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These thugs should be rotting in jail


Brandon Fellows was just sentenced last weekend; how the fuck is he out, let alone sitting six feet from Fauci?


The secret ingredient is money.


Any chance he’s violating his terms with this travel and intimidation? I think it should be reported to the DA


Thugs usually still like America. This assholes are anti American cunts who would rather shit on the constitution than protect it.


Because insurrectionists were holding a hearing.


I've contacted my (D) congressman many times asking why he recognizes the literal insurrectionists in Congress as legitimate members of the body. Imo, the Democrats are the majority because there are dozens of disqualified Republicans who engaged in insurrection. He never responds to those questions.


I dunno which is worse, when they don't respond or when they respond using political-speech that doesn't answer the question. To me the first one is a "don't care" and the second one is a "lol fuck you and your question" response.


Yooooo damn


Notice how they were also deliberately placed behind Dr Fauci so they would be on camera to make their "commentary" about his testimony. There needs to be an investigation into this matter.


The coup is on going.


This is the answer. They're doing it right now. We're sitting on our hands and waiting for them to kill us. We are making a choice to be the victims of their violence and treachery.


and they do want to kill us killl those that don't support p25 https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C7wt3zUvGGq


I'd rather be dead than live in an Christian nightmare country.


me too but I at least wanna die fighting




My brain hurt after 30 seconds of that 😂


30?? Tough guy. I made it 15


You guys watched the clip?


There’s a clip?


I'm not. Buy ammo and vote in everything




Same. Hopefully it won't come to that.


Itll be a slow burn. Theyll attack soft targets of opportunity like the cowards they are. Unarmed protesters, LGBTQ clubs, critical infrastructure of cities...ect. Unless trump gets re-elected and gives them the go agead to go full on brown shirt thugs, they wont be going door to door with violent intent. We ll be fighting at the ballot box for the rest of our lives for sure, but lets hope we dont need to use the ammo box in our lifetimes.


> We're sitting on our hands and waiting for them to kill us. Not sure who this "We" is you're referring to. Think you need to direct some of that ire at the people in power who are letting this happen.


It drives me insane that people still think January 6th was the end of Trump's attempted coup. There are sitting Members of Congress that were intimately involved in the planning and execution of the rejecting of valid slates of electors in favor of Trump's fake ones. Until the DOJ comes down on these Insurrectionists, the attempted coup is still alive and ongoing.


And at least one Supreme Court Justices wife, if not more or including the Justices...


This coup involved all three branches of government. The Legislative branch with Republican Representatives and Senators to throw out legitimate votes to be able to use Trump's fake electors. The Executive branch with the Chief Insurrectionist as President. The Judicial branch with at least one SCOTUS Justice intimately involved in the planning and funding of January 6th, and who knows what else. This was far more coordinated than just the indictments we've seen so far. I wish the DOJ would do SOMETHING to show that they're on top of all these co-conspirators. This isn't over until everyone involved has been indicted and charged.


I get what you're saying, but I feel like a response to "this" has never really started. Getting all the small fish (and even then, doesn't seem to do much given the post) seems a moot point when all the operators you listed above seem to still be in the same positions, and in some cases, even more insulated. The Supreme Court majority is basically pissing on the rest of us at this point, "fuck you peasants trying to interfere in others bribing us, can't you see we've got a country to destroy?"


MAGAts play the long game. It’s a constant, slow moving coup.


Republicans have been moving chess pieces for over 45 years to get to this place. THAT'S why they back Trump. All those guys can't stand him. But they know the mouth breathers of this country do like him and are a cult. They can use the Cult of Personality to their advantage and enthrone a Theocracy and get the Seven Mountains Mandate going. They basically mapped it out in Project 2025 so it's like their Hail Mary Pass. We need to make sure they fumble.


Ironically the news is more focused on the 6 year old who made faces behind his dad on the house floor


That man was his just his father?


Yes, he was 45 when he married his 21 year old wife. But remember, it's the Democrats who are the pedophiles.


There's a reason why Republican states are trying to lower the marriage age to 12 years old.


Repub challenge: defend child marriage without using the words ripe or fertile


Even reading that just makes me feel a little ill. 🤮


...met her when she was 17.


... I hope he can get to see his sons graduation.


Do Republicans allow their chidren to graduate? I mean, education being evil and all.


Evil for thee but not for me! Their kids will get the best education because, unlike the rest of us, their kids deserve to have a good education.


Off to Bob Jones University with them, then. Only the best for our science-denying, theocratic, retrograde friends across the aisle.


That part!


The only people that believe that are the MAGA cultists. Everyone else knows that to be projection.


Yeah Republicans want to force abused children to marry their abusers, the way God Intended


Turns out the full Biblical definition of marriage is again, women and girls have no say in who they marry. Just wait. First they legalize child marriage, then they legalize arranged marriage. Got a debt to pay off? Just offer the guy you owe money to your daughter. Want to move up the social ladder at work? Have your daughter marry into a higher class. Don't worry about what she wants. Marriage isn't about "love", whatever that is. It's a tool for moving up in the world. /s But it's almost like they want European-style feudalism back. The CEOs and billionaires become the new nobility, and we all become serfs, and we are basically already there. But, I have a plan. I'll join my liege lord's army and hopefully I'll serve honorably enough that he shall award me a fief and small parcel of land. Then y'all can move in and become my serfs!


I can't believe it's gotten like this again, this fast, without everybody realizing


I think people have realized it, but these days the new nobility has all new tools to find and suppress peasants who revolt and dissent from their order. But don't worry. One day the children that your children will be forced to have might get to enjoy the pleasures and privilege that come with peerage, provided they can afford it. After all, poor nobles were little better than peasants.


The six year old that the man had with his child-bride*, don’t forget that part. *(She was nineteen when they married but the relationship began when she was a minor.)


Only watched for a bitI did notice fellows reactions. And thought they were odd. Didn’t place him as an insurrectionist tho. Would be worth an investigation if it was a coordinated event I think.


> if How could this be otherwise?


WOW they are in on this at such a high level! We need to investigate the staff during this event, as well as the Jan6th event these both scream inside job!


I will save you the effort, it was MTG.


Blatant intimidation strategy by Fascists


someone's probation officer just got a phone call


I wish.


Probably invited by the GOP.


Invited AND told where to sit.


There is no way the placement is accidental. Where is the FBI?


Breach of security.


He testified that all of his immediate family members need security now because of maga fueled death threats, and these traitors are allowed to sit directly behind him during the hearing?! This maga dog whistle is outrageous.


At this point, I would not be surprised if MTG one day pulls a gun on another member of Congress.


Boebert would be first. Or the pirate.


The pirate ? The guy with the eye patch who’s name is eluding me at the moment, is not on the GOP’s good side right now. He has been making comments that are not in line with the party’s messaging. So…he’ll get primaried for it I’m sure.


Crenshaw. He made a campaign video of him running around a warehouse shooting AOC targets or something. What has he been saying? Not backing the Russia push all of a sudden?


Not Russia this time, this was about the border bill : https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4443032-crenshaw-hits-gop-colleagues-opposed-to-border-deal-the-height-of-stupidity/ A while back..


Thank you


Didn’t he shoot his own eye out?


That was Ralphie


I mix these cosplaytriots up at times. Thank you.


Nice portmanteau.


The domestic terrorist militia guy? The one who stole his wife's college money to put himself through law school, made her strip/dance at clubs to support the household, encouraged her to do more for tips, and ~~eventually~~ *previously* shot his eye out?


Is this all true? The only thing I knew about he dude was the eyepatch.


True https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stewart_Rhodes Edit. The bit about making his do extra favors is in various news articles, but I guess too incendiary for Wikipedia. Or maybe pulled because it's his wife and she was a victim.


He's the guy who had his eye fucked out by mujahideen.


The memes with his janky district map covering as his patch is fucking hilarious. Literally the only time gerrymandering has been amusing.


Dan Crenshaw


It’s elude my man, was probably an overzealous autocorrect.


Yes, it always gets me ! Thx.


Railing works with Jim Jordan. It’s not the dumb ones, MTG and Boebert are what you see is what you get, they’re distractions who don’t do shit, that’s why people so easily turn on them all the time. The real puppet masters in the House are Jim Jordan, James Comer, Darrell Issa, and Andy Biggs. Those are your real threats to democracy, those are the people who would cynically use insurrectionists during a hearing to sow more divisive behavior in the country.


I didn't realize that piece of shit car thief Issa had managed to worm his way back into Congress, but I don't live in California anymore. God dammit....


Yeah, through my district too.


I'm so, so sorry. Nobody should have to put up with being "represented" by that "man".


He went farther north and east into a newly drawn district once vista sent him packing. I think he’s representing Ramona now, east into imperial county, and up to Murrieta and Temecula, and really just the east sides of those places.


Wait, Comer and Jordan are the smart ones? There's a reason no Democrats are shaking in their boots over the Republican threats of "revenge lawfare". The people who run investigations for Republicans couldn't find their assholes with both hands and a flashlight.


Not smart lol. Never said that. Just genuinely fascistic. Fascists tend to not be that smart.


Yep. First, fascinate the fools, then, muzzle the intelligent.


Exactly. WTF.


To make faces and mock his struggle, no less


Ya I rewatched this morning. And paid attention to them this time. Their reactions to him talking about the murder attempt was just appalling.


America seems riddled with traitors


Poor Fauci. A goober under each ear. You could not Photoshop two dumber looking aholes.


I heard 'Dueling Banjos' looking at these two trogs.


It's like somebody shot a particle at the Banjo Kid in the Hadron collider and he split into two distinct people who somehow don't look anything alike, but look just like Banjo.


Intimidation. Same tactic Trump used on Hillary Clinton during their debate, stalking her around the stage, hovering and scowling behind her. Not necessarily intimidation against Fauci personally. But it's sending a message that they'll do whatever they feel is necessary. Same reason Mafia Don pardoned a war criminal and other thugs and henchmen. Build a personal militia and stage them to be visible in every photo op.


They are pretty shit at defending against stunts at hearings, even at the supreme court. If you don't have weapons or a pink banner, inside out jackets with slogans, they are cool with ejecting people. In today's environment, you would think there would be a barrier as well, but no. [https://meidasnews.com/news/j6-convict-removed-from-fauci-hearing](https://meidasnews.com/news/j6-convict-removed-from-fauci-hearing)


Wow. That video clip was horrific. I hope this story gets traction and that there are actually consequences for the ringleaders


Wasn’t it ?! She was an immature, smug banshee ! Her snark was even poorly performed. Childish af. She should have been removed with them.


Thanks for the article. How in the hell did he get in there in the first place?!


How is this not bigger news?


*gestures broadly all around us*


This would be a great Fox News conspiracy piece… except, you know, it’s their demographic.


Because the Republicans wanted some of their own present to support them.


To be seated in that hearing, do people need to be invited or could any criminal just wander in there? These two idiots aren’t bright enough to think this stunt up on their own, so who in MAGA thought this up? Large Marge is the likeliest candidate as she’s the Queen of Tasteless Political Stunts… esp since she participated in the hearing.


Public can come. Depending on the hearing, industry lobbyists will pay line standers to show up first thing. The row directly behind the witnesses is reserved for their staffers, though they don’t always bring them. Almost certainly these two either got some Hill staffer to let them inside before the public line to get those seats (witnesses’ exact seats are labeled, so they knew where to go).


“Yes, my family and I get death threats every day…” Turns around and sees two death cult members.


Fellows could not possibly have a more punchable face


These natzees are sitting in the very building they attacked BEHIND ONE OF THEIR TARGETS?!? There needs to be repercussions!


Wouldn’t those two be considered potential threats to Doctor Fauci ?


Brandon Fellows, 30, was identified as the man making faces while Fauci was describing the death threats he and his family had received while he was overseeing the country's response to the pandemic. Fellows was later removed from Monday's hearing, and said Fauci "belongs in prison" as he was escorted out by security.


Wow! This is like a mob boss message... they look like hired goons too


they're definitely goons, the only question is if they're getting paid.


Because we didn’t learn shit from the Civil War. We went easy on the confederates. And we are doing the same mistakes with these insurrectionists.


I wouldn't be surprised that if these people are allowed into court rooms, how long will it be before people start disappearing?


It's going to start happening. They're already compiling lists. And it's not so much that there are high profile names like Fauci's on it. Your neighbors names are on it. Maybe even yours. Mine likely is.


Domestic terrorists going to terror


because insurectionist were conducting this sham.




I’m genuinely scared for Fauci and his family. No doubt he has to hire private security at a tremendous cost. Imagine having a private security guard with you JUST because you are doing your job!!!


I saw those clowns making faces, laughing and mouthing words as Fauci was talking. Very disgusting.


Allowed? More like invited. And I’d place a healthy bet on MTG being involved.


Jan 6 was an intentional operation by Republicans to overthrow the government. This includes paid agitators. These are two of them. That's my expectation, anyway.


Makes you wonder what kind of Security they have there. Two known insurrectionists were able to pass through security and sit directly behind Fauci!?! These two should have been banned from setting foot on Government property it not detained immediately.


The GOP is full of rapist pedophile insurrectionist loving traitors who bow to the 1% and don’t give a fuck anymore because trump showed them how’s it done. Fuck republicans and their supporters.


I know he isn't in the House but did the House committee find a way to include Rand Paul in this hearing? He actually may have a more punchable face than the 2 morons behind Dr. Fauci


Because politics has become a kin to pro wrestling. All fake and for entertainment purposes.


I’m not entirely sure that these right wing psychopaths are that pro wrestling is not real.


Hah, fair point friend!


Just another GOP shitshow put on by fantastically unserious people. Now that Fauci is out of gov't, I don't know why he didn't just tell them all to go fuck themselves, especially Margie Three-toes. Just sit there and tell them how fucking dumb they are right to their stupid faces.


This is going to make a lot of (D) Party-line voters. GOP is corrupt, incompetent, and dangerous.


So house members placed insurrectionists right behind Dr. Fauci with the intent to promote sedition?


This needs to elevate passed just reddit comments. Who do we need to contact to get an investigation into this?


Personal invites I’m assuming from MTG


Dude on the left looks like he's there on accident - like his brain shut off after the usual active 5 minutes per day and he wandered into the hearing. The motherfucker on the right looks like a science experiment to create the most punchable face in existence


Correction: traitors would be a more appropriate term for these two traitors


Because Three Toed Klanmom needs an audience of her fellow sycophants whenever possible...


Either blatant incompetence with regard to security, malicious intent or both. Either way, entirely unacceptable, irresponsible and needs to be investigated. The dildo on the left is publicly telling people he’s going to kill people on his little hit list, he’s a domestic fucking terrorist. The punchable face on the right is a felon, facing prison time for J6 and has shown complete and utter disregard for the law. These traitorous fucking morons shouldn’t be allowed within 1000 feet of the building, let alone sitting directly in view during a hearing. What in the cartoonish clown fuck world is going on!


The is malicious intent, no question about it.


Why would Marjorie Taylor Greene do this?


I want you to think about that, I mean really think about who she is, what she talks about, what's important to her image and constituents.


I think he forgot the "/s" at the end of his post


guys got some DSL


Were there to intimidate? This needs to be investigated!


Because the panel was also run by insurrectionist traitors.


Because they are the ones this farce of a hearing is by and for. This is their way of advertising their control to the cult and showing that anyone who dares contradict the current party line for any reason will be punished.


“They’re crisis actors paid to act in front of the camera.” Right, isn’t that what trumpets say? “INDUSTRY PLANTS!”


Guess who sent the threats? I'll give you 2 chances.


Those expressions are straight out of a satire skit


# why were insurrectionists allowed to attend a house panel interviewing Dr Fauci today? ______ Because the hearings are open to the public, even to treason weasels. They eventually got hustled out after making repeated monkey faces for the camera.


Fine people on both sides eh Marge ?


Those terrorists should have been put to death.


They look like something spewed by the Rittenhouse gene pool.


That's fucking absurd. Maybe an intimidation tactic? Watch your back.


Evil is creepy, all the time.


It’s all so fucking performative


Oh, them. They were there to smear shit on the walls, if needed.


I was wondering who these chuckle f¥(ks we’re behind him, scoffing and rolling their eyes when he said he uses the scientific method.


Why do you think…


Because their unindicted co-conspirators are the ones who arranged the hearing.


Bald guy taking a break from being on that Queen album cover.


Republicans hate America.


🙄 They think shit is cute... until it comes back to bite them in the ass. Then they whine and cry.🙄


Someone needs to alert their probation officers. Like, right now.


Because the Nazis have infiltrated the highest levels of our government. It's over


Stupid is winning because the theives desire it.


Two of the most punchable faces in the world


Needed somewhere to make insufferable faces behind faucci


The enemies are at the gates


Nope, the enemies are already in the inner sanctuary.


To make threats.




Holy shit I went to elementary school with Brandon! Wttfffffff


They were probably invited by Moscow Marge


These two fucking swinging dicks are a disgrace. Raiklin is a retired LT Col. Recall him, court martial, take his pension for being a traitor. Flynn needs taken down too. I am a veteran, retired DOD/DON employee. The other stupid face, Brandon will cross the wrong person with his stupid, he will loss.


GOP insiders snuck them in just like they did on 1/6.


Allowed? Or *invited*?


How were they even allowed in the building?


These people are like naughty, undisciplined children, seeing how far they go in their misbehavior.


Putin is laughing his ass off.


Because that’s how republicans roll now. Even their Presidential Nominee is a convict… so this is just more of the “normal” for the MAGA cultists


Who brought these guys there?


The message is that these public servants are not safe, even during a congressional hearing.


Trump must go. To jail. He is responsible for misinformation during the pandemic that killed Americans.


Trump suckin Magas are going to drive this country into the grave. This is all out bullshit! Trumo committed insurrection and yet FOOLS still follow the shit pants orange fucker!


Is the secret service in on all of this? There needs to be a house cleaning. Properly.


This whole thing is a huge fucking scam.


I think you can guess it by yourself very well. Either intimidation tactics or just sheer justice system corruption. Under the Sun.


Its a threat. Magas are the modern brownshirts.




Because the hearing is being run by insurrectionists.


Insurrectionists like Empty G? Why is she not in prison?


They already knew their way around. But seriously, put their picture up on the cash register.


This sub’s name says it all


Did MAGAT Mike not blur their faces?


Intimidation tactic by repubs in charge of the panel.