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No, but please point it out. I HAVE to know now.


Right ?! I usually love 'where's waldo' or find the cat or something etc. Usually because I can find the error. I can not find the error and it's driving me nuts !


Hello!! I’m so surprise that this post garner such attention!! I’’ unsure how to edit my post so I’ll reply here! My mistake is that the sleeve is actually the wrong side of the crochet whereas the right side is on the inside! 😭


OMG you're joking? It looks like it was done on purpose and to be honest it's beautiful like that!


Ahh thank you, I don't think anybody guessed correctly! Does the other one match? If yes, I'd definitely leave it as is.


I’ve yet to crochet the other side cause I was contemplating if I should frog this HAHA!


Yeah, just make it the same as that one. If a bunch of crocheters weren't able to tell, surely nobody else will 😆 Plus, it looks great!


I second this. I actually prefer the “wrong” side of SC. It always looks much neater. But I did not notice that this was one the wrong side. So I would do the other one the same because it looks amazing.


I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about 🤔... I don't see any holes/missed stitches, or accidentally both loops instead of blo (is it blo?) Or wonky-ness or something like that... I really really like the look of the sleeve alone !!!


Tbh, it belongs on r/tensionporn. It's so uniform.


Thanks for introducing me to this thread 💜


I think the only mistake you have made is not proudly wearing this right now. Very beautiful.


Its not pink. Thats all I got. 🤭




This part? I looked at it for quite some time and I have no idea what I'm seeing or not seeing anymore 😄


Theres 2 stitches in every seam but one is missing in the middle of the circle I think


Where's Waldo, crochet edition 🤌🏻


This is genuinely the only part i thought looked different as well. But even looking up rows I thought maybe it was just tension difference. OP, we gotta know! Because I'm starting to believe there is no mistake 🤣


That’s the only thing I spotted but you have to look carefully and know that there *is* a mistake.


Even having it pointed out, it's not very noticable. You did a great job!


Um... I don't this this is a mistake at all.. I think you, like a lot of us, convinced yourself it's a mistake


No, it's definitely different. Enough to frog? Fuck no. OP, Move on with your life and enjoy your beautiful sweater. I would have never noticed if you didn't ask me. And you don't want your soul getting trapped anyway.


This! You didn’t want your soul getting trapped is what I think of every time I see a mistake I can’t bring myself to frog - or just as bad - someone else’s soul. That’s how we got Annabel


Yes! Lol I found it but honestly, it's only noticable because I'm incredibly neurotic and a big perfectionist. It looks incredible.




Where the two pieces meet on the fourth or fifth row from the bottom


Yes, looks like you're missing an arm. XD


I was looking for this comment!


Waldo is easier to find!! Honestly can’t see what or where the mistake is. Keep going 😊


Now I'm really curious what the mistake is because I can't see it..


i can only WISH... all my mistakes were THIS obvious.. XD


I see nothing. But, to ease your mind perhaps, have you ever heard of the concept of intentionally leaving a mistake in your work? The idea is only a god doesn’t make mistakes and we mere mortal craftspeople aren’t gods so it’s right and natural in the eyes of the universe to include a mistake in your work, even if you are otherwise a master at your craft. Now I’m not a particularly religious person, but I like the freedom that concept gives to accepting mistakes will happen and it’s ok to let them happen.


I've heard that in Russia, the old women believe that you trap a part of your soul in everything you make. So you HAVE to leave a little mistake, so that the soul can get out and back to you


My Hungarian grandmother has always said that and she got it from her mother who came to America as a young bride at the beginning of WWII


I'm not surprised to hear that this is a superstition shared among other countries as well. I'm curious now where it originated now but it's past midnight so I'll go sleep now, maybe I'll remember to search tomorrow, will Update here if so


Same thing, coming from an Irish family of yarn crafters. Leave a mistake so you don't accidentally trap your soul.


I always thought it was “Gypsy” lol growing up us kids were always called Lil Gypsies


just so you know, that word is a racial slur against romani people. it's often used in a light-hearted manner by people who are unaware, but it has a pretty awful history behind it. (btw this is no attack against you, just spreading awareness.)


Not wheee I come from which was a small town in New England,USA especially since it was said by other family members and friends


We don’t get to decide if language is hurtful. We get to decide if we will listen and adapt when we are told it is. I also used the word you did when I was a kid, and for me it evoked a sense of romantic freedom. However, that is not how it has been historically used against the Romani people and it’s frankly harmful to whitewash their culture and history into as fun and “wild and primitive”. And for the record, I heard that exact phrase from my friend’s grandmother here in Georgia, only about black people. “I can call him *N* Jim, because that’s just what we all called him when I was a kid. It’s not mean, it’s his nickname. He never told us not to.”


I’ve never heard this but I’ve always felt something similar. I always leave my mistake if it’s small. Because it’s a part of me. What makes the piece unique. What gives it its own life.


I'm not religious either and I love that idea! Currently working on a shawl and I know I missed at least 3 stitches. I leave them very because now I don't have to panic wether I made a mistake, because I KNOW I made several. 😄


Also proves that it’s handmade. I mean, all crochet Is handmade, but the point stands.


In the South Dakota State Capitol, the marble artisans deliberately turned one of the spindles on the marble staircase upside down for just this reasons! I agree with everyone, I could not find a mistake! If it is the seam near the arm hole, it would never show when wearing it. It looks beautiful!!


Just wondering.. if you leave a mistake intentionally, is it still considered a mistake? Isn't it just artistic liberty if you intended it to be there? Maybe I'm just overthinking it lol anyways, OP's work looks really nice, I hope they'll finish it and show us.


I legit had to check your username to make sure this wasn't a comment I'd made and forgotten about. It sounds EXACTLY like what I always say.


I think this is clickbait. I think OP just wanted to show off their beautiful work and perfect lines. On a more serious note, i think this post is the perfect example of creator/viewer dynamic. When we make something *all* we see are the mistakes, but everyone *else* sees a beautiful sweater/blanket/stuffed animal that we've put time, effort, and money into.


Tell us where OP, it's driving us nuts!


I, like many others, don't see any mistakes so I wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes only you can see the mistake because you were the one who created the piece. I've done the same on some of my pieces. For non-fiber artists/crocheters they won't catch the mistake because they don't crochet and don't know what to look for. For crocheters like us to not even be able to spot the mistake is a win in your book.


The only thing I can think of is the tension might be different in some areas but it could also be the lighting or how it's laying that makes it look like that. 🤷🏽‍♀️


This is the worst find the difference game ever!


There are some people that believe it’s essential to make a mistake when creating something. I saw another comment about how only a god can have perfect creations. Additionally in some cultures it is believed that we put little bits of our spirit into everything we make and the mistakes let’s our spirit out. For what it’s worth I’ve looked at that sleeve every which way and can’t see anything amiss


Bottom right has a lil bit off. That it? Honestly if a bunch of crocheters have a hard time finding it, regular people won’t find it at all. It’s fine.


I like how you called people who do not crochet 'regular people' 😭😭


We all a lil crazy 😂 just look at anyone’s yarn stash


i looked at this for a solid 3 minutes and couldn’t find a single mistake


Yes omg it’s huge and glaring, throw it away, throw all your crochet stuff away. Might as well throw the whole house away while we’re at it! In all seriousness, I honestly don’t see it. I think it looks great, I’ve been a crocheter for many years and it’s not obvious to me!


If I had to guess, I would say there's one place at the seam that doesn't look as well-aligned as the rest of it, but that's if someone was holding a weapon to my head. This is absolutely beautiful and if that's not the mistake you're talking about I have no idea. The seam spacing could also easily be fixed without frogging it if you wanted by threading a needle with one undone strand of the same yarn and sewing up the very small hole that no one would ever notice unless you ask them to search for it, or by placing a tighter standing stich right next to it and frogging that single stitch afterwards if it doesn't look right added in. Beautiful piece. Well done. I only wish I could make my stitches as uniform as that!


No. And if we can't see it, it doesn't exist.


It’s not my size


I think we have all fallen for a genius ruse to stare at the incredible stitch quality of this garment. Whatever mistake there is, it is not visible to both the trained and untrained eyes 💜 gorgeous piece of work


It's been 10 hours..please confirm where the mistake is so we can stop looking for it 😂 I'm not convinced there is a mistake at all.


SHHHH, handmade items don't have mistakes. They have unique traits.


TEN FOOT RULE!!! if you can’t see it from 10 feet away it doesn’t matter! 😻


I don't see anything obvious. The seam of the sleeve to the body could maybe be a bit smoother in a place or two, but again, nothing obvious.


Obviously a problem on row 3 near stitch 10 Jk - it looks perfect to me! Even staring at it looking for something wrong I can’t see anything


Genuinely no And I’m looking like this mistake is Waldo


NOPE I can't see it At All! /gen /srs This is crochet, not knitting 🤣


Is it in one of these two spots? https://preview.redd.it/csibh12tfwpb1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d4056849fc4c05bde6ef4b78de1886e35fa168


Your mistake was doubting yourself. Looks great!




At a glance I see a perfect thing. Scrutinizing and looking for a break in a pattern, but I only maybe think I see a bigger gap in one spot? Don’t worry about it - it appears perfect.


I dont see anything. But if it helps my Nanna always said nothing handmade should ever be perfect. Because if it's perfect the Gods will want to steal it for themselves.


This feels like the crocheter’s version of “Where’s Waldo”. Only the person who made it can see it but we will all zoom all over the picture looking for something that could possibly ruin a beautiful piece and seeing absolutely nothing. Please do feel free to point it out, since I’ve already given myself a headache staring at this for the past 10 min 😂


Did you post a perfectly crocheted piece just to mess with us? Because if so then well played.


I think it is fine, it's not really noticeable so you don't really have to redo it (but how can you spot mistakes like that \*horrified by the fact everyone can see my mistakes in crochet\*)


Wait, you see it? Where???


if someone doesnt normally crochet, chances are they’ll never notice. somwone who does crochet, will probably understand.


Nothing seems obviously wrong to me, but I'm not as proficient in tunisian crochet. At a glance, unless someone really pores over it, I don't think they'd notice either.


No, I don't see anything wrong.


Oh...were they supposed to be hdc and not sc? Literally the only thing I could figure and even then it looks intentional. Idk I'm lost it looks fabulous op🥺 Edit:spelling


Me: *squints*


Help! is the right thing to say here. Please help us see what in Flippers name is wrong!


If the people here have trouble seeing it, no one else will. Go with it!


Yes. That pillow clearly needs a HDMI cable if you want to get better picture quality when you dream.


Where? I wish I can make my mistakes look like yours.


whats with the janky dc stitch next to the seam sixth row from the bottom of the picture? eta: no glasses made me misinterpret the stitch type


Can’t see it and I usually think I’m pretty good at recognizing patterns or breaks in them.


In some Asian cultures they put a mistake in their work on purpose. Because no one on earth is perfect. If someone notice and say something about a tiny mistake they are not your friend. Enjoy your work.


I cannot describe how intensely I stared at this and could not find anything. I even went to the comments and multiple people pointed things out and I literally do not see it.


No. No, I can't.


I wish my mistakes were this hard to find.


👁️👄👁️ No..




is it the difference in tightness/closeness of the lines in the left part?


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I can't find it but: There are no mistakes, only happy accidents! Having said that, every project needs a mistake so your soul doesn't get stuck.




I feel if it isn’t readily obvious to anyone but you, don’t worry about it. It is quite nice btw, just not color.


No unless it’s the color. My favorite is orange. (IM TOTALLY KIDDING!!!!)


RemindMe! 1 day!


The very worst crochet I’ve ever seen!




Not a mistake to be seen.


It looks perfect to me. Wear it with pride!


I think mistakes are very clear in our own works, but not to others. I don’t see it - your stitches look great!


What mistake? I see none.


No clue that there’s a mistake


They do say that the creator of a crochet or knitted piece is susceptible to finding out where mistakes are than another person. Unless you point it out, we are clueless.


There’s a mistake? I looked and zoomed and I can’t find anything. Everything is so even!


Nope! Leave as is and move on!


if my perfection looked this good, I'd be selling my stuff


Oh I feel that. The pain of spotting a mistake and wondering wether or not to go back and fix it….. it takes a toll on the soul 😫😫






That's just handmade...


No 😔 can you circle it


Are you sure there’s a mistake? It looks wonderful to me! Wear it will pride!


The Art of Deliberate Imperfection is a concept I enjoyed. https://www.amusingplanet.com/2017/08/the-art-of-deliberate-imperfection.html?m=1 The imperfection reminds me and shows others that the garment was lovingly handmade, and not made by a corporate machine.


I see nothing! Also, I’d love this pattern. So cute!


Don't see it.


Nope. I can't find it.


I can’t find it


Years ago, I read an Amish book that mentioned how one community intentionally puts a small piece of fabric, that's a different color, in their quilts as a reminder that no one is perfect. Whenever I'm making something (crocheting, sewing, or refurbished furniture) and there's something not quite right, I have learned to take it as my reminder that no one is perfect.


I have stared at this for too long but I just can’t see any mistake! Now I need to know where it is!


I zoomed in as far as humanly possible and didn't see a darn thing wrong


Honestly, I can’t find it! As annoying as it can be to make mistakes, imperfections are something that makes handmade items unique!


Beware! This may be a trick.. like one of those "find the mistake" photos that end by jump-scaring you by switching to a photo of a hideous demon and loud screaming sounds. 😱


Bottom right corner.


A rule of thumb I use is to take a few steps back to where people would reasonably be standing talking to you and see if you can still see it. I had to zoom in to see this and I don't think anyone that doesn't crochet and/or wasn't specifically looking for it would notice this.


I spotted it the second you mentioned cuffs, but was otherwise admiring the main beauty of the stitching. The best news is that part won’t be noticeable when you wear it and the only people who will notice are people who are used to seeing mistakes in everything and are either okay with it or insane (because there are really only two ways to go when the first thing you see when you look at everything is the one thing out of place)


Nope! I literally do not see any mistakes at all


Short answer, absolutely not and those are some wonderful stitches


I had to zoom in, look around for a bit, and almost give up to finally find it. Couldn’t notice it after zooming back out! It’s fine! And it’s absolutely beautiful, neat, and uniform. Keep doing what you’re doing!


Gorgeous! I can’t see a mistake so please don’t worry about it.




If that had a mistake, I need to trash everything I’ve crocheted in the last 40 odd years.


No, and I don’t believe there is one 😂 this looks great




Genuinely, no


honestly no, it looks just fine to me


No I don’t see anything. And I’m good at finding them. I know that uneasy feeling. But I don’t see it


I cant find it, you're good to go!!


No way! I think it's only obvious to you because you've spent so much time on it! Don't worry about it, and enjoy your piece!


Absolutely not, love. I can’t never spot a mistake in this sub. Sometimes I can see something is wrong but never where exactly. And this time is not a time where I can see anything wrong.


I spent more time than I'm willing to admit. I have not found Waldo nor the mistake.


What stitch is this? Single crochet??


Eh? I can’t see the mistake!!


The curse of every crocheter, nobody noticing your mistake but you being unable to unsee it


Hard no!


Nope. Not noticeable so it's all good.


Can’t see it, and most likely no one will see it when you wear it.


Just do the other sleeve the same way and it'll be perfect 👌


nope! i cant see it!