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Mainly because it's implied that he's attracted to Hajime.


I thought that was false, and a translation issue?


No, I believe in Japanese it's even more implied, but I'm not entirely sure.


I looked it up just to be sure, and its said the Japanese version was platonic, and the english one is too, but it can be interpreted wrongly.


Where did you hear that? I don't doubt you per se, but Ive never heard of that before. When I looked it up, I got this: "In Nagito's fifth Free Time Event in ''Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair'' with Hajime, he ends his event with the line: "From the bottom of my heart... I am truly in love with the hope that sleeps inside you." In the original Japanese version of this line, Nagito uses the unambiguous and very strong romantic word "aishiteiru" (愛している) ("どうか忘れないで… ボクはキミを…キミの中に眠る希望を心から愛していると。)." In Nagito's character song from Danganronpa Another Episode (aka Ultra Despair Girls), Poison -劇薬- (lit. ''Poison -deadly drug-''), Nagito sings in English about loving an ambiguous "him": "I love and want to understand him more than anyone else''', more, more than anyone else." We don't know if he is gay or bi or so on, but he definitely likes guys, romantic or otherwise is up to you.


I have no stake in this argument but don’t always trust the internet


It is heavily implied. Yes, something being implied does not mean it's 100% canon with no room for interpretation. But at the same time because it is implied a lot of people choose to interpret Nagito that way, and that's not "interpreting wrongly", why do YOU have an issue with people interpreting him as gay? You can choose not to but why are you so insistent that the people that interpret it so he is gay are wrong? Do you have something against the idea of a character you like being gay? Why? What does it change about them?


I’m not sure if “you have taken my heart” or whatever the original Japanese line translates to is that platonic tbh.


I speak Japanese and it’s a quite explicit love confession in Japanese. It’s made more platonic in English.


"Anyone speak Japanese? I think the word Date was mistranslated, i think theres a japanese word that means "going out as friends" that got translated as 'Date:going out with romantic intentions'"ahh mf 😭😭


OMG I remember that! It was for Kill la Kill🤣


Haha, we actually have the same issue in my native language. The word for date can be either interpreted as meeting up with a friend or going out on a date. That's why many teens just use the English word to differentiate lol


Oh man! -200 downvotes, you poor thing, you better stop commenting


What do downvotes do?


It is a bad view dude, it turns your opinion into a trashfire, and with enough numbers it can be invisible in the comment section (unless you click on it) But the worst part is, if you get hell of a downvotes and get negative karma, that's when the real problem starts😬. So, as an another new Danganronpa fan, i don't want you to feel the despair of getting downvoted.


90% of the time when Danganronpa fans on the Internet claim certain lines from Nagito and Kokichi are mistranslated, they're lying out their ass.


Kokichi is gay too? I bet byakuya is aswell huh


Kaede in 3 straight up calls girls sexy more than once. And don’t get me started on Teruteru. If you don’t want ANYONE to be gay, maybe Danganronpa is not the series for you


Nah Byakuya hate anyone who isn't him, He fucking called himself in his Free times " Ultimate Perfection " What a narcissist, Ultimate Perfection ? My ass, What kind of unbelievable lie is these ? .


AroAce Byakuya


He's Shuichi sexual


Bruh people like you will ask why and then when your question is answered you for some reason like to keep on arguing even though you’re wrong. Why even ask the question at that point? Feels more as if you want to debate to try to get people to say “omg wait yeah you’re right, there’s no reason for people to call them gay!”




Bro, i clicked on this because i thought you were gonna show me proof nagito was gay smh. Bro i know there are gay people in danganronpa?? Im like 100% sure teruteru is bi. You're wasting my time


I’m not a mind reader and you won’t accept the subtext that others can. That’s a choice you’re entitled to of course, but you’re wasting everyone’s time by asking a disingenuous question. Additionally you’re not fooling anyone with your “Kokichi is also gay? I guess Byakuys is too”. It’s passive aggressive.


why are you getting so much downvotes????


🤷‍♂️, i just thought it was a translation issue


Because people like throwing words with "phobia" around like it's a playground insult


No because simple research would reveal more details about the translation and multiple people have explained it already in depth. You’re projecting your obsession with victimhood


Why is this person getting downvoted for??


That man is NOT straight


-While the English version tones it down, Nagito uses a **very** intimate way to say “I love you” in the Japanese version of his final FTE. >!-When he has the Liar’s Disease, he keeps talking about how much he hates Hajime.!< -In Island Mode, he tells Hajime they should return to their “Love Nest.” As in, a place where lovers spend time in secret. -Kurokuma makes a joke about him coming out of the closet in UDG. >!-There is no heterosexual explanation for his reaction to getting shot by Izuru.!< He might not be confirmed to be *gay*, since 99% of DR characters don’t have confirmed sexualities (I personally headcanon him to be bi myself), but he definitely likes dudes.


He no doubt likes hajime, but i doubt its sexual. In island mode isnt it a dating sim for everyone there? Kurokuma does alot of things I would react the same way to getting shot in the wallet/badge and im straight


You know the cast’s reactions and feelings do stay canon in Island mode right? Like, if you’re trying to woo a character who canonly isn’t into the main character, they’ll reject you. Often with a joke, but still. Ex: the question “let’s take our clothes off (beach)” Nagito will respond with “do you mean you want to go into the ocean with me? I think that’s a bad idea, there are lots of ways that could be dangerous. But I don’t mind if you just want to see me naked.” (Hajime thoughts: you don’t mind?… I think we both had a pretty good time.) Now, if you ask this to someone like, let’s say Gundam, he’d react like this: “what? You, of all people, actually made me feel hesitation. You’re…. Pretty good…. However, I see right through your planning. There’s no way I’d fall for that!”


Bro looked at him when he got shot like he was in a shojo anime. That was not straight.


That was Izuru, the literal Ultimate Hope. Nagito is literally attracted to hope, i'm not even joking. He blushes and seems to be near "climaxing" every time he talks about hope


Yeah, he seems like the kind of man who causes a lot of sexual tension with his good friends and just has a lot of gay energy, but is not actually attracted to men. Just a sensual guy. There's a lot of men like that, I guess people here don't know that.


Ah yes, just homies


How many totally platonic guy friends do you have that do super intimately worded love confessions to eachother?! 😆


I love your flair


Haha thanks


I've had a bunch. It confused me for years and broke my heart a few times


Oh. I'm sorry :(


Nagito danganronpa 🤝 kaworu Evangelion "They're not gay guys I swear these are very heterosexual actions"


People saying Shinji isn't bi are so fucking stupid like have they watched the show??? 😭


[people do some wild mental gymnastics](https://www.reddit.com/r/evangelion/s/CpLXdVRRzK)


As someone has said in the comments there, it's just plain homophobia, and sometimes im scared people are being homophobic about Nagito too....it's sad honestly.


I think what's crazier isn't the blatant homophobia, it's people who are being homophobic and claim it isn't and try to justify it as just being 'absurd and inconceivable' in the media it's from. It is such a strange phenomenon. besides if people are going to claim being gay 'ruins Nagito' I am sorry but he was ruined when we bought him


Realest shit i've ever heard lol, my broken Nagito isn't bad cuz he is gay, he is just a little bit silly and insane >:3


It’s like a horrible combination of homophobia, denial, and gaslighting


you don't have a gaydar


exactly , they're asking why but then also dont listen to reasons why people think so


Their gaydar is broken 😔


truly tragic 😔 i >!hope!< they get better soon






In chapter 3 notice he has the liar disease, while with that disease he tells Hajime he hates him, translating to Nagito saying he loves Hajime. And in his final fte Nagito tells Hajime “I’m truly in love with the hope inside of you.” Seems kinda fruity to me ngl


Nagito actually starts and then aborts a love confession in the Japanese original version. He also just straight up says "I love you" to Hajime in the manga's English translation. I'm lazy and dunno if I can post links without being banned/muted but I'll do it anyway: [here's a Tumblr post explaining it perfectly.](https://kosakawalterwhite.tumblr.com/post/624312026084327424/on-komaedas-love-confession) (The part about the meaning of aishiteru is actually partially false, it is very dramatic and pretty frowned upon, for lack of better word, to use it for things or people when you aren't like, doing a deathbed love confession.) TL;DR: He basically says "I am in love with y- I mean, the hope inside you". Like, deathbed-love-confession-style in love. Whether it's platonic or romantic is kind of up to reader interpretation but I personally believe he does love Hajime like a lover. Hope this helped!!


It is implied that Nagito has romantic feelings for Hajime. But obviously this will never be confirmed, so technically it's not canon and you can headcanon him as any sexuality you want him to be!


Bros very zesty


Honestly the zestiest guy character and that’s saying something


Fr like my man is zestier than Byakuya and Makoto put together


These are my favorite responses


there's a lot of reasons we could give, others have already given a few, but I'll try to explain how the mistranslation of his FTE happened, and what it implied in the original Japanese text. The last line Nagito says in his final FTE is "Please don't forget, I am truly in love with the hope inside you" But in the original japanese, there is an issue with the tense in which he says it. He starts it off by framing the sentence as if confessing his love to a person, before, midway-through, he suddenly switches the structure of the sentence from addressing a person, to addressing an object. Basically making his sentence sound like an aborted Love Confession. As if he was going to say "I love you", but then switched to "I love the hope inside you". A more accurate(ish?) translation of his sentence(if you wanted to preserve the general gist) would be- "Please don't forget, I am truly in love with y-... the hope inside you..." ofc, it is also important to just straight up consider how great and complex his dynamic with Hajime is to begin with. I mean, Nagito and Hajime truly have a superbly complex dynamic, right from the outset, both thematically and character-wise, so stuff like this above FTE, his dialogues in island mode, and just how weirdly fond Nagito is of Hajime to begin with,(His FTEs also reveal that Nagito never really cared about Hajime's talent much), and how Hajime is the only one willing to talk to and understand Nagito.... Well, it just all comes together to make a very shippable pair.


Wouldn't it be more believable that the writers were faking out the player with the line rather than it being a serious statement on Nagito's sexuality? Seems like probably something Kodaka threw it to fuck with us.


This is the funniest thing I have ever read in my life. You actually just said that THE LINE WHERE HE ALMOST CONFESSES HIS LOVE FOR A BOY is not a statement on his sexuality.


Ig u rlly just don’t want him to be gay


I just need to see solid evidence before I sort him into a group that makes up a small minority of the total populace. Apparently that triggers this fandom like no other.


oh yes the climax of nagitos free time events (the mechanic specifically designed to give the player more insight into the character) is actually just a joke and not canon! at this point he could suck a cock on screen and you would say “hmm i dont think that implies anything!”


I'm not big on any Nagito ships, but ngl OP, your responses stink of homophobia I ship a ship that only exists thanks to angsty what-if fics. Yes, might be delusional. But proof of Nagito being attracted to Hajime/Izuru is literally spelled out to you both by the games and this comment section, and ignoring all that put together requires some HUGE mental acrobatics. Even if you don’t like the dynamic or prefer Nagito with someone else, it won't hurt you to aknowledge that those heavy implications exist.


So glad someone is saying this. Like, I am straight and I usually don't ship any characters or like to pin down sexualities or any of that. It just isn't my thing. But even I can look at all the stuff Nagito does and say "Yeah, he likes dudes. I don't know his sexuality, but I know dudes are definitely in the equation somewhere. I can read, and I can read subtext, and what I am reading is that he likes dudes." OP is jumping through hoops. Why ask a question about the story if you already decided you won't like the answer? Why waste people's time, OP?


Yeah this, I ain’t big on ships either, but if it’s canon, it’s canon


you know what's funny? if it were a female character having jokes made about them being attracted to a guy in the game, yall would not be complaining, and even would be insisting that "it's canon" lmao.


Ngl, this whole post and comment section seems like homophobia vs Lgbtq+....


Me when my basic media analysis skills are at an all time low and my heteronormativity goggles are surgically attached to my face


I hate being accusatory, but it feels like OP asked everyone expecting them to only give headcanons, and now that people are actually citing stuff in the series OP is actively dodging it. Like, a Japanese speaking guy in a thread higher up said "yeah Nagito has a blatant love confession in his FTE" and OP said it was platonic. Platonic or not, that's a helluva reason for people to think he's gay, OP! Being romantic towards guys tends to look really gay. 😂


My favourite part is how they used the example of Nagito saying it would be weird if Mahiru fed him as if a) gay people are immune to social norms apparently? Especially teenagers, we all know how unaffected they are! and b) IT *WASN’T* WEIRD WITH HAJIME??? The best evidence you could find of Nagito being Super Straight is the scene where he says “oh thank goodness it wasn’t a GIRL, I’d much prefer you to be here Hajjme!” and then proceeds to have an INCREDIBLY sexually charged interaction with him??? A lot of the time people on social media act like the only way for a character to be “””””canonically”””” gay is for them to look into the camera and say HEY AUDIENCE I IDENTITY AS X ILL REPEAT MYSELF FOR CLARITY! That’s not really how it works! I think OP forgot that characters can just… be written as gay. And Nagito pretty inarguably is.


This is actually The Comeback of all time if I had gold I’ve give it to you


Youre gay huh


Oh good, I’m doing something right


This is the epitome of the ‘hey look at this incredibly gay character’ ‘but but they said this once so uhm actually they’re straight‘ Also he legit just wanted to hold hands with Hajime in one of his UTDP/Summer Camp events. EDIT: It’s not my place to police your media consumption, but you do know that DanganRonpa 2 has a mainly LGBTQ-coded(and in some places canonically LGBTQ) cast, correct? If you do not feel comfortable with queerness to the point where you go out of your way to deny it, maybe don’t play Goodbye Despair.


What do you mean “mainly” lgbt coded? Most of the characters are not even implied to be anything other than straight


Teruteru, Mahiru, Hiyoko, Ibuki, Mikan, Nekomaru, Nagito, Kazuichi, & Hajime.


only 3 of those characters are canonically implied to be not straight. Kazuichi obsesses over Sonia for the entire game, how is he not straight?


In his free time events, he’s implied to be Bi. Teruteru: We all know Mahiru: In both DR3 and TSMC I believe her relationship with Sato is implied to be romantic \[TSMC having Sato ask her if she’s confessing her love or smth?? Unsure\] Hiyoko: She has some…lines about Mahiru. Ibuki: Pretty obviously into girls, also ace if you count her Island Mode. Mikan: Into girls canonically. Nekomaru: Into Hajime in his Island Mode. Nagito: We all know Kazuchi: Literally just said Hajime: Look if you wanna argue that Makoto’s into Sayaka when only working with DR1 + School Mode, you also gotta acknowledge that 1. Hajime’s kind of bordering on disappointed in Island Mode when Nagito says he wants to be friends, 2. his feelings in Chapter One are meant to directly parallel Makoto’s, and 3. He just. Doesn’t comment on Nagito’s flirting in Island Mode. Doesn’t even comment about it in thoughts. So, he’s probably not *that* bothered by it…


I mostly forgot about dr3 tbh because it’s awful and I’m pretty sure island mode isn’t canon I could be wrong though. Mikan was manipulated by junko I don’t think she actually likes her. I was wrong about the other characters and I should have clarified who I was talking about when I said only 3 (ibuki, Nagito, teruteru) but wdym about Kazuichi


Nekomaru’s Island Mode counts for me because if you try to be romantic in Island Mode with characters who aren’t into Hajime they reject you.


He has a bonus song in dr3 about wanting to get railed, ion know what he is, but it’s definitely not straight.




V-neck shirt.


look at him


? He has typical danganronpa hair, and im pretty sure everyone wears that type of clothing, besides the length of his jacket.


There’s more evidence to suggest he’s queer and sexually attracted to dudes than there isn’t. I usually use him getting shot in DR3 anime as evidence. That burst of colors is ripped straight out of some shojo. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. But it’s not confirmed, just heavily implied. I wouldn’t doubt it though, considering Kazuichi and Teruteru are confirmed or really heavily implied to be bisexual.


I’m not doubting you or anything but where does it say Kazuichi is bi? I’m just curious lol because I’ve never heard of this.


His free time events. It’s implied he has a thing for Hajime in the last one.


Oh thank you lol. I never did his FTE so no wonder I didn’t know


All good. It just made me like him even more :)


Free time evens are not canon and he clearly does not like Hajime in the main story line. 


Just because the scene itself isn’t canon doesn’t mean nothing discussed in the scene is canon. Characters backstories and feelings can be trusted- that’s what the FTEs are for, to show us more about the cast. And you can’t just cherrypick what you want from them.


If they’re not canon, then that means Nagito doesn’t have dementia.


No cause he has had dementia since before entering Hopes peak, him having isn't reliant on free time events. Ftte are mostly for player's satisfaction, I mean do you really think Hajime is out there rizzing everyone upp before they die? And Nagito's ftte's are even present in non-parody mangas so I wouldn't compare a character so important to the plot to a gag character 


It’s literally revealed that he has dementia in his last free time event. By your logic this also means Akane was never harassed.


It's canon, just not to the main story line. 


Then so is Kazuichi possibly being bisexual. It’s canon just not to the mainline story.


No it's there's no evidence of him being gay and even the little you have is just for player satisfaction 


teruteru is pansexual


Thank you for the correction! I wasn’t sure!


Teruteru 100% kazuichi ._.


Kazuichi is shown to be bisexual or at least implied in his free time events.


Sure, man if he is than nagito is


There’s even more evidence to support Nagito being attracted to men lol


Thats why i said if he is nagito is.


bro turned off his gaydar.


The sheer lack of gaydar is staggering


This guys is as straight as his hair And as fruity as strawberries


I think (as a representative of the “everyone”) it’s because he displays gay moments and traits.


Tbh his fruitiness level is so high that Laffy taffy made a nagito komaeda flavor




That song he made about izuru


He is.


I do headcanon he's bisexual, but it's practically canon he likes dudes. He's really into Hajime in a way that cannot be ignored. He's canonically a queer man.




Queer is a general term for somebody in the LGBTQ. It's mostly accepted as an umbrella term.


Nvm ignore my reply, sorry for disturbing you 🙏


It's alright. I get it. I'm just glad you weren't one of those people who crucify people for headcanoning Nagito as bisexual.


Oh no I am, I just have other things to do that's all haha! 


Oh no you're one of the biphobes


in the original Japanese when Nagito says "I love the hope inside you" in the original Japanese the way Nagito said it was in reference to human being but sorta caught himself and started talking about hope, kinda like when you're about to tell your crush you like them but back out last second, also iirc in the dr2 manga from Nagitos POV he just straight up says to himself that he loves Hajime and the hope that dwells within him


It’s implied multiple times


Why the fuck is Nagito's sexuality talked more than his interesting character and what he brings to the game. I'm honestly so sick of this shit like by discussing the same thing over and over and over again you guys just undermine his brilliant character. Just enjoy the game as it is.


Maybe cause people keep erasing that part and how would they understand his character at all if they think he likes women?


he gives off nuclear gay energy and no-one can explain why ...actually, all the antagonists do!


I mean… LOOK at him. how is he not gay


First, I want to clarify that I'm not into shipping, especially ones that aren't explicitly canon. I'm also pretty anti Fujoshi who will ship any two cute boys regardless whether they make sense or not. That said, as explained by many people here, Nagito in his free time event made an aborted confession to Hajime, so that's about as canon as it can gets. On meta level, Nagito is inspired by Kaworu from Evangelion, who is known for being in love with the main character, Shinji. They even have kissed in the manga, so this isn't something made up by the fans. It is intended by the creators. Since then, Kaworu has spawned many characters inspired by him. Notable examples include Joshua from TWEWY and Akise from Mirai Nikki. All shared similarities of having white or silver hair, and is in love or implied to be attracted to the main character.


Honestly I find it strange I don't see many people bring up the Kaworu influence when talking about Nagito. After I watched Eva for the first time it seemed like that might be the main inspiration for his character and demeanour. Also Kaworu says "hope" too.


So there are a ton of reasons as too why nagito is see as gay if not lgbtq (i always pictured/head cannoned him as bisexual but either way he like men)he does has a very complicated relationship with any/all of the dr cast across the bored but its definitely most complicated with hajime from watching the anime and playing the games that he appears in i can tell that his feelings for Hajime go deep but also something a lot of people bring up is nagito hasn't really gotten close to people because of his luck (you have your parents and dog die thats going to give issues) also nagito is dying basically if you look at his skin tone, how he reacts to the despair virus and take the information we have from the free time events its stated that nagito is sick from lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia (which he claimed he was lying but knowing nagito he was probably like shit said to much don't want to hurt this one person im getting close too) this information whether you take it as fact or false, it would explain why hes just happy to be with someone that cares about him but also i do believe he has some sort of love for hajime anyways rant over um hope this help or at least your abel to understand my take on it


Can a man not be gay without yall saying they COULD potentially like women?? 


It's either he's gay, or afraid of women. Or both.


People in here keep giving legitimate reasons but I always thought it had something to do with Sans from Undertale and Kanye West. Also no, i do not know enough about that meme to even begin explaining it.




He's not pan, hope is a coping mechanism. He likes men, dick 


real talk


I'm the opposite. I think he's sexually attracted to everything hope filled. Including Mahiru.


Wait do u ship Nagito and Mahiru? Why lol 😭 (not like criticizing the ship just actually curious!!)


I don't XD I was just referring to OP's example. I think Nagito is hope-sexual.


That's one way to completely mischaracterize him! ☺️


Yep! \^-\^ and it's so much fun!


Let me explain why. Twink. That's all the explanation of nagito you need. He's a twink.


He is canonically gay and in love with Hajime, look up his character songs 


Eng translations are always a bit..


Also he wasn't respects women clearly so of course he wouldn't want to bother Mahiru


Idk,Imo he's pansexual and he's those kind of people who only simps for celebrities (Im pretty sure that he simps the actor that does like the boyfriend of Woo young woo from the kdrama:Extraordinary attorney woo)


...he would not do that 💀 he likes men not women


because he is /hj or at least pan


Boo tomatoes tomatoes 


Yeah based on canon stuff, he’s pretty gay, or at least likes Hajime, specifically for Hope reasons as opposed to just being really good friends. Then again, I don’t really care about that sorta stuff when we can talk about how he thought blowing up an entire island would work


Wdym? He doesn't like Hajime for his hope, it's the only time Nagito actually shows his emotions outside of his coping mechanism 


He didnt think that, he lied to manipulate his classmates


Fair point but still


>new to game >played English version >see this crazy 2D Nagito dude talking about hope >online everyone says Nagito's gay >confused af, asked why >reasoning is in the Japanese translation and meta analysis of Despair Disease >OP: "aren't you guys reading into this too much?" >comments: "you a homophobe!!! downvote!" Now I know why Dangan fans are lumped together with furries.


He sings about wanting to have sex with a man, bet you think Shinji is straight too


what 💀


So underrated commentary




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Because 51% of the fandom is made up of Komahina shippers.


Wonder why


Your guess is as good as mine. They have about as much chemistry as Hajime and Chiaki do.


They have way more chemistry than them 😭 they were literally written around eo


I mean, granted, I won't deny that Hajime and Nagito have more chemistry than Hajime and Chiaki, but that's not saying much.


Because the Fandom likes him so lots of shippers tend to shoehorn Nagito as gay so there's a reason he'd get with the player character. Fact is, Nagito just likes Hope and there's nothing to suggest Nagito is gay.


This is just wrong, actually. His FTEs, jokes made in UDG about his queerness, Whatever The Fuck his thing with Izuru was, his aborted love confession in the original Japanese, Chiaki saying ‘acting sexy won’t work’, stuff like that. It’s okay to dislike Nagito, but there’s no need to act like the crazy fujioshis invented his sexuality; and even if they did, DanganRonpa certainly ran with it.


>His FTEs What about his FTEs? He mostly talked about his past history with luck. >jokes made in UDG about his queerness Go to middle school/high school some time. You get jokes made about your queerness all the time, even when you're straight. >Whatever The Fuck his thing with Izuru was You're reaching really far if you think the scene of Izuru shooting Nagito has any undertones whatsoever. It was simply made to be an intense moment with two major characters from the franchise facing off. Nagito only appeared caught off guard through the whole thing. The color swap was just a reference to the color scheme of the anime's opening and to highlight the slo-mo effect they were using. I saw nothing to it beyond them making a big deal of a major, fan-favorite character getting shot. >his aborted love confession in the original Japanese, Writers were just trolling the player by faking them out. He was going to say "Hope" the whole time, but said it in a way to get the players' hopes up. >Chiaki saying ‘acting sexy won’t work’, stuff like that. Don't recall that. I realize you really want him to be gay, and you are certainly allowed to ship him with whoever you want, but to say there's irrefutable evidence is being a bit disingenuous. I'd say there's more evidence to suggest he has a fetish for Hope regardless of gender.


I’m a straight dude who has no interest in shipping Nagito with anyone but this is just ridiculous dude. For one, Nagito has a lot more to him than just liking hope, that’s like the surface level of his character. His feelings for Hajime are entirely separate from his ideology of hope and talent, that’s why he’s so conflicted in chapter 4. Also “the writers were just trolling” is a terrible excuse. Like, okay… what’s the in universe explanation for him saying that then? He still was gonna say he loved Hajime regardless. He was just backpedaling because he doesn’t want to get too close to anyone


Im not going to argue with you, but I still think it’s hilarious that you’re so upset about Nagito being queer-coded that you won’t acknowledge his love confession. The writers weren‘t doing it to troll the fujioshis, they were doing it to show Nagito attempting to show his feelings and then quickly backpedaling so Hajime wouldn’t get hurt by his luck.


There was no evidence of him backpedelling tho. He didn't stumble over a single word or appear that he was ever going to say anything OTHER than that he was in love with the hope that sleeps inside Hajime. In order to backpeddle, you kindof have to first actually commit to the thing you backpeddle from. Nagito doesn't actually ever do that.


He did in the original Japanese, the most accurate translation being “I’m truly in love with y—The hope that sleeps inside of you.”


In his character song ultimate hope's birthday he sings about sex with Izuru btw! 


Your flair likes girls and we love her


I wouldn't be surprised if Ibuki liked everyone.


I thought ur flair said “WAIT- you can play video games WITH pp??”




It’s very heavily implied that Nagito is queer. In Chapter 3 of GD, he had the liar’s disease and stated he did not want to see Hajime, which would mean he actually wanted Hajime to stay with him. He doesn’t say why he wanted Hajime there, but it’s a pretty good example. There is a crap load of jokes in UDG that say Nagito is queer. Researching UDG will make it pretty obvious. Nagito makes it very clear that he finds Izuru attractive and specifically describes him as attractive. He also confesses his love in his FTEs. I’m not trying to police your feelings about Nagito, but shippers like to ship Nagito with men because he’s attracted to men.


If I state that I want to spend time with someone of the same sex, that makes me gay?


I’m not trying to imply that hanging out with someone of the same sex is homosexual, since that would make every single character you can hang out with in Danganronpa homosexual. Nagito confesses his love to another man in his FTEs, so that’s why I’m mentioning them.


Where does he do that?


FTE 5 in the original Japanese version. Nagito starts off his love confession by saying he truly loves Hajime, before cutting himself off and then saying he loves the hope that sleeps inside of Hajime.


You mildly pick apart one part of their argument but conveniently ignore the rest which is in support of their point? It seems like you’re just trying to do anything to convince yourself at this point as opposed to engage in constructive discussion


I already responded to similar arguments in a seperate comment and I didn't feel like typing it out again.




Omg i'm so fucking disappointed at people downvoting the shit out of your comments here. I guess you can now conclude people simply want him to be gay and will shit on you if you deny that...


Exactly! Lets keep it that way 😘

