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Of course Comcast! Of course!


Just when I was starting to like the service. I’ll echo what everyone has been saying for a while now, but these services are pricing themselves out of the market.


I am sure their plan is to keep raising prices until cable-like "profitability returns"


It was always the plan. Sell low to kill competition and then match competition prices a couple years later.


People can just watch the Paris Olympics on their local NBC OTA. Yeah, I know lots of people wish to point out that they can't get OTA due to mountains, hills and trees block reception or are just live too far away from the transmitter.


The ad supported aspect of these platforms is nascent. Until advertisers fully embrace these various services then prices will continue to go up and up.


But they waited 6 months before they raised the price. Thank you for being a loyal customer.


Peacock is losing money they aren't going to suddenly turn profitable if they don't raise their prices. At the current price they lose money on every subscriber so more subscribers equals higher losses.


I could not imagine paying $8 a month for peacock. I hope they keep doing their deals on Black Friday.


It’s worth that if I can watch all the Olympics and don’t have regular tv.


I just canceled YTTV for $73 a month until college football season again, so Peacock will be fine for the Olympics.


This is what I do. YTTV during football season.


I hate that I keep confusing YTTV for YT premium. A did a double take at that price before I facepalmed myself after realizing


Nearly every city in the US will have it for free if you have an antenna


One channel. Streaming service will likely have your pick of many many events at the same time. I'm not a huge Olympics fan but if I was I'd think that was worthwhile.


>It’s worth that if I can watch all the Olympics and don’t have regular tv. And then cancel at the end of the month.


Same. I definitely won't be paying that price. Maybe for WrestleMania and to binge Bel-Air, but that's it.


I've been subscribing to Peacock exclusively for WWE PLEs. I think I paid ~$50 for annual right before MItB last year. Definitely not worth it at $80/year.


I paid $24/year last Black Friday. Very much worth that price. Peacock and also Hulu should only be subscribed to during Black Friday deals.


If they lose WWE when their deal is up, I’m done with peacock.


I mean not bad considering PLEs used to be $50 a pop lol


The fact that you people choose to call them PLEs over PPVs is shocking to me. I hate that name so much.


Well they aren’t really PPV anymore, you don’t pay per view, they are a premium live event now




Money In the Bank. It's an event held by WWE every year in the summer. It was the first live WWE event carried by Peacock after Comcast customers no longer got the service included with their regular subscription fees last year. They offered a discount for the year to customers who would otherwise get kicked off the service as a way to retain.


I might pay $8 for one specific month of Peacock though.


Agreed! Deals or No Deal!


I hope so also. I really only use it for EPL and PGA Tour events (sometimes rewatching The Office). $2/month is a great deal, even with ads since they’re bearable compared to other streaming services (ie. Hulu).


Still have it for free through Xfinity Cable


they already tried to get rid of that. It only a matter of time before it a paid add on.


What do you mean "they tried"? What happened.. was there some backlash from users, or board members or something?


Only customer with gig internet and higher now get it [https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/peacock-premium-offers](https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/peacock-premium-offers)


They just decided to get rid of it. It wasn’t just Xfinity customers who could get Peacock for free — Spectrum users could get it as well. I was *very* irritated when they got rid of it.


I thought they gave special discounts if you’re an Xfinity user? Idk about Spectrum.


i got it free for a year whenever I logged in with Spectrum.


If only they did it during the last World Cup. My in laws came to visit and it was constantly on.


This is expiring according to my recent bill. Which is hilarious because they're gonna lose a ton of subscribers when that gets cancelled and I know most people are not going to pay for a Peacock subscription for what? Harry Potter?


There are some good shows and films\*, but ofc. they're competing against everybody else. \*. I've been working my way through *Scrubs* and *Brooklyn 99*. The various L&O, Parks & Rec, 3 flavors of The Office, Modern Family, etc.


Maybe it's because of my age but shows like the Office and Scrubs diehard fans already own the DVD or BluRay collections due to how long it took for these shows to have a consistent streaming platform. I don't think they have anything that will keep people long-term. There's no Shogun or Fallout or whatever reality TV shit Netflix has released


I wanted to watch Scrubs when it came out, but couldn't work it in. Wasn't until few months back that I finally got to do so. I'm a fan, but no diehard. I just want to go through the series, so streaming works well for me since I likely won't rewatch it again. For the Office, I've seen that, but will check out the Superfan Episodes, and the British version of it.


> Still have it for free through Xfinity Cable Ha, so do I.. for now :P


IIRC, Netflix from T-Mo has you pay the difference for ad-free, or perhaps also true with the basic plan!


Thanks God is the PL is almost over for this year 


If you subscribe for the premier league, why don’t you just bill an annual plan? It’s the same price as paying for 10 months.


I always get annual when it’s on sale


I only sub for the EPL


Same. Just cancelled since my current month takes me through decision day


it was on sale for $20/year last June




oh… nice! i hope i can grab it again this summer!


Guessing there will be pre-Olympic sales again this year, though maybe at a $30 price point. They just don't have enough quality programming to eliminate churn without these big yearly discounts.


Just for one year, right?




Shocking thing is they're the only ss I know of where you can go ad-free by just paying the difference between the regular w-ads plan vs. the ad-free plan! Everyone else, it's full monty! E.g. Hulu $2/mo vs. $18/mo!


Wow. Just signed up with an .edu address for like $1.60 a month. Right on time.


Oh damn! Link? I have a .edu and I have no problem paying that.






Well, I actually am. Thanks for the tip.


Set a reminder. Cancel the plan after Olympics?


It was last year in May they had a promotion for $20 for the year, I really would like to see another sale/promotion like that again.


They happen all the time around Black Friday. I'm currently subbed until November due to such a deal. I rarely use the service outside of WWE PLE but it's a great deal for that price.


My wife and I have tried to sign up for peacock 3 times, first time was during the NFL playoffs, and every time their system tells us we don’t have access despite them confirming we paid, we never got a resolution and have tried multiple emails and multiple calls… never again will I try to sign up for this POS service


They were giving free annual subscriptions to Instacart+ members, and Chase Sapphire Reserve cardholders get Instacart+ for free. I’m still on my $20 annual deal, but I’m wondering if I should to open a new account under the Instacart/Chase deal before they get rid of that. And then I need the Community movie to come out within a year


I like Peacock, they produce some great original series and have decent rotation of new movies, but not every service without ads is worth $14+.  I'll keep subscribing for the annual Black Friday deal, bumping it up to ad free when I want to binge some shows, but there's no way I'd ever pay the full asking price.


Hot take? I’m fine with this. I actually really like Peacock and use it a ton… but it’s all dependent on your personal usage. For me it’s my local NBC feed & Bravo shows. Peacock’s also the US broadcaster for Eurovision next week so I’ll be very excited for that. :)


I don't get why people complain about these insanely cheap streamers. Comcast is still losing money hand over fist with Peacock. They aren't charities. They want them to become profitable at some point. Comcast used to give away all the Premier League games for free with their cable service. Then they paywalled a part and made it $50 a year for every game not aired. That pissed me off. Then they put them all on Peacock which you can get for $20 a year on Black Friday. Also Peacock has a ton of other stuff not Premier League. The cost is miniscule compared to other streamers even their previous one that had almost nothing on it and didn't work well.


Eurovision? That's awesome. I need to see when their coverage is.


Next Tuesday/Thursday at 3PM ET for the semifinals and then next Saturday at 3PM ET for the final!


Excellent, thanks.


Enjoy it. There's always going to be folks online complaining about ANY price hike in life.


Can't wait to record the few events they put on NBC for free with my Tablo and ignore the rest.


If you have Instacart membership (in the US), Peacock Prem is free. Just gotta link your accounts.


I use it for WWE mainly.


This. When it goes to Netflix I'm cancelling. I watch nothing else on it.


I thought just RAW was going to Netflix?


Do we know about the PPVs yet? I figured they were too.


I don't think we know. Just that they have PPVs until 2026. I don't think there's a contract with anyone past that yet.


Netflix is getting everything internationally, so I assume Netflix will also get the PPVs once the Peacock deal ends (wild assumption) 😅


only raw going to Netflix the PLEs are staying on peacock


Just another reason to not watch the Olympics.


I'll drop it before then. Only have it for the EPL and WWE. But it's not worth $8/mo. Fan of the Olympics though. So hopefully they give you one of those 1 year swing deals then I'd be willing to pony up. I have Hulu (from Spotify), Max (from AT&T), Paramount+ (from Walmart+) and Prime Video on a student discount for streaming. The OTA antenna works perfectly fine for me.


I'll subscribe to Peacock in September simply because it's the easiest and most reliable way for me to get NFL Sunday Night Football.  I simply unsubscribe to it in January.


will peacock have every event?




Not just the Olympics, Comcast is offering the NBA $2.5 billion a year for the current TNT package more than double what WBD is currently paying.


Beginning in mid-July, the price for Peacock Premium (with ads) will increase by $2 to $7.99 per month and Peacock Premium Plus (mostly ad-free) is also going up by $2 to $13.99 per month. Peacock Premium’s annual price will increase from $59.99 to $79.99, while Premium Plus is going from $119.99 to $139.99 per year. The new prices will be effective starting July 18 for new Peacock customers and for existing subscribers with their next billing date on or after Aug. 17. **[I called it a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/cordcutters/s/9glBdxlDFl)**


I'm paid up until November on their $20 plan, so wonder how that will work?


You’re grandfathered in so you shouldn’t see an increase until your annual subscription renews.


Thanks. Maybe there will be another Black Friday deal then.


I would pass on the Olympics - $2 is real Money.


You can get 2/5ths a Starbucks coffee for that.


‘Member when you used to get free refills? I ‘member


$2 a month. If that’s pissing you off or stressing you, use your money better


This is my primary streaming service, and this increase makes me raise an eyebrow.


Well fuck...




I lose my deal this Friday unless I can find another one goodbye


Hmm, that'll put the annual plan from $60/yr to $80/yr! I already got the annual plan for $20/yr during black friday so we're locked in. I'm much more surprised that Peacock lets you pay the usual difference to go ad-free. All others, ad-free means you pay the original rate! Nothing changes per se... after my year is up, I'll reevaluate what I'm in the mood for, what discounts are available, and go from there. I'm currently binging a few shows, and some movies that are sooner to expire. I'm annoyed their site no longer tells you their exact date. Only "leaving this month".


It was worth it for the NFL playoff game, Big Ten football and basketball that weren't on NBC, and "Oppenheimer". That's it. Bye bye, 'Cock!


These MFers will 100% show you results in the title page.


Good thing I got a whole year for $50


Make you tv think it’s in Canada and watch it on CBC


Not surprised. Only I can pay this is if they merge with paramount. Otherwise I’ll pass…


Thanks, I will let the person paying for our subscription know. /s


Not surprised..they are trying to recoup losses in the traditional cable TV sphere. They know the future revenue is streaming and they will keep raising prices until they hit a wall.


People watch the Olympics? I didn't know that. /s


I purchased a second year of Peacock on their most recent Black Friday deal in anticipation of the next spring football season. Since NBC pulled out of spring football, my $20 was wasted. Their boxing content is too little to justify a renewal for me.


They got me for one month after the Super Bowl.


Good thing I just got a deal $30 for a year


For Peacock to be charging more than Paramount+, with the lack of content Peacock has in comparison, is ludicrous.


Paramount+ is getting lighter on the sports content than Peacock is though. Already lost at least 1, if not both, of their South American football leagues, and a few other rights of theirs expire in the next year or two. Most of NBC's stuff is long-term.


Sports content aside, Paramount+ still offers more than Peacock in content overall and is better value for money.


So glad I paid an annual fee.


Oh ffs 🤦


I only use it to watch the premium WWE shows. Unless I can find another kind of deal it will be goodbye.


Plex, baby.


I'm dropping Peacock, if you wait to long to return to the main menu, they pick a show for you. Usually some suck ass show like housewives.


The rate hike is effective July 18 for new subscribers (August 17 for existing subscribers) - subscribe before that to get Olympics coverage at the old rate.


They will keep raising prices until it balances out with cable TV like prices. They found their infinite money glitch in the streaming sphere.




And it's still a no from me dawg. I absolutely will not support this service in any way.


Dick move. I hope everybody who's not interested in the Olympics dumps them.




... and they will be losing all WWE content soon.


not until 2026


Well, we can watch them on ESPN just as easily, can't we?


Disney doesn't have the rights to the Olympics


Goes from $6 to $8. If that's a deal breaker for you, I have no idea why you have it in the first place.


I have no idea why people can't respect that people don't want to pay more for the same service, especially when said service isn't very good or getting any better. Even if it's just $2.


Less than some people’s daily coffee. Still one of the cheaper services out there. 


My annual subscription expires on August 5th. The Olympics go through August 11th. I have another higher quality way of getting English Premier League that includes 4k and all the USA Network matches so it looks like I won’t see the last week of the summer Olympics. I’d miss soccer semifinals and finals.


If you’re on an annual, you should be okay to renew at the current price on August 5th and not have to deal with the hike until 2025: “The change will take effect starting July 18 for new customers, and for existing subscribers at their next billing date on or after August 17.”


I’ll decide then. For $60, I may keep it for one more year. I might want to watch a few NFL games.