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Dark souls is all about letting go, how artificially extending something can turn that thing into a shell of his former self. DS3 (and ringed city) was a perfect finally for the series imo, we still have other titles from the souls series to enjoy, each one with his own unique turn


Maybe they do a game in the age of darkness. But I agree, the finale was šŸ¤Œ


My headcanon is that the lands between is the painted world that is created by using the dark soul in epilogue of ringed city (Iā€™m coping)


I'll cope with you, brother. *deeply inhales copium* Dark Souls 4 will take place in a painted world. We will go to the base world in a DLC and it will be completely twisted together and destroyed.


That's elder ring at one point the banished ruled before the "gods" came down


fuck that i need a ds4


Good. SoC and Gael were perfect ways to end the series.


I agree. The way they ended it was too perfect to warrant a 4th installment. Maybe something adjacent but not a continuation. Thereā€™s no way to cannonically make a fluent 4th continuation from the end of the Ringed City DLC


We could easily start and have a Journey in the painted world forged with the Blood of the Dark Soul, it could even be a soft reboot to restart the timeline but have things go slightly differently.. kinda like what MK1 did


Ooohhh right! I forgot that this was a thing also. Isn't the painting world suppose to be a dark world without the light, for humans to live in peace? Like the world was before Dark Souls and the first linkinh of the flame, if i remember correctly? Or maybe, just maybe, the painting is Bloodborne?


If you do the FireKeeper Ending for DS3, the entire world goes dark and she comments about how she can sense distant embers dancing in the dark.. that's the ending that loops the timeline


The painting is Elden ring


Bloodborne and Elden Ring are the same game, but Bloodborne married Dark Souls and had Mortal Shell with them and then divorced them, married Elden Ring and had Sekiro but then Elden Ring shattered the Surge so Bloodborne re-merged with the Elden Ring and imprisoned it to repair the Lies of P.


This doesn't make any less sense than any lore video I've ever watched on souls games lol


I mean they could , 1,2,3 and 3 are all loosely connected . Itā€™s not like the game had a hard set story in place


Why not? If we go by the Usurpation Of Fire ending the next game could have fot example Kaathe as a final boss or The End Of Fire ending where the Fire keeper says that "Fire will cane across the sky once more" or something similar indicating that Fire will return after X years of darkness, i think theres plenty of ways they can do it


But dark souls 4 could occur before ds3? Keep the ending intact


Hmmm, well how would that work. What story or gameplay? But overall I think 3 was a good closure.


Could be like Dark Souls: Archthrones mod for DS III - show the civil war between Lothric and Undead Settlement, show Carthus before it became catacombs, etc.


I think it would be interesting to see how kingdoms start to deteriorate when the curse starts to appear. You still have plenty of normal humans around who are scared shitless of the curse and by extension you. And you have plenty of undead who are scared shitless of becoming hollow.


It's been a second since I've played it, but isn't that just kind of what bloodborne is?


Let's be honest, dark souls's story never made sense. It's not like we didn't have time travel before either...


meh take but basil pfp so bonus points hope your day goes well


Come on! Gwynevere is like five different people at the same time! And we kill ornstein in anor Londo but somehow he decided to leave anor Londo and go leave in the archdragon peak?


Dude... Gwynnevere was an illusion created by Gwyndolin. Who says Ornstein wasn't an illusion as well?


You can get his soul, though. You can't get gwynevere's soul. Plus, he doesn't get one shotted like gwynevere.


Because of gameplay reasons. And it could be someone else picking up the mantle of Ornstein. We know there were other, capable yet weaker warriors around that have been wearing Ornstein's armor or a variation of it, like in Dark Souls 2 (Old Dragonslayer)


Blaming it on gameplay isn't a very good reason considering like, half of the story is told through the gameplay. Also, it is said in dragonslayer armor's description in ds3 that specifically ornstein left the land (likely anor Londo) in search of the nameless king.


ornstein in anor londo was apparently an apparation/projection, also from what i know gwynevere is one of gwyns daughters, lord of fertility and whatnot, and heard somewhere she was the queen of lothric but idk if that's true


Ornstein in anor Londo is an apparition!? Let me guess it was said in an item description in a hidden land behind five illusory walls... But seriously, where was this said?


theorised i think, since it's apparently pretty plausible. im not very well versed in dark souls lore but ive heard from lore channels


I don't think it's true, it's said in Dragonslayer's armor set description in ds3 that "ornstein left land (most likely anor Londo) in search of the nameless king."


but how about "Cold, dark, and very gentle place" ?


If you want to play a prequel to DS3 you should look into the Archthones mod. The story is set between DS2 and DS3 and there is a free demo to try it now while the devs keep working on the final versions


That would still *undermine* the entire theming of the ending


True. Gael is basically John Darksoul, there is really nowhere else to go after that.


I mean, the age of darkness is inevitable. Within that darkness new flames will appear and the cycle will continue. The series could soft-reboot if it wanted too.


This stings at first, but quickly subsides when remembering the brilliance of Elden Ring, Sekiro, and Demon Souls Remake. The story may be finished, but the spirit of Dark Souls will manifest in new titles


I frequent a few FromSoft subreddits. The Elden Ring subreddit has a post recently of a quote from Miyazaki saying something like ā€œElden Ring isnā€™t our pinnacleā€ or ā€œWeā€™re not there yetā€ So even if itā€™s not dark souls, I do also eagerly await the next fantasy FromSoft game


The miyazaki quote could be misunderstood. The game miyazaki wants is elden ring but without his involvement so he can experience it as a player. That's how I understood his quote.


To be fair, no company is ever going to intentionally be like: ā€œAlright. Our work is done boys. This is our best. Time to call it quitsā€. Every company is going to say the best is yet to come because that keeps players invested. In the case of From Software, even if the next game is a new ip again, itā€™s probably going to build off what came before.


Who knows we could even have a whole new series thatā€™s just as huge of a deal, and a 4th game for *that* one. You never know. I mean shit, odds are we probably will. The spirit of Dark Souls isnā€™t dead- itā€™s just moved on to the next life.


Elden Ring is essentially Dark Souls IV. They arenā€™t going to stop making games in this style, they just wonā€™t be in the same universe every time.


Iā€™m just recently beat ds3 while waiting for the Elden ring dlc and I loved ds3 so much. I wish I would have played it came become the game still holds up very well today. Iā€™m okay with no more dark souls especially with the new dlc because itā€™s just the next progression of the souls world. Elden ring is basically ds4 with no limits and much harder bosses. And I personally love the open world factor because it helps less skilled players enjoy the game instead of being trapped in an area forever


Dark souls 4 is real life


Honestly, after I (finally) finished Dark Souls 3, I don't want there to be another game called "Dark Souls". The third entry finalised the series PERFECTLY.


Dark Souls went out with a bang! I am fine with the series as is. Bettter to die a hero, then see yourself become the villain.


I think it made sense for it to end at 3, we saw how the world was already dying, especially seeing the remnants of the past places we saw from the first game like how Darkroot doesn't exist anymore and the dead mushroom people. :(


Miyazaki said if there was a dark souls 4 he wouldnā€™t be in it


It really makes me sad when I realize that becausd I really just do not like Elden Ring and heavily prefer Linear Soulsborne entries instead. Open World just really doesnā€™t fit right with Souls games imo.


I think I read somewhere that their next game will be linear again, maybe I'm high though. That said we don't need Dark Souls 4, for another linear souls game.


I don't like how not using spirit ashes or summons in elden ring can feel like a frustrating challenge run while using them feels too easy. Dark souls bosses always felt way more fair to fight 1 on 1 excluding a few, even the hardest ones. Also theres more to explore in elden ring but so much of it feels pointless. If there was somewhere to explore in a souls game usually there was a reason to explore it. In elden ring youll find a group of enemies on an item and kill them all to find out it was a golden rune [2] and theres literally no reason to ever actually go to the location. It just feels like pointless filler


i feel the same. i don't like open world games at all, there's way too many directions to go in. i like linear ones because i know what i've cleared out and where i need to go next. that's why ds3 will always be my fav




It really does give open world dark souls 2


I didnt mind the open world, just didnt like the reusing of rememberance bosses like the deer, godfrey ghost, godrick in the evergaol, mogh in sewer. Also the naming of the children is too similar to each other so it gets very confusing after a while. Classic George RR Martin things.


Yeah, I feel like a consequence of Elden Ringā€™s open world was felt in a lot of the bosses. Since you have so much to explore and so many items to make your character stronger, they made the bosses, especially at the end of the game, have way too much health and deal way too much damage to compensate. Also their move sets are pretty annoying sometimes, but that wouldnā€™t be as bad if the previous two problems werenā€™t so pronounced.


Maybe that's why I had such a problem with the game šŸ¤” Some of the bosses had ridiculous movesets that left next to no openings, but maybe I was just notably under leveled from what was expected so the unfair patterns became absurd. I still think their overall boss-fight design got really sloppy though, there's too many bosses that just keep comboing with no real openings. Regardless, Malenia's Waterfowl Dance is the epitome of Fromsoft's bad design decisions. It makes the bullshit that is Bed of Chaos feel like the magnificence that is Gael


Waterfowl dance is so dumb. Wtf were they thinking when they put in the game


putting that in the game is fine, putting that in the game and leaving it there is insane. we went from tough but fair to hard for the sake of being hard, if you remember miyazaki always said he didnt make hard games on purpose in interviews, now instead? he keeps repeating how hard ER and The Dlc are every two seconds.


Yeah the Souls games have such nice level design... Then you go to ER which is open world with only a handful of those nicely designed areas (legacy dungeons) surrounded by pointless wasteland.


and I'm perfectly okay with it


I kinda hope there isnā€™t gonna be a ds4, ds3 had such a good ending with amazing closure that even if ds4 came out and was amazing it would feel like a cash grab spitting on the spirit of ds3


I view DS3 as a way to put the series to a rest. The characters have suffered long enough, it would be cruel to continue the suffering. Plus, ds4 would be impractical by all means


Honestly elden ring reminds me of DS a lot.


because elden ring is the spiritual dark souls 4. itā€™s the next evolution in the dark souls formula (or arguably the demon souls formula), the dark souls lore has concluded but the soul of the game has kept moving into elden ring and whatever comes next.


I mean so does BloodBorne. It's just the FromSoft stamp.


Yeah but i wouldnt call it a successor to Bloodborne, but if you are aching for Dark Souls 4, Elden Ring might scratch that itch.


Kinda glad though, I feel like DS3 is a good ending point. The hype about the Eden rings DLC made it into my dreams and I dreamed DS3 got a brand new DLC. So I definitely wouldnā€™t say no to more Dark Souls.




Because it's literally true, there will never be because there is no world to be, we literally went to the point everything is just a wasteland where everything but a knight was left, no more gods, no more dragons, no more ladies, and, nevertheless, no more Linkings


Story endings is a good thing. Elden Ring is the successor to the soul series


If you want to play a basically DS4, just play elder ring, as dark souls is a complete story in the eyes of the creators. Why keep dragging it if there is new stories to be told.


we dont need DS4, we Need a new linear souls experience


Iā€™ll tell you an actual painful truth. They will make DS4 eventually as Miyazaki will die at some point or at least wonā€™t be the CEO and good chance is it wonā€™t be nearly as good because it will be a cash grab. To corporate greed nothing is sacred.


Not before Bloodborne 2ā€¦..




Dark souls the pre sequel lol


Wdym? We are already way past 4.


Nah we got 3 games and plenty of DLC for all of them. Can still play those for days. Plus DS3 ended things perfectly.


Elden Ring?


Iā€™m actually so ok with that


Developers will lovingly craft the perfect ending to a years long trilogy with the central theme being about moving on and letting things reach their natural conclusion just for dudes to post "me when no 4th game >:C"


The real DS4 was the friends we made along the way


and I'm okay with it. the series ended perfectly, I want to see what other wonderful games fromsoft makes.


Eons ago, the age of darkness came to fulfill the world's destiny, and now it's time for the wanderer to venture the ruins of the eternal night to find the last ember and bring upon us a new age of fire. Dark Souls episode IV: A New Hope


I don't know how much of Shadow of the Erdtree you've played, but without spoilers, there have been some "nods" to other From games.


I think Miyazaki said that he had no interest in making another Dark Souls.


He said that before making DS3.


Gamingbible would disagree, apparently


Elden ring 2 or ds3 ?




"something souls" please so we don't have to call similar games soulsbornekirorings anymore


I remember this specific version of the meme back when I was in middle school (7th grade). Almost a decade ago I saw this and wow such a blast from the past


It's called elden ring


Thatā€™s why we got Elden Ring.


why would u want to ruin great trilogy? people like you are the reason why movies nowadays have more than 4 parts


But ds3 was a perfect ending to me if they make another it'll feel like boruto


Dark Souls 4 needs to be a continuation from Dark Souls 2!


This is going to be true by technicality. Theyā€™re going to drop the number and just use subtitles.




Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œIf I were told that by killing you I would be free from this curse, I would draw my blade without hesitation.ā€* - Lucatiel of Mirrah Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


The fuck do we think Elden Ring is? Lol


Anyone who is begging for Dark Souls 4 completely missed the message of Dks 1 and 3 lmao


We donā€™t need a fourth.


You defeatist. Why not have a 10th? Or a 12th?


Still more likely than Bloodborne on pc


ds3 is the perfect end to a beautiful series. and elden ring is like the ultimate sequel of all the games in the sekirosoulsbourne genre. The entire series is like watching a company develop into its best self.


Umm... I believe it's spelled Sekisoulsbornedenringmeredcore


oh shit true


No, but I think they will build Elden Ring into a franchise


I really don't think we need nor should there be a 4th. Too much of a good thing anyone?


Where would DS4 even go? Besides, I think the series has some thoughts on what happens when you canā€™t deal with things ending.


You will be very happy with the amount of DS 3 callbacks in SoTE.


Just play Elden Ring it's fun


Elden ring is ds4


I can live with that Just give me bloodborne for pc


With their typical aversion to sequels, it makes me wonder why they ever made 3?


New meme format, cool


Ds3 is a perfect ending to me as much as I want ds4 honestly


I mean is Elden Ring not Dark Souls IV enough? I mean I know the overall world design is pretty drastically different, but itā€™s a pretty worthy successor in every other way


And so my watch begins


Don't give up, skeleton! There's always Elden Ring 2...


I saw an article that said something like "blah blah blah announced darksouls 4 rival blah blah blah" and I read announced and darksouls 4 and immediately went to looking up "darksouls 4 release date" sadness achieved. Btw it was about a lords of the fallen sequel šŸ˜­


How about a prequel or an origins kinda ds


Elden ring was amazing , I still like dark souls more . Elden ring was just a bit too cheesy for me


Elden Ring exists


Elden ring isn't ds4 but ds open world


The DLC feels a lot like Dark Souls


But open world


The DLC where everything you encounter two-shots you? Nah thats not dark souls.


Yeah I was watching Elden Ring gameplay on YouTube todayā€¦ looks awful. DS3 was peak


I dont know how serious this comment is


Iā€™m totally serious. Elden ring looks like a damn open world game rather than a interconnected world


It's because the whole point of elden ring is to be an open world souls game. Doesn't make it awful. You should really play it or see more of it online cuz having played both alden ring and ds3 I can say they are both on my top 10 best games of all time and if you liked ds3 you should like elden ring.


Where is Dark Souls 1 in your top?


Not my thing. Hence itā€™s awful to me and my tastes


Classic redditor completely forgetting how to be polite as soon as they log on


How am I not being polite? Iā€™m assertively stating my preferences


you gotta try the game before you hate on it. pirate it if need be, I can dm you some sites I use.


No. And I said I didnā€™t like what I saw. This remains my stance


honestly you just seem butthurt lol, what is the point of trying to have a discussion if you have no intention of changing your mind. seriously hope you grow out of this kind of mindset, and learn to enjoy the game sooner or later.


Elden Ring isn't truly open world, all the locals are just really big dark soul levels you can traverse between. And the normal dungeons are SSS tier and blow everything in DS3 out of the water. (Only thing coming close is the ringed city)


Not from what I saw.


Then you havent saw anything or you were watching riding torrent for 10h in loop


You didn't play it sooo




This reply has nothing to do with the meme OP posted lol.


Sure it does. Meme is about no more dark souls, seems to imply dark souls was peak. Definitely agree


Elden Ring IS peak have you even SEEN the dlc and all the new stuff it brings to the table?


Yes I watched gameplay videos today for most of the afternoon. Didnā€™t appeal to me


You seriously need to give it a chance, your missing out


What exactly Will change by putting the controller in my hand?