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This is the type of interview we all wish for. 😂


Without giving word for word answers its impossible to know


What about the local company one, those were entire questions.


No your responses


A: means my responses


Yes but we dont know what you said verbatim. Saying I explained my project doesnt really help us because you could have made a silly mistake


So you have graduated? Here is my advice: You are up against candidates with internships- they are going to be chosen over you. Get some work experience even if contributing to open source or make your own company and host some product even if no one uses. Don’t let your answer be that you have never used cloud. There are free tiers. Chuck some project up there.


I am not graduated yet and it was for internship position. Also I am going to delay graduation for solid internship.


Maybe you're omitting some details from your answers to save some space but your answers seem pretty curt. That's not always a bad thing but they gave you several opportunities to describe your answers while not actually telling you to explain or describe. It would have benefitted you to explain the 4 pillars of OOP because it's one thing to know the names of them, but it's another thing to give a brief explanation of what each one is and how they differ from one another. Also, tell them what you know in Java. When you say you're comfortable with it, they don't know what "comfortable" means to you. It could mean anything. Additionally, kind of along the same lines, you sold yourself down with that JS question because that's quite literally part of their tech stack.


They have better candidates. Move on


Does better candidates mean the candidates with more experience or better resume?


Could be anything. Could also be they did better than you in interview. How would I know the specifics? 


Skill issue