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EDIT: So basically there's now two different difficulty options In the Parallel Quest Menu you can set the quest to 'easy' and it will make the CPU's easier to beat/have less health for grinding or new players In the MENU there's a special option that makes it so all the DLC content (both story and PQs) will scale DOWN to your level. So if you wanted to play the DLC missions on a new character you can activate this option to play them straight away. ------------------------------------------- Actually this is a little bit confusing OP as it’s something they didn’t actually mention The option in the menu isn’t for parallel quests. Instead it actually refers to the STORY DLC quests If you talk to brashy in supreme Kai of times story area bit and replay dlc story missions it will change the difficulty based on your level if you have the setting enabled dependent on your level. I tried with a Lvl 9. CAC and did the Universe Tournament and the enemies were all a similar level with the option on.


easy mode sucks it literally becomes hard mode you lose less hp but it's slows you down and makes your opponent much faster to act it barely gives you the chance to attack


The game itself mentions this in all the pop-ups you likely skipped through when you first logged on after the most recent update. It told us that drop rates are not affected at all, but it gives us an Easy Mode to make the grind - or simply completing the missions in the first place - much easier, especially for newer and lower level players. The feature is free to all CACs of Lv 59 or lower, and costs Medals for all levels higher than 59.


It is not the difficulty option I'm talking about, this is a seperate setting mode which is free and only affects dlc missions. I specify it specifically on the other images and the image captions which you presumably didn't read.


I repeat: difficulty adjustment *does not* affect rewards or reward rates, as stated in the initial login notifications. It doesn’t matter if it’s Base Game PQs or DLC. All *that* option does is give you the ability to choose whether or not you have that option. Why they bothered to add that secondary option and make it DLC- specific, I don’t know. That said, my statement stands.


This is a rude response man, did you even look at the picture OP posted? And then continue to argue and even say 'well you could just look it up' That is literally how op got here most likely, if you don't want to be helpful you do not have to respond.


The initial login notifications talk about the easy/normal setting, which the OP was explicitly not talking about. These are two completely different things. The OP is talking about the auto difficulty adjustment, which scales enemy levels to match the player. It doesn’t function like the easy/normal thing at all and is not talked about in the notifications. And if you read the OP, you’d see that the second option isn’t tied to the first at all.


It does not though, the difficulty selection is literally there on the dlc quest while the option is disabled, as per the second image.


Well, instead of arguing with me, you *could’ve* bothered to look it up as you’ve the same access to the internet as I do, and what I found is that there seems to be two types of difficulty adjustment: easy mode, and where the DLCs are scaled *up* past the old level cap. Again, *the reward rates are unaffected* as stated by the game itself.


I tried most google attempts led to talking about the dlc difficulty itself or the easy mode. Let alone I'm just trying to ask a question, and wasn't intending on arguing over something I already explained in the post. But good job on mastering your ultra ego, I can feel that energy through my phone.


You call it “ego,” I call it “attention to detail,” of which you (and for some reason, many others) have had none throughout this entire process - whether it was the initial explanations that the game gives you or the following attempts at research. The first 10 people I didn’t mind. At *this* point, I don’t give a damn about people’s feelings. You’ve been given your answer, how you handle it is not my problem.


read the mod post, they do not mention it. so much for attention to detail.


Tried talking to this robot? It can give you all the informations on past and current updates that you might have skipped. https://preview.redd.it/uaaqfnrmivub1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d023cb20d7a5b1390c09518b80d073d77455f2


I gave it a try on "Final Battle Before Final Battle", set it to easy. I think it just raises the damage you do and/or lowers enemy HP. I was still able to get the moves just fine so I think drop rates are untouched. It speeds up the process of grinding but if you're overlevelled it costs TP so it requires a bit more thought than it should.


Drop rates are not affected, just the enemy levels and strength, making it easy to run through raids


I have a bunch of questions about it Like does the level adjustment work via the save you're playing on, or the level of the character you're using (eg can you play on your main max level CaC and choose a lv1 alt at character select to make the level adjustment active) What's floor for how low it can adjust? What differences are there in the adjustment between level adjustment and the purchasable easy mode? Also how much does it actually cost to make a PQ easy mode and does it charge every time you do a PQ or what. It really didn't explain it very well But basically it all TLDRs to "what's the best way to make grinding for Divinity Unleashed and Meditation not suck ass?"


The enemy's strength does not scale with yours, but rather how many difficulty stars the PQ is labeled with. The first time it costs 8 TP medals, the second time costs 10, it charges you every time.


it doesn't affect drops, just zeni and xp (which doesn't change much since they are both simple enough to get anyways)


It just makes the enemies deal almost no damage. Does not affect drops.


This, it makes getting drops better as you can speed through levels faster.