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All this creates is a haunted resort because he has unfinished business with his last puzzle.


Sure, but at least no one can solve the puzzle and unleash the demon or whatever. Haunted resort? That's an influencer paradise.


Where tik tok or any other media doesn't work but you only realize when you paid BWAHAHAHAHAHAH


This is literally an anime, maybe even more than one. The construction company doesn't last more that one day trying to tear the place down. Also there is always some treasure inside that you don't want to give up on.


Soooo…. What’s the anime called?


There's the one about the haunted high school just for starters.


Cool I’ll search up haunted high school. I’m sure it will be the first result. 😀


It's a win-win situation. The guy doesn't need go through the pain of maintaing an old mansion *and* he's now richer, while the resort company earns extra cash by renting the place to ghosthunters from Youtube and TikTok.


And the ghosts suck the life out of the influencers, slowly reducing their numbers over time. Win win win!


tbf, if the ghost is clever he realizes he is now stuck in a resort and he can chill forever and if he is really clever he only hounts the liquor storage, so the resort doen't close.


*haunts ^^sorry


Or the influencers scare off the ghosts


Looks at the resort from the shining


*POV tiktok of Ghost-face stabbing someone while yelling, "It's just a prank, bro." has entered the chat*


That one demon just want to let loose but being hold back by one piece of puzzle ![gif](giphy|l46CsaquyQudrz3Lq|downsized)


I remember that level from Super Mario Sunshine.


I'd watch the fuck out of that movie


And someone finds the puzzle in an old storage room


I’m thinking Jumanji style with some kid unearths it in a sandpit.


Somebody must have made that movie by now.


Honestly, I wouldn't want to deal with that either. Those types of houses can be pretty costly to repair and/ or maintain. They're a nightmare just in the stress they can cause to take care of. Lol. Great comic!


mansions are quite expensive and valuable pieces of property, just sell it and be set for life.


It really depends on the state of the mansion though. In some cases it's more expensive to renovate than it is to simply tear it down and build a new one.


Random, but how nice! Username checks out with the comic theme.


Put my blood, sweat, and tears (and money!) into fixing the dump and sell it for a $1M profit or tear it down and sell the land for a $500k profit. Easy call.


does not seem like an easy call at all to me.


Depends how much bodily fluids you have to input for that 500k. If I’m waiting a year or two dealing with contractors and a complex job, then the hell with it, I’ll take the money now. If it just needs some paint and a roof? Yeah that we can wait for.


Spend time and money fixing the dump and then turn it into a Home Alone death trap for the mobsters chasing you.


Claim it's haunted and sell it to a specialty market. You get the money without needing to pay for renovations and horror movie is back on.


Still the land it is on is probably worth a good amount of money.


To someone who has the money to purchase it, renovating it or maintaining it could be trivial compared to a historical, aesthetic or sentimental value.


Yeah but obviously there's none of that here.


Depends on how famous the old man was before he died. I can see some mega fan paying to restore it. I could totally see this becoming a really good comedy where the dad faked his death after turning the mansion into a massive escape room to try to reconcile with his son only for some weirdo basement dweller who knows all the answers to the puzzles to show up instead


But if your mansion has some time on it and history then mamy buyers would mark up just for that fact


If I could get a Ghosts UK type situation id be stoked. Not the American one


What's wrong with the American one?


I didn’t really like it. I just figure, if ima live there I’d rather have those folks than the others.


The inspector who goes to appraise the house might just live out the whole ass horror movie though


Still. I would want to at least explore it and look around.


That's exactly how you end up in a horror movie.


i mean, id go and check it out though. find some neat stuff maybe


But what about the treasure in the basement?


treasure? you mean the antedeluvian evil?


It said it would give me what I deserve as soon as I set it free. It can't be that bad.




Y'all are antedelulu


Upon second inspection is just an ordinary, postdeluvian wrongdoer, sorry.


She had the conch in her hand! I'm never going to see a merman!


The horror movie comes back when the clearly haunted puzzle mansion reappears the second the nobody is looking at it. The company then takes the heir apparent to court and makes him either give back the money + extra for losses and take back the house or go in there to resolve the curse so they can proceed. They need the guy who initially inherited it because the accountants decided the legal fees would be cheaper than finding and hiring exorcists until one of them turns out to be real.




That's what the company initially thought too, but the materials seemed to evaporate into nothing the same moment the mansion reformed. whether they were observed or not. With every attempt to profit costing them dearly, they tried to shift blame internally until someone decided to sue the son into uncursing the place.


I would watch this if it is written to be in the What We Do in the Shadows mockumentary universe.


I wonder how long it takes them to justify suing on grounds of a magical curse


There is precedent for that. Although it was less "this house is haunted" and more "you didn't disclose that idiots think this house is haunted and now I'm being harassed all hours of the day"


There aren't enough legal drama horror movies.


Since the court system will always favor mundane explanations for supernatural events, the heir would be off the hook, instead the demolishers/builders would get blamed for not doing the work. Selling a genuine haunted house lemon is the perfect grift.


This is unfortunately where the belief needs to be suspended. We just have to assume that the court system knows supernatural events can happen or have it start off saying that there's a precedent involving transferal of a cursed or haunted property.


I looked into it and I guess [I was wrong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stambovsky_v._Ackley) (as long as the story takes place in New York)


Imagine you spent like 2 years tearing down an old house to build a brand new luxury hotel. It's opening day. You stare in awe at your newly finished building. Without noticing it, you blink. Suddenly, your new pride is completely replaced by the original house. How tf do you even cope with that?


Blink for infinite materials


I'm sorry to say that your father's will states that the deed is to be found somewhere inside the mansion itself.  His only elaboration is, "defeat is the catalyst to its own correction".


Nah I'll just go down to the County Assessor and get the copy of the deed that is on file.


I've seen several people comment that they think this is about "13 Ghosts". The 'inheriting a haunted house' plot is a very common trope, which is why I used it for the joke. Recently I watched "The Sonata" which is kind of what kick started the idea (just an OK movie; good bones, but mediocre execution). Others like this: 13 Ghosts, The Haunting of Hill House (and all of its variations), The Woman in Black, House, Rose Red, The Inheritance, Saturday the Fourteenth, Locke & Key, and I'm sure many more. Also, technically the Disney "The Haunted Mansion" movies. Also, several people pointed out old point and click adventure games, which I'm assuming is referencing "Maniac Mansion" and "Phantasmagoria", but special call out to "The 7th Guest" (play the VR remake if you get a chance!)


I think the 13 ghost connection is specifically that its a puzzle mansion


I thought it was referencing the old usborne puzzle book Escape from Blood Castle (featuring an inherited castle/mansion) https://gamebooks.org/gallery/contribs/2019/11/11/upa-01-200706.jpg


And then the house is rebuilt overnight while the son constantly have nightmare about it.


The son has no legal responsibility. That's the new property owner's problem now. I'd suggest they strip all the copper out of the building and demolish it again, in a never-ending money-mining cycle.


More like shitty Chinese mobile puzzle game averted


Maximum utility makes for terrible viewing


This sounds a bit like the plot for 13 ghosts haha.


My first thought. My dad had a girlfriend when I was a kid that watched that movie weekly. I fucking hate it now. You’re a bitch Tammy.


They even got the number of ghosts wrong! I checked!


Look up the Winchester Mansion. Sarah Winchester went a tad insane and had a giant sprawling maze mansion built to trap the spirits of those killed by her family's weapons that were haunting her. It's still around and was never finished, and is still huge despite that and some of it collapsing and burning down in an earthquake. It's not the only one of these weird maze mansions that have been built.


I think the Winchester Mansion along with H.H.Holmes (largely fabricated from the news) "death hotel" might have been the OG inspiration for these kind of stories.


Exactly what I thought lol, thought that was the reference!


90s point and click adventure game averted?


Wait, in some cultures, the curse is part of the land itself, not just the house. Additionally, you cannot bulldoze a big-ass house without consequences. Surely, something will either kill the construction crew or escape from it.


But that would be the problem if construction crew.


Yeah and any halfway decent demolition/construction company would be insured against job site hazards as the result of some curse. It's just a routine part of the job at this point.


Reminds me of Halloween Kills (2021), where after the first movie where the main character escapes from the house alive but Michael Myers, the killer, is still alive. He proceeds to kill firefighters who come to stop the house fire.


Not sure if you've heard but evil dies tonight


He only removed the headstone but not the bodies 😔


Something something, [Indian burial ground.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_burial_ground_trope)


There's no way Secret-puzzle-god-father hasn't build an underground labyrinth beneath the house that entraps random folk from the luxury resort.


Ruin has come to our family..


Horror movie: contractors have 24 hours to clear out a mysterious old mansion before it gets torn down for a resort. Due to the secluded location, they decide to spend the night there. There is a rumor of an old treasure in the walls of the house. But will they make it until morning?


Alternate universe: Guy loses his job and now he has to move his family into Dad's craphole because he has no other choice. And let's forget to tell the kids too, so they'll be extra traumatized when they overhear the parents fighting over it.


Noooo, what have you done? You have destroyed the final puzzle that would lead you to your father's secret treasure, and the treasure itself!


Normally in these stories, the testament has a clause that requires the heir to spend a night in the mansion or solve a puzzle in order to inherit the property


Blackstone will buy it!


the resort has rearranged itself into the mansion again


Alternatively Point and click adventure game averted


Until the hallways of the luxury resort begin to shift on their own and the whole building folds up like a puzzle box, ultimately reforming the puzzle mansion


So, the answer is to sell it to Chris Pratt.


Maybe it's a horror movie, but this is also sort of the premise for Ghosts and that's not so bad. 


I would love a movie or a story setting of horror movie plots keep being averted by common sense and the would ghost are malding on the side from watching their plan aren't put in motion


"So I said fuck this stink-ass cabin, let's go to Cabo and get WAST-ed!"


How come there’s never been a horror movie about people contracted to tear down an old haunted house and slowly dying one by one due to all the entities and death traps within the house.


Because as soon as one person gets fucked up they call the paramedics and leave. Of course now I'm thinking of the horror movie Don't Blink. Spoiler text. >!The Final Girl finds a bunch of paramedics and cops and govt. agents and thinks she's okay but whatever ate everyone else eats the paramedics, cops or agents. Or just ate her and she thinks the rest got got?!<


The book Tell Me I Am Worthless literally tells why they can’t just bulldoze the house. The house prevents anyone. You try and you just can’t. Try and it will call you in to accept the house, ie fucking torture and kill you. You don’t fuck with the house.


Yeah horror averted. Home just told someone to sell the house he inherited and it was done. Holy shit I wish life was that easy. I'd love to skip months of stress and paperwork that you have to pay for the privelage of doing while you grieve.


But that's no fun :c


How many of the puzzles can be beaten with a sledgehammer?


I'm trying to remember the short horror film where the ghost maze wanted the m.c. to attack the tree with the axe to solve the puzzle. Instead, she busted a hole in the wall and made real progress.


Thirteen Ghosts was a good film.


no horrific accidents on the work site?


Don't knock it down. Sell it as is. Someone else's horror movie!


This is the plot to the 90s live action Casper movie lol


The horror is the destruction of a unique and historical property.


You remember out venerable house, opulent and imperials, gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the moor…


Don't kill it! Have someone else pay you to solve it!


He uses the money to buy a Ferrari and then dies in a freak accident when a steel I-beam smashes through his windshield.


Now I have idea for a movie about a group of construction workers tasked with tearing down a haunted mansion


Looks like the actual 7th Guest turned out to be an excavator.


This had potential. It started out funny but I did not like the ending


The most realistic outcome too lol.


Now the ghosts are inhabiting the new property and all the clues to stop the haunting are either destroyed or in the deep cellar that’s been covered in concrete. You’ve made things measurably worse


Then you get the plot of Session 9 but with building a resort instead of refurbishing a hospital


lol I was gonna say. That’s the plot to 13 ghosts!


Alternatively, the people trying to demolish the house is the ones who face the death traps and horror.


The TRUE horror story is capitalism.


This is awesome!! Hahahaha!!


I’d simply solve the resident evil mansion




Damn now I’m looking for a good movie/show that sticks to the original premise, anyone know of a good one?


I dont know how, but i initially read pizza maker and then thought the mansion was a rundown pizza themed place with pepperoni windows and was wondering what sort of haunted pizza ghosts theyd have to deal with.


I really like the concept of this being the catalyst for the horror being moved towards the construction workers, and how unspeakable horrors and tragedies befall them on the construction sight. The aftermath is investigated by OSHA, and they have no idea what went down to have the whole entire construction crew either turn up dead in a baffling way, or missing. Really interesting idea for a film, or a video game where you play as one of the construction workers who went missing.


I would write this book


Pfft, no binding condition of having to sleep there at least one night? Sorry OP, this is clearly fake!


You remember our venerable house...


Opulent and imperial


I want the horror story where the crew getting to demolish the house is haunted and they have to survive horrible, unexplained accidents.


I’d probably attach a rope around my waist and tell a bunch of my friends to pull if I tug on it twice just to deal with the bullshit


SCP 1555. The monster building formed a pipe around the rope.


Oh how wonderful! In that case just glass the entire building


The realest and shortest horror story ever.


Well neat. Most of these types have some sort of caveat. Like you inherit 30million if ypu spend the night. Or you don't inherit the property if you don't spend the night. Probably just to avoid this situation of them just selling it off.


Usually the family loses the main house due to capitalism and has to move into the haunted house.


Professor Layton's ghost


Plot Twist: it's actually a ghost remake of Road House and you've become the villain.


One might find a rather Dark Dungeon in there Perhaps even the darkest.


You see... **Ruin** could have come to his family


Yes, curiosity has limits.


And that’s why construction crew never work alone or pre-dawn work.


Sounds like a prequel to The Shining. Horror movie very much not averted.


What? Not even a brokerage deal to secure a condo on the property of the luxury resort? This might be real or not, but an old friend of mine got engaged to a guy who had a similar situation happen. His family, along with 6 others with summer houses along a Caribbean coastline all had their properties bought by Sandals. In exchange, sandals provided each of those families with the equivalent of free access to the resort. All they had to do was call the resort, tell them they were coming on a specific date, and all they’d pay for is flights and drinks.


I'm not sure the demolition and construction crews are gonna escape the horror movie


Pfff. In this type of market?! A free house is a free house. BRING ME THE GHOSTS!


But wouldn't the people who works for the Company that tears down old properties to build luxury resorts would be the ones who are at the receiving and of the Inherited Mansion Horror ?


The horror takes places when the contractors son gets there one night with his girlfriend to fuck the night away, but when he finally manages to switch the lights on, the girlfriend is gone, the doors are locked, and an envelope with a riddle appears.


The hook is usually that you don't get the property unless you spend a night in it. Otherwise movie characters would do that


Now you've just made the ghost *even angrier*.


Didn't the guys in the Conjuring destroyed the house and built a new one and it was still haunted?


But it wasn’t the house that was haunted. It was property, so now you have a haunted resort movie. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


There's a great nosleep like this written by u/christianwallis


"Old dick should have gone to more of my little league soccer games, tearing that shit down immediately"


Idk, the movie Casper told us very well how much construction workers struggle to tear down a haunted building.


I mean, you can still make a movie about that where the demolition crew and has to bring in a priest with Timbs and a hard hat to cleanse each section as they knock it down. Play it for laughs and call it Holy Smokes or something.


I thought this was about that mobile game.


r/centuryhomes disagrees lol


Is this loss


"Oh yeah, I'm a boring stick in the mud that doesn't want to anything interesting with my life like be the main character of a horror. I'm content being average. Can I have the money now?"


No I want to see the movie


Great now it's just an unfinished resort because the ghosts won't let it be finished


That doesn't even sound like a horror movie. More like a children's adventure movie. The everyman not very popular protagonist, adorably snarky girl who is good at everything, and short dopey fat sidekick who is a total nerd, will go in, get spooked by noises, make jokes about old technology like a gramophone, at some point the stairs will turn into a slide, they'll run from some unknown thing that only appears in the shadows, and solve the mystery of the father's mansion and become rich at the end.