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Check for shorted caps around M92, continuity on fuse near usb port, also, filter near usb port. And caps near BQ, and continuity on 2r2 inductor.


Just making sure... You tried reversing the USB C cable on both ends? Inside of port damaged?


It got a new port. - cable works fine with other Nintendo.


Check for shorted caps around the M92 chip - the console isn't negotiating voltage with the USB-C charger and M92 is responsible for that. Also you said it has had a new port, which I'm assuming means the old one was damaged, and a damaged port often causes damage to M92. If there are no shorts around it, check the caps around the BQ chip, and also the fuse above the charge port. Although M92 can still be bad without causing shorts.


I would recommend TronicsFix on YouTube. When he’s restoring/repairing Switches, this is the area is focuses most heavily on, and will show you how and where to test capacitors related to charging and what voltage you should be expecting for both slow/fast charging


take a picture of the inside of the port as well.