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Holy dust Batman


I'm smelling cigarette smoke from here


This post was right above in my stream, with opposite opinions about an Xbox 🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwaregore/s/FdTHb3ewyj


the post got removed :c


You didn’t miss much. He didn’t even open the Xbox


I came in JUST to post "Can anyone else literally smell it too!?"


Looks like they live in a quarry, or a mill or something.


I once had to fix a computer that ran for almost a decade in the kitchen of a burger joint. You cannot imagine how gross that was, all that greasy dust buildups everywhere and it smelled like burnt cooking oil. This looks mint in comparison.




Have you ever cleaned a computer or laptop that sat indoors but in a desert environment? Those can be a little nasty.


Hello from Las Vegas' edge jejejeje!


I once worked at a hospital and the dirtiest computer I cleaned there was from the operating room. Just caked full of dust and who-knows-what. You might think ORs are clean places, and the parts that touch your body absolutely are as clean as possible, but everything else gets disgusting.


God I wish you could post stickers and gifs in here 😪


Lol this one got me


You need to pay someone money to take the PC like that


I literally thought this was a troll post. Surely this guy can't be serious...


He is serious. And don't call him Shirley


Are you an Airplane! enjoyer


No. They're a human, and don't call them enjoyer!


I just wanted to let you know, good luck. We’re all counting on you.


The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone.


Jus' hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on da rebound on da med side.


Careful or you might get slapped by some nuns and a priest!


Jive ass dude ain't got no brains anyhow!


I am. But that’s not important right now.


The first time i heard that was that extra mission from MW where they says that then drop into the plane. I knew it had to be a reference to something and ended up watching the movie lol


Computers like this are worth more in developing countries than developed countries typically. Not too familiar with the Indian market but still probably worth something.


In Spain he could sell that for 100-125€


In America, 100-125¢


In UK, 50-100£


In Germany you might get a good price of minus -5€ for shipping


in denmark.. you’re paying me to take that


In Canada, you’re taking it to e-waste recycler 😂




In Brazil, about R$2K


In Brazil, about 2000 BRL (Brazilian Real) + 40000 BRL in taxes


And you're apologizing for having to take it there. :)


You can get better on ebay with ddr4 for £60


I wouldn't pay 1.25 for that thing lol.


no, not even.


Cake day


OP lives in India, it's a different market. Someone poor would still buy it.


I thought all indians lived in canada now


They're moving to Australia


oh theyre here alright


They're here in America, that's why "we won" the world cup, it was the Indian green card team and one ginger.


Nah, they are here in Croatia


As a Canadian, I can confirm.


Literally just commented this exact same thing 😂


yeah, usually garbage collection is not free


The GPU is half as fast as a GTX 750 💀


exactly, fuel is not cheap


I would take it... 5 bucks and an Ice together and I'm happy :D


400-450 I'm talking dust mites here


You all live in America? In India, PC and components costs a lot more, this is a decent pc (in India), He can sell it for at least INR 15k ($190) if he sells it to the right buyer (like a poor Mechanical engineering student who can't afford a better gaming PC for his cad simulations)


a dual socketed mobo, considering its age I’d say anywhere around 35 to 60


I was about to say no money at all, but this dual soc... I would take it for 40 for my collection.


Agree here, finally a serious reply. To the right person 20-60$ probably.


Depends if it's in working condition, platform, presence of any damage and ports/slots available. Remember that some manufacturers use non-standard connectors and non-standard PCB layout and dimensions so it would be hard to find replacements or compatible products. 30 is the most I guess, also because it has half the ram slots available which is a big bummer (and don't get me started on bios and support lmao)


Was gonna say, just because it’s dual soc doesn’t mean it’s a good MOBO in terms of feature set and workability. They made a bunch when the industry was looking more and more like that would be a thing before the massive boost in core counts on single cpus


Yeah unfortunately they tried but failed, some are good but the interconnect is not up to par and workloads are not made for this, plus you need a pair of identical CPUs (big bummer, imagine having a 6 core 1650 V4 and a 22 core beside so you can choose between fast cores for gaming and slow but many cores for workloads) I was thinking of getting one just for fun so I can mess with a server, but I'll stick to single x99 with robust vrm and expansion slots rather than risk it for a chungus paperweight


Yo mama dual socketed


Unhinged lmao


Lmao 💀


You really put in some effort to create this post bro, despite I (and maybe others) were thinking its a troll post. Blow of the dust ( or collect it ) first to get a least 150 INR more.






"I want to sell my pc for a good price" Yeah that won't happen.


For this, $20 might be considered a good price


For ‘the price of shipping’


And a tetanus shot


It might. Literally any money is a good price for it.


Lenovo makes ashtrays??? Humm never knew that!


3 Dollars and a chewing gum


Best I can do is half a bottle of warm beer.


Take my upvote


And a chewing gum


The condition of the unit is definitely problematic but asking a primarily US based Forum for Indian prices won't get you what you are asking for. You can try one of the India specific reddit groups for a better idea or explore ebay India and compare. Do clean up the unit though, would make it more presentable for resale.


Shiii, probably like half a Ritz cracker


I think the Ritz cracker is already in there.






They go for ~75€ in germany with both cpu's.


Yup, ppl say its ewaste is crazy


This wouldn't be e-waste if it wasn't full of dust. Give it a cleaning and you've got something. Other than the dust, those components are pretty cool. You don't see a dual motherboard every day.


Yeah, sadly the common spam on tech subs. See tech, older than arbitrary number of years, spam e-waste. It's like that flock of seagulls from finding Nemo. Just imagine them saying "E-waste!" Instead.


Let me kindly disagree with you. When you see a cpu, that is about as powerful as new rapsbery pi its a big letdown. Main problem is that it will cost a lot in electricity to run. There is not many things that would not be better to just run on something newer, thats not that power/space/cooling hungry. When hardware´s too old, its price per performance and time go down very quickly. To be plain its gonna consume hundrerds of watts, for the same amount of work that something like modern N100 cpu can do at 10w


Not to mention the simple fact that components that old are living on borrowed time. I've been into computers a long time and yes I've had some that have lasted 10+ years but they're the exception not the rule.


Yeah, I didn't realize how many snobs would be on this channel. My local shop was full of people getting old PCs and parts to make cool stuff with, because we knew everything could be repurposed


Yeah the other comments are funny but this is probably most accurate, they would have to clean it for sure tho.


not really. with a bit of luck you can make like 50€ with this one. if you take it apart, clean it, rebuild and reinstall fresh windows you could probably hit the 75€


First of all, fucking clean it 😂


This is an abysmal amount of dust, I’m sure it affects performance and the power draw of your PSU with clogged fans, it almost looks like tar buildup from indoor smoking, I’d get soft brushes, vacuum the bigger dust up, blow out with a hairdryer outside, get another brush with isopropyl alcohol, clean the vents, fans, motherboard and wipe inside & out the case. You’d be lucky if someone if someone even offers $60 for this system in this condition but I suggest it to get serviced or else you’ll be ignored. Also remove the stickers it looks bad for the display but keep the Xeon sticker and use adhesive glue and put it on the bottom right corner as it should be.


Got it. I'll clean it up and make it as presentable as possible.thanks for the advice sir.


Great stuff, just be careful, don’t clean on a carpet as it can build static which can damage components. Make sure to not rush, if a cloth or brush is too dirty cleaning each part up, wash it off and continue, also expose it to some sunlight to get the smell built inside from years of use to fade abit, cleaning PCs, servicing them eventually maxing them out to their full potential is my passion so don’t be hesitant to ask any more questions 🫡


Man, you're too helpful. Thank you. I won't be home at least for a month. So it has to be like that for a little more time. But as soon I'll reach back home, I'll clean it up and upload again. Thanks again.🙇


It’s all good it’s what I do, Awesome, okay no problem, give your computer the 4th of July when you do! Get the microfibres cloths, isopropyl alcohol, wipes and brushes together in a bag for when you need it ⚙️🔥


About tree fitty


God dang Loch Ness monster!


I doubt you’d be making more than $50 for this


I’ll give ya two cigarettes and half my pepperoni stick


About tré fiftón


Holly shit, I thought it was my computer that was dusty...


Man, all this people saying it's e-waste... Put a better gpu in this and ssd and you have a low-budget gaming pc... Plus this is an xeon with probably lot of space for disks wich makes it ideal as budget nas or server. You'll need to chill... You can get some money for this, I think about 30-40 euro or more. Maybe clean it up a bit before selling.


Yup man he can just clean it up put a ssd and more ram and can use it for decent stuff + GPU good for entry-level games I guess + more storage and changing the OS a good diy NAS even then if he wants to create some other DIY NAS some of those parts might be useful like the power supply...


Meanwhile, I just found a Alienware with 2TB SSD, 6600k, and a 1060 for $175 on my local marketplace. This thing is basically e-waste as there are so many better deals to get out there than this thing.


People paying $100 for a RasPi 5. to run it as NAS or Videoplayer.. This thing here is basicly faster and more versatile (in any classic PC application)


But it will cost you an Arm and a leg on your Power Bill.


The thing is I haven't gone to my home for a month as I have exams near my relatives home so I am staying there. My pc have stayed without use for over a month now and it's summer and really dusty around my house. So it happened to catch so much dust. I asked my brother for those photos. Believe me, all it needs is a dust cleanup. And it's too fine. It's just, I need to make upgrades with ram and for that I need to upgrade the whole pc. If the case and dust is so damn shitty look wise. Just tell me the price I can get for the pecs I've mentioned. Please.


Dust aside, and just specs - lucky to get $40-$50 bucks. But most likely you have to give it away for free as disposing of that that will be difficult. Unless you can find someone who needs to use it specifically for a NAS or a server, it’s useless as a PC.


Personally, if I come across these. I keep them. I have 3 of them I've just gotten for free. Like you said. It's a great nas, and I use one of them to host game servers for friends.


My eyes can smell that abomination.


So true. I work in second hand electronics and I swear I can guess the type of odour just from a picture now. 


Seriusly the valute is between 45/80€


This computer is a health hazard.


I can pay 20$ for you to keep it


Its not bad, i acutally use cpu with same number of cores and threats, but motherboards is older. I think you can take 200, maybe 300 dollars, not really sure


Ok nvm, 100-200 dollars, not much


No way it costs 100 dollars. The CPU as the most valuable part is sold for 12 EUR including delivery in my country. Maybe DDR3 sticks would be worth something, say 15 EUR. There are some collector freaks who say they could buy a 2-slot MoBo for 40 USD, but that is an outlier. Case and likely noisy underperforming coolers - 15 USD at most.


Donate it. That’s the best thing you can do. And god damn, please clean that thing before doing anything.


Gift it


I was drawing in AutoCAD not too long ago on a computer with a similar configuration. I'm sick of reading the cynical comments from rich kids from the "first world."


Just save up and buy parts and build a new pc piece by piece or a whole machine if you want to spend the money. Make that old PC for storage and old game emulators and as a guest pc for the browser.


i'll take it for 30$ and make a retro console and multimedia device.


Isn't this e-waste


No because it can be refurbished into a lower gaming pc or just be used for casual browsing or work.


all these mfs acting bougie/snobbish, and making fun. OP if you could find a grocery or small scale super market, you could make few bucks. otherwise find a store that takes in theses electronics for spares or refurbishing, they might pay you little more.


About -5$




Wtf man


I think you can sell it as an office computer for maybe like 30-45$ or something like that




A lot of people are saying that it's not worth anything. But I think as long as it works fine, in India someone will buy it, as it can still be used for many simple tasks. I have no idea about the price though, because in my country this would also go into garbage. One tip, do a thorough cleaning so it looks brand new. Guaranteed this will attract more potential buyers.


I do not own a PC and if you are willing to give it away to me, I'd be happy to pay for shipping


A buck


You can drop it off at a donation center.


Just take it outside man, hopefully someone doesn't bring it back in


With or without dust?


50 cents.


You can pay me $20 and I'll take it


I found a used pc seller who is selling a similar generation PCs. Your processor has similar performance to a 4th gen i7 . So with your basic specs this seller is selling a fully refurbished pc ( i7) with 90 days warranty for around INR 12400 . [https://shop.bharathisystems.com/refurbished-lenovo-thinkcentre-m93-tiny/](https://shop.bharathisystems.com/refurbished-lenovo-thinkcentre-m93-tiny/) However considering you don't have any warranty & the PC doesn't seem to have been given any maintenance in a long time you would have to sell it for a lot less. Btw The K2000 GPU isn't worth anything as its very old with only 2 gb vram


It depends if it's still working, at least clean it up and see how it performs on modern games and apps


To everyone saying It's not worth more than $50, that's still mote than ₹4000. The PC might be 11 years old, but many people I know still daily drive a core 2 duo and 2 gigs of ram. My uncle, who is a paleontologist and a professor and has a lot of work to do daily drives an 11 year old macbook with 4 gigs of ram and a spinning hdd.


You should contact Saudewala on Instagram and sell it to them. They'll refurbish it and sell it to someone in need of a cheap PC. Don't expect a great price though.


Clean that poor thing before it has a severe asthma attack and fucking dies, then we'll talk price. I honestly would probably buy for 25 AUD considering the absolute state of it. That's worse than when I got my PowerEdge and it was dusty enough that the front metal had begun to rust but this is another level!


Direct from pharaoh tutankhamun desktop


You’d have to pay me to take it lol


Sorry bro, things a toaster.


Why would you not clean it?


I would probably sell it to a scientific research department dealing in atmospheric pollutants. With that much dust they can do Research on it & discover new microorganisms. It's like how scientists takes layers of glacier ice to see how prehistoric conditions were like & to discover microorganisms from that era. So just like that. There might be a new species of dust mite in that PC. It could be the PC that cures cancer


I am not as negative as others. If I had it , I would add the second processor, load up the ram and make it a home server. It is still a 2016 unit with the potential to be a workhouse. A matching processor and heat sink/fan could probably be had for almost nothing on EBay. Still , others are correct, it won’t bring much.


The individual parts might be worth something, but without a really good clean, it's not worth anything.


Flip the script: if you were buying a new pc, would you want to buy what you just posted?


1. Case probably around 15€ 2. CPU maybe 20€ 3. Quadro K2000 probably around 30€ 4. Motherboard probably around 35€ 5. The 800W PSU (fsp800-90wse) is at least 80€ I wouldn't buy that tower for over 80€ unless I was in a scrapyard wars. People don't really look for those specs so you probably won't find anyone willing to buy it for even 80€. I'd sell for like 35€ unless you sell the parts seperately. The prices listed above aren't new prices but what I estimate what you could sell them for.


Old workstations with dual Xeons support are worth a pretty penny despite the dust. U could sell it for a bit more if you were to clean it, or just sell the CPU/GPU and RAM separately. On Ebay you could charge about 50-100$ for this PC.


If you pay them 80 dollars you might be able to get rid of it


I thought you were trolling at first until I saw more pics. No one will buy this tbh


Clean it and some collector would buy it even from outside India, dual socketed mobos are rare.




$20 You may as well just keep it bro.


I this state you'd be lucky with 50 bucks.


Put glass panel on and rgb the hell out of it and market as gaming


You can sell to any student for $100. But first you need to refurbish!




$50 and a pack of skittles


£35. £50 without the dust.


For $50 I’ll take it from you.




Id take $10 for it. (If i were the buyer)


20 bucks




Depends if the dust is included or not With the dust on it you can sell it for extra by saying it's a barn find


This is really only good for reformatting to a super lightweight OS like Linux Mint and turning into a media server.


$50 on a good day and if the other guy’s high enough.


This computer might be older than Morgan Freeman.


Heroin. Crack. Things like that. These things will mess your mind up so bad. You get all kinds of horrible, horrible ideas. Guys, please don't do drugs, ok?


Yo man, it's a work station that's seen better days. You might be able to clean it up, change the fans and resell it to someone who wants to do AutoCad or something for a few hundred bucks. Not really worth much these days my man.


You've got a cutting edge computer by 2013 standards. $150-300?


That smoke smell is coming at me from a mile away


It's a good PC the hecc are you guys saying? Not too shabby, though. A lot of people still work on Core 2 Duo 2GB PCs, and a machine like this would make wonders for the right person. I'm not certain, however, about the price, $20-$100 range seems fair.


Nice sepia filter...oh wait


ignore my previous post I only saw pics, it's worth easily $80 and can do light gaming


I read the title in an Indian accent, seeing the pc further supported my assumption.


To bad no one know who all the artists are that signed the inside of your computer! You could actually get some money for it!. Otherwise keep it to run really old games and not have to put emulators on a newer one!


A crisp 5 dollar bill and a bag of Doritos. (The small bag, not share size)


You can probably donate it to a local community College for students to take apart.


I loved how each picture is worthless.


Something a lot of people don’t know is that the value of a computer is relative to what’s out there and also the requirements of modern operating systems, programs, and games. It’s not like a car where the value is mostly just based on age & use and eventually kinda plateaus. Prebuilts are notorious for being made cheaply, having little to no upgradability, and in the case of Dell, some proprietary parts. Also, Dell often underclocks its graphics cards. This PC of yours could have been great in its day, but technology keeps advancing pretty rapidly and the hardware requirements for software and games also keep advancing. To paraphrase Ferris Bueller: *Tech moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might just miss it.*. This information is just as important for selling used PCs as it is for buying them. Also, when it comes time to replace it, you’ll get the best price, parts, and customization if you build it yourself instead of buying a prebuilt, especially from Dell. I’d also be rather leery of a PC with that much dust. It may have reduced the lifespan of that PC. You should dust regularly. With a PC like that, I’d recommend dusting every 3-4 months.


that PC is over 11 years old. you'd be lucky to get $50. most likely the electricity cost to run that for a year would be more than just upgrading to a much newer more energy efficient PC also who the fuck put a single stick of DDR3 into a quad channel board lenovo is so cheap they tried to save 50c by not soldering on half the dimm slots


Lenovo ships about 20 million PCs per year. If they save 50 cent on every one of them, some executive is going to earn 5 Million more that year, and the rest goes to the shareholders.


Sir, please clean this computer with appropriate tools then you can sell them so it would look nice


Well that’s the neat part, you likely don’t


That's E-Waste


oh no an old pc it's definitely ewaste


20 bucks


20$ tops




Bro maybe 5000-6000rs maybe tops 9k idk if anyone will pay this much for it.


That's an 11 year old setup. It was badass back in the day and very expensive. We're talking ivy bridge here. If you didn't mind the high power draw I would just drop another e5-2643 CPU in there. They're like $15 USD. But you're probably not using it as a server. I always wanted to have a dual cpu server. Yeah, you're not going to get much for that. If you don't have a server that's what I would use it for.