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Lets just relocate all of africa and middle east into cyprus by this point and get it over with.


Selfishness you can’t even do the hard jobs in your country to keep you going. Will you do the construction jobs? Or the cleaning jobs etc. silly racist people


Border control isn't an issue of racism you doofus. I would still be saying the same if the boats were full of Swedes. We are a tiny island. There's a limit to how much population the local infrustructure can support. Oh and as someone that lived abroad for multiple years in different countries I know very well in what ways you can LEGALLY enter a country. I sure as fuck wasn't jumping into random boats. p.s and for your "job" issue that can be solved way easily. In need of a 1000 cleaners? Then you give 1000 visas to people you approve. Which has been happening since forever everywhere but I am not surprised you are unaware of the concept.


nothing to do with racism. Crime rates (robberies, break ins) have increased dramatically over the last few years, Gang violence between "asylum seekers" are continuing to escalate in the major cities and this is not due to racism. So maybe you need to come down off of 'That mountain' where you sit & take a look at reality


In reference to the crime rate - the Cyprus Mail reported today - "**Police arrested a minor on Tuesday at a centre housing unaccompanied minors in Paphos** to investigate an assault case against a police officer."


30 years old minors...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yes we can do all our jobs ourselves like we did them when we spend two years in the compulsory army unpaid. The immigrants actually lower the pay for these jobs and force us to leave.


Who do you think did all these Jobs before you arrived Mohammed? My dad is a builder/welder/construction worker/engineer, so is most of his generation. We built our own buildings and cleaned our own shit long before you knew what Cyprus was.


This has nothing to do with racism. Cry more


Leftists like you can’t fathom the idea that everything isn’t based off skin colour. You’re the true racists.


It’s mind boggling how Cyprus believe they can accommodate all these migrants. It’s already so unbelievably congested


The normal Cypriot doesn't, but they aren't really in charge.


No country can keep up taking them in. Its a scam. The only need leaving there home country is for financial gain.


You can acknowledge that Cyprus is overwhelmed by the high number of arrivals without making baseless claims about why they’re coming.


They need and send them back. Its a scam they are doing. They reason for them leaving there countrys. Only motivation is money and trying taking over.


Παρέτα τζιαι λαλείς μαλακίες


Take a page from Poland and just send everyone back. Much cheaper than attempting to do whatever the hell the Cypriot government is currently doing…


Problem is EU prohibits sending people back to Syria. Poland has land borders which are easier to police.  Cyprus has like 2 police boats for patrolling like 40,000km sq.  So it's basically impossible to stop and once they land they can't be sent back. There are several EU countries pushing for areas of Syria to be declared safe so repatriations can start. 


So,why they don't buy more police boats? It's easy to find excuses...


Are you being thick on purpose? 


Push backs are always an option. Its just a matter of time till more radical solutions will be used in the eu anyway. Current situation is unsustainable and will lead the radical politics.


To do push backs you have to actually be able to intercept the boats. Cyprus literally has no means to intercept them. That's why they make it all the way to Cyprus before anyone notices. 


Lets use radical politics because current situation will lead to radical politics? I think it already led to radical politics


well, try to come from the North with a boat, and see of fast the GC patrol boat will be on you....Ever heard of radars...? Truth is the local mafia is completely involved in this, why risk cypriot men to deal drugs when you can hire a guy who nobody cares about, and who will "work" for peanuts. What do you think that those black guys "waiting" in Eleftheria square in Nicosia are doing? watching the stars for hours? Let alone, to fuel the current real estate bubble, the illegal building workers also "supplied" to the island entrepreneurs by the local mafia for a small fee.


If only they'd listen to you. But too many of the decision makers make money on the migrants.


Downtown nicosia these days could be called new india, or new syria, or new (insert any african country) 


planning to visit Nicosia in Oct. May I know what areas are considered downtown Nicosia?


Don't worry. While there is a disproportionate amount of migrants downtown, they don't mess with anyone outside their own groups.


Find ledras street, more or less anything around 2 km radius




No worries, enjoy ur stsy n feel free to dm for any questions 


A few weeks ago Christodoulidi's government was bragging about turning back a thousand of them in one month. Now we got half the number back in 2 days💀


I know some immigrants who have claimed asylum when they come from nations that are safe, so they are fake. Some get paid as much as 1,000 euros forever it seems. And the work too. The government could solve 1/2 the problem themselves if they just matched up the employee database with the asylum seeker database. And speed up the asylum claims processing and deportations. It takes like 6 years to get a hearing. People appeal then they get 6 years more. I mean if you are from Georgia, India, China, or other places where there is no war then it should be simple to deny your claim right away.


And if you've got no passport? and you say that you come from Yemen? good luck. The real problem is we're acting with barbarians with the means of a civilized world.


You are both talking complete utter μαλακίες and you know it


how insightful you are...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


So now educated Russian/Ukranian migrants with money aren't the biggest reason of complaints by Cypriots? 🤔


Took most of them 40 years to realize.


Set up a processing center in Lebanon like the UK wants to do with Rwanda. Keep migrants in the center till their papers come through then either take them in or turn them back


Man we dont even want them in Lebanon we’re suffocating on the street they outnumber us. Been to cyprus a few monthd ago and i was also surprised to see their numbers as well…


Which groups typically are entering Lebanon? Just out of interest


Mainly Syrians in the last 10 years, the other groups are not as significant except for the Palestinians but it has been a while since they got settled.


Fuck no we already have to deal with them on a daily basis


That's a good idea, it's been a long time that Lebanon hasn't started a civil war with migrants hosted in local overcrowded camps.....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


The people coming illegal. The only need leaving there home country is for financial gain. This is a crime. A scam! Send them back!


How do you know that?


Because they are 99% men and almost all the countries they come from are confirmed to not be in wars and they all come illegally with Turkish boats.


I do follow the news. I see whats happening for many years. There is not a war or anything big going on in the continent Africa. The law would state the real refugees have to go neighbouring countrys first as well. They move straight to the EU. We need and send them back. Yes all of them. We are no longer capable properly helpen people fitting in the EU.


I don’t know where you’re getting your news from but there are a number of conflicts going on throughout the entire African continent. Here’s a Wikipedia page listing ongoing conflicts around the world with a map filled in with pretty colours: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts And btw, war doesn’t have to be the only reason people need to flee. economic hardship is a completely valid reason to seek a better life, especially because much of it in post-colonial Africa is rooted in European colonialism. Yes, Cyprus is dealing with way more than it can atm, but the problem isn’t people escaping hardship, oppression and war. The problem is rich countries in Europe not picking up their slack. Dont forget, we Cypriots were in the same position not too long ago.


Well said! As though Cypriots haven’t left Cyprus due to financial hard ships over the years?


True, guess why I live in Germany 🙃


And why I was born and live in the UK 🤷‍♀️


Yes indeed conflicts. We need them to stay there in Africa! Be fixed there. Most other reasons than war are no reason to except people in the EU! Rich people/countrys did over try and fix the slack. Still plenty of people trying to help Afrika!


I just realised, you’re Dutch and have nothing to do with Cyprus. Why are you in this subreddit spreading misinformation and hate? Flipping troll. Edited for typo


Well i have been to Cyprus. The Dutch invested a lot in Greek. Im not spreading hate or misinformation. I just give opinion. But you seem like a left wing person.


Also, not that facts mean anything to you, but no actually, rich European countries have absolutely not picked up a proportionate share of their responsibility when it comes to asylum seekers. They’re too afraid of white racists like you threatening their positions of power.


Well its not nice you say i would be a racist! We are not rich. We just learned making batter choices! We dont live like there is no tomorrow! The west is focust on education. Its where Africa fails! Asylum seekers are illegal so the should be fined and send back.


how do you do that?


how do you do that?


You know so as well. Its commen knowledge.


I've got my own idea about the question, but I'm interested to know how would YOU manage to "send them back".


Well use any human way possible. Big boats and planes i would say.


I don't think mass deportation is allowed by international bodies.


Well they have to make it possible. Because everyone knows what they do is illegal.


Problem is that "they" is not only the cypriot government, international treaties are binding treaties.


Those treaties are old. They should be ignored like more and more countries are doing and should do.


Right, but "more and more" is still a very small number of countries;


they will end up working in ayia napa for cash in hand lets be honest and then claim asylum and thats about it




>Why go **Cyprus**, is it a first world country? Why not go to the **EU** or UK? lol... living in a cave for the past 20 years?






Waiting for the comments. Will it be the kind of immigrants that steal and disrupt the serene Cypriot society or the ones that take the good jobs. Schrödinger’s imigrant you know.


It's really unlikely that illicit migration would result in these taking so-called 'good jobs'. Not that I have anything against people who'd take any jobs, unless they're exploited and in return destroying the real wages in general, but it's not about the people who'd be desperate enough to take such jobs for such pays anyway.


Well we've been getting so many that I am sure there's enough to fulfill both situations...


"Schrödinger's immigrant" sounds like a great dunk until you realise it's entirely possible to have a range of skills in immigrants, making it very easy for them to take top jobs, or to require support from the system. I'm an immigrant abroad. We are not a monolith.


The problem is not the migration. The problem is how it happens. When I came here, I had to supply to the local administration proof of income, dwelling, health care. What about them? they just come and sit waiting for someone to help them. Why are they treated differently?


I know. The comment is more about the right liking to complain about both things while also considering immigrants a monolith.


The "right" are correct in complaining about immigration. It will become the most pressing social issue of this century. The politicians are tasked with finding humane solutions without undermining local populations and infrastructure. It's a very difficult task. This task is made impossible by people like you who shut down discourse. Not everyone who suggests point systems or policy reforms is a raging racist.


As climate change worsens and archaic religious views to population control continue in 3rd world countries I agree, it'll be the biggest issue of the next hundred years and an existential crisis for the way of life in developed countries.


Yes point systems and policy reforms, look at the top comments here to see how point systems they are. Right wingers want an etnonarional state. Everything else is just euphemism. It’s wonderful you can see to the end of the century and know what the most pressing issue will be, wow. Can you tell me the lottery numbers also?


I am sure you're every weekend at those camps helping the immigrants who have to live in shitty tents in 40C sun because we're a tiny island that has no infrastructure to accomodate such a massive influx of illegal immigrants. Are you? No? Oh..


A bunch of assumptions there. Not your best moment right now. Regardless, it is so irelevant.


We should offer to people, feeling sorry for those migrants, to contribute financially to their care and dwelling....let's see how much money would be collected.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)