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It's great to have video documentation that he has in fact learned all of these tricks, so that when he chooses not to listen as an adult you'll have the proof.


lol! This hit.


LOLLL fr tho🥲 it really feels like I taught my foxhound mix in a dream


Just wait till he decides it’s offensive for you to expect compliance. He’s gonna loudly humph at you one day. Prepare yourself. It’s quite possibly cuter than the spinning.


I have a setter and she definitely humphs occasionally when I remind her she sits at crosswalks and doesn’t cross until she sits.


I’ve got that video too!!!!! Just trying not to clog up the feed too much 😅


My toxic trait is I see a cute coonhound and think I need another one


The foster home I got him from had SIX of 8 in the litter at her house. I can’t even imagine having enough energy for two atm.


What a darn cute puppy!


Omg ours makes the exact same expression when you tell him wait.


I adore watching your delightful baby boy. There's another video I cherish and have viewed repeatedly because it's also incredibly adorable. I believe your guy outshines it, though I hesitate to admit... with time, he may add his unique twist as he grows more assertive, which they tend to do. The YouTube short is certainly worth the brief watch. \*edited link [link to youtube short of Bluetick doing tricks](https://youtube.com/shorts/SeQmrYEqwME?si=bQxNF324RpIVOTde)


What a smart boy! Just a couple tips if you're interested: At this age it's a good idea to have a really high reinforcement rate so it solidifies each cue separately. Don't worry about giving too many training treats at this point cause he's still a growing boy :) For the wait cue: ideally you only want to say it once. If he's rushing the treat then try working with lower value treats or less time. If he rushes the treat make sure you cover it with your hand or foot and reset and try again. In general you don't want to add a word/cue until you're 90% confident they're going to do what you want. If you do it too early and too often then it'll probably burn the word and they'll start ignoring it. For waiting and ignoring food you can even just set food somewhere you can easily cover when they try and take it. Don't say anything or give any cues. Then once they start looking away or ignoring it you treat with a separate, possibly even higher value treat. This one has the bonus that they'll eventually learn to ignore food that's left out. (Though I'm not sure that's totally possible with hounds haha).


Hey great advice thanks! I love learning training stuff, and lord knows we need as much knowledge as possible with this stubborn mule in a dog suit we have fighting us every step of the way. Thank GOD they’re food motivated.


The only one I’ve tended to repeat or even needed to is the wait signal, as he was r e a l l y not having it the first few days we tried. The best trick that helped him learn it was starting with placing dinner down on the floor with the command, and if he rushed it, I would stand back up. He’s so smart, he picked up in no time. But I appreciate the feedback! He definitely does get a ton of posi reinforcement when I’m not holding the phone haha.


You're doing a great job! I mainly mentioned those things cause they were mistakes I made early on lol


Hounds are the smartest breed I've ever owned. They're also the most evil. Don't teach him too much, or he'll change all the locks one day while you're at work and order $350 of pay-per-view. Don't ask how I know.


This got a good laugh 😂


You forgot the pizza and beer. They ARE hound dogs, after all.


I like that the dad laughs when he gives spin around bc he is so ridiculously cute doing it🤣that’s me


The ear really got me!


Toulouse is perfect. Good boy


The ear flip 🥹❤️


Wow what a smart cutie! Good job dad


Appreciate you!


Precious! I’m guessing a good bloodline. Makes all the difference in the world. Beautiful baby.


So cute


Adorable 🥰


Omg this is why r/coonhounds is my favorite social media 😍




Yeah, he'll wisen up pretty soon and stop listening to you except for when he decides it benefits him.


Gosh he is too cute


Hounds always do. They're both people pleasers and food motivated. Put the two together and they'll be flying like Dumbo within two hours.