than usual too.


Will this finally be our collective wake up call?


Hahahaha But seriously, I stopped asking that in 2021 😞


Maybe not in a huge way, but I think we've gotten to a point where nobody can deny it without looking like a complete dumbass. Every news report is just straight-up calling it "climate change" now, because the weather has been so insanely devastating across the entire country.


Thoughts and prayers from Florida !!


Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing


Well, looks like societal collapse isn’t too far away. I had a good run (I’m in my late 40s). I just feel terrible for all the youngsters. They are about to enter a hellscape that will make their nightmares pale in comparison.


We are getting hotter earlier and winters are shorter and warmer , yep something is def changing


Heats been brutal here as well. Can’t even walk my dogs because it’s been too hot. 


Coming soon to a place near you! I get the feeling this summer will be a wake up call for a lot of people. Most are looking towards AC but here I am thinking it would be best to take a few chest freezers, put them outside in the shade, stuff them with 5L water jugs and just take the jugs inside under a fan to cool down. This way, you have a thermal mass in case of grid failure, cool water on hand and you can run the freezers at night when they're more efficient and the grid not as used. Bonus points for cheaper off peak electricity. Quite a hassle overall but this might help some people.


At least you have air con........ oh right.....


Yeah my boomer dad today said it was this hot back as a kid in the 60s! Yada, yada...


Boomer here. No it wasn’t. Prior to the heat dome event the all-time high temperature in my SW Washington State city was below 110F. We hit 118F—that is a higher than Las Vegas’ all time temperature record. I am guessing your boomer dad is getting his weather reports from a political pundit.


>I am guessing your boomer dad is getting his weather reports from a political pundit. Bingo!


It might have actually felt hotter simply because of the lack of modern AC units but that doesn’t mean it was actually hotter (ie heat perception), I remember my grandmothers swamp cooler window unit (only works in the desert) probably installed in the 70s and that thing wasn’t gonna cool down the house the way the central AC on beast mode will.


Boomer climate expert (he did his research on Fox news): iT gETs hOt iN tHe sUMmER DooMErs! hUrr DUrr


Phew looks like my state is safe…… for now.


Give it a few years for our global supply chains to catch up and everyday people will see it.. The bad times are coming..


As a parent to youngish kids in the Midwest, experiencing this quick progression of deadly temps more and more each summer is so devastating. One of my kids LIVES, like absolutely lives to play baseball, and I’m absolutely dreading the year we finally have to tell her it’s too much. We’re having to cancel other outdoor activities during the day as it is, especially as one of my kids is super heat sensitive due to medications she’s on. We have even started shifting the start of our school year to mid summer ( we homeschool so we luckily have the flexibility) because it just makes sense to do school when we’re not able to be outside. We then take off time in the fall and spring to have more days outside when we actually can. I grew up here and I remember only rarely even turning our a/c on! My kids are living a totally different life than I did because of these extreme temperatures. :(


Yeah, I've been feeling that too. MI here, and deep summer is like deep winter now, where you simply don't want to leave indoors for very long. Except summer's worse, because you can bundle up extra for deep extreme cold...but with extreme heat, clothing changes won't help past a certain level. And heatstroke can cause brain damage. I love what you did by putting schooltime in summer and winter, so you can get outside and enjoy the moderate temps more in spring and fall. Very good thinking. :) I'd also say, if your baseball-loving kid is hellbent on playing summer sports--invest in some wearable cooling packs! It really does make a difference, and they can last for a few hours. My dad is also super heat-sensitive due to an inflammatory disease, and just having one of those flexible freezer packs on the neck or chest can really help keep core body temp down. Good for your other kid too. :)


I wonder how long it will take before the reality of our new normal global situation is acknowledged by the media in general. My guess it's that we need to lose our first billion people…


Humans will extinguish themselves in a couple decades with manmade global warming. Thousands of wildfires are currently burning throughout the world.


If I didn't have cats I'd turn the AC off and let myself cook.


When it was in the high 80s in early May I knew things were going to get bad. Here we are