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[Source](https://x.com/comicstorian/status/1800270554999484714?s=46&t=JJ74ZeO4KMvdNiEkF2-rPg) I know this goes without saying for 99.9999% of you but any disrespectful post/comment is getting removed at the absolute bare minimum


I first heard about the Black Flash saga through him, and always liked how enthusiastic he was about the source material. He was one of the few good comic channels. It's really uncanny knowing that he's gone.


His Injustice videos practically got me through my first two years of high school


My favorite video of his was the one where he covered the story of Agent Venom, I think? It was really interesting since he was a veteran I think and it provided a different perspective. I think about that a lot whenever Agent Venom pops up into my mind.


Yeah, he said in his video on ASM 700 (the issue where Flash died while helping Peter fight the Red Goblin) that the death affected him personally. Edit: [He made a full video on it too](https://youtu.be/5qnTJf9EWxc?si=JdoL-ecepdUgp2ul)


I'm gonna rewatch it to see if it's the one I saw. It's been so long, hardly anything is familiar, so it's hard to tell right now.


I finished watching it and I definitely saw it before. I believe I saw the other video too because there were a lot of things that weren't covered.


He was a master at reading and narrating with suspense…death is cruel…really really cruel.


Uj/he actually introduced me to the future flash arc and now im a big fan of the flash because of him


Every now and then I like to go back and rewatch that one. I’m not even a comic guy, I just like it for the reasons that’ve been repeated in these comments.




Same man. I wasn't in high school, but I had recently moved because my parents got divorced back in 8th grade, and I was sick one day, so I decided to watch his entire injustice video. Really a great start for comics for me and so many others. I wish his family peace.


It's really his absolutely electrifying enthusiasm that set him apart. He's brought joy to so many people and provided an accessible, digestible gateway into a niche medium.


I know people love making “I read comics *watches Comicstorian*” jokes, but this man’s work did more to bring in new and bring back old readers than anything anyone at Marvel or DC has done in terms of advertising or PR in the last 10 years. His charisma and passion were infectious and unparalleled. RIP to a GOAT gone far too soon


Legit, I remember that I was in high school and that I watched his channel because I didn't have enough money to buy comics. Plus, the closest comic book shop was an hour or two, and my mom wouldn't take me. So, his channel helped me get into comics a lot.


Also a lot of us didn't grow up in the US and comic books are fucking expensive and not widely available, not to mention it can be really difficult to find a starting point and even if you do, the storylines can be really confusing. Comicstorian is who got me into comic books, I love this medium and it's only bc of his videos and INCREDIBLE NARRATION. He put so much effort and energy into telling the stories and I watched his videos even for the books and stories I've already read. I'm so heartbroken since I found out that he passed away.💔


I seriously did get into reading the actual comics because of watching his videos. His videos about the original Spiderverse event and the Geoff Johns era Green Lantern hooked me as a kid and pushed me into buying the physical books. I really am sad to see him go because he was my gateway into it all.


I got back into Comics because of him a few years ago, as big of a meme as it was the guy *RADIATIED* passion and love for the art form and was probably its biggest cheerleader on YouTube. This is actually really sad, holy shit.


he is what got me into comics rip


It is uncanny to see this news in a meme reddit.


I've been in a few meme subreddits where a prominent or familiar figure passed. People tend to care for things that bring them enjoyment for their interests. RIP Benny.


literally. watching his videos to fall asleep to is what brought me back into giving a damn about comics again.


Wasn't a huge fan of his content but god damn he had a great voice.


True. I tried to get into comics at around 12-13 and was so overwhelmed. If it wasn't for him, I would've given up on comics long ago


Jesus. Condolences to his family and friends. I won't lie and say there's comics that wouldn't even be on my radar if I hadn't seen him cover it in one of his videos. His videos are what got me to check out the original Ultimate Spider-Man. I fell out of watching him eventually but was one of the genuinely good comic youtubers.


I think you took the words out of my mouth. I'd be lying if i said i didn't felt partly angry at some of the people commenting about his passing, giving out condolences when these past almost couple of years, Benny has been on the receiving end of criticism from those same people and others for how "takes away from the writers". And yeah, i stopped watching because i feel i now know comics better and Comicstorian is more for beginners. But what he does for beginners, what he did for me when i was 13, hell even at 20 years old, was of immense help. No amount of thank yous would be enough for what he did for fans getting into comics.


Uj/hell I likely wouldn't be a big flash fan because of him \[ I watched his Future flash saga videos


I can get being annoyed at people who seem to only get their info from YouTube but that's both not Benny's fault and he also did point me the direction of non-Marvel/DC books I wouldn't have even heard of. And saying he "takes away from the writers" is silly. I agree on that. That's like saying wikipedia summaries take away from writers.


Really devasting. Especially for the wife. Recalled vaguely that she was struggling with severe illness years back and now this. Life is unfair.


I’m absolutely speechless, I remember when getting into comics I watched a lot of Benny’s stuff to learn about comics, I eventually stopped watching but I would always keep an eye on his channel and watch the occasional video that piqued my interest. May he rest in peace and I hope the best for his family and loved ones.


https://preview.redd.it/vf0051rqgt5d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de874a41e1357bf7d37761c8631400f463d2d41e /uj i have a lot of fond memories watching his new 52 Batman videos, in spite of the fact that death of the family was absolutely inappropriate for an 8 year old. I’ve drifted from his content in recent years but Benny does get some credit for getting me into comics, rip goat.


Is it ok to laugh at this?


Sometimes we must laugh so that we do not cry.


RIP the man that introduced many people to comics.


Fuckin hell is he actually dead?


Yep, I linked the Twitter post from his wife in the pinned comment


Awk man, just saw it now :(


What happened? Did he get into a car crash or was he sick?


His wife says it was “an unfortunate accident” and does not specify any further


We don't have details besides his wife confirmed that he is dead. We should let his family and friends grieve because it is heart crushing.


Omg, I just was getting into the channel a couple of weeks ago, :(


His wife said that he was in an accident.


Undoubtedly one of the most important comictubers ever, his videos 100% got way more people into comics including me. Also just a great guy all around, every time he would talk sincerely he seemed so kind and fun. Rest in peace.


This guy could make the worst comics sound exciting, rest in peace.


I cant imagine how it feels to lose a partner like that, I hope his wife gets all the support she needs from her friends and family.


Benny's stuff got me through University, two abusive relationships and covid. RIP to true superhero. Much love to Nat, Andy, Dan and the rest of the comicstorian family.


Absolutely horrible news, I loved watching his channel and he played a huge part in getting me into comics. Seemed like a such a nice and passionate guy, may your legacy last for even longer, and all my condolences to his wife and family


He may not have introduced me to comics but without him I probably wouldn’t love this medium as much as I do When your a broke kid with no way to get new comics having someone there to keep you informed and in the loop in an engaging artistic manner was revolutionary for the early 10’s I can’t speak highly enough of him and his love for the medium, I wish the best for family and loved ones


Oh fuck, I thought this was a jerk at first. Dude was my first real introduction to comics, and I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I had never come across them. I owe a huge part of who I am thanks to him. Thanks for the memories, and may he rest in peace.


Yeah we would NOT tolerate a jerk post joking about someone dying.


Rip his injustices videos were peak he was one of the best comic creators on YouTube


He actually made me care about Injustice, that was the sheer power of that man’s narration.


Facts whenever I read the graphic novels I still here his voice


Insane. He just released a new video!


Scheduled upload


It feels surreal to go to his chanel and see how recently he uploaded videos. Just like that. Gone. Don't really know If I'll reawtch his videos. Hope the best for his wife and other loved ones, he seemed like a very nice guy


Rest in Power Benny. You were my gateway into comics and you made me love the medium more and more.


I haven't watched in a while, but I remember going through a ton of complete stories and learning about comics through Comicstorian. Rest in peace.


I looked forward to his podcast every week. His enthusiasm and genuine enjoyment of comics was one of the main people who kept me interested all these years. I didn't think I'd be emotional, but he was such a leader in the community through happiness and positivity.


I was more of a fan of The Weekly Pull and Absolute Comics than I was of Comicstorian proper, but this breaks my heart. He was such a funny guy who seemed very genuine, and the fact he is gone is such a huge loss. My condolences to his friends and family


Wait is he actually dead? Its not a troll?


Sadly yes, RIP


Jesus. Hes the reason i got into comics. RIP How did he die btw?


His wife has stated it was “an unfortunate accident”




His wife confirms that he was an accident and no further details. Plus, she had control of the channel and social media accounts.


This man was probably one of the most important people in shaping who I am today. Comics is one of my biggest interests, and he got me into them, alongside Rob from Comics Explained, and Scott from Nerdsync. I haven’t watched Benny in years really, aside from occasionally sticking on an Absolute Comics vid. But even still, this news fuckin breaks my heart. Sending all the love possible to his friends and family, no one should ever have to go through this.


I remembered watching this dude's old stuff but man ![gif](giphy|Zjl3YIB8vXtKg) I can't believe he's gone......rest in peace dude


Brought comics his love of comics to so many, including me when I wouldn't have been reading comics otherwise. RIP


Horrible fucking news. While I never followed his videos I can’t deny how impactful he was to the comic book community.


Rest in peace unc


This hurts, RIP Benny


I loved comicstorians content. It made comics accessible to me for free and he always seemed to put so much effort into his narration. This is really depressing.


uj/ WHAT THE FUCK This dude saved me so much time from searching comics when I was younger and even today his storytelling and narrations is still some of my favorite. Say what you want but Ben Potter carried comicbooks with his videos harder than Marvel and DC ever did to the general audience. RIP Comicstorian, you are literally the reason why I even got into comics back in 2015 and introduced me to some of my favorite stories ever.


I never watched his stuff much but this is just horrible to hear about. I hope his family is okay.




Rest in peace.


This feels unreal. I remember being really big into the channel 10 or so years ago and especially loving their podcasts with Ben's dynamic with everyone who appeared always feeling positive. One thing I always respected about Comicstorian was that Ben & the team always wanted to try new things whether it was a new show, new podcast, or new channels. I haven't been as into them as before but I remember watching some of the more casual videos they put out and it was clear that Ben still had passion for what he was doing and wanted to expand things further. Condolences to Nat, Dan, the team, & everyone close to Ben. Hopefully he is in a better place.


Damn that’s awful. I hadn’t watched much of his stuff, but he seemed cool and I enjoyed what I had seen. Rest in peace, Ben.


Wait what? He's gone??? How, why, what. I've been watching his content for years now and all the sudden he's gone. What the hell happened, wish you could say what had happened in your post.


The tweet from his wife just said that it was an accident that happened a couple days ago. I would completely understand if we don’t learn exactly how it happened, especially with it being so recent.


The thing is, they haven't really revealed anything about what happened. All we know is that his wife says it was an accident of some kind.


Wait…what? RIP, the man’s a legend.


Damn thought this gonna be a shitpost Rest In Peace


Watching his Flashpoint video as a kid is what got me into comic books. I wouldn’t be a fan without him. Being unable to afford comics, watching his videos is what got me into the wider universe beyond what’d I see in cartoons. This man brought me and tons of others into comics. R.I.P.


Sympathy and prayer to Benny love ones and friends ![gif](giphy|Sid4QgwDxJ8l2|downsized)


Oh shit. Whole reason I'm into comics is this guy.


This is insane. I fell off of keeping up with his content because the way most characters read (in my head) was different from what they were in my head but man. This is the guy who got me into comics about ten years ago now. Man.


Jesus, I don’t think I’d be as interested in marvel or DC without this guy, this is quite a sizable lost.


WHAT!? NO! This is so sad to hear, he was one of the first YouTubers I watched that teached me about the greater outside world of comics. This is crushing to hear, RIP


We lost a real one today Rest in Peace, Benny. He was a hero


I’m shocked, horrified, shaken and saddened by his passing: may he rest in peace


Back in the day, I watched his Green Lantern Blackest Night videos. They got me interested in Lanterns and the mythos. I memorized all the oaths and everything. I don’t really like Lanterns now, but he was the gateway for me getting into the deeper parts of the world. A true legend. RIP


Holy shit. The comicstorian literally helped me get into comics back when I was in Middle School years ago. RIP to a legend


Rest in Peace my man. You made life a lot better not being able to afford many comic books.


May he rest in peace


Rest in Peace.The comic community lost a very significant member.


RIP. Much too young.


Oh my god. He’s part of the reason I got into comics. I hadn’t been a fan of his in a while but it’s so sad that’s he’s gone. Rest in peace.


.....I am shocked. I clicked thinking this was a shit post. RIP Ben Potter. You will be missed. My condolences to his family and loved ones.


Wow. I don't know what to say, I wasn't ready for this news.


Just subbed to his channel this morning. This is tragic


His videos on death of a family were great unfortunate to see such a good creator pass


WHAT????!! NOOOOOOO. RIP Ben, I watched So many of his recaps in middle school. I learned about so many awesome comics through this guy, he even got me so hooked on gwenpool that I bought the omnibus. RIP dude, we will miss you.


He was amazing taken too soon


R.I.P to a legend Meming his content was fun but I am sure the guy introduce at least a couple hundreds to comic books and help to ease the barrier of entrance for casual consumers.


Damn :( I learned about blackest night from him


RIP Benny. It's tragic that he was taken so soon.


Oh my god no.....


Wait what? What happened to him?


They haven't said much about that, other than that it was an accident


Damn… I used to watch his videos so much in middle school and Highschool, one I kept remembering was the video where he felt content with Agent Venoms death cuz he related to it as a soldier himself, it’s been a while since I’ve watched his videos but it’s still sad to know he’s gone.


Bro I was watching him stream the new spiderman game just a few months ago


I’ve listened to countless hours of him narrating comics. What a legend, rest in peace Benny


Jesus Christ this guy was very formative into me starting to read printed media


I stopped watching him some time ago, but I always loved listening to him read the white knight series. It’s sad to hear he’s gone, rest in piece.




Rest in Peace, King. thanks for all the years of entertainment


Holy shit. I’ve seen a few of his videos but never really followed. Still, it’s weird knowing he’ll never post again. Rest in peace.


Ah what the fuck, I genuinely couldn't believe it when I first read the caption. Condolences to his wife, family and anyone and everyone close to him. Seemed like a great guy, he made high quality videos which I know helped me catch up to a lot of the older big events in comics. Incredibly sad to know he passed away, he had a big positive impact.


This is actually devastating. I've seen only a few of his videos and saw a general distaste for him but never fully bought into that. I'm so sad to see him go, I feel so bad for the family. Its always such a wierd feeling when a youtuber you heard about dies


Wow so tragic. He helped spread a lot of peoples love of comics


Wow so tragic. He helped spread a lot of peoples love of comics


At first I thought this was a joke. No matter what you think of the comicstorian channel, Benny has probably done more for the comic book industry than any other individual person. They’ve definitely gotten more people into comics than any movie/tv show/game adaptation has ever done. I only hope that he realized just how many people truly respected him.




I had never watched his content personally but I knew about him, this is absolutely heartbreaking, my condolences to his family


Used to watch him all the time in high school, he’s the reason why I got into New 52 Earth 2. R.I.P.


Rest in Peace. I never really watched much of his stuff because I preferred reading those stories myself, but when I did see his stuff he seemed like an incredibly dedicated and passionate individual. My condolences to his family, friends and fans.


Damn this man was the one who got my into comics in the first place. Rest in peace Ben


I remember watching Comicstorian on loop. He's really what got me into comics in the first place and it is thanks to comics that I truly found something I love. Something that helped my in my personal life. All of this is due to his videos. I hope he rests knowing how much of an impact he's had on so many people.


I wouldn’t have started reading comics without this man. RIP 🙏🏾


Damn that’s sad I just heard the video he did for the new ultimates


I just recently became a fan of his on youtube, and it's sad to think he's gone in a blink of an eye. He is what got me introduced to Batman comics. Ben's comic reviews with Sal was what got me to be a mega fan of Red Hood. He was one of the very few entertaining comic book hosts on youtube. Every day I would just keep checking for updates, while I know he was going to shit on DC for wasting characters potential, or being amp'd as fuck waiting for the next Punisher comic to come out. Also loved his mangastorian channel as he just started reading Berzerk, now will never get to see Ben's reactions. Rest in Peace friend.


This is devastating


Damn rip he was the only reason I liked injustice


Damn, condolences to his family, knew quite a lot of people who got into/back into comics through his channel and vigorous full stories, always came across infectiously passionate for the medium in his Avengers game videos. R.I.P.


Dude helped get into comics with his series on the Geoff Johns Lantern saga, I don't know if I'd have been as into comics without those videos, so I have him and his work to thank for all the joy I've had reading comics, RIP




Never watched him, but you can't deny the work he's done to get people into comics. RIP.


This feels unreal. Benny's Indie Corner put some of my favorites on my radar. He got me into Earth 2 and Injustice. Without Benny, I would never have become as into comics as I am


Rest in peace. Honestly the man that got me into comics, made me realize that continuity and knowing a characters full history didn’t always matter. Without him I probably would’ve ignored the medium in its entirety. It sucks that his gone and I can only send my best wishes to his family and friends. I haven’t visited his content regularly in years but nevertheless he was a part of my life with


Dude had a great Joker impression, so many great comics he introduced to me, Rest in Peace


This guy is how I got back into comics. He will be missed


Damn. Rest in peace Benny


I learnt basically everything about the Dceased storyline through his videos This is just sad


At first I thought he just went on a retirement from youtube but...well I didn't watch him all that much but I always knew about him and seen several of his videos. Obviously there would be others like him in the future but still, nothing will bring the man back...


He was a big help when I was first getting into comics, and it seemed like he was a genuinely great guy. RIP.


Wait what. Dang he got me into comics. I wish his closest closure


This is genuinely the fucking saddest I have been about a “celebrity” death, ie someone only knew through their creative works.


All jokes aside, I wouldn’t be interested in comics possibly *at all* if not for finding his videos when I was younger. Genuinely one of the best comics channels I’ve seen. Hope he rests easy


RIP legend


It seems from the community post they will possibly continue to make new videos in the future as a way to remember him and his work. I used to put on his videos and fall asleep to them or to learn about differnt comic universes. Man


What a legacy he left behind truly. His sheer enthusiasm for comics filled the comic space with passion instead of cynicism. Loved everything he had to say and his narration always kicked ass. I'm gonna miss the guy.


Fuck man first Toriama and now him it feels like my childhoods being stripped away one person at a time


Dude definitely got me interested in comics along with some other comic related channels like Nerdsync and Variant Comics. Even though I kinda outgrew them (especially since I simply dived into comics directly), I'm forever grateful for them getting me more interested in DC and Marvel beyond TV shows and films.  RIP, had an amazing channel and posted great comic videos. As a kid, I didn't even realise how much work must've gone into summing up the most important parts of a comic without losing out on key stuff whilst keeping it engaging. 


Rest in peace Ben, where ever you are, may it be peaceful


![gif](giphy|Sid4QgwDxJ8l2) RIP


Damn dude I didn’t know this would leave such a big hole in my life. Rest In Peace.




Uj/ god just god while I did have some problems with some of his content especially later down the line he still seemed like a amazing soul and he did introduce me to many comics that i likely would have never heard about its sad we lost one of the greats R.I..P Bennny Rj/dammit he gets to meet Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster before me jealous


RIP man. He helped me get into comics during middle school. His injustice stuff was great when I started playing the game.


RIP Ben he was the one that introduced me to Batman White Knight and his injustice coverage the effort he put into his videos was insane...


Fuck. I haven't watched his personal channel in a long time but I still watched Absolute Comics pretty regularly and I used to love the Weekly Pull. He didn't get me into comics, personally, but I know he was a huge proponent of the medium and got a lot of people interested. Such horrible news to open the app to. My condolences and best wishes go out to his family and friends. RIP Benny.


half of the comics I've consumed where by wacthing Ben, and I am proud of that, his videos where great, and I hope he rests in peace


Fuck man, this hurts. He was the guy who truly got me back into DC stuff so seeing this happen is such a shame, the world has lost a true gem today. Rest in peace man.


Wait, he is dead? How?


Like many others, he's the primary reason I got into comics in the first place. I remember being mad in middle school when he didn't continue covering certain characters and stories I really liked (I later realized I could just read them myself). Tbh, his Agent Venom videos are the only reason I care about the character, his enthusiasm and connection to the character really made them stand out


Holy fuck, I'm genuinely shocked. Even though I fell out of watching his content a while ago, I still remember his channel being my first choice when looking for comic book narration. This sucks. I hope and wish his family is doing okay.


this sucks. Ben was the person to get me into comics, I remember watching know your universe back in high school. rest in peace


This man helped me find my love for comics again. It was years since I was excited to get comics and hadn’t bought any. After watching his videos, it reinvigorated my passion for comics, and now I get them regularly. I hope he rests in peace, and am eternally grateful for all the joy he helped bring people


This is a genuine negative impact for comics as a whole. Dude introduced so many people to comics by making them easier to digest and understand on top of making more in depth videos for those who wanted to watch more. A sad day for the community


Oh fuck, he was always so excited to talk about whatever the topics of his videos was, I stopped watching him a little while back but it's gut wrenching knowing he's gone


The Tom King Army just lost one of its biggest supporters. R.I.P man, he got so many of us into comics, and without him a decent amount of story arcs for C and D list characters might not happen, he helped so much with sales.


https://preview.redd.it/ncwigeixlv5d1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca6d6039553abd14166e34975997c169eb5917d Rip to this legend may he and his family find peace


Still shocked, man. Why do the people I love die young?


Without him, I never would've cared about DC. Marvel had their movies, but Benny introduced me to the rival. That and the Flash TV Show, but mostly Benny. Rest in Piece Man.


We lost an OG today :( RIP the GOAT


Wait ! He's really dead ? This feels wrong.


It’s insane how just days ago I was watching his podcast and now he’s just gone…. Reminds me of our own morality.


Rest in peace


This man played a huge role as to why Marvel and DC were able to bring me so many incredible moments


Damn this hit me. Back in 2014 I was getting into comics and his videos and podcast were what I watched for a good chunk of that time. Even tho I slowly drifted away from his content I would pop in every so often to hear his opinions on current events. He's also the most popular comic creator on YouTube. Truly heartbreaking.


No way


Never personally watched him but his influence in the community can't be understated. RIP


I grew out of Comicstorian quite a while ago, but the man got me into reading comic events and picking up ongoings. I remember constantly rewatching his Injustice read through, and I’ll be honest, his narration heavily improved the otherwise super mediocre story for me.


Fuck. My introduction to comics as an actual, enjoyable medium- I remember downloading his videos to get through harsh times when I was younger. All his videos are incredibly engaging. Rest in peace.


I just got into DC comics last year and his channel was the first that came up when I really wanted some more information on the characters I loved. I didn't know anything about Nightwing outside of the Teen Titans show, didn't even know about Blüdhaven, so it was amazing to find all this stuff out. Just, man, I can't even explain the impact his channel has had on me.


I still remember his Supersons videos, they were incredible and him reading them with so much character and charm, it feel like watch a Saturday morning cartoon. He truly was such an important figure in the comic book community. RIP.


I'm still trying to fully wrap my head around this. His last post on YouTube was legit just three days ago and POOF, suddenly he's gone. Dude was super enthusiastic about his worked and clearly loved what he did. Shame he's been taken from us so soon. Hopefully he knows just how much of an impact he had, wherever he may be.


Wait what happened! I have gone a bit and have been watching gaming channels and this is the place I hear the news he has passed. Sad man.


This is one way to know the news I guess


Man….. this one hits hard. I loved that guy and channel so much.




R.I.P. to this legend and I am so glad he got me into comics


Oh, oh my god, I, I thought it was a troll, Rest in Peace Man, you’re the one who got me into comics, you were an influential part of my life, fly high king


His videos got me more into comics, I rather shocked that he's gone.


That's fucking insane, I can't believe it. RIP :(


Doesn’t feel real I was literally watching his videos day before


Can't help but wonder what accident he died from. Wasn't he really frickin young?


That is very sad. We need many more like him. I never watched him much and preferred to just read but he did a ton of good