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Bought this to play it co op with my boyfriend during the kickstarter. Now we own a home together and have a baby and multiplayer still feels so far away. We won't have time for it now anyway.


Congratulations but yeah that's sad about not having time to play.


Thank you. But yeah it's a shame but maybe in 4-5 years when it's maybe actually complete we'll be able to do 3 player co op!


You're welcome and thank you too and I was born legally blind so I'm slowly losing my vision and that's making doing anything hard along with my other disabilities let alone play games. I just deleted it off my PS5 though I'm only going to keep one game on there and use it to watch YouTube on my 50-inch TV sometimes when I'm not with my boyfriend in the living room or apartand I can watch my tablet.


Stardew is the way to go then for the need of multiplayer. While waiting for mp in Coral. Also new parents here ;p


I got this a couple of days ago on console as my “peace and relaxing moment” from the new Elden ring dlc… it’s really good I just wished they would’ve “finished” a majority of it so I don’t have to be waiting for something new to happen


I've had it for quite a while too and congratulations I don't play games like elden ring and dragon's dogma and stuff like that I only have like two or more games that I play but I have a whole bunch in my digital collection I don't have any more physical copies because I gave them the needy kids if you want a couple more games like elden ring get dragon's dogma 1 and 2 but I literally can't play it because it's just too intense for me but the animated movie is great on Netflix if you ever get a chance to watch it I watched that years ago when I had Netflix. And I played the demo of the game on PlayStation 4 which I had for 9 years then it broke and then I moved and now I have a PlayStation 5 and I bought dragon's dogma and dragon's dogma 2 and I just can't handle how intense the content is but anyways congratulations for having a relaxing game I was told that they will finish it eventually and they're going to be even adding multiplayer!


This was so hard to read. Please use correct punctuation in the future 😭


Ooips i got carried away lol sorry.


I've been playing it for a loooong while now and personally right now the game is in a pretty decent state. Although I wish they they'd work more on their dialogues and storytelling because that hasn't changed in a while and it's underwhelming. Gameplay-wise though, it's more than okay. Sincerely, coming from someone that SPAMS farming games.


Can you please tell me why the game is incomplete? I have it on ps5 and absolutely love it and have no issues so far. What is missing from the game?


There's a lot missing from the late game, like the missions/quests/etc that are farther out. I don't know exactly bc I don't want to spoil it for myself, but there are update layouts online. And I'm on console 😂 so I'm especially behind om content. All the being said, I absolutely love this game. I played startdew for a long time, and this feels like a great game to play after it


Hehe okay :) I had no problems either so far and now I just restarted again because I was focusing on other games and I kind of him jumping around from one to one to one game. Three games on my PS5 plus I watch a ton of YouTube probably far too much LOL


Idk. I got it in early access and feel ripped off at this point. Full release my ass


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I'll say the same thing I always say. if EA relesed this game like this, this unfinished, $30 game, saying it's done, but you're going to hit a LITERAL WIP WALL. yall would lose your mind. but it's a 'cute small indie dev so we can forgive them straight up lying and still misrepresenting what you can do in the game rn' the devs lied. this game wasn't done. they pulled it out of alpha, said it was done with a 1.0 (1.0 means DONE) still says you can do stuff on the Steam page that you can't (with no indication you can't) did they ever fix the 1000 lines if dialog missing from their social life game? and now they're updating us very 3 months?? and doing beta testing?? that's absolutely insane. I love this game but no amount of love is gonna blind me to the gross way they released it.


I don't feel riped off since they are clearly still working on it, but I agree that it's nowere near a full release yet, I just wish they had been honest and kept it on early acess for a few more updates before calling it a 1.0


It's the "full release" part that makes me feel ripped off.


I feel kind of torn, I understand both sides. I definitely think it should still be under the early access label, but I'm more forgiving because it's an indie studio and I wasn't exactly expecting it to be 100% even when they did take it out of early access.


yeah, I guess I am in the same boat,I knew there would be some rough edges and some things yet to be implemented, but at the same time there are more unfinished things than I expected.


Fair, I think more people are frustrated at the fact that instead of having a clean cut, there are partially implemented quests and things like that. I really think if they didn't include "WIP" in the late game questlines and instead just made it where you couldn't get those quests until they're complete, would be much more satisfying to players. Like yeah, there may not be *more* content to do, but at least it's not incomplete content.


We can only hope it’ll be finished soon. It has potential but it should have been pretty much finished or close to done.




Well that's good to know I mean I can still do a lot but I was just wondering if it was ever going to be fully finished


I’m confused, I bought the game for my Steam deck last week and it’s been amazing so far - I haven’t run into a single glitch or anything that is obviously unfinished. Am I missing something?


the game just isn't done, and it sold itself as done. & still is selling itself as such. there's early game content, yes, but that doesn't excuse the fact there's no late game content and you'll hit a literal pop up that says 'the storyline is a WIP' in a 1.0 game. along with that, you can't date & cant really interact with the mermaids at all, (that update is in beta right now and just happened, & given mermaids are a big selling point in the mermaid game a lot of people are mad) now that I think about it really nothing for the ocean done in the game which is kinda crazy lol. no farming, no going in houses, no talking, etc. there was a bug preventing 'hundreds of lines of dialog' in their social game. the romance isn't done/is still buggy. no late game romance like kids, etc. I don't even think the townies even have festival outfits?? no Halloween costumes for sure. and the Town Rank isn't done. a lot of people have been playing since early access, and the swap to 1.0 has. . . nothing really new. nothing I think most of us expected, mermaids being the bare minimum. along with that, there are still *a lot* of bugs. more have been ironed out over the past two updates, but if you browse the subbreddit, you'll see lots of posts about bugs. it's a great game, I've been following it for years, but I think if any other company released a game this way, they'd be eaten alive. I just hope it actually improves, but it really feels like it's gonna take 2-3 years to get the whole game.


a lot of what you said isn’t necessarily accurate! i can enter mermaids houses and i had two kids in year 4! definitely depends on how fast you take the game :)


respectfully, it doesn't depend on how fast you take the game when it just isn't done. you shouldn't have to take a finished game slow to not hit a WIP wall lol. I'm glad you can enter the houses of the mermaids now lol. still can't date them xD which is heavily advertised. I'm more so talking about things being complete, not just being *in* the game. kids are not complete, they've said this. nor is romance/family life. pretty much nothing is 100% done in a game, saying it's 1.0. and nothing is set to be done for another 2-3 updates.


Neither have I it's really been perfect so far but I just I've been to the hype of people playing saying it was unplayable and not finished so I'm sorry to confuse you I have been playing a little bit off and on. Sorry if it seemed like I lied I just hear cries of unfinished greedy etc so I gotten into believing it.


Okay I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it I just was legitimately wondering if this game was going to be added to more or whatever I've been able to do quite a lot when I played I put about maybe 10 hours in or so I don't remember but I've heard complaints about me not being finished so that scared me off of playing more.


I don't play on console, so I know I'm sharing from a different experience. I don't know what was said (response was deleted), but hopefully it was super rude. There is more coming, but I don't know about the timetable for consoles. I'm part of the Steam beta test and they still have some kinks to work out before the PC release. Personal opinion: I started playing about 3 months ago, and I didn't understand all the complaints about the game being unfinished. Yes, hints were given about areas/features that might eventually be opened, but the main point of the game was to increase the town's rank from F to A...and the current version allows that (in my opinion). It's a good game and there is much to do (IMO). Maybe try it again? And I'll tell you - a good part of the new content is dependent on your town being at/near Rank A. Basically, the current games quests have to be done so you can move on to the new content.


Thank you very much for answering and if something was rude that I said I apologize I will boot up the game today most likely because it's so hot here where I live and the Midwest there's not much to do but sit back and play games and watch TV and such so again I'm sorry and that's really cool that you're part of the steam beta test and I plan on PS5 :)


Oh no! I saw that a comment was deleted, but your replies indicated that someone had been rude to YOU. Haha I was apologizing for that. Us Midwesterners, right? I imagine it's quite hot. I'm (literally) in the desert right now and I don't plan to leave my air-conditioned room haha. I feel like people get to a part of the game where they are expecting more (and it's coming), but for 1.0, it's not a playable area - they see that as incomplete. I'm trying not to spoil anything. Don't worry about the haters/trolls and see how YOU feel about the game. That's all. Stay cool!


Thank you you too I haven't started really playing the game yet I just got done with the intro sequence I'm focusing on cozy Grove and trying to get the new cozy Grove up and running but I really want a nice refurbished Apple iPad for that and to do digital art because I love messing around with drawing and coloring and stuff like that so :D


Okay that's understandable


Oh my gosh was that mean they're being rude to oh no I feel bad now but I shouldn't.


I'm sure it will get there eventually. They did just have a major update and brought in the Mermaid Kingdom awhile ago. And they gave you pets now. But it dose feel like it's taking forever.

