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My niece calls Bohemian Rhapsody “mama ooo” Can we listen to Mama Oo?


that’s a good name for it


It’s hard to call it anything else really


That makes more sense than my son calling [that one song from Trainspotting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTFrCbQGyvM) "The Kangaroo Song." We have no idea where that name came from.


I knew it would be Born Slippy. I can see the logic to be honest, the beat, lyrics, hell the whole song has a ‘bounce’ to it like a kangaroo. Also there was ‘skippy’ the kangaroo - but I assume your son isn’t aware of that old show…


Cuz it’s so hoppy?


Maybe the accent?


My son when he was 2 or 3, he asked to listen to “the Tiger song”. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I was determined to figure it out. After playing every song in my play history from the previous couple of weeks, he finally said “That’s it!” It was “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen. He called it “The Tiger Song” because of the line “I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky like a tiger” that I never even mentally registered.


Of course! You know, the tiGeR song dad!


My thought would have been Eye of the Tiger


We make quesadilla for my daughter and call it Hazel-dilla. I started playing "bam bam" by Sister Nancy at meals and she'll sing along to the bambambillas with "Hazel-dilla baam baam!"


this made my day Now teach her to say Wagwan when she walks into a room!


When my daughter was a baby I'd sing her Hallelujah and she'd called it "Seco", as in Secret Chord 


Awww 😭


My son loves "Helena" by My Chemical Romance and for a long time he would call it alternatively "Tonight" or "Goodnight"


My daughter loves boxcar racer - I feel so She calls it her mad song.


My son calls Calm Down with Selena Gomez “Woah Woah”


Mickey mouse and Minnie mouse were "cacowa" and "gagowa" during her toddler stage. I have video of telling her to say "Minnie" which she does, then asking her to say "mouse", which she does, then I ask her to say "Minnie mouse" to which she responds "Gagowa!" With that confidence only a toddler can exhibit Edit - also bubble guppies was "Ba-gup"


Ours called Goofy "Figgy" with that same confidence. The LEGO Duplo Batman "Penguin" figure was "Wella". It took the better part of that year to figure out the intention was "Umbrella".


Ours calls Bingo "Mango" which is super cute


Mine ate some dried mango last week and told me it was "delicious flamingo"... That's a tangent, but I found it hilarious and your post reminded me of it.




Mine calls her Fwango. This was an exchange I had with her: Me: say B Her: Bee Me: say Bing Her: Bing Me: say Bingo Her: Fwango


Haha there’s no reason to name what show Bingo is from


My four year old calls Octonauts "Octo-Nazis"


Given that Octonauts is basically underwater star trek for kids this could be a great Mirrorworld episode


> Octonauts is basically underwater star trek Sir, it's too damn early in the workday on a Friday for paradigm shifting realizations.


Atleast he doesn’t remove the octo. One of ours called it O Nazi


Cars is Lighting Queen


La-likeen in our house haha


Lightling A'Queen


Ha, same here. Lightning A-Queen


My 3 year old days, "kachow" instead. Makes me laugh.


MAKWEEEEEN over here. Or sally. He really likes sally


My son called lightning "Queeny Chow!" for a long time. Hes grown out of it now and it makes me so sad.


My son decided that McQueen was him and that every other major character is someone else in his family. I get to be both Doc Hudson and the spy car voiced by Michael Caine.


I’m Mexican and my son calls him El Gayo McQueen instead of his actual spanish name El Rayo McQueen. Sounds a lot like “The Rooster McQueen” and I find it very funny.


My youngest calls Oscar the Grouch, garbage. It is so perfect because it’s accurate and would make Oscar more grouchy. It’s honestly one of my favorite things.


My son calls him Tongue. because he has a tongue when most of them dont and we have a book where he is shown with his mouth open. so that kinda stuck.


My son calls rice krispie treats "Rice Christmas Trees" and one of his favorite foods, sloppy joes, is always referred to by it's full name "Sloppy Josephs".


Bluey is called Bingo. Fair enough really.


Hah, mine did the same!


It’s “Booey” and “Bee-o” in this house.


Steve & Maggie is 'Stinky Maggie'.


My son's (4yo) favorite restaurant is Mighty Taco, and he **always** gets a chicken bowl with nacho cheese in it. He *only* refers to the restaurant as 'mightytacochicken!'. All one word, mostly yelled very enthusiastically.


Western ny/buffalo area? I seem to recall that’s where j had mighty taco. But that was nearly 20 years ago. I remember it being pretty pretty good


Elmo Street 


I mean this one is pretty accurate


I mean it's no Do Do Mom, but it's what my kid always called it and I'm not gonna correct him. My wife has more of these than my kids tbh, never calls shows what they're really called. Like we've been watching Wheel of Time and she asks me if I want to watch Wheel of Fortune. American Horror Story was Scary America, etc.


Lmao do we have the same wife? Mine can't follow plot for shit nor recognize actors. Kills me when I'm overhere like the Dicaprio meme pointung at Ser Davos Seaworth in 3 Body Problem and she's looking at me like I have 3 heads. 


The paper that tell you how to use or put together anything is the “constructions”


Same here, and I hope it never goes away.


Far and away my 2 year old's favorite musician is Dua Lipa. If you're foolish enough to ask Alexa to play anything other than Dua Lipa radio, he'll give a disappointed "awww* and ask for OPA OPA OPA until you give in. Makes things feel very Greek.


Consider yourself blessed. Mine only wants Old McDonald Had a Farm and has learned the full Siri command “oldmcdonaldhadfarm supersimplesongs on applemoooosic”


Posted in another thread recently but fits here as well. 4yo pronounces Tim Hortons as Timportance.


Paw Patrol is currently called 'porchables' by my 3 year old


Our kid feels Paw Patrol is too long and only refers to it as "Pawtrol".


Same here. Remember trying to correct this in our oldest when he was 5ish. Paw PUH-trol. That wasn’t worth trying to do in hindsight haha. Our 3yo is getting away with Pawtrol now.


I wonder if the double 'P' awkward for little ones. My son used to call it "pawatrol".


My almost 2 year old son says "Chaw Chole" He even sings the song while bobbing his head: Chaw chole chaw chole ....double chaw chole chaw chole ...trouble


"Pop Troll" over here


The first time I heard about the show, I thought it was "Papa Troll" and was some Smurfs-type show about a family of trolls. The only details I knew were that it was a kid's show and my coworker was lamenting his kid's obsession. Then one day I saw the toys at the grocery store and everything just snapped into place.


We went through years of him saying Paw Control. Adorable. He couldn’t break it, so I tried making him repeat “Papa”, “Troll”, which worked great, but then when he tried to put it back together it was Paw Control again. Also strangely, he couldn’t say remote control, instead just “Camote”.


My son used to say Paw Patrol in such a way that it sounded like "Pauly Shore". So my wife and I used to sing "Pauly Shore! Pauly Shore! Whenever you're in trouble!"


Pawtrol here


Peppa pig is "George"


Publix is “green store”


Publix for us is “shopping cookie!”


Makes sense to me


My son calls King Triton “King Daddy” because Ariel calls him daddy in the movie but I mean, he’s not wrong 😂


We have a toddler version of The Princess Bride, and my 20 month old calls the two leads "Wesley and Tupac". It's "Buttercup" for those who are unfamiliar.


"Baby" is what my kid called Avatar the Last Airbender. He saw Aang's bald head in the thumbnail and thought he was a baby, so he wanted to watch the baby. We put it on and he's now watched all the seasons lol He's moved on to more proper kids shows now at 2.5 but he still loves all his Avatar stuff he's gotten. A blanket and a stuffed Appa pillow thing are still favorites to this day.


Both my kids (5 and 3) refer to the Hulk as "Hulk Smash" no matter the context I will never correct them


My 3 year old does this too! So cute


My baby brother did this until he was about 7 or 8. He's about to be 16 and it's just The Hulk now :')


Daughter is 2.5 yrs: Whinnie the Pooh is “Pooh Pooh” Dino Rancher is “my ceratops” Curious George is “funny monkey”


Ours calls it "poop bear"


Daygo Tie-go is how Daniel Tiger gets pronounced around these parts.


My 5yo’s favorite Transformer is “Optimus Crime”


Mine is 4 and getting out of this phase. Really going to miss it. Like yours, he’s a huge transformers fan. Optimus Prime was Octopus Brian for about a year. Still laugh thinking about it


Mine's five and he's still Octamus Pwime.


The others are so great, mine feels a wee pedestrian: - "Somebody cooking" for a narration-less channel of someone cooking various korean dishes (one meal a day) - "Somebody walking" for a slow tv channel of someone walking around tokyo/japan (rambalac)


Mickey Mouse is "Hee How". Bluey is "Booey". Taco Bell is "Talky". Chick Fil A is "Chick Fay".


My nephews word for chickfila is "chicken lay" lol


My son used to call Mario "My-oh" Oh and breakfast was "Brek-sis" I slept on the couch one night because I worked super late. He woke me up when he was a toddler. Put both hands on my face to wake me up and very seriously said "Breksis." So cute.


Our oldest said something like "breaktist."


Breakfast is bregaft here,  and all meals are either bregaft or nak (snack). If you mention dinner or lunch she gets mad "no want dinner,  want bregaft!"


My 19 month loves the song we will rock you by queen. He does an impression of the beat but only say “we will Fock you” . He calls it Fock you.


Not tv shows but some great kid words from my house... - beanstalk - - beanstomp - toenails - - poenails - ham - - hom - "Hi Howie!" (the dog's name) - - "Howawa!"


Oh a few more - Granola bar - - nallybo - M&m's - - nemnems - (TV!) Simpsons - - simsims


Bluey has become 'Blue Puppy' in our house


Bah bah black - Timmy Time Cocolello - Cocomelon Row row row your boat - Tangled (has mickey mouse steering steam boat at the beginning) Other Frozen - Frozen 2


We have Toke Melon 😂


Otis the Tractor was my son’s first love (and show) and he was called Asha Gaga. (I miss that so much 😭 )


Not a show, but my daughter used to call those white powdered donuts “milk belly-buttons” I was sad when she stopped 😞


My daughter is 11 and still to this day calls her Raggedy Ann doll "ba ba ba" because of the song I used to sing when I made the doll dance for her before bed.


My three year old told me he wanted to read “The Great Eating Caterpillar” the other day.


Sounds like a bad translation from [Insert Foreign Language] to English.


When my oldest was 2, she had a habit of picking a lyric from a song and making that the title. It was always a puzzle to figure out what song she wanted to hear. For the longest time she kept asking for a song she called "back time". Eventually we determined it to be Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots.


My toddler loves Cars but the way he says Lightening McQueen is a sludge of incomprehensible madness that will one day summer an elderich horror.


Would Midsommar be summering an elderich horror?


Yes of course


My 2 year old daughter loves Spider-Man, who she refers to as ‘mama mi’.


My son used to call ice cream sandwiches “ice cream toast” when he was 3/4. My wife and I still use the phrase even though he is older now.


My son calls McDonald's "chicken nugget house".


My younger siblings called despicable me “man got the moon” which was pretty adorable while it lasted


Not a show, but my daughter wouldn't say "mine" when she was a toddler. She always said "mine's" and I hate that I don't get to hear it anymore. Now, at 8, she does still refer to instructions as the "constructions" and I'll be damned if I'm going to correct her because I love it.


Just experienced this last night. 2.5 (almost 3) calls pepperoni-pizza macaroni-pizza.


Doritos are called “mountain chips” because they’re shaped like mountains


Bluey is called Bully


My 18 months calls elephant 'arrow '. Not sure if it's a pronunciation or something else.


My son will be 4 in a couple months and calls Wild Kratz Green and Blue


Bing, from " bing & sula" it's called "Binghe"


He currently refers to our cats “Chip and Ice cube” as “blah cah wah wah”….i think it means cat?


Elemental is “water boy”


Chick-fil-A is chicky fries.


Our 3 year old calls Sushi 'doo-doo'. He likes it but just can't say it.


Mine calls Bluey Teebee


There's always the classic "calling the Disney princess the name of the movie". Encanto is the girl with glasses and Frozen is the singing lady with ice powers


Gordon (from Thomas the tank engine) is "DeeDee" for some reason.


20 month old says Boogaga instead of Helicopter lol.


Not her favourite but referred to Count Duckular as Count Ducklear which I found pretty funny


Elmo is named Wa Wa Wa Wa (I think he thinks he’s singing the Elmo’s World song)


Hamburger- hangaberger Animal - Aminal Ambulance - Ambliance


There is this Grizzly and Lemmings show on Netflix that is essentially a slap-stick comedy ripping off Tom & Jerry, Wile E Coyote & Roadrunner, etc My kid just calls it "Funny Bear"


My son mixes up Culver’s/Wendy’s and calls both of them Cindy’s!


My one year old at the time called sharks 'Do do doots' because of baby shark.


Daniel Tiger (and later the whole PBS app) was Kitty Co.


You know those little washcloth sized blankets with a stuffed animal head in the middle? Our daughter had several of them. Before she could talk she would shake her hand up and down and say woo to indicate she wanted one. As she got a little older the one with a bunny head became her "comfort thing" and was named Hop Woo.


My daughter called Curious George “George Curious” for a while, it was cute. “Can we watch George Curiossss?


Three year old just started watching Phineas and Ferb with us. She calls it "That Boy Show." she also thinks Perry is a penguin.


Mine often calls it "Bingo" or "Bingobluey." She also loves Shape Island on Apple which I definitely recommend. Especially if your kids like any Jon klassen/Mac Barnett books. She usually just calls it "Shapes" or chants "circle square triangle!"


Donuts with nothing on them are not "plain", they are "blank donuts".


Kind of in the vein, my 5 year old and I were playing hockey in the back yard and he was calling it “NHL hockey Sportsnet plus”.


Monsters inc is “mah max” Ice age is “ent ants” (elephants) Orange juice is “donday juice”? But an orange fruit is just “orange”😂


My daughter can't say "Stitch" So Lilo and Stitch is Lilo and Bitch. Her mom doesn't find it funny but I find it hilarious.


My nephew used to call blues clues “booze cooch” no matter how many times we corrected him 😂


Dropped Ls club here. Usually it's "boos coos", but sometimes she tries hard for the L in "clues" and misses... and asks for "booze cruise".


Dip Dip for all sauces Imagine Dragons Radioactive lyrics: Hey don't break my sister's bones, welcome to the new A, to the new A, Welcome to the new A, to the new A, and Radio walk to, Radio walk to. Taylor Swift Cruel Summer Bridge: I'm a skunk in the back of the car and I'm crying like a baby on the way home from the park.


Monkey. She's talking about Ice Age. The sloth is monkey. Or, other monkey. She means Monsters Inc. Sully is also monkey. Also there's umblyant. She's trying to say "elephant". This is also Ice Age. The mammoth is umblyant. But there's also umblyant flower. This is Horton Hears a Who. Obviously.


According to my 3 year old son, Marvel's Hawkeye is currently Hot Guy. His first language is Swiss German, and English pronunciation can be a bit tricky at the moment.


Every version of “dad‘s stores“ is a different color Lowe’s. For instance, Lowe’s is blue Lowe’s, Menards is green Lowe’s and Home Depot is orange Lowes. I now refuse to call them by any other name for the rest of my life.


My son calls Mickey "MimmeT" with lots of emphasis on the T for some reason, always funny seeing him riled up to watch mimmet's clubhouse


A podcast host I listen to daughter says Dark Vader.


My Daughter calls Puffin Rock 'Baba-Boo', which makes sense. Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom is 'Elf' (pronounced as 'off'). A little derivative but it makes sense In the Night garden is called 'Nik-Nok', with the actual train called 'Ninky', but she struggles with the NK sound


My son signs tiger when he wants the muppet show.


When she was 2, she would call it “Paw Patray”


My oldest used to call all animals "duckies"


My three-year-old has always had wildly advanced language skills so I don't have many examples, but he does call Bingo from Bluey "Fingo" and corrects me when I say it the "wrong" way.


My 2 YO calls Lilo and stitch “the mouse and his friend”


Max Verstappen used to be Max Whathappen. My wife and I got a kick out of that.


Island in the Sun by Weezer was “Dip Dip” by the then 3 year old “Onlyblameyacass” was the song Sultan from What Made Milwaukee Famous (“the only blame you cast is your own”) https://youtu.be/5YjhoTDnxp0?si=4fGONngTZ_Ut0sCF


When my daughter was 2, she called Frozen "Bonin," so that went well


I wish I would have written down all the funny things my daughter said between the ages of 1 and 4. I swore I'd never forget them, but she is now 5 an I've forgotten almost all of them. I remember only two. Her favorite teacher at daycare is named Toni but my kiddo called her Pony. The nickname stuck. Lol She also pronounced Unicorn as Noonicorn.


My youngest heard spice girls “wannabe” from diary of a wimpy kid: road trip. He gets in the car and always wants to to listen to “I-teh-ya-wud-I-one” (pronounced as one word, of course)


Instead of an incorrect name, I offer you an incorrect understanding of characters’ drivers and interests. My 2 year old thinks that little orphan Annie and Cinderella love cleaning, and demands a wet rag and a bucket with soap and water so he can clean the walls and floors like them. Almost dreading the day he wises up.


My 3yr old calls cookies "dookies." Mashes me laugh every time. Especially when we go to the local bakery.


My daughter truly can’t say spaghetti. I thought she was trolling me at first. She can say the parts but not the whole. Spa - spa. Get - get. Tee - tee. SKAPETTI!


Big bown backo - its a song called “Big Brown Boogieing Bear” Anny Go - Danny Go Dance Party! - Can’t stop the feeling by Justin Timberlake (his gymnastics class played this song every week as a dance party at the end, it stuck) Buyee - Bluey, he can actually say Blue the colour, but drops the L when talking about the show. Foor is LAWVAW! - Floor is lava


My 5yo has been watching me play Horizon Forbidden West and Horizon Forbidden Dawn for a good while now (I try not to do the human fights with her around), and for a long time it’s just been “fight girl”


We have a cat named Beatrix and my daughter calls her Beepashick. We've started calling the cat Beepashick too because it's just too cute lol


My son is 12 and still calls Scrubs "JD and Turk", he calls New Girl "Jess", and he calls Impractical Jokers "Q, Joe, Sal, and Murr"




Your kid sounds cool.


YouTube is "subscribe" because of all the pLeAsE sUbScRiBe and HiT tHe beLL shit at the end of videos. Sleeping Beauty is "'Rora" for Princess Aurora.


My daughter loves "uptown girl" by billy joel. She calls it upside down girl though.


The Grinch was the “Green Bitch” for awhile.


Grogu is “Grogu-gu”. She’s never seen the show, but loves the character


"hide and sneak" close 'nuff.


Spidey Adventures is “Go Webs Go” Target is “Market O, O, O” (for the three O’s he sees in target.


My son calls donuts “Dutch”.


My 7 year old calls "livin on a prayer" "living my best life". I have no fucking idea why.


Kiwis are TVs and Oatmeal is for some reason Apple Sauce


Our son called Bluey "Bingo" for the longest time. Now he pulls something from the episode when he wants that one. I.E. "the Sign" is "Bluey Go" because their car is Go-go. This morning he wanted "Bluey Jump" which I habe no idea so I put on trampoline.


She always sings the intro theme to Bluey... "Mom! Dad! Bingo! Booey!" Too cute to correct.


Timminja Turtles reign supreme


My kid calls blippi "poopie" and I'm inclined to agree. Idk who exposed him to it, but he's fuckin persistent, man.


Calls Spidey and His Amazing Friends - baby spidey because I showed him all the version of spiderman and let him know that spiderman is an adult mostly.


My 2 yo insist rabbits are called "Hoppers" and every bird that isn't a "tree bird" is a duck. I blame this one on the amount of times I've let her watch Ms. Rachel singing Hop Little Bunnies. As for bird law, well I am no expert. 


When my kid asks to watch TV, he says 'watch cars'. All TV shows are 'car shows' to him, apparently.


My daughter called her favourite blanket Choon!


Trash truck is called beep beep in our house


My two year old calls the "gingerbread man" "giga man" which i love lol


10yo still calls them lightsavers


Zootopia is Oh Oh.


My son calls Mickey Mouse "Mouse", Donald Duck is "Duck" and Goofy is "foo fey".


Our youngest said book as "badabada" for the longest time.


Ibuprofen is "mightyprofen".


"Old MacDonald Had a Farm" (A favorite song, and as we have a cloth book, a favorite book) is "Yi-yo." As in "EIEIO". "Yi-yo".


Our oldest used to call starbucks "tar bugs" Our youngest calls kitties "ki-EEZ" basically without the t's Our oldest used to (and sometimes still does) call balloons "bah-lah-luh-loons" makes me think of Baymax which is funny because she hasn't seen big hero 6


Coco Minno


the first dr seuss book we read was green eggs and ham, which starts off with the character introducing himself as Sam (spoiler alert), well he starts calling that book "Sam" like "I want to read Sam" so then we read cat in the hat and cat in the hat with dinosaurs and those are all sam "I want to read Sam and the dinosaurs" its great


Strawberries are “strawbebes”. Blackberries “blackabebes”


Mine calls bluey "DA" Calls Jeremy and jazzie "juh juh" And water "was wa"


Book: I’m going to give you a bear hug = “whaaaaale hug” Helicopter = “doctor” Video = “radio” (“baseball radio… motorcycle radio… soccer radio…”) There it is = “err-zizz“ Scooter = “sih-ter“ Hot dog = “dee-dog” Is that for me? = “uh-meyh!?”


My daughter used to call Prince Hans from frozen "Britonz"


My daughters teacher plays Beatles songs for them. In our house, Blackbird is known as "Blackbird singing in the deader night" and so help you if you try to sing the actual lyrics. See also "Shave and a haircut, two bics"


My son used to call apricots "apricados" rhymes with avocados


This isn't as cute as yours but my son calls "Gabby's Dollhouse" "Gabby Gabby" because of the character in Toy Story 4