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Tom morello guitarist of rage against the machine was there


I agree with the message of the band. Rage against the machine


Wasnt a protest its just a little event and giving the Palestinian perspective went there it was nice, all sorts of folk were there and it made me love the diversity of California


I’ve been all over the world and believe Cali is the best


My fav part about csun is that generally we focus on our studies and leave this stuff for the expensive universities. I am genuinely curious. For those of you who are looking to protest, what exactly will a protest at a California state university do to stop what is happening in the Middle East? I have way too much going on to be too concerned with this type of stuff, but when I see a protest I always wonder what those interested in partaking feel that they are going to accomplish.


Many of the protesting universities are seeking to have their university divest from Israel, similarly to what was accomplished with student protests against apartheid South Africa. That is a secondary goal though, the main goal is applying political pressure on our institutions to rethink the current full fledged support of Israels actions.


For real I’m just trying to finish graduate school. I don’t need people interrupting my studies. Half the people I see on major protests look like they’re there to just cause a ruckus they look like they’re having fun


I get that you're focused on grad school, but these interruptions serve a purpose that are significantly more important. By interrupting business as usual, students are able to being attention to their demands (which we have the right to make since we fund our institutions) and palestinian suffrage. If they are having fun while actually doing something to effect change, then good for them. It is so important for the educated youth to speak up, and if that disrupts your day, perhaps it's worth reflecting on why it bothers you so much to see your peers fight for something that matters.


Why do you get to to decide what is more important to this person? You only get to decide that for you, not anybody else. 


Exactly. No one has a right to decide what is and isn’t important for other people. That being said, it holds equal weight that you can’t tell protestors not to protest. The subject matter means a lot to them and they feel they need to protest. You’re entitled to complain about it, but that’s pretty much where we’re at.


Absolutely,  support the right to protest and to decide that's what is important for you individually. 


the lives of an entire group of people who are currently suffering at the hands of israel are more important than one person being inconvenienced because of protests. i’m not speaking for whoever this person is, im speaking logically. the cause so many university students are fighting for and are currently putting their lives on the line for will forever be more important than some random’s feelings about it.


Again,  you don't get to decide what is more important to an individual. You don't get to order someone to sacrifice themselves and their future for others, it is not something you can rightfully demand of anyone. When you do this, you are doing the same thing as ol'Bibi and his right wing goons. They have decided that their idols (money, power,  fundamentalism, vengeance) are more important than an entire group of peoples existence, and they sacrifice them to their idols against the will of those people being sacrificed. You make the same dangerous, arrogant assumption that you and your self declared moral superiority can impose on others. Your "logical" thinking is exactly how such evil is justified and perpetrated.  You get to decide for yourself. That's it. And to be clear, I do not support the Israeli government and their despicable actions. But your thought process is an awful lot like theirs, just a few variables flipped. 


Hey, remember when I said I was not speaking on behalf of this individual? Seems like you decided to conveniently ignore that part so that you can spew incorrect assumptions about me for what? to make yourself feel righteous on that high horse of yours? Objectively this movement holds more significance than a singular person's opinion on the matter **to the world**. In every instance I mentioned importance you went ahead and assumed I was talking in relation to this person. Newsflash, the world is bigger than you and whoever this stanger you are fighting for on the internet. Let me go ahead and say this again because you missed it the first time, I am not "deciding what is more important" TO THEM, I am saying that this movement is objectively more important **to and for society** and here is why: A quick google search would tell you that important is defined as "of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on success, survival, or well-being." Would you say that students gathering for a cause in efforts to help palestinians and improve life on campus holds more value to society than ONE person bitching about "rukus"? Wouldn't you agree that ONE person's feelings about people gathering on their campus would likely yield less of a profound effect on the world than all the people taking a stance to actually do something about genocide and colonialism? If you answered no either of these questions than seems like your views are more closely aligned to the israeli government's than you think. Thats where the fucking logic stands. Lets circle back to whatever that message was. Not once did I ever order someone to "sacrifice themselves and their future" for others. You are quite literally fighting yourself in this thread by making assumptions. If you need more context I suggest asking before making yourself look like an ass on the internet.


I mean the entire region is suffering because of Hamas.


So you think people partaking in a mob and beating other people up and destruction of property for shits and giggles is okay because that brings awareness? Not that I agree with what Zionist Israel is doing but how are these protests going to solve anything? America is the only place in the world where you can bash it and be totally fine but as soon as you say something bad about another country or burn another country’s flag you’re the bad guy. It’s wild out here


The israel supporters are the ones who were inciting violence, clearly shown in the recordings


If that’s the only thing you think is going on during these protests then you are being purposefully ignorant to give yourself an excuse to not care about a genocide. oh no! is your day slightly inconvenienced by people who are protesting the slaughtering of tens of thousands of people? how sad for you! go fuck yourself. It is more than just bringing awareness. Here are things going on that you haven't noticed because you choose to keep your head in your ass: Protests also urge the divestments from companies and institutions that profit from Israeli apartheid, genocide and occupation in Palestine. Protests are held in efforts to protect the academic freedom of faculty and students. Aka protecting the academe as a space for the production and dissemination of knowledge, that serves the public irrespective of governmental, corporate or institutional interests. Protests fight to end the targeted repression of Palestinian students and their allies on and off campus, including through university disciplinary processes. Protests apply political pressure on our institutions to take a stand. Stop complaining about protests for progression.


If it is so more dramatically important than our own education then surely we should all forget about graduating, and GO there and contribute to actual beneficial activities. You wont because you think a silly protest that no one except you and your friends need for self affirmation and clout. Our education should not ever be affected in such a meaningless way. Years of hard work to be tampered with for a protest that will get the attention of an extremely small amount of people who will be more bothered with the fact that you are there then as to why you are there. Wake up


Wow this thread does not know how to read. Never in that post did I ever tell people to stop what they are doing and go protest. When I said the cause is more important it is in relation to someone's feelings about it, not whatever else they have going on in their lives. If you don't want to do anything about the genocide happening in Gaza than that is on you, but don't hinder the people who are. Outwardly complaining about people gathering on a public campus does nothing to help that individual or the cause. Not to mention that the point of these protests isn't just to garner attention. The main motivator for people protesting at their universities is to get them to divest from companies and institutions that profit from Israeli apartheid, genocide and occupation in Palestine. This isn't virtue signaling, this is real fucking life. You are literally commenting on a topic you dont know anything about. Clout and self affirmation is not on the agenda for protestors, but since you are here let me educate you on what is: Get our institutions to divestment from companies and institutions that profit from Israeli apartheid, genocide and occupation in Palestine. (Just in case you didn't catch it the first time. You obviously seem to struggle with comprehension.) Protect the academic freedom of faculty and students. Aka protecting the academe as a space for the production and dissemination of knowledge, that serves the public irrespective of governmental, corporate or institutional interests. Fight to end the targeted repression of Palestinian students and their allies on and off campus, including through university disciplinary processes. Apply political pressure on our institutions to take a stand. Educate people like you. This isn't for nothing. Wake up.


“way too much going on to worry about this type of stuff” I hope you realize what a privilege it is to be able to separate yourself from what’s going on right now. Some people aren’t afforded such an option, and I personally choose to stand with those who may not have a voice in this 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I figured one of these were coming. I get the sentiment. You might be a good candidate to answer my question then. What does raising awareness on an American college campus do for a conflict between Palestine and Israel? Like in a perfect world where such a protest was 100% effective, what would that effect be? I understand the goal of stopping the war, but I don’t see how more people in an uninvolved country simply being aware is going to do about it. I am truly tying to understand the thought process.


The United States is not an "uninvolved" country. Israel is quite literally the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. aid. We are funding a genocide. u/Javipe really nailed how universities, like ours and other Cal States, can make a difference by applying political pressure. People are not just protesting for the hell of it, many organizations hosting these peaceful protests have an agenda. I suggest checking out the sjpat Instagram accounts of universities hosting encampments to understand the specific reasons behind these protests on their campuses. here is why columbia students are protesting: [https://cuapartheiddivest.org/demands](https://cuapartheiddivest.org/demands) many of these reasons are transferable to other student led protests.


it’s a good question. i get where you’re coming from but protesting is done to bring awareness. this post is a good example of the effectiveness of a protest. multiple people are now aware of what’s going on or at least asking questions like yourself. it’s easy to walk past a protest if it doesn’t affect you, your people, or your homeland but it’s a community gathering enough attention so our government can at least “take a look” at whatever someone is protesting for.


Im also in a full time graduate program, and work 2 part time jobs (I put at least 60+ hours into work/school/studying) and Im still putting time into being there with students protesting!! If you wanted to you would!! It’s about priorities, and I will always prioritize those protests! Because if they did that to them, they would do that to me, to you, to our kids! I am not gonna watch and just feel sorry for them! In the end if you fear you might be hurt, everyone is… just a pov nothing on anyone, in the end judgment day is gonna come and God will ask what did you to stop the Genocide! Your kids and grandchildren when they ask you what did you do? You’re gonna answer them, and be proud of what you stood for!! Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸


Please! Some of us have kids and jobs Don’t even start


Yess it’s been happening all day i think, in front of Sierra Tower


what’s being protested?


where have you been


lol i sound like a hermit, i just feel there’s a lot going on in the world so i wasn’t sure


Probably the Israel thingy? Idk either but people would rather down vote than educate.


Imagine protesting for terrorism


Right! 🙄


Will there be more throughout the week?


Is there class going on with the protest?