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Silver all the way! Gold looks kind of artificial(?) against your skin, while silver is harmonious. Your skin tone is very similar to mine by the way!


Silver/platinum undoubtedly


I have a similar skin tone to yours, i typically wear silver, white gold and/or platinum. Gold doesnt look great on me imo, i think you should go to a jewelry shop and try on different rings.. taking photos to compare them later.


All of these look amazing on you! If I could go back and have a ring made (I inherited mine) I would do a gold band with platinum prongs. I just love nice metals. If you can’t decide that might be a nice option!


Saving this for laaaater


I think silver because it looks more dainty and soft on your skin the gold looks like too much


You are cool toned. Go with platinum 🩵🤍💍


I’m cool, or, lately it seems I’m more of a neutral.. although I believe I’m still more “leaning toward” being a cool. I have 2 White gold pairs of hoops, and one beautiful handmade designed by a new younger designer- they’re white- gold dangle earrings with delicate rose-pink gemstones shaped like flowers. I just love all my White Gold earrings.


Silver seems to look slightly better due to how fair you are, but the muted cool gold is still good on you. And given that most of the jewellery shown is quite thin and your ring will likely be thin too, I don't think colour will matter that much, the difference isn't obvious.


Rose gold


Silver/white gold/platinum 100%!


OP!!! Pic 17, is that from staghead? I've been eyeing the moss agate styles from them. If it is from staghead, how has your experience been with them? I've heard mixed reviews but I really love those style rings from them.


Just go with what you want. I’m a summer but got a gold ring cause I love gold 💗


And that’s cool, ( well you’re *a* cool, ha, ) But seriously it’s cool 😎 that you love gold and got a gold ring .. I bet it looks lovely too! My wedding ring is yellow gold, it’s an antique and while I think of silver most bronze, copper and rose gold and only sometimes yellow gold- it depends on the piece and the particular gold color. 😊 I can relate as I’m a Summer also.. I wear more silver, but some yellow gold and rose gold is so very pretty that I just plain like it, similar to what you said. Also, if it didn’t look good on us, we probably wouldn’t like it quite as much, either! So ok that’s settled. 😁








Rose gold, silver, or a silvery gold!


This is a good answer! Not kidding.. I think it is.


Whatever you do make sure it is a more muted tone. A lot of these are too dark for you and too much contrast.


Silver gold makes you look pasty! Just being honest. Silver brings out more pigment


Something to consider beyond color. Gold wears better than silver in my experience. There is white gold. My ring is white gold but I regret it because it is rhodium plated and that needs to be redone. Mine every few years and it’s getting more expensive. So talk to a jeweler about different metals and their upkeep. I personally think both look good on you. I am able to wear both as well. Someone told me I was a neutral.


Yes, I was thinking you are probably a neutral or, a neutral leaning toward cool or vice verse. 😉


I think this is more important than the color analysis aspect. It is a piece of jewelry that you will be wearing every day for the rest of your life and it needs to be able to withstand almost anything. Being this far away from your face, any piece of jewelry you wear on your hand won’t have any overall effect on your coloring. Most people seem to recommend platinum for its durability.


Another vote for silver!


I think silver looks the best on you but you could be one of the rare people who can pull off rose gold due to your skin tone.






I vote silver too


I think silver looks the best but at the same time I feel like there’s a warm filter on the pictures so idk how accurate the colors are




What? Really?


That blue stone looks great, I agree silver seems to go better w your skin.


Agreed, that gemstone with a white gold or silver ring would look perfect.


Gold I like more


I don’t remember seeing a gemstone. .. What color or type was it?


Your skin tone looks to me like my own which was “typed” and I’m a “BlueRed Porcelain” I’m not 100% certain of the color of your veins- they look Blue to me therefore you’re a Cool like I am. However several years later, many people have said my wrist veins look blue- green or just blue and then another will say more green. A little boy told me they were both. That usually means a neutral which is probably you since others have typed you as Cool OR Warm. 😊 So, ( confusing enough?) I suspect you’re a Coolish Neutral.. so most metallic colors will work,Silver ( specifically a beautiful bright shiny Silver, being the best IMO.) But, with the pink in your skin, you probably could even go with Rose Gold and still look great! I’d say Silver. but, if you try on Gold, Silver, Bronze and Rose Gold or Copper- you’ll see for yourself. ( that or 25 people will jump up and down saying “Nooo” to the ones that don’t look as great! ) 😁 If they all look great- then, you’re a neutral who looks good in many or any colors so it is purely your and maybe your BF’s personal taste. 😉😊


You literally glow up in silver. Gold is taking all the attention to the gold and you do not want that. The color should be an accessory to you. You should not be the accessory to the color( like when wearing gold or warm colors)


That’s a good point Artofnotgivinguo!






Silver 💯










Hey fellow white gold/ silver/ platinum girlie!


silver works so well


you are so cool toned it’s not even funny. silver lol


My thoughts exactly




17 is very pretty ring












Silver/white gold for sure!






I'm sorry...worried about you so asked...


Silver for sure




You look so cool toned to me. The silver is a great choice




Came here to say this


The gold seems very yellow on you the silver looks better


Love the rose gold! Second choice would be white gold. Platinum is too soft and doesn’t hold it’s shape 💍. Congrats!!!!


Actually, gold is softer and more prone to warping than platinum (as someone with a platinum engagement ring myself). Both the rose gold and platinum are beautiful colours for OP though, I agree!


Silver / white This is the only one that I've ever been 100% sure lol


definitely silver or white gold!!!


Leaning towards silver vs a yellow gold, but I think a white gold would be amazing on you


That gold ring looks perfect on you


Silver/white gold or platinum will work.




Silver / white gold looks better


Silver 100%


Your skin tone is very similar to mine, I think rose gold would look great on you!




the gold color


I think you could go with any, honestly. I have a white gold setting with rose gold prongs to match my rose gold band. I love to mix!


Sounds really pretty!


I think they both look fine on you.


#Platinum 😃


Silver toned like platinum or white gold, or the rose gold. I mean the small rose gold chain on your wrist looks incredible on your skin.


yellow gold for sure


I like the 17th color gold on you. I guess you would call that a light yellow tone.


Silver or rose gold. Whichever you prefer to wear. The white gold is STUNNING on you though. Definitely not yellow gold though if you’re asking what complements you because you are without a doubt cool toned.


I think you could get away with white or rose gold, but also consider what color all your other jewelry is and whether you want all of your jewelry to match. It is on your hand, so it doesn't necessarily matter which color you get as long as you like how it looks. I wanted all of my jewelry to match and I wear a lot of rose gold, so I made sure my ring was at least partially rose gold :)




Silver 100%.


I like a proper gold colour on you OP, but I always prefer that even though I'm 'cool toned.'


A white gold can be nice. Something not over powering. But silver all the way


You look very cool-toned to me, but if you have yellow or green around your neck and hands in cooler light that looks golden in sunlight, you’re almost certainly a very fair olive, which can be a very confusing, I know. Olive is often a cool undertone with the neutral to warm overtone, which makes you look greenish where the skin is thickest, but you can look pink/cool on other parts of your body and face. Many people will call you warm at a glance when they spot the greenish-yellow but as soon as you wear warm colours you’ll look like you have scurvy.


Good explanation.. 😊😉


Thanks! I speak from VERY personal experience. 😂🫒


😊😉 I figured so Pixel! I thought that was probably so. 😁






I am cool and your wrist looks just like mine with that color of veins. But that may not be enough to determine warm or cool. You’re wearing a yellow dress which might mean you are warm, if you look good in yellow, though cools can wear yellow, too. Just not as easily. I’d go with silver.


Silver or white gold would look lovely. I had mine done in yellow mostly because my husband and I had a communication mixup over it and while its pretty and I love it I would love it more if it was white gold. lol


I can't tell what the first one is but i like it the best on you. I could see champagne or rose gold looking the best, followed by silver. Yellow gold looks too harsh to me


It’s hard to tell if you’re cool or warm because you don’t have much pigment. Your skin looks a lot like mine and I’m warm (and a redhead) but you wouldn’t be able to tell just looking at my wrist. Even though gold is technically for me, I am so light that I prefer rose gold or a non-yellow, lighter gold. I think you would look nice in rose gold too. Also, it really bothers me people think pale = cool. I used to try to pull off silver eyeshadow and eeeek


https://preview.redd.it/qisjldk3769d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36544f5ef25f86c71cb653ddb142f680be58f29b Silver


I feel like the vein thing isn’t super accurate, I have blue, purple and green veins


What is the color on your *wrist*?


I genuinely have 3 color veins on my wrist haha


Do you wear gold or silver? Or both




Still a cool, maybe a neutral. The Fake tan isn’t your complexion when it’s tan, so hard to judge.


I think it’s just the yellow/orange tones in the fake tan visually mixing with the blue that gives a green appearance.


It indicates nothing. Some people can't even see their veins! Really, it'd be gold vs silver, orange vs blue, bright vs muted...


make up artists say the vein thing is ridiculous.


Cool. Naturally cool, when you add yellow/orange on top of course they’ll look more warm.


I've seen discourse where people claim that it doesn't matter in typing if someone has fake tan on and can help type pale people, and others saying the same as you. Overall, the vein test isn't always reliable, especially with people who lack skin pigment


I’m not too sure sorry 😭




Lmao, that's totally okay to say. It's a hoop earing! Didn't have an actual silver bracelet at my bfs, so I tried to make do with what I had.


Cool, apparently got reported.. deleted comments


Silver or white-gold.


Gonna say the same. If gold, a white gold. Something not overpowering as seen with traditional gold


I was about to say the same.


Yes definitely! The silver looks so good on you


can someone tell me what undertone this skin color is we have the same color and i’ve always been confused between cool or neutral


Designer_oil, Her skin tone looks like mine which is BlueRed Porcelain, and it’s Cool. In terms of the Seasons I just miss being a Winter. I’m a Summer, although believe it or not that is a Cool type! 😊


Well no one has *no* pigment. My complexion is like the OP’s. I was typed as Cool, a Blue Red porcelain. Lately, people have said my skin tone is more Neutral. I don’t know if we change over the years? But that’s what I’m hearing many years later.


7, 8 & 9! 😍


Silver or platinum


For me you seem warm and bright, so probably spring, but it's not easy to tell just from seeing your arm! I had this impression before I saw your comment that you had red hair, that seems to be in line with you being spring. I would choose a nice classic golden. However, springs can often rock sliver too, simply its brightness will compliment them.


1 (-3). 17. 19.


Silver for sure!




Are these pictures filtered? They seem really washed out and it’s hard to tell what’s going on.


No, I'm just extremely pale (especially in natural light). Would indoor lighting/photos help?


Oh wow ok, that makes sense! I just think I haven’t seen arm and wrist pictures of someone quite as pale before since most pictures are of the face. I think chunky yellow gold is way too harsh. If you wanted to do simple, relatively thin gold, that would look nice. White gold or silver is a safer bet. It seems like you’re neutral but a really bold gold like the chunky bracelet is overwhelming on you. Both the gold and silver rings look nice.


Definitely gold. The greenish veins is one indicator of warm.


I prefer silvertone for sure. You look very cool toned to me. (I don’t know if you’re willing to share photos of your hair but I would be so curious to see. I’ve always seen people say redheads must be warm but I’m really not into hardline rules because people are so unique. I am olive skinned and “look” warm with my gold overtone but I actually have muted cool undertone. We could be like… inverse twins!) 👯‍♀️


I'd absolutely be happy to share, I'd also be curious to see your olive skin and how your under/over tones affect how colors look on you!!! When I was a baby I had very bright red, with some platinum spots (according to my parents) when I was 14 it was a big mix of blonde/strawberry blonde, and keeps getting lighter and more blonde each year. I started dyeing it dark when I was 14-15. When I went dark, people/ hair dressers/beauty store employess are always shocked when they see my natural color and told me they would have never guessed in 100 years that I was a natural redhead. Every assumes I'm Latino/Asian and are shocked or call me a liar when I tell them the truth. Even had an ex call me a liar/catfish for not telling him I was a redhead and not Latino (lmao). When I'd go buy / try on special occasion dresses they'd say "you're a TOTAL autumn/winter/summer/spring, legit have gotten it all, which led to even more confusion and frustration, lol. When I told people my natural hair color washes me out, I was always hit with the "that's impossible your natural color is always the most flattering" "You're always going to be warm if you're a redhead. so it's impossible for you to have cool skin that washes you out." So many different conflicting ideas have left me so confused about what actually looks best, lol. Anyway... now that I let that out of my system.. I really appreciate you having an open mind to the rules and taking the time to respond.🩷


Can olives look more “yellow” than green? I have auburn hair and feel that I look warm (skin seems to be pale porcelain with some yellow tint), but I think I look sallow in warm colors. I was typed by HOC as a winter. I think I’m neutral and seem to do best with colors right at the border of autumn and winter (charcoal, dark chocolate, navy, pine, burgundy, deep berry). Not sure if cool undertone + warm overtone typically means olive?


You sure can!!! Cool olives in particular often look yellow or gray. Did they type you as a Burnished Winter? Such a gorgeous palette.


ohhh i think you just helped me solve my dilemma of trying to figure out if i’m a warmer or cooler olive. i often describe myself as a yellowish gray with a hint of peach 🤣. now i’d love to venture into finding my season!


Looked at your photos, I think try Soft Summer, Soft Autumn, Deep Autumn, Deep Winter and see if anything is great or terrible Usually for olives the wrong colors will make us look “sallow” - kind of waxy


aww thank you! i was looking into autumn at first. all the apps put me in deep autumn or deep/cool winter. yesterday someone else told me to try summer & i can see that making sense too. i have medium brown hair. and i was just told i have dark hazel dominant brown eyes lol. i did the orange/magenta test yesterday with pictures and the way my lips looked different amazed me lol. peachy vs berry. but i still get so confused. may i message you?




Personally I think all works for you. You're very pale, but your freckles look warm on your arm, and your nail polish is warm. I like 10k gold, it doesn't look wow gold next to my white gold pieces, it's not super yellow. That's what your gold looks like to me, 10 or 14k, not so yellow like 20 or 24k gold. The silver is very flattering on your underarm. Everyone that pale looks that cool toned on their underarm, warm or cool, because there is no pigment. Warm requires yellow pigment, cool does not. Red heads often have cool toned skin with warm freckles and features, but thicker skin areas, and tans are warmer, they tend to flush warm. Pale people are way more likely to be neutral, or only slightly warm or cool due to lack of pigment. So you should consider your preference in Necklaces. What jewelry looks best near your face. Does one wash you out and the other brighten you? One make your under eyes look purple? Me, doesn't really matter as an olive winter. 10k gold and silver match me. 10k gold matches my overtone, and silver my under. Until you go to dress me, and a gold or champagne dress makes me sallow, and silver enhances my contrast. On my hand? Or a small accent? Doesn't matter. The point is, your forever ring should be your taste in addition to your best match. Or be like me. I got a wedding band in gold and white gold, and I wear it with different engagement rings 😅 I buy less expensive rings, no diamonds, all lab grown stones. I know a lot of people don't like that and it's a forever piece.. but I like wearing what matches my outfit.


You may be onto something with the different engagement rings! lmao Appreciate your response and advice in this comment and below. About the freckles, I also have a birthmark on my leg that's very warm (i think), and when I have self tanned in the past I also think I lean more warm, but since it's a FAKE tan could that even indicate anything? Regardless, thank you again for commenting <3


This is interesting! I’m ultra pale with freckles and think I am extremely neutral (slightly cool, but it’s easy to look warm with all the warm freckles). I didn’t know this was common! I’m not sure if it means I’m olive if I look better in neutral-cool colors, but have a slight yellow tint to my skin. OP—I think I like the silver better on you! If you think you could be neutral, an option is mixing warm and cool. My rings are yellow gold with diamonds, so I feel they are a mix of tones. At the end of the day, make sure you go with your own preference whether or not it’s “your season.” Congrats!


It's super common to freckle warmer. They often can give away true coloring, but can be a false flag. I'm a winter. My freckles are very dark and cool, mostly moles and not freckles. Despite being very pale. My husband a cool summer. Freckles and moles as well. And they are dark, and cool. My sisters and parents all warm, have lots of freckles, few moles if any, all with copper and amber notes. Springs, and softs. Freckles are much more common on warm toned people. It's not a fully decisive factor, but it's more telling than hair color or eyes a lot of the time. Or can be a huge false flag, just like them.


Congratulations in advance, woo woo! I think you need to pick what you like best because you are ideally wearing it for a LOOOOOONG time. A Long time. What do you love and want? I like the silver color in the first photo so would prob say that one, like a white gold or platinum. But a 14k gold will look good too. Nothing looks bad in your photos. Best wishes!


Awe, thank you so much! :) You taking the time to respond and being so sweet means a lot to me. I hope you're having a great day!


Silver for sure you are cool as a cucumber


I’m not sure but that ring in 17 (and the ring itself) is gorgeous on you


Thank you so much!!! :)


White gold or platinum, you are very cool toned


I think that's where the confusion comes in because I also thought I was cool toned, but because I'm a natural redhead, so many people have told me it's impossible for me to be cool toned. Thank you for responding!


That is simply not true. Redheads can be cool toned. And undertone/overtone are not the same thing. I am a certified makeup artist and studied color theory. Your skintone looks mostly cool yo me at least from the pictures


THANK YOU! That's so validating to hear you say that. You have no idea how frustrating it is to have people type you/ untype you because of your hair color or switch and bend rules. I could seriously go on a whole rant, lol. I really, really appreciate you replying!


You’re very welcome! Hope you find the perfect ring, and remember, you don’t have to follow the rules, as long as you choose something you love.


I think you’re cool undertoned. Have you tried silver?