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There's area conditioning, which I found super easy to use, but I didn't find a great use FOR it. I'm not a fan of in painting so I find it limiting but I did find some other uses for it, like out-painting and playing around with this process was very interesting. https://preview.redd.it/ihp3hiacg48d1.png?width=293&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a29ab9d879ebf5c6dedbd1396cbd0b291087b12 I often times will skip a video when I hear an automatic voice of any kind, and this one was no exception, but after searching for awhile I choose to give it a try and was not disappointed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPkSa1y0GLM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPkSa1y0GLM)


I stumbled upon this node a while back, this is the one that produced mini images in every prompt that were completely separate, weird. But I've tried using it again and after following a different tutorial I've gotten some decent results, not quite at the A1111 level yet but much better than before


That's great you found it already, I haven't seen anyone else using it except for in that video. I don't have another solution because I've been here myself and is partially the reason for my opinion on the matter, where I don't find value in "in-painting" specifically. One of the things that I don't like, and I have to admit that it's entirely my experience and my assertion could be completely wrong, is that in-painting doesn't allow for scene interaction and, by its very intent, these changes, that I would personally find useful, are the very same things that others do not, because they don't want their image to "change" and want only to add something. But a dog sitting, floating at hip height, while entertaining is not what I would be shooting for, and this is just a goofy example to make my point clear. Good luck over there, I hope you'll update us if you find an acceptable solution.


I recently did lots of research on this topic. The results are as follows 1. I dont like to define areas using coordinates or define areas by drawing squares. I find those methods are not flexible enough for my compositions 2. There are methods where you can draw masks with a brush to define the area for regional prompting: * regional sampling (use multiple samplers for different regions. they do not always play together nicely) * **regional conditioning**: **BEST METHOD** in my experience! very flexible, allows multiple masks and you can combine it with ControlNet, IP Adapter etc... If you want to learn regional conditioning, check this video: [https://youtu.be/ijqXnW\_9gzc](https://youtu.be/ijqXnW_9gzc) If you dont know what conditioning is, then you have to check part 1 as well of that series


Would you be willing to share a workflow? I'm making some decent progress but nothing worth posting, really


Since I mostly use a simple 50/50 or 25/75 type division for regional prompting, my workflow is: Create a black and white image that will be the mask. I make them 512x512, but the size isn't important. [My mask images](https://imgur.com/a/Yo15OfR). [Load image] -> [resize to match image being generated] -> [image-to-mask] -> [gaussian blur mask] to soften edges Then use [invert mask] to make a mask that is the exact opposite and [solid mask] to make a pure white mask. https://github.com/laksjdjf/cgem156-ComfyUI has a simple attention coupler. Feed into that: * Model * solid mask * conditioned prompt for entire image * Your mask * conditioned prompt for that masked area * inverse of your mask * conditioned prompt for that masked area Take the model output, shove it into your Ksampler and use as normal. This is the equivalent of using Automatic1111's regional prompting with two regions and the "use first prompt in all areas" option. You can get a lot more fancy if you want, but I find this covers almost everything I want to do with regional prompts. I find this really good if I want an image with multiple people that look different; for example using a vertical 50/50 mask: Overall prompt: photo of two men, arms around shoulders, looking at camera, smiling, in a park Left prompt: Tall man with blonde hair, glasses, red shirt Right Prompt: Short chubby man with dark hair, beard, The regional mask minimizes bleed over between the two different people, and is also great if you're using two character loras to get them in an image together because each mask gets separate trigger words.


I've also used the attention coupler with very good results. I use SolidMask, MaskComposite, and InvertMask nodes to create the masked area where I want attention (invert to get the opposite area). It makes it easy to get a visual idea of where the attention coupler will focus and makes it easy to move around if I need to adjust. Adding link to simple workflow showing how to use this node: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WGUiwqKlA-sxRGCOLDuVf8KMTxo90aOk/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WGUiwqKlA-sxRGCOLDuVf8KMTxo90aOk/view?usp=sharing)


Ahhhh there it is!!! Thank you ;-)


You're welcome. I'm happy I was able to help.


I found this video from Mateo (the author of IPAdapter_plus custom nodes) pretty cool on regional conditioning + IPAdapter. https://youtu.be/4jq6VQHyXjg?si=HMIKMDjpFy7UnCFT&t=150


I have been searching for a long time how to regional prompt like in A1111, but nothing I've tried creates cohesive images. One method literally created tiny images in each region. In the example image, The girl is split into three parts and there is a region above her too. There are two regions beside her as well. edit: what makes regional prompting in A1111 so powerful to me is the ease with creating regions. I don't have to mess with static numbers and shit. The regions are defined relative to the canvas size, and its easy to just add another region. Having to add new nodes, and then do the math for where that region should be sucks, and so does painting (imo)


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I know it's rather offtopic (not entirely so though, since ComfyUI is still involved in the backend), but nowdays I almost exclusively use Krita AI addon. I used to rely on the Regional Sampling node in ComfyUI to create a base image with which I can refine it further in Krita. But with the addon's recent regional prompting support, now I can do almost everything without leaving Krita's layer-based workflow.


Personally I use both regional sampling and regional conditioning in the same workflow


Why posting this picture while the question has absolutely nothing to do with it? Clickbait? Need to show boobs? How to regional prompt? Oh, and look at this shit : I made boobs!!!


Unfortunately posting this gets the question to more people to answer. It sucks but it’s an easy way to ensure your question gets attention.


"Chubby girl with (uncomfortable proportions and insufficient clothing:1.4), indeterminate age, on hilly landscape, giving jailbait look to viewer". Just kidding!


That's chubby to you? Talk about unrealistic expectations. How is a simple smiling face "jailbait look"?


You really don't see the clickbait when OP uses a photo of a very young woman, with very small clothes, all to ask a question about regional prompting? it's the most useless photo to illustrate the subject. however, it's an excellent clickbait photo.


Where did I say anything about clickbait? I questioned the calling it a chubby jailbait picture. It's 100% clickbait, buy calling a person with a body like that "chubby" is gpddamn stupid, and calling it jailbait is just projection.


Sorry dude, my poor English made me think clickbait and jailbait were kind of the same thing. As a 42-year-old man, I also think it's jailbait because I feel uncomfortable looking at (what I see as) a girl who looks less than 16 and is definitely over-sexualized. But I admit it's not as obvious as the clickbait idea.


That girl doesn't look like an 16 or younger girl I've ever seen, and I work in a school. That is 100% portraying a college age or older girl. If I saw that girl in non-skimpy clothes walking in a school, I'd assume it's a sub or someone's older sister.


Let's agree to disagree. For me, this face is that of a child. And boobs are not, which makes the picture cringy.


I can accept that, I showed my wife and she thought it looked jailbaity too. I agree it's on the line, but my bigger concern is saying it's chubby. That kind of thing is what gives women unrealistic body expectations and why stuff like Instagram a wasteland of filters.


I totally agree with you about the chubby part!


"Chubby" from my frame of personal experience which is "165 cm, 45-50 kg". I wouldn't expect such a woman to deliver breasts or hips like these, that would be unrealistic expectations. This is how I pick, not how I prescribe. What should billions of women care about my preferences? We're still talking about an entirely AI created fantasy here, specifically what kind of prompt would generate such generous proportions. Not the self-image of young women, but the fantasies of men. So why you're right in general, this is not a "general" discussion. This is about what you get when you use "chubby" in a (Pony) prompt, as opposed to "athletic", "buff", "slim" etc. Also, why it's important to add "18yo" to your "1 girl", if only for legal reasons.


Nice! Please share workflow on /r/stablediffusionreal


Dude, that’s just a girl.. don’t you have like 20 workflow for doing girls? The only interesting thing in this post is the question and what you could learn from it. OP shouldn’t have added the clickbait boobs on this post, and yet it’s the only thing you saw.


Oh i thought he was talking about the SD3 girls on grass stuff