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Kevin used to have affairs on Sally so I guess you could say he’s always been this selfish




Kevin’s a right dick half the time.


He described it as "a new low" for Abi.


He basically blamed her and revictimized her. This was such a great opportunity to raise awareness and demonstrate the real issues. Too bad the show chose this option instead.


To be fair..... It's way more realistic. That's exactly how my fcked up husband would respond.


I’m sorry your husband is like that.


First, sorry to hear that. Second, I agree that it makes it more realistic. In real life any street like Corrie will have a wide range of opinions and attitudes, and I think one of the problems the last few years has been the way Corrie keeps 'othering' bigots (Rana's mother and Griff's gang for example) whereas in the past they were regular residents like Les Battersby or Linda Sykes. That's why Corrie back then felt more relatable, because bigotry was something you saw/experienced much closer to home.


I just watched this yesterday as well. Beyond appalling! His wife just found out she had been raped. But it bothers him to see her doing it in a gross room? Ughhh.


He's always jumped the gun on accusations and claiming victim. Then comes grovelling back afterward. Nauseating.


I felt the same way. I thought his reaction was so messed up.


I know what you mean, I had the same reaction. Unfortunately Kevin is of an age where you grow up thinking women in certain circumstances are “asking for it” and can’t see any nuance of coercive control, abuse etc. He just sees “woman has sex = bad”. It was hard and sad to see, even if fictional. There are many men who are otherwise “good men” who will always think this way.


God I hate Kevin. I felt like slapping him during these scenes.


I hate the writers. They take the easy way out every time, it seems...bc they're so inexperienced?


That's actually in character for Kevin. He can only be wronged by his partners, never the other way around.


Definitely. I remember after Kevin's affair was exposed, one night Sally invited Tyrone over. Kevin, who didn't even lived there anymore, lost his shit, punched Ty and shouted at Sally acting as if it was she who betrayed him. One rule for Kevin, another rule for everyone he's with. 


I thought wtf!? After everything they’ve been through


Yes!! Way back when he was married to Sally he was always ‘woe is me’.


Kevin NEVER backs her up, I can’t stand him!!!


Kevin has always been a bit of a sanctimonious twit, though he hasn't always looked like a homeless person. He should be thanking whatever gods he believes in that he can get someone like Abi at this point. If I saw him in the street I'd toss him a couple of coins and warn him not to spend it on alcohol.


This never really got addressed, either. I expected a big conversation setting his sorry ass straight, but it just got kind of forgotten


This conversation needs to happen, otherwise the show is perpetuating and validating Kevin’s outdated and toxic response.


It's definitely not on the same scope as the show, but thanks for mentioning this here anyways. I really hope Abi's going to remember this later in a big fight where she realizes how he's seriously messed up at times. Judging from the(lack of) writing, mostly based off near immediate forgetfulness and lack of depth around intense reveals and connections, I doubt it'll happen. At least it was said somewhere though, yknow 💖🍻 Toxic masculinity's gotta start slowing down in the media at some point, right? 🤦‍♀️😅🤞


Kevin's always been a horrible misogynist. They've toned it down a lot in recent years but his reaction to Abi being at least sexually harassed, at worst raped was a spot on return to form


Kevin forgets that Jack is the result of an affair with Molly Dobbs. And Molly was not the first. Did he not have a son who passed away also from someone he had an affair with (I might be wrong)


Her name was Alison, and I think he cheated on Alison with Sally?


Jake Webster was the son of Kevin and Alison Webster and the half-brother of Rosie, Sophie and Jack. Shortly after his birth, Jake turned blue and was diagnosed by doctors with a fatal Group B Strep infection - he died in the arms of his parents.


Kevin has always been a selfish, pathetic knob. He acts like a man would from the 40s. It amazes me how Tyrone has forgiven him after finding out Jack wasn't his, but Kevin's, who cheated with Tyrones wife.


I really like Abi and I  hope she can forgive Dumb Kevin for his downright horrendous reaction to the sex tape.  Abi cant make promises for things she doesn't know about. BE STRONG ABI! CANADA 🇨🇦 🍁  P.S , I  hope they get rid of Tyrone's mother, that COW.!!


Yes he was.


Typical coronation st nowadays. Always gets it wrong.


Kevin always plays the victim when faced with family issues. It's like a character trait for him


I'm not saying what happened to Abby was right or her fault . But when you get involved with someone that was a addict anything could be a possibility. And for him to be shocked is the Dumbest reaction.


Without him reacting badly to it to begin with, they couldn’t show him learning he’s in the wrong and having a moral lesson along with it. I guess this was something the writers found more important than decent characterisation.


This. Characters aren't characters, they're dictated by the plotline they're in and what "role" that the writers need them in. So Kevin in this story takes on the "role" of the victim blamer even if it makes no sense, because they need to teach the moral lesson of victim blaming. Thats what Corrie is these days, social lessons, moral lessons and educating on contemporary issues. It's Grange Hill.


I'm currently watching 1997 and it's good to know his character remains consistent


Well first of all, it's an "old low" because at this point she's accepting it must be from her addict days. It's not like this happened 5 minutes ago🤣 I think after marrying Abi, Kevin should just expect there may be some things she either doesn't remember, or has suppressed, which may come up.