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Disproportionate and reactionary media coverage creates more of a divide between people, so we get really aggressive vegans and aggressive anti vegans. Meeting and talking to people with certain views is a lot different from seeing inaccurate coverage of them/ being told what's wrong with them on tv




Considering there are 1 million vegans out of 331,000,000, 10x more aggressive anti vegans means there are waaaaaay more aggressive vegans per capita than non vegans. https://worldanimalfoundation.org/advocate/how-many-vegans-are-in-the-world/ That being said, anyone who walks into a restaurant expressly to start an argument is a dumb dumb.


Fr it’s not like we’re judging you, it’s just our personal choice, surely we all get too choose what we eat?


I was bitten by a gay vegan and now I’m having… cravings.


If all it takes to make you gay is pressure from the internet then you were gay this entire time


Straight meat eater here, in my 48 years of life I’ve never felt any pressure at all to be anything other than I am. Maybe google “projection”.


Heterosexual relationships dominate the media and we are surrounded by fast food selling fried meat, so I'd venture to say you are wrong.


Vegetables are so gay!


For real... imagine the incredible levels of fragility that must sit behind someone thinking that eating a salad or some beans, is "gay".


There's a lot of gay vegans in this sub.


I’m gay and I feel there is a concerted effort to make me straight. It seems I’m not accepted in many parts of the country. Every time I turn on the tv I see straight relationships.


Gay vegan communists.


Omg I wish, don't tease me like that.


Gay vegan communist liberal illegal aliens who want to take our guns away while my tax dollars go to pay for their needles so they can inject heroin into their eyeballs


Its just you buddy.




Seems like a bunch of closet gays that hate their own skin. Like how is people in tv shows or movies being gay or a vegan a problem for you? Tempted by the sassy grassy lifestyle? I dont get it lol


They think their bigotry has the highest philosophical and ethical ideals and that somehow veganism and being a gay prevent people from living life to the fullest and infringes on others’ rights of freedom. Narcissism at its least conscientious


Yh like my viewpoint is the most righteous so I’m going to force it upon you. Get a grip good Lord. Can almost guarantee anyone on this thread has never had a personal negative interaction with a gay or a vegan and even if they have it’s probably because they spoke first…




I’m not your buddy, pal


Im not your pal, Guy


I think you just outed yourself buddy.






First the frogs now the men


just more dividing propaganda playing on your sexual insecurities if that's how you feel, they're winning. remember the real divide will always be between those with more capital and those with next to or even nothing.


How do you "make" someone a gay vegan?


my promoting it from early age


Is that how you turned straight? You think there’s something you could see to turn you gay?


In that case we shouldn’t promote anything. If you actually want to see what someone’s in-biased (and unbiased but in biased as a typo works in it’s own incorrect little pseudo meaning) uninformed opinion is, we should send all kindergarten age children into the wilderness until adulthood. Everything is brainwashing. We have no opinions and our morals are influenceable. Whether our minds are the philosophical Tabula Rasa remains to be see in it’s entirety but literally everything you see informs your opinion. If promotion from an early age worked, then no one would ever leave or question the church. Next suggestion please.


Moral blackmail regarding suffering animals. Soy does the rest.


Why should animals suffer in those conditions. Why is it fair to keep them locked up in pens until it’s judgement day, and they look the tastiest. Do you have no empathy? They have eyes just like you and me, and a soul within. Maybe in your next life you’ll come back as a nice juicy calf waiting to become a beef burger. Does that sound nice?




Let’s take away the mystery for you. There are, at least in terms of vegan through claiming of moral superiority. There is also a group actively trying to make you feel like there’s a group pushing a gay agenda. There’s a group that wants you to have the opinion that gay people are awful. There’s a group that wants you to have the opinion that all the other planets are round. There’s a group that wants you to think that oil pipeline leaks are good for the environment. There’s a group that wants you to think Joe Biden is doing a good job and one that wants you to think he’s doing a bad job and one that want you to think he’s not even the one doing the job. There are so many various groups that all have opinions, that all want you to also have their opinion. We live in an age of information. We have access to it in unprecedented levels, we have access to communications with nearly everyone on the planet. This puts us in the crossfire of the war for the mind. Some people want power, power requires influence, and now more than ever are people able to influence one another. But, to assume that only one group is practicing any form of indoctrination tells of an inner naïveté. Which is why it is important to practice real critical thinking and philosophy. Learn to challenge your own opinions or other people will till the fertile soil of your mind for you. If the media that talks about being gay resonates, just ask yourself if you are friend and if you are then accept yourself. If you aren’t then accept yourself. Where’s that propaganda? Learn to accept yourself so you don’t have to see acceptance from the world.


It's me, I want you to be gay and vegan. Do it. Eat a broccoli and kiss a man. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.


The old broc and cock approach


AHAHAHAH Thanks for the laugh king


Gonna have to get this t-shirt. Front: Eat a Broccoli Kiss a Man Back: KingCarrot Org


TL;DR: I think its mostly that gays wanted representation after centuries of being villainised. Modern corporations bastardised this in order to sell more products. Its a corporate agenda, not a gay one. Is there a chance, any chance at all, that representation of things like gay relationships and fringe ideas like veganism were surpressed by the powers that be for centuries. so now when you show representation, it sticks out and upsets people who liked things the way they were? Is there a chance of that? (Also corporations see the turning tide and hop on the bad wagon, using it to make you buy products. Example: "you've all decided that we should accept homosexuality, but you can only show that by buying these rainbow products" or "oh you like gays?? Well we'l shoehorn these poorly written gay characters into our media so you HAVE to watch it or you're homophobic!")


The instinctual drive for a biological man to seek out a mate is a very strong thing. There is no way even half of the people are going to be that influenced by "the woke agenda". Though even if they were, as long as it was with rational discussion, I don't see the problem. The whole world could turn gay tommorow and I wouldn't care. If they were doing surgery on peoples brains or beaming some magic mind control ray onto the public that would be different, but making woke movies and stuff like that? Let them loudly express themselves and whoever wants to join can join. We live in a society and this is just how ideas spread, you can still choose to make up your own mind about it.


“If they were doing surgery on peoples brains or beaming some magic mind control ray onto the public that would be different” Dude, don’t give the sub that idea!


Finally what this sub would need. More about Neuralink and H.A.A.R.P., the good ol‘ mind control stuff, not thousands of post of guys with obviously already controlled minds.


Those who are serious theorists already know. In 1988 OFEQ-1 was launched by the Israeli defense ministry and manufactured by Israeli Aerospace industry, the first of many subsequent satellites. This was the beginning of the implementation of a decades, perhaps centuries long gay communist zionist conspiracy to turn on world populations, fulfilling the ancient prophecy that "they will turn on each other". Men turned onto men, and women turned on to women. Using frequencies, they can change peoples sexual preference undetected - from space. These Jewish ultra-violet space lasers also rig elections in order to pass gay agendas. A secret society of Good Americans have retreated to Idaho and Montana and are currently in preliminary efforts to devise a way to shoot down these satellites.


This would be a great tv series 😂




I can say the same. My mother's best friends are all gay men. I've been around them since I was a child, so about thirty five years. Been with my gf for 7yrs now. Not gay, and no desire to be gay.


I just want you to know that 60 years ago there were plenty of people saying “It’s like they’re trying to define black people as equal to whites! That sort of change threatens me!” Society is constantly evolving, you can either grow with it or stand still and watch it leave you in the dust


Talking from person experience, it is 0% a choice and is fully how your brain is wired.


I think you mean the ESG policy that the financiers are trying to push. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNUpcfBOsos


Guess the algorithm reflects your search history and social media interests.


Could you be compelled to become gay?


Atrazine actually does make the frickin' frogs gay


I ate broccoli once, and it made me want to kiss a man. No, sir, only raw liver and bull testicle are touching these lips now.


That's what some dudes actually sound like. Like they're concerned that if they eat a salad even once, they're gonna end up at a gloryhole an hour later. Hate to break it to them, but if eating some broccoli makes someone wanna bang a dude, it ain't the broccoli that's at fault here lol.


Just come out already, stop looking for an excuse.


I wonder if OP feels pressured to be black when he sees black people represented in media too.


Where's this massive push for veganism lol?


If you can get turned gay by media, you probably wasn't straight to begin with.


EXACTLY you can’t be straight if you doubt your sexuality😂. Straight is very easily defined you either like the opposite sex or you dont😂.


I've never felt the slightest pressure to be gay or vegan. Are you feeling urges?


Gay vegetarian here… Yep. I make it my mission to recruit as many as possible. A bit like Scentsy, Avon, or any other MLM. The more on my upline, the more I get paid.


Gay man here. George Soros sends me a check for every straight man I convert.


I recently bought a house with the royalty checks I get from talking about tofu and beans online. Big Broccoli pays very well.


I don’t think it’s that extreme, but bisexual vegetarians, for sure.


As a bisexual vegetarian I just want to say I'm doing this out of my own free will lol


Its just you


Nah yer probably just into dongs dude


Who tf would benefit from everybody being gay? Humanity would die out


People ain’t going Vegan. They care about pleasure way too much to sacrifice for animals, environment, whatever. Ive been Vegan ten years and throughout that time a lot of my friends have tried and all have quit. Unless someone truly wants something for him or herself, they won’t change.


For real. I've been vegan for nearly 30 years and when I see weird headlines like this post, I'm like "uhhh what?". The sad fact is that vegans are still only like *maybe* 1-2% of the population, if even that. Meanwhile, the government & the meat and dairy industry are in bed together and collectively spend billions to push their narratives around meat and dairy being healthy and necessary to eat at every single meal... that's the *real* (and well documented) conspiracy here, not veganism.


It's you. And other people who have weird alpha apex hunter dominant complex. Gay people and vegans are not even a new thing and both have been around longer than you've been alive.


It’s just you


You’re asking the app filled with gay vegans lmao


Population control and submission


I'd like you to tell me about a single time where someone tried to convert you to be gay or vegan


I also get told daily to eat vegan and be gay. Do you have any coping mechanisms I can use to resist? I’m starting to lose it!!!!


It's you, if you want to celebrate your culture, great. Do it in a non-aggressive and accepting way. Maybe others will join you or feel ok about celebrating their culture. No LGBT community wants to convert you, just get you to not condemn them, and vegans want us to stop killing animals because they think it's morally wrong which is fine provided they don't go too far in their actions.


This is satire yeah?


Depopulation and a more malleable left over populace. It's Brave New World and 1984 combined


There’s a big effort to popularize both of those things yes


Just you.


Watch The Great Food Truck Race on Food Network, concerted effort to push the gay and vegan food trucks to win!


What is a gay vegan?


I’m vegan, but I’m not gay. www.yourconstruct3.blogspot.com


Gays eat a lot of meat if you know what I mean


Sometimes you just gotta grab that dick by the balls


Ah I love this sub Reddit


Nothing wrong with being gay or vegan




The plan is to split people into lots of different "tribes". Focus on the differences rather than the similarities.




Nothing wrong with being vegan






Could it be that humans are born on the spectrum of bisexuality, but our culture molds us to be one or the other? Culture has the ability to counteract biology and produce conditional reactions.


It's you.


Hmmm I haven't noticed it, but then I'm not a closed gay vegan fighting the urge...


Nah this is just you fighting your urges you sassy grassy boy. I’m gonna toot my own horn here with no remorse but I like bitches there is no tv show or cartoon or movie that could make not like fucking a pussy hole, I’ve never had to question it. This isn’t hate I’m just saying if you have to ask yourself the question then you probably want a dick in your ass in your mouth and bounced off your face😂😂😂 no hate I just can’t identify with the idea that something can turn you gay. I’ve been in prison, I watch pro wrestling, I watch all sorts of modern tv shows/movies with gay characters, I live in Atlanta and I am black and I’ve been hit on by gays. It’s straight up never even been a question for me if you have gay thoughts or think something is turning you gay......you is gay bro just be yourself. I know a dude who went to church cure him of being gay lol just be gay dudes live a life scared of themselves closeted homos make real gays look very brave at least they aren’t scared. OP be yourself if you need to experiment I mean this: go play with some fat D 😭😭😭😭




it’s not just you


It’s you, lunatic


It’s 2023 dude it’s gay not to be gay


Just you


It’s just you.


It’s just you


Just you




Sexless, spiritualless, culturaless, skilless, and thoughtless.


The only thing making you gay are those sexy dudes.


I think society has over corrected on the gay representation for a large multitude of reasons. Like when Hollywood didn’t wanna look racist for casting black people as ‘the first to die’ so they started a whole trend of old magic black guys. Being accepting of others is ethical. And ethical is marketable so they advertise the hell out of it. Vegan is the same way. It’s inherently ethical to be vegan so it’s marketed heavily.


Lol. I think it’s just you worrying if your gay or not.


If we were ruled by gay commies, we would all be eating better, fewer wars, and holidays would be FABULOUS.


It’s just you now stop blaming kale for your asshole hurting


Is OP already gay and really terrified that he’s skewing towards being a vegan now? We are now living in a time where more and more people are comfortable being who they want to be, that’s it. I know it’s uncomfortable for you because maybe you are afraid of change or maybe you are changing. Everyone has one life to live and the sooner you stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, the happier you will be.


Alex Jones go to bed


What’s wrong with being a gay vegan?


This thread is full of carrot munching ass pirates


Are you just now noticing this?


It is just you. Suck a dick if you want, or eat a puss, it is nobody business and if you feel like seeing different people in the media is a form of indoctrination, maybe you just know you are really weak and scared for yourself because this is not how it works.


It’s always the gayest mfs who have issues with the gays. Look into projecting if you want a conspiracy and go suck some dick and move on with your life


Just you. If you think anything anyone does is going to make you gay then you’re already gay and just can’t admit it


Lol OP is trolling right. But at least it'll get people talking..


Lmao. My content on Reddit has to follow the rules to a tee, with no breaking of the rules at all or I face punishment. Then I scroll towards stuff like this and smile.


😂🤣😂🤣 I have been a vegetarian for over 20 years and always trying to be a vegan. Unfortunately I am not gay, though I think life would be easier if I was. You should pretend to be a vegan for a week to understand how we are treated. People get really nasty and offended when I explain that I won’t eat something because I am a vegan. Sometimes I say I have food allergies to spare me from being insulted


The absolute worst is when everyone is happily eating and they stop and are like "omg can I eat meat in front of you?!?! Is this okay? Are you grossed out??" No dude I literally couldn't care less but thanks a ton for drawing all this unwanted attention towards me. I had a coworker a couple years ago who did that every single day at lunch. Annoying AF.


It’s just you


Omg go outside and touch some grass.


There’s no vegan agenda because have u seen how expensive it is to be a vegan fucking hell. If they wanted everyone to be a vegan it’d be cheap as chips. Still as a vegan I’ve never got into any sort of confrontation over being vegan unless it’s some meat eater who feels the need to flaunt there kebab meat and tell how good tastes and how I’m missing out or whatever. Eat whatever you want mate I could not care less. Let people eat what they want to eat, not everything’s a government agenda or a political statement Jesus Christ…


For real, meat eaters are *WAY* preachier than any vegan I've ever come across. The government lavishes subsidies and corporate welfare on the meat & dairy industry and got the USDA to push their wacky "food pyramid" in an effort to get people to eat ever more meat & dairy. If anything, society and the government and advertisers spending billions to push meat & dairy on everyone as hard as they can, is the real conspiracy... not veganism lol.


It's you OP. It's definitely you.


No they're just trying to get you


Gay people can’t procreate together and removing meat from the diet makes them weaker. You do the math.


100% before this gets downvoted to hell or taken down


Just you. It's an effort to get people like you to be more *tolerant*


Just you. This is so fucking stupid.


Yes, they have been trying to demasculinize men for a while


Gay isn't "demasculine". People can be masculine and gay. Masculinity isn't defined by objectifying women.


You can't just make someone gay that's not how it works


Not turn, but populize these things, yeah.


yes, they promote vegan and lgbt more


Take every commercial, social media post, and tv show and add up the themes. You’ll quickly see that non-vegan straightness rules by a high margin….


Just you I’m afraid. It’s an option, not mandatory.


Definitely just you. Live your own life bro


Yes, they really are trying to make you, and only you, a gay vegan. Who did you piss off?


What ever the agenda is… it’s just thinning out the heard. I’m all for it. Educate your kids and your loved ones.


No you’re just scared of any one who is different than you.


We have to look non-threatening when the aliens get here so they don't destroy us


Lol what a weird way to come out of the closet, props to you for addressing your diet though.


I like vegan (whole, plant based foods - not processed) but the way they push it like you’re a good global citizen for eating vegan is really concerning. And lord knows I don’t do the gay thing so. Yeah.


Who is pushing it? I live in a major city and have a close friend who is vegetarian, and I have noticed they many places have limited vegetarian options and very few vegan options, even in a big liberal city.


Exactly. I've been vegan for nearly 30 years, and while it's gotten a lot easier and there's a lot more options around, it's hardly even remotely close to being "mainstream". At most, a lot of restaurants have a veggie burger, or like 1 or 2 items that might be vegan, but 95% of the rest of the menu is still standard meat/dairy stuff. Vegans are *maybe* 1-2% of the population last time I googled the statistic, so it's hardly like vegans are calling ANY of the shots. If they did, they'd probably end the lavish government subsidies for the meat & dairy industry which keeps that stuff artificially cheap.


It's literally you. If you have some one telling you what to eat you're a child. If you think some one is telling you what gender you be attracted to, I got news for ya buddy. The call is coming from inside the house.


It's just you weirdo




Not sure that's how it works


No there isnt.


Finding companionship and consuming food are basic human needs. Nobody else cares how to choose to fill them, so you do you.


Do u have something to tell us


Duh, one world, one religion, one sex. They push it so much in the media that you question everything including your "choices". It's all about getting people worked up and bam they start moving towards what they think is revolutionary when really it's just way to get you to hate something. Wether it be gay, white, black, purple, meat factory, or veggie smasher. Everyone has an opinion about something. When propaganda hits in the media that favors a certain party the opposing gets a hair up their ass. It's all part of the plan my friend. Sit back eat a carrot, take up the bum, and enjoy the show!


How does what someone else chooses for their life make you be the same? Are you affected by social constraints where the thought of being gay or being vegan is only limited by what you perceive as expectation of others?


Just. You.


Its the globalist agenda, the do this on purpose to reduce the population. We live in dark times, brother.


yes and it's a part of demasculinization Of society process




No one can "make you" do anything you don't want to do.


We in the biz call this globo homo . It’s a veil for Marxism.




I don't know what media you're looking at because you can't just make people gay. 🙄 just like conversion therapy doesn't work. Stoop listening or reading dumb sshit. No one is making you gay or vegan.


Making people weak and feminized benefits those in power. Weak, feminized men and women don't fight back. They follow not lead. It makes sense.


How does turning people gay feminize them?


> Making people weak and feminized benefits those in power. Which is exactly what eating a lot of meat & breast milk products will do to people. Ironic, huh? Female cows lactate and there is mammalian estrogen in their breast milk. "All milk (whether from cows, goats, humans, or porpoises) naturally contains small amounts of various hormones, including estrogen and progesterone" - Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-does-dairy-affect-your-hormone-levels/ Seems pretty odd that grown adult men would want to consume breast milk that has estrogen in it, right? Guess what *doesn't* have estrogen in it? Plants.


It’s you


Don’t repress it dude. Embrace the gay vegan lifestyle. One of us! One of us!


It’s not just you. People that think it’s just you are dumb as hell and can stay blind for all I care


It's just you


Gay is the new black.


They are. Add weak to the agenda. If you exercise you are a right wing white supremacists.


But gay people exercise even more than straight people.


You guys really believe this stuff?


I feel like we're awkwardly trying to switch to the ant model where most population doesn't breed, is of the same gender, and does most work. But I feel this shift is confused because we, as a species, can't have a "queen". It can only work in very few scenarios: * Artificial reproduction (artificial womb) * Artificial humans (androids, AI) * Forced evolution of human genome * Almost eternal lifespans Or another scenario I'm calling "Where we're going we don't need humans!": The change is driven by the cultural component of our species and doesn't take into account that it still needs biological substrate to survive. But evolution is blind, and eusocial species can't reverse their direction past the point of no return.




I have a whole theory about how human civilization is a hybrid phenomenon of a biology and information. It's too out there to mention in other subreddits. If information has its own parallel evolution, it follows that it will evolve an aggressive stain that will eliminate less aggressive competition even if it's bad for its own sustainability. It happened in biological evolution multiple times, that's why we have the same genetic code (i.e. the way genome encodes proteins) accross every modern organism.


Who’s the they here?


I’m a vegan and I’m not gay


Is.... is this the new Alex Jones reaction of that chemical in the water reaction?


It’s just you


It's not just you but you need to realize everything you're seeing represented and promoted now that you never noticed before is being driven by ESG scores. There has never been a reason to market things to 3% of the population but now there is a corporate imperative to do just this. Hence every second advert is now a black lesbian couple. ESG scores, what are they, why are they and who do they benefit? This is the game.


It's obviously just you yes.


Na you're right but if you say something about it reddit will suspend your account for a week.


Everyone here is going to ridicule you, but there's estrogen in the drinking water and they're trying to take away our farms that produce meat. The number of people identifying as LGBT has gone up each year. It's now double what it was in 2012.


Fun fact - there's estrogen in dairy milk. It's literally breast milk from a female lactating mammal, which many people don't seem to realize. That's why it's incredibly ironic and funny to see meat-eaters clutching their pearls about "feminizing men" when they are quite literally the ones consuming estrogen. Guess what *doesn't* have estrogen? Plants. (And before anyone replies, soy has *phyto*estrogen, which is far weaker and less potent than mammalian estrogen)