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Nasrallah? Na mou piasei tarchithkia.


Tha mas klasei mia mantra


enna shesi panw tou


Pios en tutos o nasrallis?


Anipsios tou mashali


Ma pu ta kazia?


Head of Hezbollah threatens Israel, Cyprus in televised address [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVqVu10-A80&t=55s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVqVu10-A80&t=55s) this is not good for so many reasons




Last I saw Cyprus didn't aid Israel. The bases which are owned by GB are doing all the work.




You have to live under a rock if you're not aware Israel has been doing many trainings in Cyprus over the years to simulate attacks against Lebanon and Iran. We also have a legal say in what happens in the bases. Edit: u/Reasonable-Dude Imagine defending the presence of the British and other NATO militaries in Cyprus, the continued occupation of Cypriot territory by the British, and training with the fucking IDF because "it benefits us". You are gross. Edit2: u/Reasonable-Dude just saw your other longer comment too. You're an idiot 


I dont think UK is legally required to get permission to do anything at the bases.


The guy is trying to drag Cyprus into this, even though Cyprus was never part of the ongoing war in Gaza, as I mentioned above we even sent them aid. About the bases stuff, no base was used to attack Gaza, and finally through your logic it’s okay for them to bomb Cyprus to get rid of the Jews, but what about the innocent Cypriot civilians? Do they deserve to die, just cause some madman decided to drag Cyprus into this? Or if they bomb us are u going to blame the current government of supporting the Jews, when the arabs also want ur extinction? Also what about the immigrants Cyprus took in from war torn countries, what about them? Do they deserve the same fate??? We have to be reasonable and realistic and declare that the dude from Hezbollah is clearly a radical extremist, so don’t agree with him, the guy clearly has no problem killing us.


So? We also use the bases to send them humanitarian aid in Gaza not to bomb them. The training you are referring to is done to help us learn from the Israeli army (that is more advanced than us) to keep up with military tactics cause as we know we are in a state of ceasefire with our neighbours, not peace.


I don't like nato but I don't like jihad terrorists more :) in this world you're forced to choose the least harmful option


That c*nt has been hiding in an underground bunker for at least a decade and he's getting more delusional day after day. On behalf of my fellow Lebanese I apologise for the threat. We love you.


Love u too fam 🤗


Typical incel mentality. He should get out and touch some ~~boobs~~ grass.


He’s been hiding underground since we kicked the Syrians out.


A mass casualty event is the last thing we need here. At least in Limassol they'll get stuck in traffic before they do anything. "use waze! Why are we in Beirut?! Gooo! We've been stuck on the roundabout for 40mins! Why are there traffic lights on the roundabout?! Forget it let's go to Malta."


They will bomb toga toga 😭


Lebanese here, the context is missing, Nasrallah said that if Israel used Cypriot airports to attack Lebanon in case of a total war, it will consider Cyprus as part of the war.


Yes. I wish they would just leave us out of it. From all sides


"and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war". This is the concerning part that is missing in your statement. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/19/hezbollah-chief-nasrallah-says-israel-should-be-scared-of-all-out-war


What airports? Larnaca?


Quick! All foreigners! Sell your houses and run!


This foreigner that has a lovely family here will be taking arms if anything happens to our extremely welcoming and lovely Cypriots


Petetu tuntu kiriou Mashallah intampou ton lalun na erti na mas ta glipsi lio , i moullaes mas emaranan tora


"They are the ones who should be afraid!", he says, from inside his underground bunker where he hides like a rat because he knows there's a rocket with his name written on it just waiting for him to peak out.


They can’t, and they won’t


Why cut off the hand that feeds you. God knows how much funds they are funneling to Hezbollah through Cyprus.


![gif](giphy|dUHdTk3tvry9NETa67) Do it! Pick a fight with an EU country. That would benefit Lebanon so much. Islamist being Islamist... Remember when ISIS threatened that they would conquer the whole region up to Europe? How did that work out?


You’re wise thinking he cares about Lebanon.


I don't think he cares about Lebanon. Most Lebanese care about their country though and doing that, Hezbollah will probably be even more unpopular with them. Not that it matters anyway since they are supported by Iran.


Your right the Lebanese hate hez the only time they get shown any real support in their subreddit is when they make another bot surge than it disappears a couple days later after reddit flags and bans them


It’s already unpopular af. The only people you see supporting him are his sheep, just like any other political party in Lebanon, they are all corrupt. Everyone else just pretends they support hezb so they can have an easier life and get benefits like free education


Why not just disallow Israel from using Cyprus as a base against Hezbollah?


Why not stop Iran from using Lebanon as a base against Israel?


Are you aware Israel was occupying southern Lebanon?


You aware of why they were occupying southern Lebanon?


Γιεσσς πάντα ήθελα να νικήσει έναν πόλεμο η Κύπρος ελάτε μέσα




Ahahaha actually egelasa malaka


e ma re pelle ehasame ji emis enan beef je ullos o kosmos efkale mas giotaes en ora na katahtisoume jemis kati re bro mu


Enjen oti en imaste giotaes, dame tes klatses mas jen mporoumen na tes kataktisoume xD


enikseris posa confirmed kills eho pou katsarides ekso pou to thalamo


Ok tote vasizoumaste pano s leventi m! Kame mas perifanous!


Posting for a friend; “Hi I tried to post this but bc my account is new I couldn't so here it goes So many things to be said about the reaction to NasrAllah's comments. First thing, anyone who is willing to let NETENYAHU drag Cyprus to his aimless war must be either pretending to be a cypriot, has no idea about how anything works, or wants to see Cyprus burn. Second thing, stop being delulu.... all these "bring it on, yeah let him try" comments, he didn't say that he is coming to Cyprus to spread Islam or "do jihad" as some comments claim, he simply said that if Cyprus was to allow Israel to use its airports to conduct airraids on Lebanon then Cyprus will be treated as part of the war. Thirdly, I hate to say this but most of the "bring it on, yeah let's see you try, we're ready for war" are coming from Greek accounts, not Cypriots, and you can be bros all you want in this subreddit, but this is again Greece mistaking Cyprus as one of its properties to follow Greece even if it was towards doom. Fourth, this Lebanese guy who hasn't stopped kissing hands and feet since yesterday, guy... your page is full of posts and comments from another subreddit called the forbiddenbromance which is a subreddit celebrating the relations between some Lebanese people and the Israelis that tried to ethnically cleanse you/will try again given the chance. Lebanon does not claim you, find a new ethnicity because you're not Lebanese. ## Lastly and most importantly, did you forget that Palestinians fought NEXT to Cyprus against the Turkish invasion? You must've forgot because I saw a lot.of comments saying "my enemy's enemy is my friend" claiming that Palestinians are the enemy, even worse claiming that Palestinians supported Turkey's invasion of Cyprus when this couldn't be further from the truth.”


“Here are three articles from 1978, 1982, and 1982 respectively: Washington Post 1978: Armed PLO Unit Reportedly Seen In Cyprus Battle https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1978/02/22/armed-plo-unit-reportedly-seen-in-cyprus-battle/50e7ce9e-6e95-41c3-ba27-eed57d2f3896/ The New York Times 1982: P.L.O. FIGHTERS ARRIVE AT CYPRIOT PORT https://www.nytimes.com/1982/08/22/world/plo-fighters-arrive-at-cypriot-port.html Washington Post 1982: Cyprus Awaiting Transit Today of PLO Guerrillas https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1982/08/22/cyprus-awaiting-transit-today-of-plo-guerrillas/e5a450de-45d3-46ec-aa28-3484a424a328/ “


Uhmm, wasn't the war in 1974?


I believe the battle you are referring to is the Larnaca airport battle which was not against Turks


E na ton paiksei tziain na isixasei


Is Israel a good partner for Cyprus to cooperate with? If any people know about colonial occupation, division of their land and refugees, it is Cyprus surely? Seeing it through a religious lens is wrong.


Most of the exercises between Israel and Cyprus are between the air forces. Truth be told, Israelis know how to do airstrikes deep in enemy territory (look "Operation Opera" and their operations against Assad's regime). Usually airstrikes are the first strikes that happen in a war, and Turkey is expected that they will do the same, like every other nation. It cannot be overlooked how important those exercises are for the Cypriot air defence forces. We NEED this training, and Israel is one of the few states that can provide this kind of exercises.


As a Lebanese who opposes the Israel-Lebanon border war, and without question would oppose a war against the people of Cyprus (because that's who the war would be against), I have to say I appreciate you taking the time to explain your country's perspective. It sucks we humans still haven't figured out how to live together through diplomacy and cooperation. That's all I can say on the matter. I wish us all safety. And we Lebanese remember the multiple times the people of Cyprus came to our aid in our darkest times. edit: fixed spelling


Interesting, but do you think Cyprus could fight Turkey realistically? Greece didn't help last time. Diplomacy and the EU is the only realistic answer I think.


Of course Cyprus can't win Turkey alone. There is not a single universe where that could happen actually. The important thing is in case something happens, we must be able to defend ourselves until help arrives or a diplomatic solution is found. Air defence is complex and is one of the most important things to be good at in case of war. Without it the Turkish air force, or any air force will be able to destroy our equipment without resistance, before our army even gets out of the military camps. Personally i don't think Turkey will ever attack Cyprus because this time we aren't giving them any reason, and such action by Turkey would probably ruin NATO and their EU relations. But still because you never know, it's still important to train.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We supported Palestinians for a long time and they want to recognise the occupation forces. They have close ties with turkey and they dream of a jihad across Europe. Nope, it is religious because it's in the core of islam to be at war with the infidels.


also when Turkey made the Hagia Sophia a mosque the Palestinians were celebrating it. You can imagine what that did with the good will of devout christians over here.


>and they want to recognise the occupation forces No. >They have close ties with turkey More like Turkey is pretending to be their protectors to flex their muscles without actually doing anything, and the Palestinians are desperate for a stronger surrogate nation to protect them from US-backed Israeli impunity. >and they dream of a jihad across Europe No. >Nope, it is religious because it's in the core of islam to be at war with the infidels. There are millions of Palestinian Christians. Your take is as ignorant as it can possibly get.


Not to mention, the moderate and atheist Palestinans. Heck, i doubt that even the most fanatic Palestinian Islamist is interested in "jihad in Europe".


Μα πού εσιει εκατομμύρια Χριστιανούς Παλαιστίνιους, κάτι πηγές που βρίσκω λαλεί 1% στη Γάζα (source Wikipedia) ή ακόμα λλιοτερο, 1300 άτομα (source Associated Press) Παγκόσμια λαλεί μισό εκατομμύριο η Wikipedia, αλλά οι παραπάνω εν στη διασπορά


Όπως είπα τζαι στο άλλο σχόλιο, τα στατιστικά δείχνουν ότι οι χριστιανοί Παλαιστίνιοι επηρεαστήκαν δυσανάλογα που την Ισραηλινή κατοχή τζαι έτσι η πλειοψηφία τους εν στο εξωτερικό. Στην Δυτική όχθη τζαι ειδικά στην Γάζα ελάχιστοι εμείναν. Αν μη τι άλλο οι παραπάνω που εμείναν στον τόπο τους εν εκτοπισμένοι εντός του Ισραήλ. Τωρά για τον ακριβή αριθμό κανένας εν ξέρει, ούλλα εν στο περίπου τζαι με υπολογισμούς. Ό,τι στατιστικά ηύρα στην ουσία μετρούν τους Παλαιστίνιους που έχουν άμεση σύνδεση στην Παλαιστίνη τζαι τες ρίζες τους, άρα 1ης, 2ης ή άτε το πολύ 3ης γενιάς μετανάστες τζαι πρόσφυγες. Εν λαμβάνει υπόψιν π.χ. άτομα με μικτή καταγωγή που έχουν επίσης Παλαιστινιακές καταβολές. Τούτο έσιει ιδιαίτερη σημασία, διότι νομικά βάσει του ΟΗΕ, οποιοδήποτε άτομο με γονέα πρόσφυγα που την Παλαιστίνη θεωρείται Παλαιστίνιος πρόσφυγας (παρόμοιο με εμάς δαμαί).


There are not millions of Palestinian Christians. Approximately 45,000 out of the West Bank’s Palestinian population of 2.7 million are Christian. Before the outbreak of the current conflict around 1,000 Christians live in Gaza (0.05% of the population). In Israel there are around 120,000 Christians. These are made up of indigenous Arab citizens of Israel https://embraceme.org/christians-in-israel-palestine#:~:text=How%20many%20Christians%20are%20in,0.05%25%20of%20the%20population). According to the 2017 PCBS census, there are around 47.000 Christians in Palestine, with the vast majority - close to 98 per cent - situated in the West Bank. Gaza's dwindling Christian population amounts to just over 2 per cent of the entire Palestinian Christian community. https://www.refworld.org/reference/countryrep/mrgi/2018/en/56759


Palestinian Christians exist also outside of Palestine and Israel. In fact, Palestinian Christians were disproportionately dislocated from the region and ended up as diaspora around the world. The most recent statistics suggest that more than half of Palestinian Christians worldwide reside outside of Palestine and Israel, and that's usually excluding those of Palestinian descent but who don't fully identify as Palestinian.


You are confusing Palestinians for Hamas. Also neither Palestinians who are diverse people nor Hamas has an interest in doing "jihad across Europe" lol.


Just from a tourism perspective, I as an Israeli went with my friends to Cyprus like 6 times, almost every Israeli went to Cyprus some time in their life, we share a lot in common and I’m not even talking about the geopolitical interests(hostile turkey, and natural gas)


Cyprus is a friendly country. Israel is currently ruled by dangerous criminals, which makes alliances dangerous too.


And Palestine is not ruled by terrorists?? Hamas is literally an Islamic Terrorist group that came to power by winning with a 70% threshold the elections. Islamic why?? Because they believe that Jews are their natural enemies through their religion, and through their holy text no Jewish state shall be next to an Islamic one. Also see what happens if someone of the lgbtq community visits Palestine, I guarantee you they will be killed. That’s not the case in the more secular state of Israel.


Israel with its far right gov is far from secular but on paper now. Every passing day its beginning to resemble the mullah regime in Iran. Perhaps if you bothered negotiating with the PLO , who is a secular left leaning organization, in good faith there wouldn't have been room for an islamic organization to take its place and everyone would have been living in peace now.


The comment you are responding to did not mention Palestine, nice deflection though.


Yh it did not, but it was implied. Maybe u forget how the ICJ also ruled that the leader of Hamas is to be also arrested not just Netanyahu. And from the moment the ppl you support use human lives as shields and shoot rockets from hospitals and schools, and they use pipes given to them to have water, and they use these pipes to make rockets, they are the true criminals and there’s a special place in hell for these people. But yh it’s totally Israel’s fault, it’s always have been the Jews, who are not even the 0.2% of the world’s population contrary to the mullahs.


I don't support Hamas, refer to my previous comment


And yes it is Israel's fault, they displaced and then abused the native population for decades - I fully support the right of Jewish people to exist and prosper, and everyone deserves a home, but you cannot build your home on top of someone else's, Cypriots know all about that


This reply of yours is symptopmatic of someone who has been brainwashed since very young. Do you believe the ICC and the UN are both making it up when they say Israel has been breaking the law since 1948? It isn't about religion, as Zionism was not a religious movement originally. It is european colonialism and apartheid, using a paper thin justification from 2,000 years ago.


That’s brainwash not standing against Terrorism where they clearly threatened us, a small island that has been war torn in all of its history. Enough is enough they are spreading misinformation against Cyprus, and keep talking abt how we offer our bases to Israel to bomb them, when in fact we tried our best to stay out of any dramas, as we have our own problems. Our military exercises with Israel have been a thing way before October 7th. Also it is about religion since both Islam (the Quran) and Hamas explicitly state that muslims in the case of the Quran should kill the jews and bring war onto them. Don’t get me started on Hamas, when their leader is in Qatar enjoying his billions while his ppl are dying for nothing in Palestine. I have no problem with no one, hell I don’t even care if someone is a Satanist as I’m secular myself, so you have the freedom to believe in (God, Yahweh, Allah, Shiva etc…), where I draw the line is with extremist ppl spreading propaganda against my war torn country which literally was under occupation for a long time, and under different ones, that’s where I say that they should be ashamed of themselves to blame Cyprus and to try and drag us into this war, which we also tried to contribute our sum of help to Gaza through humanitarian aid. So yeah, I’m not going to develop Stockholm syndrome and become the oppressor when clearly my country is the victim of this. Free Cyprus, Free Lebanon, and Free both Israel and Gaza from this fucked up war, that Hamas started through getting elected, I trust that the people of Palestine will see their mistake when voting for Hamas and try to resist them.


Bark at the moon


We should not be part of this war, but let's not forget that neither hezbollah nor the Palestinians are friendly to Cyprus. Not long ago, the Palestinian news agency referred to the republic of Cyprus as greek administration of Southern Cyprus in the announcement issued by Mahmut Abbas's office to thank the states that recognized the state of Palestine. It's kind of a weird mistake to make in such an important announcement and very ironic.


It's not a secret that the Palestinian authority is allied with Turkey. In 2019 they were present on our occupied land as observers of a joint military exercise conducted by Turkey and TRNC.


Like I said in another comment, Palestinians are looking for a stronger surrogate nation to act as a deterrent for Israel. Turkey offers itself as that option; not because they are willing to do anything or they care (many Kemalist Turks are actually pro-Israel), but because Erdoğan likes to dangle his dick around to garner support from his religious, conservative voterbase. Now, I'm not aware of the incident you are referring to so I'm open to any sources that substantiate it, but it wouldn't surprise me if the PLO actually did it. Its corruption and flawed foreign policy has actually been a major reason why many Palestinians turn to extremist alternatives like Hamas. That being said, the PLO and Palestinian leaders more broadly have a rather firm stance on the Cyprus issue on an international level, which is what matters as far as official positions are concerned. The PLO only recognizes the RoC as the legal entity on the island, recognizes the Turkish occupation, and retains bilateral relations with Nicosia. That is more than one could say about e.g. Azerbaijan which has indeed had a historically ambivalent stance on Cyprus due to their own issues in Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh.


>nor the Palestinians are friendly to Cyprus Did you conduct a poll or something? >Not long ago, the Palestinian news agency referred to the republic of Cyprus as greek administration of Southern Cyprus in the announcement issued by Mahmut Abbas's office to thank the states that recognized the state of Palestine. Something they corrected later. According to the press: >Asked about the terminology, Palestinian ambassador in Nicosia Abdallah Attari told newspaper Politis the original announcement in Arabic had referred to the Republic of Cyprus, and that it was a translator who had changed the terminology when writing the statement in English. > “As soon as it was noticed, Palestinian President [Mahmoud Abbas], who appears strongly annoyed with the translator, immediately rushed to request a correction to the English text,” the paper said. It would be odd to claim it's some kind of political statement when it got retracted so swiftly.


Why are you getting so aggressive? No, I didn't conduct a poll, but I am allowed to do my own analysis and draw my own conclusions. This was not a mistake. It was done deliberately. You don't just come up with the term greek administration of southern cyprus. Anyway, you're entitled to your own opinion Cheers


>Why are you getting so defensive? What part of my response sounds "defensive"? >No, I didn't conduct a poll, but I am allowed to do my own analysis and draw my own conclusions. "Analysis" it is not. More like a haphazard "κουβέντα του καφενέ". If you have no concrete data, you don't get to call it an "analysis". >This was not a mistake. It was done deliberately. You don't just come up with the term greek administration of southern cyprus. 1) Why was it corrected then? 2) What exactly did Palestine achieve with it? >Anyway, you're entitled to your own opinion Of course. The thing is that I didn't express any opinion here, I'm just disputing yours because it is not supported by evidence.


Didn't know you were cool like this, u/Rhomaios


He's the coolest


When will the radical Islam get wiped out


I am not religious but are you sure the problem here is radical Islam?


Obviously it's not, it's the fascist movement known as "Zionism"


Obviously it's not, it's the fascist movement known as "Zionism* 


Obviously it's not, it's the fascist movement known as "Zionism* 


Yes it is. Once it's done with Israel, we're next "Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the infidels, atheists, and polytheists. Count them, kill them one by one, and do not leave a single one of them alive." https://www.memri.org/tv/rafah-gaza-friday-sermon-hamas-official-regeb-allah-necks-jews-annihilate-them


First of all, this is ain't a leader of Hamas like you and the propganda website claim. Maybe this man is a member of Hamas. Maybe he is not even a member of Hamas. I tried looking for the sources of this video or for information on this guy but found nothing other than the memri propaganda website.  In their 2017 charter, Hamas states that  - Hamas is not seeking war with the Jewish people – only with Zionism that drives the occupation of Palestine. “Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.”  So this is neither religious war nor it is motivated by anti semitism. - Hamas also insists that it is not a revolutionary force that seeks to intervene in other countries. So no jihad in Europe or the rest of the world. Lol https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/01/hamas-new-charter-palestine-israel-1967-borders However, being true to your Islamophobia, you are choosing to listen to only the most extreme voices and then make generalisations about all of the members of Hamas, all the Palestinian resistance including the communist PLFP and all Palestinians and framing the resistance to brutal occupation and aparthied as being rooted in anti Semitism and motivated by Islam. You are just sympathy lacking, self-serving racist with no moral ideals or brain bower.


When will the fascist and warmongering ideology of Zionism, as well as western imperialism, get wiped out?


Extreme islamism is a bigger threat to the world than zionism. Europe is literally getting fucked by islam as we speak


How does a sane person look at what is happening in the occupied Palestinian territories and come to the conclusion that radical Islam is the problem? Also how is Europe "getting fucked by Islam"?


I don\`t know, maybe because instead of acting like a civilized country and deciding to improve their country with the billions sent to palestine and their newly found liberty to do whatever they wanted since Israel left, they decided to elect Hamas and spread their evil jihad, cowardly attacking civilians, including their own! Very different than Cyprus, even if we were invaded, I don\`t see cypriots bombing the north. I see a difference. Radical Islam is a problem! Enough of suicidal empathy. This comes from a libertarian that sees what Islamic colonization does to multiple countries surrounding us.


Maybe because Western Imperialism, Zionism, etc.. are the ones perpetrating all the wars in the region. Either to exert military control, financial control, steal resources, and install their own regime puppets. They destabilize each country, cause civil wars, intervene militarily to force their plans unto it, create a refugee crisis, and all the refugees flee to the EU, and get there without integrating/assimilating, end up living in poor conditions, face culture clash, band together as they feel safer together with the familiar. Many of which, like in any population, get involved in criminal activity. Their tribe culture and traditions don't help. Of course. But you have extremists in every country/religion. So... You get shitty refugee population causing shit. Im not justifying it, they need to fuckin get in line and integrate if they want to become part of their host country. But to ignore where it comes from is ignorance in itself. Ask any refugee in the world where he'd rather be. They would most likely tell you "Home, how it was before the war"


why the fuck would an armed Lebanese group, sponsored by Iran, which fights against Israel in the name of Palestine, threaten Cyprus?


Welcome to the Middle East


Because Islamists are sane and rational people


To call Hezbollah an Islamist group is ignorant. It’s a Muslim group, but the objectives they have are nothing related to Islam. Their objectives are about landback. It’s like saying Mandela was a Christian extremist when in reality he was just a Christian with revolution-esque objectives that aren’t related to his religion.


What land back? Hezbollah has no territorial claims (Sheba farms aren't Lebanese territories but Syrian) from Israel. In the current conflict, they don't even claim it's about territory and they started firing at Israel on 8.10.23, WAAAY before any so called genocide claims. Also, Hezbollah are are a prescribed terrorist groups by virtually every country in the world and responsible for various terror attacks abroad, most notable is [AMIA bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMIA_bombing). Also- They claim literally in their charter and name that they are an Islamic resistance movement, so I really have no idea what are you talking about


I don’t care what country calls them terrorists groups, I don’t live in those countries. 30 countries also recognize your country as a terrorist group. I see you are an Israeli on the forbidden bromance sub so I will respect my nations rules by not talking to u any further and conclude w this: Lebanese lands, Palestinian lands, it’s all the same. It will be taken back whether by the demands of the free people of the world or by force. An Islamist organization spreads Islam to other lands by force, the lebanese give the lands back to the Muslims and Christian’s it was taken from. επιστροφή γης για όλα τα κατεχόμενα έθνη ☘️☘️. Cope


Israel won’t let Lebanon touch Cyprus, and so does the EU. Sorry for dragging you guys to our wars


Έννα μας κλάσεις τα ποτούτα μας που εν θα τους αφήκεις. Yeah, you should be sorry for dragging the whole region into a war, along with being sorry for committing genocide. The terrorist state of i$rael is the biggest threat to peace in the Middle East.


Lol. Israel can’t care any less about Cyprus or any other country but itself. They’re ready to drag any country into a war so Netanyahu can escape his punishment.


Cyprus is actually the only country in this god forsaken region that Israel will send jets to protect. Especially from Arab countries or terrorists. We have shared values, military cooperation and Cyprus is basically the only real neighbor we have. Believe it or not, it’s up to you I hope we won’t need to test this


Your genocide, you mean?


Bro screaming genocide won’t make it real. The Palestinians lost big time and live like dogs, it’s sad but they brought it on themselves supporting Hamas. After the war they will get a chance to build something. Let’s see how serious they are. Also very brave of you to use a new account!


You know there’s a video from years ago with Netanyahu explaining his plans to direct funds to Hamas to help bring them to power. Even the last PM of Israel admitted this to be true. It was always the plan. It’s because of Israel that hamas became so powerful and they did it deliberately to have an excuse to have an all out war and claim the Gaza Strip. Also, check this video out too [of Netanyahu explaining his tactics to inflict pain and suffering on Palestinian people](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100064567517750&story_fbid=1423118978249848) Seems to me you’re one of the many fools who have been deceived by the Israeli government.


Ah, the banality of evil.




If you read the genocide convention you would know that numbers killed doesn’t matter.


It’s a good thing that the ICJ did not call it a genocide then.


False. ICJ did open a genocide investigation.




So you’re assuming every single Palestinian man in Gaza is Hamas? Really?


We can not list every scenario and appropriate behaviour for every action, therefore use your common sense in case of a situation that is not listed in the rules. No Dehumanisation.


He hezbollah? Maybe he should try eating less then.


Imagine going against a country that's multiple times more superior than you and you are like: "i know how to make things better, I am gonna open an additional front with another country"... superb strategists over there...


Wouldn’t surprize me if this ”information” was told by a certain country to drag Cyprus into this war.


Fuck you Nasrallah, fuck you Hezbollah - the terrorist occupiers!! Your time will come too. Canada just put your overlord IRGC on the terrorist list!!


Lol what? Occupier? They literally kicked the occupier out of south Lebanon.


Occupiers? Occupiers of what?


… please clarify in what way they are occupiers? They were born out of defending their land from Israeli occupation. Had they not been created, their land would currently be occupied by the settler colony of Israel, just like historic Palestine is.


I can and should ask you the same. What exactly is Nasrallah? You first ask a question and then offer a rather one sided response about defending a terrorist force backed by the shite islamists occupying Iran and Lebanon and Syria and Iraq. Should I continue? Hezbollah/IRGC: Active in illegal arm trade, drug trafficking, abductions, militia warfare, assassinations of Iranian activists. Receiving petroldollars from oil sold by the islamists occupying Iran and depleting sovereign Iranian assets in support of terrorism. Should I go on? You may have beef with your neighbors, but nothing is as cruel as allowing terrorists and corruption as a surrogate for a failed state. Shame on you! Once the regime in Iran is done, Hezbollah can start begging safety in North Korea, or Venezuela, or Senegal. Or some other place on this planet with shite rulers. The people of Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Iran and yea Israel deserve better than its current shite rulers. WE ALL DESERVE BETTER!! Shall I continue while you count the money you are receiving from Hezbollah/IRGC?


And the Syrian Golan heights.


With the exception of France a few years back , and Greece , has anyone else used our airports or ports for any reason other than emergency refuelling ?


don't forget English military bases


come to think of it, i haven’t heard any of those loud ass fighter jets in a while


Well Israel didn’t really used air bases in Cyprus for at least pre covid so he just making shit up Nassrallah is batshit crazy if he will attack Cyprus They might not by part of nato But as part of the EU I can’t imagine that most countries will not aid Cyprus( just to make it clear hezzbolluh have the ability to wipe out Cyprus with their missiles)


Well , Israel should use their airports to do war crimes. That's exactly what I said it's gonna happen eventually if Cyprus government let USA and Israhell do whatever they want


Ahhhh skata 💀💀


Poor Cyprus can never catch a break, can they?


Hezbollah is an instrument of Iran. AKEL is the party that has relationships with Iran and recently met its ambassador [https://news.rik.cy/article/2023/11/10/sunantese-genikou-grammatea-tou-akel-me-ton-presbe-tou-iran/](https://news.rik.cy/article/2023/11/10/sunantese-genikou-grammatea-tou-akel-me-ton-presbe-tou-iran/)


The fuck are they gonna do? Canoe to Ayia Napa to invade us?🤣


Να την βάλει μπούκο




Nasrallah doesn't know who he is threatening. Cypriots are going to brush his threat under the carpet for the next 50 years.


This whole recent escalation and the following bloodbath is the result of Iran and Israel clashing over other Arab states and Turkey attempting to normalize relations with Israel, October 7 was totally Iranian stunt to put Israel in an impossible situation and Netanyahu walked straight into the trap full on. Both Iran and Israel are responsible for where things at. Iran is just trying to spread the conflict to get others onboard, they don’t care if innocent people die, neither does Israel. Superpowers of the world should have stopped this madness but they are part of the problem.


Lebanese here . Don’t worry guys Nasrallah is full of shit . Nothing will happen Viva LArnaca !!


Well, let him try. There are so many f***** interests in Cyprus military and otherwise that he won't do shit.


Θα μας κλάσει δύο μάντρες @ρχιδισ


Ma pios en pon toutos o paliatsos???


Turkish propaganda, do you really think they can attack an e.u country and get away with it?


Bros got a death wish


What is up with the amount of Israelis and their scum bootlickers on this sub 💀 seems like not just the island of Cyprus is being used and abused by these horrid people - Cyprus has a unique kinship with Palestine and has been through occupation itself. We should understand their plight, not fraternise with a bunch of fake ‘middle easterners’ who want to wreak havoc and steal as much culture as possible whilst destroying history, language, society. Wise up


Everyone relax, this is really no more of a dig rather than directed at Cyprus.




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